Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 27, 2021

Tammy Wynette and Single Count Confusion at The Storm

A massive thunderstorm scared off all but 8, who put in work at The Storm of a different kind.  Here’s what I remember:

  • 10 x Goofballs (IC)
  • 10 x Don Qs (IC)
  • 10 x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)

The Thang

Unsure of what kind of conditions we’d be in, the plan was to utilize the cover, so we moseyed to the front door of the school to start things off with

Tammy Wynettes

  • Pax 1 does 10 reps of a ground exercise
  • Pax 2 does 10 reps of a standing exercise, matching the pace and rhythm of Pax 1 (“Stand By Your Man”)
  • Ground Exercise: 10 x Mike Tysons
  • Standing Exercise: 10 x Imperial Squats
  • 2 Rounds, so each Pax did both exercises 20x total

A bluetooth speaker would have been nice at this point, or even just the forethought to actually play the song with the speaker on YHC’s trusty iPhone, but that’s what a better Q would have done.  Anyways, that was quickly done, being only 2 rounds, so we moseyed back to the covering by the side door to unroll the instructions for The Main Event (“Because that was just the warm up.”)

The Main Event was a set of 11s as follows

  • Side Door
    • 1 Burpee
    • 1 Travolta (right arm)
    • 1 Toe Touch
  • On the way from the Side Door to the Front Door, stop for
    • 7 Squats
    • 7 Dips
  • Front Door
    • 10 Hand Release Merkins
    • 10 Travoltas (left arm)
    • 10 Toe Touches
  • Mosey all the way back to the Side Door

And it’s 11s, so you know the drill

For intermission, once the 5/6 round was completed, at the Side Door, complete the following before starting the 6/5 round:

  • 100 Flutter Kicks (Count 1 Side Only)
  • 100 People’s Chair Overhead Presses
  • PAX discretion on how to break these up

Too many instructions, and a lot to remember, but the rhythm of it all was pretty natural after the growing pains of the first round.  YHC made the mistake of declaring that he finally understood what “Single Count” meant, only to be confused again by the discussion that followed.  Surely there is an easier way to describe it.  YHC will stick to “one side only” while calling exercises and will ask for clarification from another Q for the foreseeable future.  No time for a second full round of Flutters or Wall Sits, or even to make up the 5 burpees for the train as we only had time for a few Flutter Kicks at the end of it all.

A quiet COT at the Side Door, either inspired by the intensity of the workout, a lack of sleep from the thunderstorms, or both.


  • The Storm needs Qs, step up and lead
  • New Friday AO to be named this week; Orangeman is Site Q
  • Extinction Run – 2/13
  • Mortimer Ruck – See Watts Up if you’re interested

Prayer Requests

  • Our Country


Outdoors.  Rain or Shine.  Part of what we learn in The Gloom is consistency.  Roscoe will be the first to tell you that “Tomorrow is Thursday and we hit The Pub on Thursday.”  When the decision is already made, it’s just a matter of executing the decision.  I’ve learned not to wait until the morning to decide whether or not to post, because if I did that, there’d be a lot of times that I wouldn’t make it.  No try, only do.

When it comes to consistency, there’s not better examples than Dirt, Watts Up, and Dr. Seuss.  Whether it’s leading EC at 0500 at a bootcamp, first in line to volunteer to Q, or posting twice on a Tuesday, you know these PAX will be there.  These HIMs push me every day.  It’s great to Q on uncertain days like this knowing you’re not going to be the only one showing up.

Watts Up hit 100 miles in January already this month, after getting painfully close during the November Challenge.  It’s not any easier, Watts Up.  You’re just getting stronger.  A well-deserved Most Improved PAX who isn’t slowing down.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

21st Century Mt. Hollywood

We did 21 one of every exercise then moseyed to a new place.

21 Durkins, 21 Merkins, 21 Irkins X2

21 Squats, 21 Lunges (One Leg), 21 Bobby Hurleys X2

21 LBCs, 21 Scissors, 21 Oblique each side X2

21 Feet on the wall above the head presses, 21 Hip Slappers, 21 Donkey Kicks X2

21 Dips, 21 CDDs, 21 Dips


New AO at Belmont Central at 5:30am Friday Mornings per the Site Q Orange Man

February 13th Extinction Run  – See Slack for details for check on the Pre-Blast


The World

Pax on IR



Story time with Clavin:

When I was in junior high , sorry , middle school, I read this story about a king who chooses a new unique method of justice for his kingdom. A convicted man is placed in an arena with two doors, behind one is a beautiful lady who he will be wed to and behind the other is a Tiger. This king has a beautiful daughter who falls in love with a man many stations below her. The king finds out and is troubled. He chooses to place this man in the arena but selects a young lady to marry to him behind one door ( who is a rival of the princess ) and a Tiger behind the other . The princess finds out and just before the man chooses she indicates one door and he moves towards that door and chooses…..

This story is the ultimate cliffhanger for you choose how it ( or even if it ) ends. It is from the late 1800s and has been used in studies which find many times that younger generations tend to select the lady believing in love or that older people feel that way …. or that cynical people select the carnage of the Tiger …. or … whatever ….you now choose….
While I related this we did MNC, toy soldiers and hillbillies ….. no timed sequence …. just slow and steady.

Over the next few weeks that I Q I will focus us all on proper form and slowing the tempo to improve our overall performance, ultimately it’s You vs you but I intend to make a better you … and me along the way .
The pax is now given a choice of left or right to continue the workout… they chose right…. away we go…
At first pole 1 burpee then at each next pole we add to the stack for RACK EM STACK EM
Next 1 burpee 10 SSH
1 burpee 10 SSH 10 squats paying heed to go slower and lower placing weight onto heels not bobbing forward or rocking
1 burpee 10 SSH 10 squats 10 plank jacks keep back like a plank not bowed up or butt in the air
1 burpee 10 SSH 10 squats 10 plank jacks 10 flutters … try placing hands behind head to engage more core ( Montross showed me this once I believe)

next we added lbcs and lastly added crab crunchers and at the 8th pole we repeated set without an addition although I pointed out value added by choosing to position head downhill for extra challenge when performing any workout on your six …  and de-stacked from there to end it all with 1 burpee but Folgers was having none of that as he showed us all up knocking out another 10-100 SSH claiming he was now Merlot-free having stopped drinking coffee ( isn’t that interesting??) before working out!!

 Next over to Dollar General and 2 rounds of perfect form merkins using a half count when engaged in lowered plank x 10 and bear crawl across lot with 10 flutters and mosey back …. plank for six 

mosey to steps at Food Lion grab a Boulder and shoulder it ( just kidding … these are too big but we’ll be doing something similar soon…)

2 rounds of calf raises 10 regular, 10 Toes in and 10 toes out 

mosey to wall near Planet Fitness for balls to the wall ( if you can …. do what’s comfortable and if possible tap each shoulder twice …. plan as the year progresses ito improve on this whether to get closer to wall ( dry Rub to grow larger balls he said) or to be able to hold longer …. whatever your goal …

now to KFC and grab a smaller rock and slowly do 10 curls and 10 overhead presses twice


Frogger to short wall for 3 sets of controlled dips ( x10) and 10 step ups also stopping with both feet on top of wall for a half count 

arrive back with 3 seconds to spare as rain begins to fall….TIME!!!!

prayers for Dry Rubs coworker cancer survivor facing heart troubles

Hermies friend in hospice

Cougar grand mom falling repeatedly 

Stinky Bird back troubles 

other pax not mentioned 

part of today’s workout was inspired by former pax Spanx , he and his wife have been extremely successful losing weight and feeling better using E2M diet / workout plan …. I listened to their guru talk about  this and have chosen to concentrate for the next couple of Q exercises that I lead utilizing perfect form and control of motion to help self and others improve ….. this does not mean that I plan to only do this for the next couple of weeks …. I will gladly shelf this if ANY pax desire to lead … many in today’s group smiled at that prospect!!

lastly … as I told all present … we did not select the Lady nor the Tiger …. by choosing right only chose the prefer selection for today’s workout … left would’ve been in reverse 

Dirty Dozen

The Coconut Horse has had a slight increase in numbers as the Q-Source Q for the Coconut has been upping the ante with a new curriculum.  This along with upcoming CSAUP relay races has helped boost a our numbers.  This is a great thing!

We had twelve with several ruckers and runners.  Virus brought an FNG (Mark Kleine) now known as Fountainhead.

We studied the third chapter and second Agreement from the book “The Four Agreements”.

To catch you up, rule one is “be impeccable with your word.”


Rule Two is:  Don’t take anything personally.  Whatever happens around you, don’t take it personally… Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves.

This rule goes along with what we should already know.  The only person whose behavior we control is our own.  Don’t allow another person to have power over you by their words.

Pray for our country and each other.



Weekly PB Run!

Guys got there early and rolled out at 5:15 to get 6 miles in! Way to push the stone guys. Others including myself got there at normal time and let loose at 5:30. We all got better that’s for sure. The crowd continues to stay consistent at PB and I’m thankful for that. I hope we can continue to push each weekly to get better. It’s a good AO in the middle of the week to refill our tanks with fellowship and Gods love to pour out into our kids and community!


Extinction Run coming up Feb 13 SIGN UP and get out there.

Prayer Request

Blarts M

Big Pappy and family

EZ Rider and family

Our youth and our country


I shared this morning a little bit and it just hit on not getting distracted by what the world says is right or the direction our leaders are taking us. Our God holds authority over ALL things and He will hold us steady. We all have words of wisdom to give each during these times and we have to lean on one another to stay strong in our faith. 2 Corinthians 4: 4-7 Check it out! Don’t be blinded by what the prince of the air is doing in this world but allow the LIGHT  that God puts in us to shine out of this darkness. Open the eyes of our hearts and fix them on Christ!!

Round Up

Things that make you go hrrmmm

14 decided to push the rock on Tuesday evening at the premier evening, and some might say period, AO.


Seal jacks x 20ic

LBC x 15ic

Low slow squat x 10ic

Let’s mosey!

The Thang:

Over to the loooonnngggg parking lot we setup for something I’d been thinking about. If you did suicides on the parking space lines how long would it take and how far would you run? As explained these are the things that keep me up at night. Not really I sleep like a baby but I do think of random things like this. The more you are in F3 and working out the more you think of things like this. Luckily I’m not as bad as Shortsale and try to figure out how to combine 12 exercises in to one! Any way I am merciful and decided to break it up some. We started by doing 1/3 of the lot and that got us around a mile I think. We then paused to get in some reps.

5 burpees, 10 Bobby Hurley’s(an unnamed PAX appeared to be doing Serge Swikkers instead), 15 Wide Arm Merkins, 20 lunges, 25 Freddy Mercury’s

Back to the suicides. So we picked up where we left off and did the next 1/3. This put us over 2 miles. Then we paused for some reps.

Partner up for some Dora 123. PAX 1 does the reps while PAX 2 does 15 WWI’s. Flip/Flop you know how it works.  100 merkins, 200 monkey humpers, 300 mtn climbers.

Back to the suicides. Let’s finish the last 1/3. The cides were getting pretty long at this point! I guess we should’ve run faster or done less reps because we didn’t have time to finish. Not even close! I think we still had 8-10 more lines to go. We finished with 3.3 miles so I’m guessing it will end up being over 4 miles. I guess we will have to try another day with less reps in between. Maybe in the summer(he says followed by an evil laugh).


Announcements: Extinction run 2/13


Prayer Request: SA’s family, Blart’s Wife, The Golddigger’s


Meh that about covers it.


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