• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 12/21/2020
  • AO: The Sandlot
  • QIC: Dirt
  • FNG's: Stephen Navatta "Folgers"
  • PAX: JJ, Watts Up, Stinky Bird, Stroganoff, Short Sale, EZ Rider, Stinky Bird, Flintstone, Dirt, Nutria

We had an FNG for the Christmas edition of The Sandlot this morning.  Welcome Stephen Navatta who is now known as Folgers.  He moved here 7 years ago from New Jersey and his Jersey accent was prevalent.  He has an F3 friend there who EH’d him to come out this morning.  He mentioned F3 to his doctor who has been a PAX since before F3 was in Gastonia.  Folgers mentioned his name but nobody recognized it.  Oh well onto the workout……..

Long disclaimer for the FNG and a review of the F3 Principles


Warm Up

Seal Jacks IC to the tune of Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer since there is a seal in the original claymation production.  Thanks to Stroganoff for carrying the lyrics as I was getting tired and couldn’t remember them towards the end.  I guess it’s been awhile since I sang it with my kids, after all, my youngest is 25 yrs old.

Toy Solders IC x 15 for “The Nutcraker” ballet.

Russian Solders IC x 15 for Pyotr Tchaikovsky who composed “The Nutcracker”.  EC to Stroganoff for knowing who composed it.


Mosey to Bethlehem and stop at the first inn.  Performed 2 burpees as we asked if there was room at the inn.  The innkeeper wasn’t impressed so he told us to move on.

Four burpees at the second inn with the same results.

Six burpees at the third inn with the same results.

Eight burpees at the fourth inn with the same results.

Finally, 10 burpees at the fifth inn and the inn keeper said we could stay in his barn.  Here we found ourselves at the concession building in between the baseball fields.  YHC called sets of animal related exercises to represent all of the animals in the stable.  We did sets of:

Bear crawls, calf raises, stork squats (one legged squats), alligator merkins, dying cockroaches, donkey kicks and monkey humpers.

Sometime during our second set, our FNG spewed.  When asked if everything was OK, he replied that it was just his morning coffee, thus his F3 name, “Folgers”.  Stinky Bird showed his true colors by accompanying Folgers back to the start.  Thanks for taking good care of him, Stinky.

Finally it’s time to “push” for child birth.  We assumed a leaning stance against a solid object and pushed for approximately a minute.  Flap Jack for another minute.

Since the shepherds were abiding the flocks when the Savior was born, Flintstone volunteered to be our shepherd.  The rest of the flock scattered while he gathered us up by “tagging” each PAX.  Once tagged, we dropped and did 100 LBC’s.  Thanks for volunteering Flintstone.  Hasn’t anyone told you never to volunteer?

We then assumed the role of the Wise Men.  I know it’s a stretch for this lot but, as Ross Perot used to say, “Stick with me here”.   We finished out the time by moseying through the countryside searching for the Christ child.  We had to pay tolls at borders, to kings and to thieves along the way for passage.  The toll at each stop was 10 merkins, 20 squats and 30 flutterkicks.  Once the child was located we were so excited that we sprinted from the park entrance back to the flag.

Thanks for participating today gentlemen.
