Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2017 (Page 3 of 5)

Every man dies, not every man truly lives.

10 men showed up for a Gastone Q in the cold of March.

The Thang:

Mosey to sidewalk for high steps in line. Then Karoake both sides.

Mosey to parking lot old Harris Teeter for 10 Merkins and Squats while Billy Madison finds us.

Mosey to stairs for legs together calf raise 20 and then 20 legs apart calf raises. Run to yoga entrance for 20 oyo Sumo Squats. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to drug store parking lot behind. Grab a wall for 20 dips on my count.

Mosey to Ronbinwood School entrance to the wall for 20 dips on my count.

Seven’s in the parking lot. 7 Hand release Merkins top of the lot, and 1 squat at the bottom. Keep going until switched.

50 wall jumps oyo.

Mosey through the middle of the school to the railing. Everyone up with one man bear crawl to the back of the railing and back up. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to the basketball court for 30 Flutter, 6 inches (JJ 20 Count), 20 Flutter, 20 LBC

Mosey all the way back to the bank near the finish to the wall on the sidewalk. 20 Dips, 15 Carolina Dry Docks, 15 Wall Merkins. 3 Sets.

Jail Break the 10 yards to the lot.

The Moleskin:

Great time this morning with a great group of guys. FNG Allan is 15 and attends Gastonia Christian School. He said his favorite movie was Braveheart and he got the name MacGregor. I don’t know that MacGregor is in the movie but it is a Scottish name.

Convergence this Saturday in Belmont, The Yank.

Palmetto 200 is next Friday.

Prayers for all those in need!

It is always an honor and I am always humbled by all of you.

Gastone out!


No excuses!

As my phone alarm woke me up at 6am on Sunday morning I looked at all my other clocks to read 5:00am. 1 hour of fartsacking lost to time change. Ugggh.

Next I looked outside and saw snow accumulating and still really coming down! Uggh.

My back had 18 stitches in it due to remove tomorrow… Uggh.

All good reasons that “the old me” would eagerly use to quickly jump back in bed and skip the workout.

But Palmetto200 is less than 2 weeks away and I made a commitment to post everyday this week. My F3 brothers push me and hold me accountable, and ultimately make me a better man. (Good bye “old me”, this “F3 man” does not make excuses!)

I pulled into the Coconut Horse at 7:00am sharp and found the parking lot empty and piling up with snow. I took my time to do some extra stretching and jog a few laps around the building. Laps may have eventually lead me inside the building and into the facilities. Perfect time killer to find Stroganoff pulling in as I returned outside.

We did a few more laps waiting for any other pax and then we “just felt like running”. Ice pelting us in the face caused the addition of eye wear which quickly accumulated snow and fog. Careful steps were taken around the frozen puddles and slippery spots as Stroganoff completed the 5 mile circuit (STRONG) and I returned a bit early completing closer to 4 miles.

Thanks for the push Stroganoff! I had some entertaining photos (aka proof) of our lunacy, but can’t figure out how to post them on here.

Still committed to post every day this week if anyone wants to join me on that challenge. I’ll see you out there! Keep posting and reminder to click on this link if you want to join the F3 March Madness Bracket Challenge.

Bottom of the List

13 braved the cold for a royal beat down from the bottom of the exicon list!

Warm Up: SSHx15, LBCx15, Burpeesx5

Mosey to Martha’s Park.

Dora 1:

X Sit Ups while other partner lunges to the middle of the parking lot, switch exercises repeat until PAX gone across the parking lot and back

WMD Crawl (Wide, Merkin, Diamond with bear crawl) and LBC’s.  First partner does LBC’s while second partner does 5 Wide, 5 Bear Crawl, 5 Merkin, 5 Bear Crawl, 5 Diamond, 5 Bear Crawl and repeat until reaches middle of parking lot.  Then switch exercise.  Continue until both PAX make it across the parking lot and back.

Walk like an Egyptian (indian run but with lunges that you hold while the back runner sprints to the front)

Dora 2:

First Partner does Prison Cell Merkin Burpee while other partner runs 30 yards and back.  Switch exercises and repeat 5 times.


Repeat Dora 1 but half the distance

Walk like an Egyptian back towards the car and end with an all out jail break dash to the cars.

It was awesome…the bottom of the exicon will be visited again!

Dante’s Inferno (Nine Circles)

Dante’s Inferno (Nine Circles) using Chicago’s 25 or 6 to 4 slightly rearranged as 25 and 2 wait 4 the 6.

Disclaimer, Pledge, warm up with 10 SSH (IC) & 10 Windmills (IC) & 10 Toy soldiers Toy Marines (IC) using my Marine NCO voice….


Infernal Circle 1

Mosey once around horseshoe enclosure then 25 merkins OYO and 25 WW1 situps OYO. PAX who decide to be overachievers 2 enter the horseshoe pits and bear crawl to the far end 4 burpees AMRAP while waiting on the 6


Infernal Circle 2

Mosey again around horseshoe enclosure then 25 merkins OYO and 25 WW2 situps OYO. Overachievers to be beat down with 4 Donkey Kicks AMRAP


Infernal Circle 3

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and 50 flutters OYO. Overachievers line up 4 Mike Tysons AMRAP…..somebody other the Q thought they heard a train….YHC is married with finely tuned selective hearing……it was an airplane horn


Infernal Circle 4

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and 75 Freddie Mercurys OYO. Overachievers crab walk 4 dips AMRAP…. noticed some PAX back planking….or waiting to fed the buzzards


Infernal Circle 5

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and 99 American Hammers OYO. Overachievers mosey 4 burpees AMRAP …… more buzzards being fed…..even Freight took a short break!


Infernal Circle 6

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and 75 Dying Cockroaches OYO. Overachievers went 4 dips AMRAP…..heard mumble chatter that Dolph could do all this and still sprint 10 miles to kick someone’s butt


Infernal Circle 7

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and 50 Marge & Homers OYO. Overachievers 4 Mike Tysons AMRAP…heard Slaw is known as “sweet meat” to his ants


Infernal Circle 8

Mosey again then 25 merkins OYO and Alphabet OYO. One last beat down 4 Donkey Kicks AMRAP…are there bonus points if the Q spills merlot?


Infernal Circle 9

Mosey one last time then 25 merkins OYO and 25 LBCs OYO. Over achievers bear crawl 4 burpees AMRAP


Mosey back to flag for Announcements & COT


Def’s M surgery March 8, JK2’s son, Mastodon’s sister in law, Billy Madison’s in laws, Slaw’s M field trip.

Announcements Snowbird men’s retreat, Convergence at the Yank next Saturday, Frisbee golf this Saturday at Goat Island, Midoriyama’s First Birthday Bash TBD
Pleasure to lead this fine body of men and look forward to my next opportunity….will rifle shaped coupons appear?


SNOW? what snow? Lets go Duke.

With the Chance of snow upon us, 9 PAX threw back the covers of the fart sack and showed this morning. Sargento and Quiche had just finished some extra credit, Quiche couldn’t stay since he is wanting to be his best for the P200.  Wheezy was standing there stretching as I pulled up, which was rare as usually he is coming in hot. With the chanting of “Lets go Duke” still ringing, Top Hat pops out with his Duke blue hoodie on and was grinning ear to ear talking about the game last night. Maybe they can pull it out today. With plenty of mumble chatter amongst everyone and good attitudes a plenty we started.

Pledge first then the Warm up

Don Q x 10

SSH x 10

Mosey to Myrtle St. Run up Myrtle stopping at each light pole for a squat. since I did not know how many poles where there I didn’t know how many we would do. Turns out there is 10. so we did 55 squats. Almost a route 66.

With that we moseyed back to the wall behind the school.

Hip slappers x 20

Donkey kicks x 20

Zombie walk to the curb across the road and nure back.

our goal was 5 sets but for time we had to stop at 4. I think everyone was ok with that as I was hearing a lot of grunting. We then moseyed to the track. Here we did 5 exercises and then took a lap. We did these for 15 min then switched our exercises.

first set was arms.

Merkins x 10

CDD x10

Dips x10

Diamonds x10

Shoulder Taps x10

Run a Full lap.

Much like UNC last night, the PAX were feeling rattled so we changed our full lap to a half lap for our leg workout. Second set was legs.

Squats x 10

Monkey Humpers x 10

Toy Soldiers x10

Hillbillies x10

Bobby Hurley’s x10 (for all the Duke fans)

Run a half lap.

Feeling Good we moved on to the third set which was core.

LBC x10

LBFC x10

American Hammers x10

Dying Cockroaches x10

Crunchy Frogs x5

Run a half lap.

With the last rep we moseyed on back to the stairs to finish up with 22 Merkins for the VETS.


P200 team needs another man, Burpeethon coming up in April.

Prayer request.

Top Hats family.

After the workout 3 of us met up with Quiche for some 2nd F. Thank you again for showing up on a cold morning. I enjoyed spending some time today getting to know Juicebox . His VQ is This coming week. I wanted to take a moment to ask everyone if you haven’t Q’d yet I would like for us all to think about it. I swear the workouts feel a lot easier when you plan them. Please think about it and sign up if you can. God bless all you men and your family. till next time  Aye!!

The Accumulator

2 FNGs and 7 regulars showed in the gloom and 40 degree weather at the Goat, while many of the usual suspects were warm in their fartsacks.  Train passed right on time and we did 5 Burpees before immediately at start.  Full disclaimer was given with emphasis on anyone following YHC was in fact an idiot.  Time was going to be tight today, as is for most of YHCs workouts, so lets move.

Warm Up:

No time in the schedule for a workout, I know big surprise here right. Long mosey over the bridge, across the island, over the second bridge and end in the parking lot.

The Thang:

The Accumulator:  Perform exercise 1 for 1 minute and rest 30 seconds. Perform exercise 2 for 1 minute and exercise 1 for 1 minute, then rest 30 seconds.  Continue accumulating exercises until 7 are preformed.  Workout went like this…

  • 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Plank w/ alternating side raises, 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 30 seconds of rest
  • 60 seconds of Crunchy Frogs, 60 seconds of Plank w/ alternating side raises, 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 120 seconds of moseying (to entrance of first bridge and back)
  • 60 seconds of Side Straddle Hop, 60 seconds of Crunchy Frogs, 60 seconds of Plank w/ alternating side raises, 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees
    • 120 seconds of moseying (to entrance of first bridge and back)
  • 60 seconds of CDDs, 60 seconds of Side Straddle Hop, 60 seconds of Crunchy Frogs, 60 seconds of Plank w/ alternating side raises, 60 seconds of Merkins, 60 seconds of Squats & 60 seconds of Burpees

As 3 or maybe 4 trains passed during the Accumulator, YHC told everyone to ensure they preformed at least 15 Burpees in the last minute of exercise.  We are right on time and have to hurry and mosey back to the start.  Luckily for all in attendance a train took us out as well, 5 more Burpees.



  • Palmetto 200 is a few weeks away.
  • Meet at Goat Island for disk golf on Saturday.
  • Burpathon and Mud Run coming up!

Prayer Request:

Thanks to those who braved the gloom and pushed me once again today.  We don’t fight off the fartsack for ourselves, we fight it off for our brothers in the gloom.

No basketball being played here.

I arrived an hour early so I fart sacked it in the truck while listening to the Duke Blue Devils put away another opponent. As I sat I noticed that it might be only me and Oompa for this one. With time getting close the PAX came screaming in from all directions. We figured the rest where at home watching the ACC. With that we started.

Warm up

Don Q = 10

SSH = 10

Zombie Walk to through the parking lot to the road.

Mosey down to the soccer field. Stop at each light post on the right and do a Burpee in aggregate.

1 at the first pole then 2 at the second and 3 at the third up to the 6th pole. 21 total Burpees in all.

At the soccer field we did 5 exercises and took a lap. we did this for 10 min. we did three sets.

First set was upper body.

10 Merkins

10 CDD

10 Diamonds

10 Dips

10 Derkins

1 lap

Now that our arms and chest was burning, your Q decided it was time for lower body blowout.

2nd set was lower body

10 Sandy V

10 Squat

10 Lunges 5 each leg

10 Step ups  5 each leg

10 Bobby Hurley

1 Lap

Now that our legs felt like our arms we got on our 6 and did 10 minutes of core work.

5 Crunchy Frogs

10 LBC


10 Dying Cockroaches

10 American Hammers

1 lap

With time quickly ending we head back. We stopped at each light pole this time for Merkins in aggregate. With the play ground being full we moved to the fart shack for some Hip Slappers 10 each hand. with that we circled up for 22 for the vets.


Palmetto 200, Frisbee golf this weekend at the Goat 4pm. There are Q openings for anyone interested. Convergence next Saturday at the Yank.

Prayer request.

Huck and family, Leopard’s M, Slaw, Lil Sweet’s family, Pockets nephew, several of our F3 brothers dealing with injuries, and more I cant remember. Keep all of our F3 brothers in your prayers. You mean more than you know to your brothers in Christ.

Praise report

Chum has been able to come back out and he has gotten a well deserved raise at work. God is good brother.

Thank you brothers for another good day of fellowship. Thank you all for your commitment. Aye!!!

F3 March Madness Bracket Pool – 2nd F Opportunity!

Men of F3 Gastonia,

Think you know your NCAA basketball? Do you bleed royal or sky blue? If so, please join the 1st annual F3 March Madness Bracket Pool, because you know that the guy who knows NOTHING will end up winning it all! 🙂

Join the F3 Bracket Pool by clicking the following link and when prompted, enter the password: gashouse

Entree is $10 with a winner-take-all payout at the end. Entree fees must be paid to Billy Madison before games begin to have your bracket submission eligible.

Collecting $ will provide me extra motivation to post as much as possible over the next week so you can pay in person otherwise you can send via Venmo to @tara-lale or drop off or mail to 2452 Glyncastle Way, Gastonia, NC 28056.

Here is the link to join:

Good luck!

Courts in Session

7 STORM chasers finest showed up in the gloom to over come the fartsack. Mumble chatter was light as pax started to arrive. Tiny Tank wanting to do some burpees before time. I let them know there was plenty to come. Time to start so here’s what happened.

Moseyed arounded the islands doing:
High Knees, Butt Kicks, L Sidesteps, R Sidesteps


S: SSH 20ic
T: Tomahawks 10ic
O: Overhead Squats 15 oyo
R: Russian Twist 15ic
M: MNC 25ic

Mosey to the tennis courts.

4 courts, 8 exercises.
Lunge kickbacks across court 1
10 Mericans
Squat walks across court 2
10 CDD
Plank walk Left across court 3
10 Squats
Plank walk Right across court 4
10 Burpees
Repeato 5x

Mosey to the loading docks:

4 troopers ran up steps, around the wall, down ramp, jump up onto dock, back down ramp
3 troopers did LBC til runners returned.
Flip Flop 3x

Repeato but switched LBC’s with Side Plank with leg up…… thanks Dolph! (Bad idea)

Mosey back to the start.

3 Brownstreak Express came by with horns blaring. So 3 sets of 5 burpees were completed.

Disc golf
Burpeethon (get teams ready)
Mudrun (get teams ready)

TopHat father
Thanks to all the pax for their prayers for TooHat’s Dad for health and Shirpboat on school decisions.

All in all it was a Good Morning with my brothers in the gloom. It is a honor to sweat beside you all. I appreciate the chance to lead. Brownstreak out!!

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