The morning was cold and I was hoping for a Brownstreak party of one at the coffee shop. Dolph and Mayor was already there waiting, so there goes that. The others started rolling in one by one. Mumble Chatter started when I realized the workout was gonna happen. So with 6 of the islands finest we started…..

SSH 20ic
A couple more ic then we moseyed to the cage.

Dirty 30:

30 Squats
30 Push-up (Mexicans)
30 Jump Squats
30 CDD
30 lunges (each leg)
30 burpees
30 LBC
30 Mt. Climbers (each leg)
30 WWII Sit ups
30 High Knees (each leg)

Moseyed to the upper deck

Dirty 30:

30 Squats
30 Push-up (Mexicans)
30 Jump Squats
30 CDD
30 lunges (each leg)
30 burpees
30 LBC
30 Mt. Climbers (each leg)
30 WWII Sit ups
30 High Knees (each leg)
Moseyed back to the start for the pledge and Mary.

Russian twist, v ups, crunchy frogs, flutter kicks, 2 more.

Sorry for the delay. Sorry I forgot some of the exercises completed.


Mud run: may 20th
Burpeethon: April 29


TSquare and his family
TopHat and his father and family
All the p200 runners and drivers.

Brownstreak out!