• Post Type:
  • When: 03/13/17
  • AO:
  • QIC: Bulldog
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: JJ, Stone Cold, Gastone, Papa John, Smalls, Squirt, Sherman, Spiderman, EZ Rider, Billy Madison, T-Square, D-Fib, Bulldog

13 braved the cold for a royal beat down from the bottom of the exicon list!

Warm Up: SSHx15, LBCx15, Burpeesx5

Mosey to Martha’s Park.

Dora 1:

X Sit Ups while other partner lunges to the middle of the parking lot, switch exercises repeat until PAX gone across the parking lot and back

WMD Crawl (Wide, Merkin, Diamond with bear crawl) and LBC’s.  First partner does LBC’s while second partner does 5 Wide, 5 Bear Crawl, 5 Merkin, 5 Bear Crawl, 5 Diamond, 5 Bear Crawl and repeat until reaches middle of parking lot.  Then switch exercise.  Continue until both PAX make it across the parking lot and back.

Walk like an Egyptian (indian run but with lunges that you hold while the back runner sprints to the front)

Dora 2:

First Partner does Prison Cell Merkin Burpee while other partner runs 30 yards and back.  Switch exercises and repeat 5 times.


Repeat Dora 1 but half the distance

Walk like an Egyptian back towards the car and end with an all out jail break dash to the cars.

It was awesome…the bottom of the exicon will be visited again!