With the Chance of snow upon us, 9 PAX threw back the covers of the fart sack and showed this morning. Sargento and Quiche had just finished some extra credit, Quiche couldn’t stay since he is wanting to be his best for the P200.  Wheezy was standing there stretching as I pulled up, which was rare as usually he is coming in hot. With the chanting of “Lets go Duke” still ringing, Top Hat pops out with his Duke blue hoodie on and was grinning ear to ear talking about the game last night. Maybe they can pull it out today. With plenty of mumble chatter amongst everyone and good attitudes a plenty we started.

Pledge first then the Warm up

Don Q x 10

SSH x 10

Mosey to Myrtle St. Run up Myrtle stopping at each light pole for a squat. since I did not know how many poles where there I didn’t know how many we would do. Turns out there is 10. so we did 55 squats. Almost a route 66.

With that we moseyed back to the wall behind the school.

Hip slappers x 20

Donkey kicks x 20

Zombie walk to the curb across the road and nure back.

our goal was 5 sets but for time we had to stop at 4. I think everyone was ok with that as I was hearing a lot of grunting. We then moseyed to the track. Here we did 5 exercises and then took a lap. We did these for 15 min then switched our exercises.

first set was arms.

Merkins x 10

CDD x10

Dips x10

Diamonds x10

Shoulder Taps x10

Run a Full lap.

Much like UNC last night, the PAX were feeling rattled so we changed our full lap to a half lap for our leg workout. Second set was legs.

Squats x 10

Monkey Humpers x 10

Toy Soldiers x10

Hillbillies x10

Bobby Hurley’s x10 (for all the Duke fans)

Run a half lap.

Feeling Good we moved on to the third set which was core.

LBC x10

LBFC x10

American Hammers x10

Dying Cockroaches x10

Crunchy Frogs x5

Run a half lap.

With the last rep we moseyed on back to the stairs to finish up with 22 Merkins for the VETS.


P200 team needs another man, Burpeethon coming up in April.

Prayer request.

Top Hats family.

After the workout 3 of us met up with Quiche for some 2nd F. Thank you again for showing up on a cold morning. I enjoyed spending some time today getting to know Juicebox . His VQ is This coming week. I wanted to take a moment to ask everyone if you haven’t Q’d yet I would like for us all to think about it. I swear the workouts feel a lot easier when you plan them. Please think about it and sign up if you can. God bless all you men and your family. till next time  Aye!!