Six strong men free of the fartsack and without any Sandy V-like symptoms made it out to the Goat Island beatdown courtesy of YHC. No disclaimer needed, these guys were ready for business.

Warm Up; Monkey Humpers x10IC, Imperial Walkers x10IC, something else


Mosey to the bridge leading to the island. Bear Crawl the wooden part, yes ALL the way to the other end. Hey, I think I saw the beaver again from back in October. There’s the train, 5 burpees! Once down on the asphalt, we did karaoke ALL the way to the other bridge. Once there we Lunge Walked the wooden part, yes ALL the way to the other end. Turn around and Bear Crawl back the other way, ALL the way. Karaoke in the opposite direction back to the other bridge. Once there Lunge Walk the wooden part. Upon arriving at the mainland, we noticed the beaver was still there just hanging out playing in the river. We named him Billy (in honor of Goat Island). He’s a beaver, get it? Cheesy! Back to business, Crab Walk the wooden part ALL the way to the other end. Skip (as in tra-la-la) ALL the way to the other bridge (harder than you’d think). Crab Walk the wooden part of this one too, ALL the way.

Mosey down to the nice flat parking lot to set up for Doracides! Partner up and count in aggregate to 100 Merkins, 200 LBC, 300 Squats & 400 Side Straddle Hops. While partner 1 does the exercise, partner 2 sprints to the first light pole, does 1 burpee, sprint back to start, then to the 2nd pole where he does 2 burpees and then back to switch off. This sucked.

Time was about out run out before me and my partner finished despite Tiny Tank and Radar trying to help us finish so we moseyed back to the starting lot.

Announcements: Work day at the Rotary Community Garden on Franklin in Gastonia this Saturday from 9-12. Disc golf Saturday the 11th, 4pm at Goat Island. Burpeethon, Mudrun May 20th. After Christmas Christmas Party at Whoopee’s.

Prayer Requests: Top Hat & his family, Brownstreak’s son and his college aspirations, others.

As always it was a pleasure leading you men. I really enjoyed the conversation and appreciate the dedication of our group. You are the reason I keep coming back for more. Keep EH’ing those guys you meet to come out, we all need it!
