Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: October 2016 (Page 1 of 5)

30 Love

5 men showed up for the Saturday morning beatdown after some texts from Sparky and Roadie Friday to challenge us to deny the fartsack and take the DRP. YHC had to come up with something to get the mumble chatter going and give’em what they came for.

Warmarama:  SSH, Windmills, and Cherrypickers all x15 IC.

Thang: Grab a block and mosey to the tennis courts for the fun. Starting at the first court, shoulder presses X30 mosey to next court for 30 lbc’s repeat this to the end alternating between the two exercises at each court. Mosey the long way back with blocks to the start for the next set.  Repeat this sequence with squats and flutterkicks.  Curls and big boy situps, then lunge and rosalita, and finally french curls and freddie mercurys. With time running out we head back to put the blocks up and say the pledge.

Announcement’s, prayer request and some inspiring words from the pax, YHC took us out. Awesome work today men, it was an honor to lead today.


Derecho Backblast: We Ran

We ran … JKII and I. That’s really all we did. Well, we started with a few SHH, but it seemed a bit ridiculous with only two of us there, so we just started running. JKII confessed that he really wanted to fartsack, but he knew I had to be there, so he came. If he hadn’t I was going to call this backblast “Snipe Hunt.” But thanks for coming JKII. I truly enjoyed our conversation and the fine companionship.

Oh yes and here’s the workout. We ran … through Belmont, going out from SCHS through some back road to S Central St. Belmont, turned right, up to Armstrong, right on Eagle, to Lakewood, up the hill, back to SCHS.

We prayed for all F3 men, esp those of Gashouse confronting particular challenges this week.

There it is. Short and sweet!


6 PAX headed south to Rock Hill to check out what was happening at The Patriot. I have been following this group for a while and have noticed they have a great turn out every week. I was very interested to see what it is they are doing to make it work so well. Upon arrival we were welcomed right into the group. Everyone was glad to have us there. Just a few days before going I found out that an old friend of mine that I hadn’t seen in years had recently starting posting in Rock Hill. I sent word that I would be down and it would be great to see him there. How awesome is that. To be able to reconnect after years and throw a little sweat on the ground. Keep pushing Pac Man!

The AO here is great! They meet up in a parking lot beside a track/football field at the middle school. It is also right beside Cherry Rd Park. Endless opportunities here. Fortunately we got to sample a good bit of it. Great Q and great work by all.

So I named the BB Home because that’s how I felt at this AO. At home! Everyone was very welcoming, friendly and supportive. We should all take notes from these guys and make sure we treat all FNG’s and visitors like this. So now I know their secret… they’re just good F3 men!

Sprints and Burpees

As YHC composes this BB, he must apologize for the tardiness of the post. The guys at Midoriyama are renowned for their pathetic counting, now it seems as if their memory is starting to fail as well. Huckleberry asked YHC to pick up the Q due to a last minute schedule conflict. After agreeing to Q, YHC had little time to come up with a great Weinke. YHC went back to basics with this one. No FNG’s present, so with the usual disclaimer, YHC led 9 other HIMs through the afternoon Midoriyama gloom (that’s not a thing, just sounded kinda cool. The weather was great, actually!).



  • SSH
  • Moroccan NC (until Billy Madison joined the PAX)
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Don Quixotes

The Thang:

First up were Rugby Sprints. YHC picked these up from our brothers at the Deep. All PAX line up side by side facing in the same direction. At his discretion, Q calls an exercise. PAX begin the exercise to a random count until Q calls “SPRINT!”. PAX then sprint approx. 25-30 yards away then sprint back to start line. PAX then slow mosey back to other end of the 30 yard mark. Q then calls new exercise at a random count then rinse and repeat the sprinting. Thanks to Crabcakes at the deep for this one! Exercises were Merkins, Werkins, Mountain Climbers, LBC’s and Flutter Kicks. After 2 rounds, Billy Madison self-reported an attack of SV and headed home. Hope you get better, Billy! See you next time.

YHC decided to do a little “Turd Shack Tango”. PAX got on the wall at the Turd Shack and performed 10 Mike Tysons IC. PAX then lunge walk around the shack then performed 10 Hip Slappers IC. Lunge walk around again. Next was 30 sec wall sit then lunge walk around one last time.

Mosey to play ground and partner up. Partner 1 does 5 pull ups, partner 2 – 10 Merkins. Switch and repeat. PAX then rinse and repeat but sub Diamond Merkins for Merkins. Rinse and repeat but sub Military Merkins for Diamond Merkins.

Mosey back to flag for 4 count Burpee beatdown. PAX slit into 4 two man teams. Team one starts the Burpee. Team two begins their Burpee when team one is almost finished with theirs. Team three follows team two, team four follows team three. Once team four is finished, that counts as one Burpee. Q announced this would be performed until Q calls it.Through mucho mumble chatter and a constant struggle to accelerate/decelerate the pace, the PAX pushed through 12 minutes of Burpees! We lost count after 100. Way to push, men!

Sensing an impending mutiny, YHC called for more Rugby Sprints. One round of Merkins, one round of LBC’s.

Walk back to the Flag for some Mary. YHC cannot remember them all, but does remember Parker Peters, LBC’s, Flutter Kicks, High Plank Hold, WW1’s and 5 Burpees OYO (thanks Lil’ Sweet!). YHC attempted to introduce an 8 count ab exercise called the Dr. W. Look it up on the Lexicon. After a demo, YHC got the “are you kidding” and “I don’t think so” stares from the PAX. It is an 8 count exercise, and we have a hard time getting to 4 at Midoiyama! YHC Omaha’d to Michael Phelps flutter kicks instead.

Finished up with 22 Merkins for the Vets.


CSAUP in 2 weeks, Advisory board meeting 10/30 @19:00 at On the Border.

Prayer requests:

Floppy Disk’s M and their family. Tool Time and his calf (muscle, not cow), Def Leppard (broke toe). Others were mentioned and YHC apologizes for not being able to remember them.

Thank you men for allowing me to lead. The men of Midoriyama are an awesome group of men, and YHC is proud to be one of them! Keep pushing the rock, men!



HALLOWEEN and the Ghost Beaver

Thursday in the gloom found me stand by my lonesome in downtown Cramerton. Where is everybody? Don’t tell me I’m posting alone AGAIN!!! From around the corner Radar appears like a ninja. Pleasantries were exchanged and we wondered if we should go home since it was just the two of us. About that time a hooded figure wandered up from the other direction. Who’s that?!? Top Hat!!! Aye, threes company and the event is on.

No disclaimer other than I’m an idiot.


Sun Gods x10 IC, MNC x20 IC, CDD x10 IC, American Hammer x10 IC, Goof Balls x10 IC


From there we moseyed to the other side of the street near the bridge for The Thang. YHC figured this would be the last workout he’d Q before the great candy day so I tried to get creative and came up with the HALLOWEEN workout. It went something like this.

H – Howling Monkeys, this was like ring of fire except the exercise was Monkey Humpers. Each PAX would perform 10 while the others held the position. Rinse and repeat.

A – ABC’s, spell out the alphabet with your feet IC.

L – La La Leggy, 10 squats, 10 lunges each leg, 10 drop lunges, 10 squat jumps, 10 calf raises

Then we moseyed to the other end of the bridge for a change of scenery.

L – LBFCs, little baby flutter crunches x15 IC.

O – One Call, apparently someone in another region got fed up with his PAX slacking off and performing merkins like a 3rd grader would. To ensure good form, he came up with the One Call- from the plank position, drop to your chest, then lift your hands off the ground, extend back up, and do a Floyd Mayweather with each arm. That’s one rep. We did 10 IC.

W – Walkerstrong, imperial walkers for 2 minutes with the last 30 seconds AMRAP.

E – Elevens, I gave the PAX the choice of exercises on each end. Radar chose plank jacks, Top Hat went with sweat angels.We did these with about a 25 yard run in between. This is where some weird stuff happened. On the first or second round there was a huge splash right beside the bridge but we didn’t see anything in the water. What could it be? Maybe this bridge is becoming haunted!

After the work was done on this routine, we slow moseyed back across the bridge and noticed something down on the bank, the biggest beaver YHC had ever seen! Maybe this is what casued the splash earlier. We stayed strong, fought the urge and held back on the obvious beaver jokes.

E – Escalator, 10 jump ups, 20 burpees, 30 merkins, 40 squats, omaha the last set of 50 lunge walks due to time.

N – Never Cross Dolly, this is like good morning dolly where you move your legs out and in. The tough part is you hold the iron cross (arms out to side) while doing the dollys. We did 5 of these and that’s all she wrote. HALLOWEEN, nothing too scary about it.

Great work men, I enjoyed pushing the rock with you this morning. AYE!!!

Prayer requests: Bandit’s family, T Square’s family, Basil Merritt in Belmont, our country.

Close with prayer.

Bootcamp Tour of Belmont

7 Brave souls fought off the urge to fartsack on this beautiful fall morning.  Pax straggled in one by one with a “new” face from Rock Hill in the mix – Vuvuzela.  I thought perhaps we may have an attempted coup on the ghost flag (which is at the gas house today) but actually just a friendly fire invite from DDC.


Began workout with pledge and disclaimer then moseyed to picnic tables for warmup.



SSHx 20

Don Quixote x15

Imperial Walker x 15

Mountain Climbers x 15

Merkins x 10

LBC x 20

Toy soldiers x 10

Thang:Although I was tempted to run for an hour straight with temps approaching 60 and not a cloud in sky I decided that except for Keesh (who had just run 10 before the workout) that we would probably have a coup on our hands therefore the moseying was broken up into 4 venues around Belmont

First stop-  Belmont Middle School for some wall work 2 sets of each of the following:

Wall sits with 25 Moroccan NC, 10 Donkey Kicks, 10 Hip Slappers

Second venue: Davis Park to rattle the bleachers with 2 sets of the following:

Dips x 15,  Step ups right then left 15 each, Derkins x 10

Third Stop: the outfield(ok so this wasn’t exactly a great distance away) – for some ab work 3 sets of lounge walking to 5 different exercises – 10 Freddie Mercury, 20 American Hammers, 30 LBC, 40 Flutter kicks and 50 Mountain Climbers

Finally Mosey back to school ball field to do some starfish work – Merkins in center with Squats, Dying Cockroaches, Bobby Hurleys, and SSH on points – apparently this was a “special ” starfish with only 4 arms.  We did 15 seconds AMAP at each station.  Fortunately for the pax (?unfortunately) we ran out of time otherwise we were to increase by 15 seconds at each station until getting to 1 miniute of each.

Therefore – back to home base for COT and namorama.

Announcements: CSAUP sign up for Climb (Nov 11, 12)

Prayer Requests:

Floppy Disc’s M about to have surgery, Bandit’s family, Friend battling cancer


Hope all have great weekend – As always the pleasure/honor was mine to lead this morning.




Sit down and shut up while I take my robe off…

So the inspiration for today’s workout is the late Ravishing Rick Rude and GIF’s that are available to the younger generation who don’t know his ring gimmicks.  You can’t be ravishing if you don’t hit the first F hard.  Prior to the disclaimer Squirt did his Rick Rude impersonation (how appropriate?) with hands on head and small pelvic circles to get everyone inspired. 

Short disclaimer and straight to the warm up.  I read an article recently from fitness expert talking about the 5 in 5 warm up.  The first minute is an exercise on your feet, the second minute is from the plank, the third minute is on your side, the fourth minute is on your six, and the fifth minute is on the ground to standing.  There are lots of exercises to select from but we performed:

  1. SSH
  2. Plank box step’s (think back to your ballroom dancing classes)
  3. Left and right Elbow plank Knee taps
  4. Back bridge leg lifts
  5. 8 count body builders

 We had a short mosey around the parking lot and back to the flag for the pledge of allegiance.
We ran to the bridge and the PAX were told, “If you want to be ravishing, you have to have big legs.”  We lunged walked the bridge followed by 50 calf raises OYO.  It was during the calf raises that one of Gastonia’s finest who was at the light beside the bridge turned on his blue lights.  Someone opined that he was going to arrest us for being too sexy, but alas, he went on to his call for service. 

Mosey to “the wall” where the PAX were told, “If you want to be ravishing, you have to have huge balls on the sides of your shoulders like Rick Rude”.  We did wall walkers/upside down shoulder presses basically to failure.  I almost splattered my face on the last rep. 

We ran to the parking deck where the PAX were told, “If you want to be ravishing, you have to have a broad back like a frightened cobra”.  We partnered up and every minute each partner did 5 burpees and 5 pullups.  We were going to do ten sets for 50 of each exercise.  We did three sets and then recovered an extra 45 secs for round two with three more sets.  I was worried we would run out of time for the rest of the total body workout so I called an audible (or Oklahoma as Bandit is known to say) and we moseyed out of the deck to the public “art”. 

 The PAX were told “If you want to be ravishing, you have to have a big chest and tri’s”.  I may have also mentioned that we were exercising for the total body aka the “Total Package”.  Of course the “total package” brings Lex Luger to mind but he killed Miss Elizabeth so we don’t honor that guy.  So for chest and tri’s we used the benches for elevens of Derkins and dips.  I put on some Pandora (Octavarium by Dream Theater began to play.  DT will be in Charlotte in November and I will be there on Petrucci’s side of the stage #guitargodmancrush) and the PAX got to work and were finished in no time.  I immediately regretted the audible on the pullup bars because we could have completed ten sets.

We circled up for some Mary and the PAX were told, “If you want to be ravishing, you have to have what?”  I heard multiple “six pack”, but SLAW got it right by saying “8-Pack”.  DING DING!  Winner winner chicken dinner! 

Before we started Squirt did a Ravishing Rick Rude move while in a back plank.  Hopefully there were no cameras in the area. 

For Mary we started with Butterfly heel touches followed by the backstroke.  This made my neck start to burn so we did a set of neckies to make sure our dress shirts fit nicely when we are out with our ladies.  (This may be the first neckie at any workout not Q’d by BA)

We then did Freddie Mercury, American Hammers, Flutter kicks, and LBC’s and then head back to the Pavilion for some Homer/Marge.  During this time we heard the lonesome train whistle blowing so 10 Burpees OYO and a plank hold took us to time.  It was at this time that the PAX knew they could go home and take their robes off and show their M’s what a real…….sorry.  I don’t know what the PAX did but I left to go to work. 

 Prayer and Name o’rama

Floppy Disk’s M surgery Nov 4

Def Leppard broken toe-short term IR

Bandit’s family

A friend at work whose brother died this week. 

Announcements:  Advisory Meeting Sunday at On the Border at 7PM

F3 Nomads going to the Patriot in Fort Mill.  Clown cars leave at 0600 at the Westfield Mall

Ghost Flag at the Schiele tomorrow for Linus and his great pumpkin Q. Blankets optional, thumb sucking mandatory. 

#CSAUP “The Climb” should have the outline finished later today and Dr. Feelgood will be looking to voluntold some of us to help with the event.  It is a mere two weeks away!

It was great to see Huckleberry at the Pavilion.  He has been pushing the rock like crazy #HIM

It is always an honor to lead. 

The Time Experiment

It has been a while since I took the helm, but I was glad to do it.  I always seem to push a little harder when leading so I don’t disappoint the PAX.  The twitter reminder was published by our good friend Whoopie telling everyone to go to another AO that wasn’t meeting there that day…..Hmmm, is he trying to say something?  Fast forward and with three minutes to go, there were three or four, with one to go we stood at nine.

Warm Up
Grass Pickers ICx15.  It is worth mentioning here that my good friend Whoopie chose to call out the Qs form on these and exclaim they are pickers, not pokers.  Having been caught and realizing it, I shouted that I had to Omaha.
Don Quixote ICx10
Moroccan Night Clubs ICx10 both large and small range to loosen the shoulders.

I always enjoy doing an exercise for a determined length.  This allows me time to really push myself past the quitting stage and grab a few more when I am worn out.  So, we all Mosey to the weight room wall and partner up.  Partner one runs to the curb on the other side of the parking lot for 10 Mericans while partner two stays put and hits some SSH.  Yes…I did say run.  Repeat for 10 minutes.

I was going to do another timed event, but YHC was gassed so we circled up for a theft of exercises.  I stole this idea from Flush when he had his VQ a couple of weeks ago.  We do five exercises for a minute each with no rest and take a minute at the end.  They were: Cather calf raises (some jokes by Sargento & JK2 and screams by Stroganoff), Kick Outs, Inch Worm, Burpees and Squats. There was some mumble chatter about the Q and that power went straight to YHCs head.  The disclaimer was noted somewhere in this time period.

Mosey back to the wall and switch partners.  Partner one runs to other side of parking lot for 20 mountain climbers (single count) while partner two does hip slappers.  Repeat for 10 minutes.

Circle up again for another round of five minute burnouts with same exercises note earlier.

One thing I have always done is circle everyone up and go around the ring and have every pax pick their favorite ab exercise.  We were out of time so I just asked for five:  box cutters, French fries, V-ups, bicycles and American thors (Billy Madison pushing it to a 30 count).

Mosey back to start for announcements, name-o-rama and BOM.  Please pray for Bandit and his family through a very rough time with the loss of his mother, other Pax and especially the Nation and World we live and raise our 2.0s in.

I had a great time this morning and noted to Whoopie that is awesome to show up in long sleeves and layers and be down to the short sleeves and sweating by the end of it.  Thanks for everyone for pushing me this morning, especially Madoff and Billy Madison.

Bucked and Stomped

So I sent out a warning telling you that you weren’t ready to go to the Mustang. I was talking to you. You know who you are! Most accepted this warning( I wish I would have) and only 3 Nomads crossed the River into the heart of metro. The Mustang is located right where it all began. So some of these PAX have been doing this thang for 5 years. A beatdown was to be expected.

As usual during the journey the conversation was ripe. Wisdom was shared( Vasectomy talk) of leasons learned. We were in contact with a usual nomad, Pizza Man, who was off to set a personal best 5K time. Congrats Sir and to your M!

We arrived a little early as we like to do but were unaware of where to park. Usually you just find the cars but as our luck would have it the school had something going on so there was a lot of people around. So as time grew near we had to start circling the school getting weird looks by most. Luckily we found our group just before start time. So before we get to the thang a little side note. When I made the nomad schedule it was just based off of the map and a rotating schedule between some close by regions. I didn’t do any research on the workout. A few days before going Def Leppard mentioned he had been reading BB and noted that some of the workouts had 5+miles. How the hell do you squeeze that in plus exercises in an hour? Well after doing 5 miles and exercises with them I can tell you…..VERY QUICKLY AND YOU DON’T STOP! As someone who favors the mummble chatter this was not the group for me. These guys are all about the work. I didn’t hear hardly any chatter. Well to be fair it was hard to hear anything back at the 6 position I was in. I went into the first task feeling pretty good. Gandolf had the Q and put us on the track where he called 800m SPRINT then 20 merkins and 30 LBC’s. So what I heard was sprint so wanting to represent well that’s what I did. It took about a half a lap for the 800 part to sink in….umm he just said sprint a half a mile! That’s when I knew I was in trouble. That first half a lap was the last time I wasn’t getting the 6 the rest of the day! Slaw and Def Leppard gave it a valiant effort but found themselves picking me up.

This was one of those gut check workouts. You think your pushing the rock then you go somewhere like this and find out you’ve just been leaning against it. All that said everyone there was very welcoming. They pushed us to get better. The AO is great and we had a great time getting know everyone better at the coffeteria. Thank You Brothers! The next time we meet I will probably be going in the opposite direction with the other crowd.

2 minutes

until 5:30am, the pedal pressed to the floor fully activating all 103 horses under the hood of my trusty 09 Saturn Aura.  Reaching a top speed of 35, I whipped a sharp left turn into the parking space and yelled to 11 awaiting PAX, “COME GET YOUR BRICKS!”   With a hastened pace equal to ravenous wolves descending on wounded prey, all bricks were snatched from the trunk as I finish putting my damn socks on.   What say you, no bricks left for me?  Planned to a T.

speed bag (forward) 20 sec
speed bag (reverse) 20 sec
moroccan night clubs x 10 in cadence
merkins x 10 in cadence
lbc x 10 in cadence
squat  x 10 in cadence



Mosey around the corner to wall sits >
speed bag (forward) 20 sec
speed bag (reverse) 20 sec
shoulder press x 10 in cadence

Mosey to the parking deck >
Run steps to the top, then back down, then back up and partner up.
One partner run to the end of the deck and back while other partner knocks out reps.
100 merkins
200 squats
300 flutterkicks

Mosey down the steps to the bottom of the garage.
Shoulder taps with bricks x 10 in cadence

Mosey to the metal art circle.
Butt kickers around the circle
High knees around the circle
Butt kickers around the circle
High knees around the circle

Mosey to the pavillion >
deep sea divers 5reps step up 6reps step up 7reps step down 6reps step down 5 reps
Freddie Mecuries x 10 in cadence
merkins x 10 in cadence
5 burpies

COT: Todd family and floppy disk and his wife are in our prayers.

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