Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2016 (Page 1 of 5)

Walk the Plank

Arrgh matey’s…that is enough of the pirate theme…the expression fit the concept of the main exercises for the downtown workout, but there was no reason for YHC visit Party City for a Captain Jack Sparrow costume to lead the PAX. The pre-workout tweet asked all PAX thinking of posting to loosen their arms and shoulders in preparation for an upper body workout. There were no FNG’s but a disclaimer was provided. I concocted this workout several weeks ago and introduced small parts in a few opportunities. The full onslaught of punishment continued to be crafted with great care, even practiced in spare moments under the premise “don’t do it if you can’t Q it…” For that reason, we went with “7’s” rather than “11’s” as you will read below.

Warm-up: During the disclaimer, I started the PAX with forward and backward arm circles, then the formal warm-up began.

  • Moroccan Night Clubs IC x 20
  • CDD’s IC x 10
  • Merkins (w/ back push to stretch legs (didn’t work so well)) IC x 6



We moseyed from home base toward First Methodist Family Life Center parking lot, flying by the standard stop of the brick wall that so many Q’s stop for wall sits or hip slappers. Upon arrival, the demonstration was provided and instructions given: find an empty parking space where we will do 7’s beginning with Merkins then side plank walk (about 4 paces) to the other parking lot line for Ski Burps. Almost as challenging as the physical toll on the shoulders is to keep track of the descending and ascending counts. Increasing the challenge was the gentleman waiting on his bus providing commentary as we worked through the set. He resisted multiple EH efforts from Bandit and T-Square despite his familiarity with F3 “Y’alls the dudes I see runn’in down Garrison…man, Y’all crazy”. He was infatuated with Roscoe getting after it, commenting he must be trying to get in shape for his lady. So many things could be said here but I’ll leave it alone….with the exercise completed, we bid our fan a good day, reminding him to join us next Friday at 0530.

A short mosey around the corner of the building to perform a Whoopee favorite: Hip Slappers. We did two rounds IC x 10 each. Between sets Slaw began quoting A Few Good Men (sans the Nicholson accent): “…you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall…” The PAX tried to catch their collective breath but I wanted the heart rate to keep pumping so we quickly moved across the parking lot for another round of “7’s”. This time we began on the curb for 6 baby dips, crab walked forward along the parking lot line about six paces to then perform crab cakes (right elbow to left knee; left elbow to right knee = 1 rep). We completed 1 rep before backwards crab walk to the curb for 5 reps and so forth, never letting our 6 hit the pavement.

Once complete, I sought to give our arms and shoulders a slight break. Single Line Suicides were announced. Since this is new, no mumble chatter…until the demonstration. Again using a parking lot line, the PAX would hop side to side over the line, twisting and crouching (a little ab work) to touch the line. Three rounds escalated from 20 seconds of action, 20 seconds of rest; 30 seconds of action, 20 seconds of rest; 40 seconds of action, 20 seconds of rest, and finally a full minute. The chatter started as I announced a mosey to the parking deck. The pace was slower than the 4:30 dinner bell at Covenant, but eventually we arrived.


I borrowed a page from Stroganoff, announcing we would partner for “22’s”. Using the deck’s concrete wall P1 would perform 22 donkey kicks against the wall, plank walk four paces to perform 2 merkins. P2 would run across the width of the deck and tap in where P1 left off. Thanks to T-Square and Monk for reminding me of Stroganoff’s special rule to decrease/increase the reps by two (my apologies to the PAX). This was a good activity further increasing the burn in the shoulders. I knew my mission had been accomplished when Squirt exclaimed his Jerry Clower “HAAAAWWWW!”

Once finished I went for the final push. This is the one where you have to dig deep and fight through to the end. We returned to individual exercise, finding a parking spot to perform “7’s” beginning with 6 LBC’s then crab walking six paces forward to perform 1 Freddie Mercury; reverse crab walking to do 5 LBC’s and so on. Afterwards, bodies were scattered on the deck. I gave an extended look to be sure Ash Pond and Roscoe were breathing. The Chamber should dry clean T-Square’s shirt as he was nice enough to mop the dirt off the pavement. I checked my watch: 6:09 – I pulled the troops together to head back to base.

Time for Mary: Dying Cockroaches IC x 20; Flutter Kicks IC x 20; LBC’s IC x 10; Pretzel Crunch R IC x 10 & L IC x 10 hitting the limit.

Announcements: All PAX in attendance have signed up for our CSAUP. It is going to be a fun event that we need all of our region’s PAX to attend. Freight is heading up the Nomads beginning this Saturday at 0530 leaving from Eastridge Mall parking lot. This week the team is headed to SOB to grab the ghost flag. Early reports are there will be 14 going and could outnumber the locals. We’ll use this great idea to meet some other F3 brothers but also spread the word about our CSAUP.

Prayer Requests: Easy Rider has a friend whose daughter, Trinity, is battling some health issues; Floppy Disk’s wife, Bandit’s Mother.

Moleskin: In my few Q’s so far,  I try to come from a different angle, to be creative in the workouts. I appreciate the latitude among the PAX to allow me to throw out some unusual things. The next time Walk the Plank is performed, I’ll make BINGO like cards to track the counts. I keep an F3 excel file and when I find my ADD like mind drifting during another boring work meeting, I go to the file and get energized thinking of fun ways to workout with my F3 Brothers.  Speaking of, I should have mentioned this in the COT, but will do so here. We were thankful to have Roscoe back with us after doing his public duty to protect Charlotte in the events that transpired last week. The men and women in uniform do so many great things for us that we don’t often recognize. It was great to see Roscoe in his F3 uniform this morning.

Name-o-rama and I led us in prayer. Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Aye.

46 and 2

10 PAX posted to get a workout today not knowing they would have so much fun!


46-SSH ic and  2 Burpees

46-Moroccan Nightclubs ic and 2 Burpees

There was a lot of mumblechatter during the SSH’s! A lot of confused looks as well.

The Thang:

Indian Run to the soccer field while carrying a 30 lbs slamball. Runner 1 carries it and passes it off to the last runner when he catches up.

At the soccer field we split up for about 15 minutes of bearcrawl/crabwalk soccer. The PAX really got into this. You could see the competitive spirit come out. There was a lot of talk about yellow cards but I didn’t see anything? Sorry Lil Sweet for not giving you a high five but you weren’t on my team. I think he was really trying to distract me.

Next up we took turns throwing the slamball. After each throw we walked up and did 46 ab exercises and 2 burpees. They went like this:

46 LBC’s and 2 burpees

46 Freddy Mercury’s and 2 burpees

23 WWII Situps, 23 Flutterkicks and 2 burpees

23 WWII Situps, 23 Flutterkicks and 2 burpees (OK so we modified on those two but they were really starting to hurt at this point. They still equaled 46)

46 Flutterkicks and 2 burpees

46 Dying cockroaches and 2 burpees

46 Hello Dolly’s and 2 burpees

46 In/Out’s and 2 burpees

46 American Hammers and 2 burpees

46 Plank hip dips and 2 burpees

We had a little time left so we played another 10 minute round of soccer then repeated the Indian run back to circle up. 22 Merkins. I forgot to the pledge today guys sorry!


CSAUP-looks like about 6 Midoriyama regulars have signed up so far. I see a team forming! We’ve got a crew headed out as Nomads this Saturday in search of a Ghost Flag. We may end up out numbering the home team when we get there.

Prayer Request:

Huck and Allen Tate’s family, Floppy Disk’s M and family.


So I heard the Tool song “46 and 2” on the radio today and it got me to thinking of Tooltime. As hard as it is for me to admit it I think I’m starting to miss him! Tooltime and I don’t ever really hang out outside of F3 but some how just doing this thang we develop bonds with one another. Amazing! So today’s workout goes out to Coretime with Tooltime! Get back out soon brother.



09/29/2016 #GoatIsland BB – No More Arms

This morning’s beatdown started with the Pledge of Allegiance because it had been awhile since #YHC had posted to a work out and he was afraid he might be too out of breath to say during the work out. After the first ten minutes of the work out, saying the pledge first turned out to be a good idea. Directly after the Pledge, it was time to begin….

Mosey to Goat Island Park


  • SSH x10 (IC)
  • Merkins x10 (IC)
  • LBC x25 (IC)
  • Imperial Walkers x10 (IC)
  • Appalachian Americans x10 (IC)

Mosey to Picnic Tables

Incline/Decline Merkin Countdown

  • Start with hands on the seat of the picnic table and do 10 Incline Merkins, then switch to feet on the seat of the picnic table and do 10 Decline Merkins.
  • Rinse and repeat, doing 9-9, 8-8, 7-7, and so on until you do 1 Incline Merkin and 1 Decline Merkin.

Partner Up

  • P1 begins doing Dips on the picnic table while P2 runs to the dog park and back then switches. Aggregate counting to 200 reps.
  • P1 begins doing Step-Ups on the picnic table while P2 runs to the dog park and back then switches. Aggregate counting to 200 reps.

Mosey to Bridge

  • Zombie Walk halfway across bridge then Backwards Zombie Walk the rest of the way.

Mosey to the bottom of the hill in front of the Fire Station.

  • All PAX hold a plank while two run up the hill and back.
  • Rinse and repeat until all have run up the hill.

Mosey to BB&T Wall

  • Wall-Sits while two men take a lap up the stairs and around the building.
  • Rinse and repeat until all PAX have lapped the building.


  • Homer to Marge
  • Freddie Mercury x10 (IC)
  • Hello Dolly x10 (IC)
  • LBC x10 (IC)
  • World War Sit-Ups x10 (IC)
  • Mason Twists x10 (IC)

Mosey back to Start for BOM

  • Announcements – CSAUP sign-ups continue
  • Name-o-Rama
  • Prayer Requests
  • Prayer


10 Pax followed an unoriginal routine through the Stonecrest shopping center. This is how it all went down:



Side straddle hop 15

Windmill 10

Merkin 10

Cotton pickers 10

Low Slow Squat 10


The Thang

Mosey – behind the cinema with the biggest slope


Jacobs Ladder –

ran up a slippery slope do 1 jump squqts run down run down do 10 arm raises

Then run up do 2 jump squats run down run down do 10 arm raises… 7 jump squats


(next thanks to GoGreeneGo – from F3 Shelby – F3Revolution) – that was the F3 SOB failed attempt of getting the ghost flag. Thanks Gashouse, you sure pushed us.

Make you way to the field near the road and line up arms length apart in the plank

Last man runs/jumps over the over legs.

Keep going until reach second power pole


(next thanks to Pebbles – taken from Stonehenge )

10 minute – 100 burpees Challenge. YHC calls each set start

Each minute sets of 8,9,10,11,12,12,11,10,9,8


Ran to the fountain

Box Jumps 3×10




American Hammer

Heals to Heaven



Mosey – Back to Base


YHC was true to his name Cheddar – second mouse gets the cheese , last to arrive 2 min before the workout #workinprogress. When we started on the mosey YHC nearly forgot his orientation to make a sharp turn behind the Movie Theatre. I didnt hear much chatter, maybe a good thing. Frasier doesnt seem like he sweated even a single bullet. He decided to do merkins instead of the burpees on protest (let me tell you he could have done all 100 + 20 more in the same time). YhC inspired by Imitation is the best form of Flattery and decided to incorporate GoGreeneGo and Pebbles routine into the morning routine. Also realized this was more lower body intensive, will try on my next q to keep it balanced. Commish is gettin back there after taking a break, looked great. Squid, Tuck and Strawberry were all business. Fahvra probably found this whole routine a warm-up. Torpedo looked good and decided to q sometime at the Maul – getting you on the list buddy. Heartbreaker and Snookie were good too, also refrained from complaining about the workout.


Thought of some stretches but ran out of time. Another time!


As always thanks for the opportunity to lead




  • Charity – Crisis Center – “Relatives” – Supplies for Children in crisis who need food, shelter and resources. Collecting money for 4 weeks – cash donations give to Commish if coming to the Maul – Margo leading this effort you can contribute to him too
  • Southern Discomfort October 22nd – Sign up on Signupgenius
  • Anyone would like to Q let Commish or I  know. Always looking for new and old faces
  • Davinci looking for a Q for 10/8/16. Contact Tuck


Next Week Goonie on Q


Cheddar out!


Are we doing more Burpees?

As YHC had reported on Twitter, 11 hard chargers posted for a great workout in the Midoriyama afternoon gloom. It’s been really great to see this many PAX post at Midoriyama lately. Before the workout began, Huckleberry asked YHC “Are we doing more burpees? We did burpees this moring at Folsom.” YHC just replied with a sinister grin. The look of hope and optimism quickly left his face and was replaced with a look of genuine disgust. The beatdown had begun, and we haven’t started the warmup yet!

As we began, I introduced myself to the PAX, gave the disclaimer (in detail) due to FNG among us, and got down to business.


  • Seal Jacks x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 15 IC
  • Hillbillies x 12 IC (Don’t ask….remember who’s posting this BB)
  • Moroccan Nightclubs x 20 IC
  • LBC’s x 25 IC


The Thang:

Indian run to the back of Midoriyama for some Deconstructed Burpees. Starting at 10 reps, Pax perform 10 squats, 10 Burps (from plank position, bring knees to chest and back out), 10 Merkins, 10 more Burps, then stand. PAX then repeato decreasing 1 rep at a time until down to 1. YHC was very surprised at the amount of mumble chatter this created!

Next, Indian run back to playground where the PAX partnered up. Partner 1 does 5 Pullups, while partner 2 does 10 Derkins. Rotate exercises for partner 1 and 2. Repeato except replace  Derkins with Werkins (wide grip merkins).

Mosey to parking lot closest to the flag for some B.L.I.M.P.S. Nearly all PAX requested demo (AKA Stalling). They go like this:

B- Burpees x 5

L- Lunges x 10 each leg

I- Imperial walkers x 15 single count

M- Merkins x 20 single count

P- Plank Jacks x 25 single count

S- Squats x 30 single count

Rinse and repeat.

Noticing PAX were getting gassed, YHC slowed the pace down for 20 Flutter Kicks IC (You know, to get our breath)

Next YHC set out some orange cones every 4 parking spaces for some CDD suicide ladders.

Very simple exercise, but the Suck factor increases exponentially. PAX runs a full suicide (first cone, back to start, second cone, back to start, third cone, back to start, fourth cone, back to start) then do 5 CDDs. The goal is to repeat suicides and increase CDDs by 5. After 2 rounds, all PAX (including YHC) were completely gassed. YHC Omaha’d and all moseyed back to the flag.

With 7 minutes to go, YHC wanted to ensure all PAX were getting their money’s worth. Last exercise is the Bearmuda triangle. 3 cones are spaced 10 yards apart in triangular shape. Starting at one of the cones, PAX perform 1 Burpee. Bear crawl to the next cone, 2 Burpees. Bear crawl to the last cone, 3 Burpees. 2 total laps were performed ending with 6 Burpees.

Circle up at the flag for announcements- wait- 22 Merkins for our veterans (thank you, Gomer). And…….TIME!


  • CSAUP- Nov. 11th- Nov. 12th. Sign up if you haven’t already.
  • Advisory Board leadership changes (to prevent burnout)
  • F3 Nomads- ask Freight- he has the lead Q for this


Please keep Floppy Disk and his M in your prayers. They really need them. We miss you at Midoriyama, sir, but we understand. Huckleberry and Allen Tate’s aunt passed away today. Lift these men and their families up as well. Pray for each other- as F3 men- to be the dads and husbands we have to be for our families. Also, ToolTime, who is on IR for a leg injury (or SV- just kidding, brother). Get back soon. Blart has taken the title of major mumblechatter in your absence!

Also, welcome FNG Oompa Loompa! You did outstanding for your first time out! Keep coming back. As it’s been said before- it doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger! Kudos to Def Leppard for EH’ing him!

YHC lead us out in prayer.

Awesome work by all today. Nobody was going to let their fellow F3 brother down. It got really tough near the end, but every man pushed that rock all the way to the end! AYE!

Until next time




You’ve got to show to know

When YHC rolled out of the fartsack this morning he knew the odds were stacked against him. A Monday morning running workout with a giant thunderstorm nearby. If this workout was going to happen it was up to him to bring out the A game.

Upon arrival at the AO, the lightning was flashing but no rain and everything seemed far enough way for a relatively safe  workout. When the time came to start, well, there I stood…alone.

Disclaimer, I’m an idiot (obviously), it’s you against you (two for two) and if you get hurt, it’s your own fault (the trifecta!!!)


SSH x50IC, Morrocan Night Clubs x50IC, Merkins x50IC, Burpees x50 OYO

The Thang

WIth the PAX thouroughly warmed up, I headed out for some laps. From the small roundabout sprint to the stop sign, backward sprint up the hill to the artwork and mosey back down to the start. After completing this 7 times I realized it was time for the main event.

Even though it was Derecho, YHC wanted a more full body workout so it was time for a little Dora 123! Cumulative 100 CDDs, 200 LBC, 300 lunges each leg.  Feel the burn!

By the time the PAX wrapped this up it was time for the pledge.

No announcements, prayers for all the fartsackers, Namorama, COT.

It was great leading me today! AYE!

Followed by Cofferama and personal 3rd F at home.

BackBlast- #TheStorm: Cinder Blocks, Cinder Blocks, and More Cinder Blocks

6 PAX showed up to put in some work at #TheStorm early this morning.

Decided yesterday I would take the Q since no one was on the schedule.  Also, I figured I would bring back the cinder block beat down from the past.  Even though we only had 6 men come out this morning I thought the effort was good and everyone got some good work in.

WU: (In Cadence)

  • SSH x 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs  x 10
  • Squats x 10

-Pledge Of Allegiance-


Mosey To Softball Field, Partner Up, and Pick Up One Cinder Block Per Group

Cinder Block Beat Down-

  • 300 Standing Chest Presses/ Run To End Of Concrete x 5 Monkey Humpers
  • 300 Bicep Curls/ Run To End Of Concrete x 5 Squats
  • 300 French Curl/ Run To End Of Concrete and Skip For Height Back
  • 300 Laying Down Chest Press/ Zombie Walk To End Of Concrete and Jog Back
  • 300 Rows/ Backwards Zombie Walk To Stands and Jog Back

Mosey Back To Where We Started



Announcements: Sign Up For CSAUP

Prayers: TSquare’s Family, BA’s Father, And America

Coffeeteria: 3 at Floyd and Blackies in Cramerton


It was good leading the workout today.




With the events the past week in nearby Charlotte of death, civil unrest, riots and protests, and LEOs taking a lot of s#!t, along with a very taxing week at work, I found it very hard to find any quiet within my head and heart.  So I decided the PAX would visit 3 places where folks are quiet (…most of the time…sometimes).


Thanks to Squirt for Q’ing the warmup, YHC is usually winded by 15 SSH….so he began with SSH IC x 15, followed by (in no particular order) Imperial Walkers IC x15 , Merkins IC x 10-15 (?). Somewhere in the midst, Dolph reminded us that at Fighting Yank, any time the train goes by we drop and do 5 burpees.  Sure enough, we could hear the diesels pumping and horns blasting all the way from downtown G-town, so 5 burpees it was.  Then we slow moseyed around the parking lot including High Knees, Butt Kickers and Karaoke left and right then to the flag for the POA (may Old Glory forever fly!)  Squirt graciously handed the Q over to YHC and after count-a-rama of 15 we moseyed to the little church in the west.

The Thang

In my Q’s I have taken a cue (pun intended) from C-SPAN who guest Q’ed a few weeks ago and had us choose one exercise we hated the most and do more of it.

So after running up that hill to the church parking lot, we began with Ring Of Fire since I hate Merkins.  (Also most PAX planked until 6…YHC …got there, but I Omaha’ed from a distance to Al Gore instead and continued that for Brownstreak’s slooowww count of 15) On the second round of ROF, Mayor and Dolph decided to make them Handclap Merkins….good work men!

Next we saluted Garrison Blvd with Monkey Humpers IC x 10.  It was then decided that any jet flyover over would result in 6 Monkey Humpers IC (I dunno where 6 came from) which was repeated at least 3-4 more times during the morning.

Our next quiet place was the library, so down the hill we moseyed.  We reminisced one of the very first F3 workouts in Gashouse with plank walk on the curb around the big oak tree near the loading dock, followed by Rocky Balboas OYO x 20.  Headed around back for some Dora 1-2-3, SSH x 100, lunges x 200, flutter kicks x300 with a partner or trio.  I still get confused in the moment on single count and double count so we may have done 600 flutters instead!

Moseyed up the steps to Garrison (Tclaps to Blart for doubling up the steps!) for another planned salute of Monkey Humpers x 10 IC.  Mosey to Grier parking lot for our 3rd quiet place (this is where the sometimes quiet applies…..I know from experience decades ago that ISS is pretty quiet).  I misjudged the remaining time so we cut what I had planned and saluted Garrison a third time with Crab Humpers IC x 10, then moseyed back to Schiele parking lot.  

With 15 minutes left we headed downhill to the nature trail (bonus quiet place!) and partnered again. P1 takes a lap around the grist mill and P2 burpeed until they dropped (omaha was called by some esp by YHC), 2 laps each.  Then we headed back up that monster hill for some Mary.  (Let it also be known at this point, the mighty mighty Dolph was winded.)

Imperial Walkers IC x 20 (thank you Lord Vader may I have another?), Appalachian Americans (Hillbillies) IC x 10, Moroccan Nightclubs IC x 30 and a few burpees and more Monkey Humper flyovers.  It seemed like time was dragging slowly so we called it at 7:59.58 on HushPuppy’s clock and the bells of freedom rang during the beginning of Name-o-rama.

I encouraged the PAX to make time each day, even if just a few minutes, to find that quiet place in their mind whether it’s praying, meditating, music, whatever.  Just pause and reflect in the midst of the chaos.



He said cherry

Today was a Monday that I really did not have the energy to push, however, I knew I had the Pax expecting me to lead this morning. I did not sleep well, my legs hurt, I was tired, wahwahwahwah… again, the Pax were expecting me so I was there and really glad after we finished (as usual).

I started with the disclaimer, then gave a Brownstreak WU with what was on the menu and expected reps:

10 reps IC of called exercise then 5 burpees between exercises. There was some mumblechatter but we persevered through 10 SSH, 5 burpees, 10 Squats, 5 burpees, 10 LBC (nice and wet pavement), 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 5 burpees.

Pledge (standing)

Mosey to parking lot near playground past the high school cross country team and their parents sitting in their cars.

10 woman makers were the called exercise-needed a demo but I think I did them wrong, however, no one objected so I’ll keep that to myself and check the exercise later. Before we started I think it was Bacon (respect) who said something about a cherry-think it was that woman makers were burpees in disguise with a cherry on top?? I got a chuckle out of that so we sat in plank an extra 10-15 seconds. We finished those then lunged part of the way to the soccer field then finished with a short mosey to some Red Barchetta by Rush. I really don’t like Rush, can’t stand their electric type music and whiny voices like someone has crammed their testacles six inches up their 6-I realize this is not a popular opinion of others in F3, but it’s how I feel and since I am writing the backblast, I get to be the only one to comment (for now, anyway). Maybe I’ll bring some real music next time I am Q….still in a grumpy mood from listening to that crap for the 10 seconds I was able to put up with it. I’ll be better soon, maybe.

We got to the dark soccer field for the next exercise which was the main event: Red Barchetta was on: 100 yard run, 100 SSH, then back 100 yards. 75 yard run then 75 Mountain Climbers, then back 75 yards. 50 yard run, 50 LBC, then back 50 yards. 25 yard run, 25 Merkins, then back 25 yards. 10 yard run, 10 Burpees, then back 10 yards. Plank between sets as much as able….once I stopped vomiting we moved on to the Turd Shack….

Mosey to Turd Shack for some wall work: 10 Hip Slappers, once the crying stopped we moved on to 10 Mountain Goats, 11 Donkey Kicks, and then finally 10 more Hip Slappers.

Next we moseyed back to start but paused at the lights for 10 reps of called exercises: can’t remember what all were but think they included Merkins, Squats, ? LBC, dying cockroach, and maybe Mountain Climbers. Finished with 10 Monkey Humpers at the entrance to the park then moseyed to the snocone place and did a few laps of side slide, butt kickers and high knees before several rounds of Mary before I cried Uncle and could not move any more. I sat there in a puddle of sweat with a big grin on my face until I could muster the energy to finish with announcements, namorama, and COT.

THIS MORNING WAS GREAT!!! I needed all of you to push me through this so thanks for coming out. Squirt and Stroganoff-great job pushing through. Those labor-pain screams by Stroganoff always get me moving. Bacon-the cherry comment almost made me fall down and in retrospect not sure why. Bandit and HushPuppy-solid work this morning. The EC by Hushpuppy was impressive, especially on a Monday morning. Squeaker-think you have posted more over the past 10 days than most of us for the past 2 months-keep it up, outstanding. Spiderman and Easy Rider-both of you kept us on track with a steady pace and intermittent mumblechatter.

7 out of 9 of us are registered for the CSAUP-impressive stats.

until next time-Whoopee

F3 Dad Event – The Great Pumpkin Chase – Pre-Blast

You’ve been drinking pumpkin spice lattes and eating pumpkin spice Oreos since early August.  But it’s officially fall, and on Saturday when the calendar turns to October, it’s time to do a little pumpkin farming.  It’s an F3 Dad event to get the 2.0’s outdoors and let them enjoy the (hopefully) cooler weather.  We’ll meet at Lewis Farm in Ranlo at 2pm this Saturday, October 1.  It’s short notice, but we wanted to get something on the calendar, and time is running short.

If you’ve had your fill of the pumpkin craze for the year, the 2.0’s (and dads) can enjoy feeding and petting the animals, pony rides, a horse drawn hayride, and other games.  The website lists a hay bale mountain and slide so you never know what kind of trouble we can get into on that.

Admission $5 plus tax
Pony rides $5
Pumpkin $2-$20

Here is the address for the farm and website with information on their fall festival.

Lewis Farm

330 Lewis Road

Gastonia, N.C. 28054

Look forward to seeing everyone at the farm on Saturday.

Email questions to:

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