Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2016 (Page 1 of 5)

Pull-ups, Merkins and AB’S Oh My




SSH- 15 IC

Moroccan Night Club- 30 IC

Squats – 10 IC


The Thang:

YHC announced to the PAX that we would start on our six for an Abstravaganza oh and this is just the beginning…all exercises done with minimal breaks in between.

In and Outs with arms up -25

Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide leg sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors- 25

Hip Rock and Raise – 25

Heels to Heaven- 25

V-Up/Roll-ups -25

Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25

Leg Climbs Right leg – 12/ Then Left Leg 12

And to put the cherry on top….

American Hammers -50

After that joyous experience (I think my intestines are still at Poston Park) the PAX moseyed to the playground for some pull-up and Merkin action… and on to the rest of the Challenge…

Wide Pull-ups -10 then Merkins -20 – X’s 2

Chin-ups 10 then Military Merkins (elbows in) -20 – X’s 2

Close grip pull-ups -10 then Werkins -20 – X’s 2

Vaulter pull-ups right forward 10 then Staggered Merkins left forward -20 -X’s 2 (switching arms for second round)

Burnout phase- 3 of each of the above listed pull –ups paired with 5 their corresponding Merkins.

After this the PAX moseyed for a little cool down ( at this point Freight told me the Q schedule was full for the rest of the year)  then back to the flag. 3 ½ minutes left…

Floppy Disk called out – 20 Burpees OYO

2 1 /2 minutes left …Freight called out any variation of plank …so that’s what we did!

As this was My VQ and I wanted to hit it fast and hard…. today was definitely not for the faint of heart. It looked much better on paper.


Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.

It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

#Folsom #bb Shingle with his VQ

6 made it out for my first Q
Warm up
Side straddle hop
Flutter Kicks
Monkey Humpers
Grab blocks moseyed to tennis courts
Rd 1
30’s curls with blocks
Side raise rt. & lt arm
Front raises
Lap around court
Rd 2
Straight leg lift
Squat jumps
Down to end and back
Rd 3
Repeat round 1
5 burpees OYO
Rd 4
Repeat round 2
Partner sit ups throw legs
Partnered up to do lunge walk while partner 2 started mercians using blocks total of 150
Circled up
Dolph – CDD
Sparky – Moroccan night club
Gumby- dead cockroach
Rhodie- LBC
Hydrant – Windmills
Moseyed to trucks
Finished with side straddle Hops & ring of fire of merican x 20
Announcements, prayer requests

Thanks for the opportunity

No Vows of Silence at Martha’s House

10 PAX warmed up with SSH, Merkins, Moroccans, Toy Soldiers, LBC, then mosey to Martha’s for CDD.

The Thang
Before the beatdown some of the PAX did not hesitate to voice their distaste for running, but I was feeling charitable, so the only serious running we did was an Indian run around the baseball fields to the soccer field.

Then wheelbarrows halfway across the soccer field, then lunge-walk the rest of the field.

The fields were wet with dew, and I was still feeling charitable, so we mosied to the parking lot for four corners of abs: weezy Jeffersons, LBC, flutter kicks, and something else–it was horrible–I’ve blocked it out.

Mosey back to field for four corners: morracans, merkins, werkins, & diamond merkins.

Then to the picnic pavilion for step ups and squats.

Time’s up!

Mosey back to Snoballs for COT.

– Monk

Trail Run, Burpees, and stuff.

Today’s weather was warm and beautiful. Loving the time change which allowed us to enjoy a trail run around the Poston pond. The locals have rumored this trail has the best scenic views and wonderful landscape in the entire county. Unfortunately, I was unable to enjoy them with the pain in my side and gasping for air.

After this warm-up run, we did a little burpee practice and went from there. Here is the list:

  • Warm-up 1 Mile Trail Run
  • Teams of two, One partner runs and does 5 burpees, while partner does LBC. Total of 60 burpees
  • Very long lunge walk
  • 20 squats
  • 5 IC worst merkin ever
  • 10 pull ups
  • 2 Minute plan with random plank jacks to peter parker to parker peter
  • 20 IC crunch with flutter kick
  • one more that I can’t remember

#Folsom #bb Coupons

6 Pax gathered in the gloom to pick things up and put them down.  YHC delivered the coupons about 15 minutes early and met the pax at the tennis courts.  A short disclaimer was announced as there were no FNG’s.

Warm up; 10 old school situps OYO; 10 flutter kicks IC; SSH x 10 IC; Imperial Walkers x 10 IC; Mericans x 10 IC


Mosey to lower parking lot and passed a speed bump, we’ll come back to this later, down to the lower parking lot where the pax finally saw the coupons and mubblechatter about someone littering.  Partner up and perform excercises across from each other, perform number of reps and switch.  Approx. 30 yds in between coupons.

20 Block Curls and 20 Block French Curls

80# Sled Pull and 280# Tire Flip for 10

55# KB Swings x 10 and 75# Sandbag Clean/ Press x 10

10 Block Squats and 10 Block Good Mornings

That’s one round now mosey back to speed bump mentioned above, up hill and perform 5 burpees and back to coupons for Round 2.  After round 2 and another speed bump mosey with burpees, it was time for Mary.  Pax cirlced up and each member called their exercise.  Homer to Marge; Freddy Mercury; SSH; Monkey Humpers; Ring of Fire x 3; LBC’s; Offset Mericans x 10 IC.  Nice work this morning men.  #DRP

Announcements; Prayer Requests, lift up all Pax to continue to fight.  Namorama; BOM, Thanks Sparky

Music Under the Lights

According to Twitter, a beatdown with 80s rock edition was promised so I did not want to disappoint. We had a small coupon to carry around (bluetooth speaker) with threats to be punished with a double helping of BRR legs if was dropped with Pandora adds interspersed with 80s music. Yes, JK2, that was my music growing up and after I get finished taking my multivitamin and prostate medication I will hobble my crippled butt over to you and beat you with my cane….

WU: 10 reps IC of the following: SSH, Freddy Mercury, Squats, Superman (cut that short, was not funny, will trash that one as I thought was really a waste of time other than humorous relief by Stroganoff who was not present today-rough few weeks-you get a pass), Burps (no pun intended T Square), LBCs, Cross Body Mtn Climbers, then 5 Burpees OYO.

The Thang:

Mosey around the parking lot together with called exercise at each speed bump with each exercise done AMRAP (as many reps as possible) for 1 minute. The exercises included the following: Merkins, Cross Body Mtn Climbers, Burpees (thanks for the suggestion Defib?), LBC, Renegade Rows (plank position with alternating arm raises), Jump Lunges, Table Top Toe Grabs (excellent form Joboo), Plank Jacks, and Prisoner Jump Squats.

Once finished with that, we moseyed to the art thing/Eye of the Storm for another round of the above exercises X 10 reps with 10 different Pax taking turns leading the exercises-great job guys.

We then moseyed back to start for some Mary for about 5 minutes.

Announcements, Prayer requests, named an FNG Sean Corkerin (?spelling) RADAR-glad to have you-brought in by Sargento.

Advisory Meeting this Sunday at 7pm-all Pax invited. International Headquarters of GSM.

Great start to the day-Whoopee

The Hills of Derecho

7 Pax gathered in the gloom this morning to brave the wet and wild conditions, little did 6 of them know, it was going to be hill day.

25 Hillbillies IC
25 Don Quixotes IC

As we started a Mosey, a theme was thrown out, 5 Burpees at every speed bump. We only came across 2 speed bumps in the warm-up.

The warm up was concluded after a 2 mile mosey.

Pretty straight and simple, 0.2 mile hill run x 3 keeping the PAX together with a recovery on the downhill. Then a mosey back to the cars where 4 more speed bumps were found. Just to keep things symmetrical, we finished with SSC, Hillbillies and Don Quixotes.

City Slicker Only Knows Parking Lots

31 men saving their vacation time for later in the year, passed up on the opportunity to take a spring break and posted for the return of YHC to GasHouse.   Again, YHC’s seasonal allergies meant the weinke included pretty much zero contact with anything green or growing.  Last year around the same time, those that were there, may remember the Islands of Pain – again – zero contact with grassy areas.

Speaking of the weinke, here’s what we did (approximately):

Full Sit-ups 10 OYO (something about engaging the core at the beginning of a workout keeps it engaged throughout)
Mountain Climbers 20x
Oblique Crunches 10x each side
Plank Jacks 20x

Now some exercise to get the mumble chatter going:

Sweet Sixteen 15x
Ballerina Squats 15x
Partner Sit Ups – partner 1 does full situps while partner 2 planks while holding partner 1 feet 10x

At this point, I’m pretty sure everyone wondered where this was going, but to tell you the truth, those exercises are harder than they sound if done correctly.

Mosey across the street to the drugstore wall:
Peoples Chair with air presses 15x
Balls to the Wall Mountain Climbers (what could be harder than hip slappers, which was one of the many suggestions provided by Dolph throughout the morning – all appreciated, most ignored)
Peoples Chair with air punches x15

Mosey to next parking lot for some curb-to-curb work:
Crab walk from one side to other and do 5 Mike Tysons
Bear crawl to start and do 5 dips on curb
Repeat this same thing with 10x and 15x of each exercise.

Mosey to next parking lot for Franklin Mint suicides (named after Ben Franklin in Metro because his suicides are hard, but these are more decorative and not sanctioned by the government):
Bunny hop to first island and run back to start, waiting for the 6th before continuing (as explained above, this is not your normal suicide)
Long jump to second island and run back to start
Karaoke to third island and run back to start
Backward run to fourth island and run back to start

Mosey to next parking lot for more curb and gutter work
Fast feet in cadence multiple times at varying speeds
SSH (that can’t be correct you might think, but that’s when we did them)

Mosey back to the previous parking lot to resume more Franklin Mint suicides
Run to first island and do 5 squats and run back to the start
Run to second island and do 10 sumo squats and return
Run to third island and do 15 jump squats and return
Run to fourth island and do 20 start jacks and return

Mosey back to drugstore wall
Donkey kicks 15x

Mosey back to library for LBC and Heels to Heaven before doing the Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey back for picnic tables for a couple of sets of dips
Lots of time left for Mary
Dying Cockroach
Wide Arms
Stagger Right
Russian Twists
Stagger Right

YHC expected a smaller # today with it being spring break but was happy to see that it almost turned problematic.  GasHouse and Gastonia F3 has taken off!  Before last year when GasHouse kicked off, I really knew no one in Gastonia, but I wanted to help F3 spread.  F3 Gastonia is well on it’s way, and just as in Metro, there are a group of men involved.  It was great to get there and see all the cars in the parking lot, many belonging to the 2ndF group meeting at the picnic tables.

I appreciate my Metro bro, the Woof Master Snoop, for accompanying me to GasHouse on one of his rare Saturdays in the gloom.

Thanks to Bandit and Roscoe for headlocking me to Q at the 3rdF lunch back a while, and I hope we can get you guys to Q a workout in Metro in the future.  If anyone has a Sunday afternoon free, post to the Man Cave at Myers Park High School at 4:30 PM (yes PM).  We do 45 min and accommodate all levels.

Thanks for allowing me to Q GasHouse, and maybe we can make it a yearly thing.


It’s not funny…

Sorry so long getting to this, I have no excuse other than life which is sometimes a good excuse but I should have done this sooner. I have already forgotten a lot of what we did.

WU:SSH, Freddy Mercury, Squats, Superman….WAIT, I think I heard Stronganoff laughing??? Theres no laughing during F3!!!! OMAHA to 10 Burpees OYO, then back to the WU with Superman, Burps, LBCs, Mtn Climbers.

Mosey to the baseball field, may have done an exercise or 2. Mosey back to the parking lot. At each speed bump we slowed down for 5 burpees then continued the mosey. Once we left the main lot we gave up the burpees. We made it to the small traffic circle for a quick exercise (see above, don’t remember, was still trying to recover from being laughed at by Stroganoff). Moseyed up the hill to the Eye of the Storm/Art thing for some plank. I have decided to try meditating during plank to get me to a happy place. Thanks for waking me Defib. More exercises but don’t remember what. Mosey back down to the start for a game of “Grab you Balls.” Pax partnered up, went to opposite sides of lot, balls in middle and at start time you ran to middle and grabbed 1 ball, brought back to your side. You could run all the way across and grab 2 balls from other side. Goal was to end up with more balls on your team’s side at the end. Once we finished we threw all the balls in 1 bag and declared both sides winners. More moseying ensued with another trip to the Eye of the Storm/Art thing then closed out with COT and namorama for our FNG who ate some Chinese food recently.

Enjoyed it, sorry so long getting this done.


Has Anybody Got A Dime?

Had YHC known today was going to movie quote day, I would have studied up. Instead, coming off the short term DL, I was focused on creating a non-running workout for the #Downtown PAX. Wanted to make sure E4 could get out here with that bum knee. But what’s that you say? Bandit…, non-running…, most would argue impossible, read more and find out for yourself.

After our brief disclaimer (not a professional, you are here on your own choosing, its probably smarter for you to just go home know, but if you are staying…do what you can do), and some real-world advice from Whoopee, we start with our warm up…

  • Side Straddle Hop x20 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x20 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x40 IC
  • Peter Parkers x20 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x20 IC

The Thang
To be totally transparent, today’s workout was a copy of a running-focused workout I stole from Whoopee a few months ago. So instead of running between a bunch of banks and doing ATMS… the running was switched out today with lunge walks and bear crawls.

  • Lunge-walk around the Pavilion…LBC x30, x20, x10
  • Lunge-walk around the Pavilion (switch to Bear Crawl if needed)… Peter Parkers x20, x15, x10
  • Alternate Lunge-walk/Bear Crawl around the Pavilion x2…Plank-O-Rama
  • At this point mumble chatter was almost at zero.  Roscoe, YHC and and others helped to energize the PAX with some favorite movie quotes.  Blazing Saddles, Raising Arizona, others???
  • Alternate Lunge-walk/Bear Crawl around the Pavilion x2… Russia Twists x20, x15. Dying Cockroach (of course) x20, x10
  • So if your money was not on YHC to lead a running-free workout, congratulations.. you win. Our last excercise was a 4 lap mosey around the Pavilion until time ran out.

Finished up with Pledge of Allegiance, COT/Namorama & BOM

Enjoyed cofferama at Starbucks with Hush Puppy, Monk, E4 and Whoopee.  Looking forward to spending more time with these guys… talk about some 2F activities like baseball games (Knights, Grizzlies), movie time and planetarium (F3 Dads), and some sport shooting.

Please keep the following in your prayers…

  • Monk… as their family travels to Florida for spring break
  • DaVinci’s mother in law… will be having surgery to remove a tumor from her arm.
  • Stroganoff and family with the news of Janet’s father’s cancer diagnosis.
  • Outhouse’s family… as they move forward after the loss of his mother.


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