Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2016 (Page 3 of 4)

Dora The Explorer

A long way from home, and as friendly as could be 6 PAX joined together for the last session of beat down island style. JK2, Spakler, and Dream Catcher helped welcome 3 FNGs into the solution to the problem, we kept a strong watch for Swipper, but he never showed.

Joe – Yogi Bear
Gordon – Fat Wood
Tripp – Peyton

15 LBCs IC

In the lot we started with 5 Burpees on each parking lot island for a total of 6 stops, then from island to island on the way back we did High Knees, Karoke Left then Right, and Bear Crawl. Next we withdrew some cash with a round of ATM, before partnering up for the party. DORA would carry us through most of the remaining time. 100-LBCs, 200-SQUATS, 300-FLUTTER KICKS, while the partner ran a lap in the lot. No quality excursion would be complete without MARY, so 6 mins of Mary finished the THANG.

Frozen Murph (modified)

After YHC nearly missed the workout due to alarm clock malfunction (helps if you turn it on) and lots of mumble about too cold to be out here 7 #HIM posted on the ice at Martha’s House for a nice cold beatdown. But wait whats this – another pax jogs in from the cold – Stroganoff was here early and got in 3 miles of extra credit (Tclaps).


The warmup

20 SSH


20 LBC

10 Merkins


The Thang:

Disclaimer reiterated and workout explained – we would modify to murph this morning.  Typical Murph is 1 mile run 100 Pullups, 200 Merkins and 300 squats followed by 1 mile run all down with a 20 lb weight vest.  Although it was tempting to grab Outhouse’s sandbags (NOT) this would be done without added weight. The workout would be divided  into 10 pain stations separated by approximately 1/4 mile mosey in between.  Exercises at each station were 10 burpees (OYO) 20 Merkins (IC) and 30 squats (IC).  Thus the pax covered nearly two miles.  Although the thermometer read 21 at the start no one was cold!  As always it was a pleasure to lead this fine group of men.


Prayer requests Whoopie test results, Outhouse’s moms

99 Reasons to Stay at Home in Bed…. Apparently!

As promised there was NO RUNNING. The goats brought 99 packages to off load. More of a dump and run. Guess they didn’t want to stick around….. Much like all the fartsakers not showing. I kid, I kid….. Or do I? Any way here’s what went down.

9 sets:

99 LBC, 9 Burpees, 99 high knees, 9 mericans, 99 min squat holds

88 LBC, 8 Burpees, 88 high knees, 8 mericans, 88 min squat holds

77 LBC, 7 Burpees, 77 high knees, 7 mericans, 77min squat holds

66 SSH, 66 LBC, 66 min plank, 6 mericans, 66 lunges

55 SSH, 55 LBC, 55 min plank, 5 mericans, 55 lunges

44 SSH, 44 LBC, 44 min plank, 4 mericans, 44 lunges

33 LBC, 3 Burpees, 33 min squat hold, 3 mericans, 33 high knees

22 LBC, 2 Burpees, 22 min squat hold, 2 mericans, 22 high knees

1 min plank, 2 min bridge, 30 sec one hand plank, 30 sec other hand plank.


Always a pleasure gentlemen. Thanks for toughing out the cold weather but you are better for it. Tune in next Thursday and see what’s next……..or read about. Whichever you can live with yourself with. AYE!



Monk started us off with Third F Words for the Week

A God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.

Warm Up

SSH x 20 IC

IMP Walker X15 IC

Merkin X10 IC

Flutter Kick X15 IC


Began mosey to track to get started.

First we stop by the truck and pick up our old friend Sandy Bag.

On track stop to say Pledge

Began work out with mile run at each glow stick perform lunge/ lunge/burpee until you reach second glow stick . After 3 laps Omaha was called pax planked up until everyone caught up. While waiting we did some Moroccan night clubs and peter parker IC.


Dora 1-2-3

Partner up with sand bag

  1. 100 squat press
  2. 200 side lunges (Omaha to 150)
  3. 300 clean and press (Omaha to 150)

During  sand bag exercise partner would run up ramp to stadium for two set of up down stadium stairs


Mosey to football field for Merkisides

10/20/30/40/50 on corresponding yard lines. (running short on time we stopped at 40 and than did ten IC for good measure. Mosey back to parking lot for COT.



Be sure and get order in for Backyard Brawl Shirts

Dolph and Freight looking in to new Dallas AO Tuesday and Thursday



Outhouse MOM

Students and Teachers


As always looked easier on paper. Sorry for three Omaha’s in one work out. Not sure if that’s legal in F3 Nation. First Q at The Storm great AO! Great way to start the week.


Five Card Stud

This morning 4 pax drug themselves out of a very comfy fartsack to get better. T-claps to these men who took the time to get better today.


Arm Circles OQ
25 Morrocon Night Clubs IC
15 LBCs IC
15 Prayer Squat IC
15 Don Quixotes IC
15 Imperial Walkers


4 Rounds of Five Card Stud, drawing from a deck of cards each Pax took a turn pulling a card from the top of the deck and then doing the number of exercises as is shown on the card.
Hearts – Burpees
Spades – Merkins
Clubs – LBCs
Diamonds – Squats

After the 5th exercise is done the entire pax ran a lap in the lot and the leaders waited in plank for the 6.

We finished the last five mins with some Smurf Jacks 15 IC, 15 Monkey Humpers IC, and 10 each leg of front kicks, thank you Billy Blanks for the inspiration.

FNG – Matt Hill received his F3 Name Dream Catcher


GasHouse Expansion in the Caymans!

Three PAX gathered this morning out in the sunrise gloom at the #WestinGrandCayman, a new site for @F3Gastonia, and suffered through another beat down in 80 degree weather by the ocean. Added an FNG today, Dan Mello from New Hampshire, who pushed through to get better.

Warm-up (JK2)
15 Merkins IC
15 Don Quixote IC
10 Mountain Climbers
10 Monkey Humpers IC

Thang (Spakler)
We started with 5 Burpees at each parking lot island for 6 stops, with a walking lunge back, about 50 yds. Then we moseyed to the beach side of the resort next to the pool. Here we gathered for a round of 11’s with Derkins and dips, with an Al Gore to wait for PAX to finish. Next, we did 25 step ups IC, and off for a 10 min mosey to keep the heart rate high. This finished us just in time for 6 mins of Mary, to complete the workout.

Finish with a COT and namearama where FNG received his F3 name Bo Jackson.  There was plenty of thanks and inspiration being in this beautiful place, FNG Bo Jackson, looking for prayer to help improve the work life balance and get back to the fun of owning a company.

Gashouse Takes it to Grand Cayman

2 pax gathered at 0630 this morning out in the salty gloom at the #southbay beach club, a new site for @f3gastonia, and suffered through a beat down in 80 degree weather. One of the hardest parts was maintaining focus along the beautiful coast. This was Spackler’s VQ and he delivered a relentless beat down and is as follows:

Warm-up (JK2)
25 Moroccan Night Clubs IC
15 Don Quixote IC
15 Merkins IC

Thang (Spakler)
5 mile run along ocean front, with a short stop for a long story of 15 burpees or walking lunges. As if that wasn’t enough a round of Mary to finish the Thang.

Finish with a COT, plenty of thanks and inspiration being in this beautiful place.

The Delivery

It was a balmy 27 degrees as 19 PAX awaited to see what treasures the Freight would have delivered. Would it be 2 goats? Would it be delivered by Brownstreak? The suspense was intense so these PAX showed because they had to know! They came from far and wide by plane, train, boat and car. As the time edged closer there were mumbles of there really being goats as Boss Hogg rolled in with the trailer. When the clock struck the package was opened and what was inside? A good old fashion beatdown of course!

Warm Up:

SSH (IC) x 20

Thai Punches (IC) x 20

Thai Kicks (IC) x 10 (have to be in fighting shape)

Jump Rope (Imaginary, great job with the double dutch guys)

Moroccan Nightclub (IC) x 20

Monkey Humpers(JOBU’s) (IC) x 10

Mosey to the flag for the pledge. Mosey back to circle up.

The Thang:

45 seconds of each exercise with a 20 second break in between. 3 sets of each group with a lap or burpee’s between each set.

  1. Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Squat. Rinse and repeat 3 times.
  2. Shoulder Tap Plank, Freddy Mercury, Lunge. Rinse and repeat 3 times.
  3. Pointer Plank, LBC, Calf Raises. Rinse and repeat 3 times.


Announcements: Backwoods Brawl coming up 4/9. Order your shirts by 2/10. Yeti coming up 2/20. Community Foundation Run in downtown Gtown 4/16. Need a good showing from Gashouse! Gastonia Rotary will be hosting Dredd and OBT on 3/3.

Nameorama: FNG’s- Al Pastor and Shingle

Coffeerama: 11 and a Happy Birthday 2.0!

I had a great time with the Q this morning gentlemen. As always it was an honor. I look forward to many more. EH somebody this week and let’s grow!

No Weinke

The forecast called for snowflakes but YHC didn’t see any coming out of the sky, only about 9 snowflakes that showed up mumbling about the cold wind and wanting to start the workout early.  Defib was named timekeeper for today’s workout.  After the Gashouse planning meeting, we were all asked what we were going to do to make the Gashouse stronger.  (Accountability) One of my action items was to check on the site Q of downtown, E4.  I did that and got a commitment that E4 would post at 0530, although he would be up since 0430 stretching his bum knee.  The original Weinke that I had planned out using Google Earth and measuring distances between pain stations was internally audibled to a more reasonable workout for someone with a bad knee.  Thanks goes to CSpan and Swiper’s Q-School for that tip.  I even had two extra pairs of gloves in case anyone showed up without.

Here we go with the warm up:

SSH x 32

Squats x 20

Don Quixote x 15

LBC x15

Merkins x 10

A fast paced mosey around the Pavilion approximately 4 times and then regrouped for the Thang:

Bear Crawl along the back side of the Pavilion and then sprint around to where we started.  Repeado x4 then:

15 Squats, 10 Merkins, 15 flutter kicks

Lunge walk across the back side of the Pavilion and sprint around to start Repeado x 4

15 Squats, 10 Merkins, 15 flutter kicks

One burpee on each pad of concrete on back side of Pavilion x3  (Crowd pleaser)

15 squats, 10 Merkins, 15 flutter kicks

Mosey to the public “art” and hit the wall for the People’s Chair

People’s March IC

Air Presses IC

Peoples March IC

Ring around the art

Merkins, LBC’s, 50 calf raises, squats

Slow merkins, flutter kicks, 50 pigeon toed calf raises, 50 squats

Fast merkins, Flutter kicks, 50 Duck footed calf raises, 50 squats

Merkin holds, half way down, all the way down, etc.  5 OYO merkins

Mosey to Pavilion for pledge and to retrieve the phone for the nameorama.

Announcements:  Buy your Backwoods Brawl t-shirt by February 10th.  Do it now!

Gastonia Rotary Club will host the Founders, Dredd and OBT on March 3.  Stroganoff and Dr. Feelgood are buying lunch for any PAX that attend.  I am a HC.  Community Foundation Run (formerly Run for the Money April 16, 2016)  A good time to show up and run for your favorite charity in a Backwoods Brawl t-shirt.  The soreness should be gone by then, hopefully.  Take your survey for the 2nd F activity from Godfather, aka El Padrino.  F3 Luncheon Jason’s Deli at the Epicenter today at 1130.

Prayer Requests:  A somber morning today for some serious concerns among the PAX. Prayers needed for Outhouse’s mother, who is diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer.  Feelgood’s 2.0’s lost a young friend (Tomas) to childhood Leukemia.  Dolph’s father who will undergo a hip replacement; Amelia lost his father.  E4’s former coworker in remission recently diagnosed with aggressive tumors.  E4 also shared a personal story…the moral is…make sure your family is trained on what to do in an emergency.  Have a safety plan and train on it.

It was great to Q this morning as I have to miss tomorrow for a 2.0 event.  Be intentional about reaching out to those that need F3 and follow through with your commitments from the Planning meeting.



Two Goats and a U-Haul

Season 1, Episode 1 (of 4)

Much like two men and a truck the goats of #GoatIsland were waiting for the PAX to arrive to get us moving. I arrived first and wondering which side of the island we was suppose to meet on. Sorry Bandit……

Dolph and Mayor was next and was excited about pulling the BIG tire (but not as big as the other one) from the bed of his truck. Maybe it was because they wanted to see if they could flip this one……. As the other PAX started rolling in the goats were getting anxious to reveal what’s in the U-Haul. The PAX was getting concerned we were doing something with the huge tire, but I eased their minds and told them not today. TIME…. YHC called it and we circled up…….


Windmills ICx15
MRNC ICx40…..ish?!?!
Freddy Mercuries ICx15

Still not loosened up we took a lap (1/4 mile).

We met up at the gazebo. There the goats revealed what was in the U-Haul…….

10 pull ups
Sprint 200 yards
20 dips
Sprint 200 yards
25 ‘Mericans
Sprint 200 yards
30 LBC


Russian Twist ICx15
Flutter Kicks ICx20
Ring of fire V-Up style


Pledge (sorry for not doing it first guys)

The two goats closed the door of the U-Haul and smacked hooves knowing the delivered a good one for us. I appreciate all the pax for allowing me to lead. You all are a fine group… Namaroma and cleared up the confusion of FNG names from Tuesday’s workout @ THE STORM……. He shall be called Private Benjamin. Thanks again for the chance to lead this group. Great work guys!!!

Stay tune and see what the goats have in the U-Haul next Thursday………

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