Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Tequila Sunrise (Page 6 of 7)

Stupid Synchronizing and The Sifter

9 posted at Friday’s newest AO for some partner work.  Here’s what I remember:

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroach (IC)

Mosey towards Davis Park.  Stop at the church for

  • 30 x Toe Touches* (IC) *Some called these V-Ups.

Mosey to intersection of Park & Kingston.

When most of us posted the first time, we only knew one guy at the workout… our sponsor.  Our first round today, we are going to partner up and stay in sync with our partner as we run up and down Park and do the following exercises at each end:

  • 10 x HRMerkins (sync w/partner)
  • 20 x Apolo Ohnos (sync w/partner)
  • 30 x LBCs (sync w/partner)

3 x down and back.  6 total sets of the exercises.  Partners were:

  • Clampett & Dr. Seuss
  • Dirt & Tesla
  • Watts Up & Orangeman
  • Virus, Freon & Flintstone

The push and the fellowship of intentionally working with a partner was great, as always.  The connections we make with the other PAX in The Gloom is The Glue.

Mosey to The Scout Hut @ First Presbyterian for some more fun:

  • 10 x Dips (IC)
  • 15 x Mahktar Ndiayes (IC)

After some time in F3, you find your guys and become part of a Shieldlock.  These are the guys that you can count on to help keep you accelerating.  In “Freed to Lead”, they talk about The Sifter as the way that life will throw twists and turns at you that will sift out lesser friends, leaving you with only your strongest core group.  Getting after it in The Gloom repeatedly solidifies the Shieldlock and provides a foundation of strength.

For this part, we did Stupid Synchronous Mountain Climbers.  Each pair from earlier found another pair and with feet at the base of the wall, one pair did

  • 10 x Mountain Climbers (count left only)

while the other pair did

  • 10 x Australian Mountain Climbers (count left only)

When the Australians would come down, the other pair would go up, so there were always 2 down and 2 up, working in sync.  We repeated this for 3 rounds.

Another round of

  • 8 x Mahktar Ndiayes (IC)

And we head back towards the flag, stopping for

  • 30 x Toe Touches (IC)

Time for Mary

  • Flintstone – 15 x Crunchy Frogs (IC)
  • Clampett – 16 x Merkins (IC)
  • Orangeman – 10 x Burpees (OYO)
  • Dr. Seuss – 15 x American Hammers (IC)
  • Freon – 20 x Heels to Heaven (OYO)


  • Grow Ruck event coming to Charlotte (late summer – August?)
  • Young Life Golf Tournament – May 10th
  • New AO in Belmont running in conjunction with The Yank
    • A Gear AO
    • If you’re a regular in bootcamps, come give it a shot and try something new
    • If you’ve been trying to EH a guy who won’t run and/or won’t do early mornings, this is the place
    • See BOS, HIPAA or Flintstone for more details
  • Ameoba Ruck – May 22nd – 9:00 AM

Prayer Requests:

  • Tiger, Pilgrim’s Progress & Freight at Grow Ruck
  • Turtleman
  • Orangeman traveling to Colorado & LA


Great to see Dirt and Watts Up back today, and of course running EC.  These HIMs push every day, and are getting results.  Both had been training for work this week and both kept pushing the rock while out of town.  If you want to get better, look to these men as examples.

Everyone who posts, whether it’s regularly or just one time is looking for something.  You don’t get up for a 5:30 (or 6:30 or 7:00) workout for no reason.  The ones that don’t come back didn’t connect.  It’s a major part of what we do to make sure that the FNG is taken care of.  That the Six is taken care of.  We’ve all been there and know how much that pick-me-up means.  It’s obviously a sponsor’s job to connect with a FNG, but if you see a PAX you don’t know, go out of your way to connect.  That’s the glue that will keep them coming back.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead

Yabba Dabba Doo

Tequila Sunrise, best served chilled

After quite a few warm-ish mornings, the 36 degree morning was frosty and refreshing. After seeing no FNGs, and rattling off a disclaimer, we shook off the morning frost with:

25 Cotton Pickers, 25 Goof Balls, Yoga Stretch Thingy; 10 Burpees

Then we moseyed over to the B-Ball courts for Dora: 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 squats. While one started, the other took advantage of the row of parked buses, and ran around them.

Next up was an Indian Run to Davis Park.

We found a nice hill next to Davis Park, and started an Escalator:

5 Burpees, 10 Big Boys, 15 Merkins, 20 Jump Squats, 25 Dips, with a hill run in between each escalating set.

The PAX Indian Ran back to the school for some glute work. (Some PAX learned that it might be preferable to fall in near the front of the line, especially when an Indian Run starts at the bottom of a hill.)

We knocked out 25 Pickle Pointers, IC. (Most of the PAX thought we should have knocked this exercise out in a spot where the buses’ headlights weren’t directly highlighting our movements.)

At that point, it was time for Mary. We made it halfway around the circle, before time was called.

PT Test at Gashouse on Saturday

Prayer Requests:
Rebar’s results
Turtleman’s Recovery
Police officers and law enforcement
Our Country

This is Tequila Sunrise not a PT Test, Geezer

A big thank you to the 19 PAX that turned out for my VQ!  All the grumbling (you’re fired geezer, too many merkins, etc) let me know that things were going well.



Warm Up

25 SSH

20 Cotton Pickers

5 Burpees


Mosey to tennis courts for a beating

100 SSH & 100 squats

Run lap

90 merkins & 90 LBCs

Run lap

80 SSH & 80 squats

Run lap

70 merkins & 70 LBCs

And continue on down through 10 merkins & 10 LBCs

Mosey back to school with 2 minutes to go…

4th Quarter bear crawl through the parking lot



PT Test at Gashouse Saturday 4/24

Young Life Golf Tournament 5/10


Prayer Requests

PAX on job search

Our country

Dolph & GSM guys



I like to drink Tequila at Sunrise

Dudes showed for the 2nd Q of the month…it’s Good Friday! A very holy day  for a very unholy beatdown. 13 HIM were in the house. This is what happened…

Disclaimer, no FNGs. I’m a profession. Do what I say.

Warmup – Goofballs of course, Don Quixote to stretch the back, R over L (a Sargento original), the Press Press Fling (PPF, a Roscoe thing)

Mosey for a lap around the dark track.

End up at the covered drop off area. Bear Crawl from the end to the wall. Wall sit for 60 seconds, air presses & PPF.  Australian Mountain Climbers (AMC) x10 IC. Deep breaths. Wall sit for 60 seconds. AMC x15 IC, 2 deep breaths, Wall sit 60 seconds, air presses & PPF then AMC x 20 IC. 3 deep breaths. That was a lot.

Fellowship mosey to the broad side of the field. Line up on the line for a round of Suicide Ladder. Run to the middle of the field, back to the start, then across to the far side of the field for 10 Merkins. Run back to the start. Do this 2 more times increasing each rep count to 15 then 20 each round.

Do the whole routine over again for Big Boy sit ups and then Squats. good work men.

Take a fellowship lap around the perilously dark track.

Line up on the short side of the field for Red Bruschetta. SO delicious that the named a routine after it.

  • Run to the other end of the field and do 100 Side Straddle Hops then back to the start
  • Run to the 75 yard mark and do 75 Mountain Climbers (the American version) counting the right leg only then back to the start
  • Run to the 50 yard line to do 50 LBCs then back to the start
  • Go to the 25 for 25 Merkins then back to the start
  • Go to the 10 and do 10 Burpees then back.

Mosey to the warmup area for 10 Nolan Ryan’s each side in honor of the start of the boring baseball season and time is called.

Great workout men, lots of cardio and plenty of muscle action too. Thanks for putting up with me leading again. AYE!

Prayer requests: Watts Up’s M’s recovery, PAX travels this weekend, Job searches, Big Pappy’s family

Announcements: PT Test, Convergence, Freight’s collection, Mayor’s 2.0 cleanup, Young Life golf tournament, Ruck CSAUP May 22nd, Short Sale’s name it and claim it challenge

Tequila Sunrise – March 26, 2021

This was a great workout, but at the same time a Q failure on my part.   Unfortunately, I didn’t take into consideration injuries and we had one Pax drop out after the warm up because we ran off site to perform our first set of exercises. Maybe in the future we have a Pain Lab or Moderate Workout at some of the AO’s.

Warm Up
25 SSH (IC)
10 Moroccan Night Club (IC)
10 Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
10 Windmills (IC)

We then headed to Davis Park where we performed two sets of “Lindsays.” At the bottom of the hill we did 30 merkins and 10 plank jacks.  Next we ran up the hill and did 25 merkins and 15 plank jacks and so forth until it was 10 merkins and 30 plank jacks.  The second set of “Lindsays” was 30 jump squats and 10 mountain climbers.

After that we ran to the school and did four corners.

Station #1
Merkin x 25
Bobby Hurley x 25
Flutter Kicks x 25
Burbee x 5

Bear Crawl to Station #2

Station #2
Diamond Merkin x 25
Monkey Humpers x 25
American Hammer x 25
Burbee x 5

Dan Taylor to Station #3 (4 lunges then squat)

Station #3
Werkin x 25
Sumo Squats x 25
LBC x 25
Burbee x 5

Crab Walk to Station #4

Station #4
Incline Merkin x 25
Squat x 25
Shoulder Taps x 25
Burbee x 5

Sprint to Station #1

We then had a few minutes left so I took us to the benches at the front of the school where we did one set of 15 dips, 15 derkins, and 15 step ups (count each leg).

After a few minutes left we had some time for ab exercises where we did Freddy Mercuries, Six Shooters, and Flutter Kicks.

Buckeye’s sister and brother in law are going through in vitro fertilization.

CPAP is looking for a job.

Clampit’s wife is interviewing for jobs. She is a teacher.

3/19/21-Tequila Sunrise

Two FNG’s made their way to Belmont Central to join us for a cool morning in Belmont.  Thanks to Vidal Sassoon for EH’ing these two FNG’s.  Flav Rogers has been named “Olsen”  for Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen because he has twin boys.  Chris Craft has been named Judge Judy because he is a Wells Fargo lawyer.

We reviewed the F3 principles and gave a long disclaimer for the FNG’s.


Warm Up:

Seal Jacks IC x 25

HillBillies IC x 20

Don Q’s IC x 15

Merkins IC x 10


Mosey to the corner of Eagle Rd. and Blue Berry Street stopping at each corner to do 50 squats.

Flintstone 11’s running between the corner of Eagle Rd and Blue Berry St to the corner of Blue Berry St and Assembly St.  Reverse LBC’ and Flutter Kicks at the lower end and Backward Lunges and Jump Squats at the top.

5 Burpees for the train after the 11’s.

Mosey to the side of Belmont Central where we did Dips, Incline Merkins and Big Boy Sit Ups x 5, x 10, x 15, and x20.  Mosey to the sidewalk and back after each round.   I wanted to run these back down but we ran out of time.

We were a bit light in numbers because of all of the relay’s starting today but we had good time with those that showed up.

Thanks for letting me lead this morning,



Shooting Stars.

Warmup IC  emphasis on form. If the PAX had good form then they would have saw the shooting star! Some were doing bendovers instead of squats.  I haven’t seen one in a long time. It was cool!



Overhead Claps

Cotton Pickers

Peter Parkers



Dying Cockroaches


5 Burpees.

Mosey to the track and field.

Line up across short side of field.

Triple Nickel

  1. Squats, karaoke across and perform one leg deadlifts. Switch side karaoke each time.
  1. Merkin, high skip across and then perform Nolan Ryan’s.
  2. WW1, high leg lift across and perform LBC’s.
  3. Overhead Claps, Butt Kickers across and perform Moroccan Nightclubs.
  4. Hillbillies, high Knee across and perform Imperial Walkers.
  5. Stretch legs.
  6. Wind Sprints.

      A. Start sprint from knee position.

       B. Start sprint from Push-up position.

        C. Regular wind Sprints.

Slow mosey back for recovery after each set.

Mosey back to the start. 5 Burpees for the train!

Good job men!!

3/5/21 Tequila Sunrise Merkins & Long Jumps

It was a beautiful start to the day in Belmont as 12 HIM assembled at Belmont Central to experience this mornings Tequila Sunrise.

Warm up:

20 Side Straddle Hop – IC

20 Gravel Pickers – IC

20 Imperial Walkers – IC

10 Merkins – IC

10 Plank Jacks – IC

10 Merkins – IC

10 Mountain Climbers – IC

Right Foot to Right Hand…Right Hand Up for 10 Nolan Ryans – IC

Left Foot to Left Hand…Left Hand Up for 10 Nolan Ryans – IC

Recover & Mosey to the bottom of the “half pipe” at the park.

Split the group 6 vs 6 for three rounds of 10 each Squats / Merkins / Flutters.

Squats on top of one hill Merkins at the base and Flutters on top of the other hill.

Makes 30 each at top and 60 Merkins at bottom.

Round two change to Monkey Humpers and LBCs at top, Keep the Merkins in the middle.

There is 60 more Merkins.  Audible to skip round three and begin our mosey back to BC.

Mosey made a planned stop at the tennis courts for some Bear Crab Merkin Crawls.

Movement from sideline across four courts.

Bear Crawl #1  + 10 Merkins between courts 1&2

Crab Walk #2 + 10 Merkins between courts 2&3

Bear Crawl #3 + 10 Merkins between courts 3&4

Crab or Bear #4 +10 Merkins past court 4

Lunge Walk back across all four courts and mosey back to BC.

As I grabbed my phone from my car the Pax broke out into a long jump challenge sparked by a JUMP line painted on the ground.  From what YHC saw it looked like Clampett went home the leader for now with Nutria hot on his heels.  To be continued…  Circle up for a quick Mary.  Tesla called out Pretzel Crunches and Tiger shared some 15 & 45 degree leg lifts however the name is one YHC can’t remember.

That was 200 Merkins in case you lost count.

Announcements:  Strides of March 3/6.  Go even if you aren’t signed up.  Run with someone near your pace.  Mortimer & P200/ P70 races 3/20.  PT Test moving to April.  More to come – Stay Tuned!

Prayer Requests: Big Pappy’s family – Son’s surgery.  Breaker’s Family – Step Dad injured knee.  James Goudelock & Family – Cancer treatment.  Joey Denton – Car Accident.

Tequila Sunrise – 2/26/21

Quick Disclaimer – No FNGs


  • SSH
  • DON Qs
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Moroccan Nightclubs

The Thang

Mosey to the American Legion Post for a round of core; 3 rounds of the below exercises, 20-15-10 reps

  • American Hammers
  • LBCs
  • Flutter Kicks

Mosey to top of Davis Park ballfield for some Zombie Walks, for every five Zombie Walk, through in a burpee. statrted at home plate and finished in right field. Now mosey to the Belmont Middle for a round of arms and shoulder work. Everyone find some space on the benches. 3 rounds of the below exercises, 20-15-10 reps.

  • Derkins
  • Dips
  • Bear Crawls across section of front lawn

Now time to make our way back to Tequila Sunrise, so we mosey our way back. To add in some more arm work, we stop every so often for 20 merkins,  OYO. We made five stops for a total of 100 merkins, nice! Still had some time when we made in back, so we did 3 rounds of Rocky Balboa’s, 20-15-10 reps. Now we’re finished!

The Pledge


Announcements – Strides for March, PT in March

Prayer Requests – Sister Act’s daughter, Witchita’s co-worker suddenly passed away, prayer for the family, Dirt, Breaker’s Uncle, Big Pappy’s adopted kid and upcoming surgery

YHC took us out in prayer


Breaker Breaker

Sheldon Cooper and more

The rain decided to take a little break and 14 PAX posted in the gloom at the newest Gashouse AO this morning. Not sure how many ran EC, but it was quite a few and they were getting after it. I’m beginning to think my Q’s aren’t very difficult since it seems most of the PAX need extra work to feel like it was worth getting out of bed. Time to step up my game I guess.


Short disclaimer, then mosey to the bus loop for the warmup.

10 to 1 Countdown

Four exercises done IC starting with 10 and working all the way down to 1. No rest between exercises and all done at a fast pace.

Exercises were SSH’s, CDD’s, LBC’s and IW’s.


Mosey around the block and back to the bus loop for the main event….The Sheldon Cooper. This is one of Sister Act’s favorite routines and he usually calls it at Midoriyama when the temperature exceeds 90 degrees. YHC figured it might be a little easier in cooler weather so lets give it a shot.

10 Burpee’s, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 10 Big Boys then take a lap around the loop. Rinse and repeat with 9,8,7…all the way down to 1.

The cooler temps do make it easier, but it still sucks.


Time for another lap around the block and then a little ab work to finish things off.

20 Flutter Kicks IC
20 Oblique Crunches IC

20 LBC’s IC

20 American Hammers IC

Time’s Up!



Ephesians 4:2 – “Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

Being gentle and having patience are two things that YHC struggles with on a daily basis. Most men are wired to take charge, make decisions, solve the problem and move on to the next thing. Sometimes the solution to the problem is just taking the time to listen and showing compassion to the other party.



Strides of March – March 6th, get signed up!

2nd F tonight may be changing locations???? Keep an eye out on Slack

Sargento is looking for Gorge Runners to do a half marathon somewhere on the other side of the country


Prayer Request

Broke’s mom

SA daughter and family

Big Pappy and family


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

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