Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: SandLot (Page 7 of 10)

SandLot 11/23/2020

If you care to read much more than the fact that YHC got great pleasure out of our mosey up Gastone’s Hill after Watts Up made several recommendations AGAINST doing so, then continue reading!


SSH x 30 IC
MNC x 30 IC
Merkins x 20 OYO
LBCs x 20

Mosey to wall at bank
Step ups 30 OYO

Derkins x 20 OYO
Dips x 15 IC
Derikins x 15 OYO
Dips x 15 IC

MOSEY to planet fitness
4 CORNERS Round 1:
20 Merkins
30 American Hammers
40 Squats
50 Flutters

4 CORNERS Round 2:
20 Merkins
30 Big Boys
40 Calf Raises
50 Flutters

Mosey over to Food Lion
-People’s Chair, shoulder presses x ?? IC

Mosey to Dollar General parking lot
Quick Ab Blaster with some merkins on top.

Mosey LONG WAY back towards Pelicans,
Gastone’s Hill!

Mosey Back to Pelicans. Mary happened, workout ended with 5 burpees. Good work men!

Announcements / Prayer Requests / Namerama / COT



Who doesn’t love having leftovers after Thanksgiving? You pull all of the dishes out of the fridge. Everyone makes a plate of a little of what is left over from the big Thanksgiving Day feast. That was the inspiration for a Monday morning weinke at The Sandlot. Take a little bit from each of the triple post workouts on Thanksgiving to start the week. Only problem was that YHC opened the fridge to find that there weren’t many leftovers. The Folsom BB wasn’t posted, and The Goat BB, although timely with a detailed warm-up, didn’t have a lot of details to work with. YHC knew The Pub was a 5k so we may have a heavy dose of running. On top of the prediction of rain (and lots of it), this could make for an interesting time.

Arrived at the AO to find a few cars and no PAX. The three PAX that were there were huddled under the awning in front of Snoball’s. Luckily, they’d posted at Folsom so they were able to provide some details for the leftover meal.

  1. Just some sprinkles of rain. And 4 PAX. Let’s go…

Mosey next door to the abandoned bank’s drive through.


SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

Mosey to Robinson Elementary School

In the walkway for some Eleven’s
Run to one side, Dips x 1
Run to the other side, Derkins x 10
Repeat until Dips x 10 and Derkins x 1

The Pledge using a waving flag on YHC’s phone.

Now for some leftovers from Folsom…
At the small dropoff area, partner up.
Partners run to opposite sides, for Merkins x 10
Run back to the middle and then Squats x 10
Back to opposite sides for Merkins x 8
Back to middle for Squats x 10
Count down by 2 until you get to Merkins x 2
And then finish in the middle for Squats x 10

Mosey back to the former bank drive-in.
Everyone pick an exercise to throw on the plate,
Watts Up – Flutter Kicks
Dirt – Dying Cockroaches
Flintstone – American Hammers
JJ – Crunchy Frogs

In total, almost 3 miles covered in the workout for the leftovers from The Pub 5k.

Shelby Convergence 12/5
Christmas Party 12/12

Prayer Requests
Watts Up job interview

Prayer to take us out.

You never forget your first

Great group of HIMs from all over the region converged on “Martha’s House” for a little nostalgic beatdown courtesy of the one and only — Outhouse.

YHC had been excited about this workout for days leading up to it, and the excitement was too much, as I was primed to start the workout at 5:27.  The PAX assembled at that time all noted that the flag and signs were gone from the bank across the street.  All signs (or lack thereof) pointed to it shutting down, and taking its flag with it.  5:30 came, and with it a couple more men to join the PAX, and we kicked things off with a disclaimer, but the pledge would have to wait.

The Thang:

  • 20x Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
  • 20x Plank Jacks (IC)
  • 25x LBCs (IC)
  • 15x Freddie Mercuries (IC)

To The Footmobile for supplies, in this case, bricks, then we moseyed towards the park, took the first road we saw and followed it through the dark to the rocks where we zigzag ran before heading to the center of the ballfields where a well positioned flag was waiting for us for the pledge of allegiance.

At this point, I disclosed to the PAX that all we had done so far, and the workout that brought out the bricks was from August 5th, 2015.  On that day, 12 men took a similar journey, with Outhouse the QIC.  All I knew showing up that day was I needed to bring gloves, don’t worry about the names of the exercises, just copy what everyone else is doing, and when it comes time say my hospital name, my age, and “FNG”.

The workout was called “Wheel of Bricks”.  Starting from the center of the ballfields for each spoke, we did the following exercises with a brick in each hand:

  • 25 Standing Chest Flys
  • Apollo Ohno halfway
  • 15 Chest Flys
  • Apollo Ohno to end
  • 10 Chest Flys
  • Plank for the Six
  • 5 Merkins (IC)

Run out counterclockwise and down the next spoke to the center

  • 25 Bent Over Raises
  • Duck Walk halfway
  • 15 Bent Over Raises
  • Duck Walk to end
  • 10 Bent Over Raises
  • Plank for the Six
  • 5 Merkins (IC)

Run out counterclockwise and down the next spoke to the center

  • 25 Overhead Presses
  • Frog Hop halfway
  • 15 Overhead Presses
  • Frog Hop to end
  • 10 Overhead Presses
  • Plank for the Six
  • 5 Merkins (IC)

Run out counterclockwise and down the next spoke to the center

  • 25 Skull Crushers
  • Zombie Walk halfway
  • 15 Skull Crushers
  • Backwards Run (NUR?) to end
  • 10 Skull Crushers
  • Plank for the Six
  • 5 Merkins (IC)

Well right as we got started with the Chest Flys, Stinky Bird comes rolling in.  I have no idea how he found us, except just sheer luck, or lack thereof.  He ran back to The Footmobile for his bricks and caught up.

Lots of mumblechatter about Outhouse: why he made us do all that running (was it from his marathon training days?), what’s he been up to?, maybe we should just throw these bricks at his house as a sign of appreciation.

We rolled through the Wheel of Bricks, and moseyed back the way we came, zig zagging through the rocks back to one of the picnic areas.  This is the only place where my workout diverged from the original.  Here we did:

  • 30x LBCs (w/bricks OYO; from Outhouse’s workout)
  • 15x Step Ups (each leg, w/bricks OYO)
  • 30x Michael Phelps (count 1 side, w/bricks OYO)
  • 15x Step Ups (each leg, w/bricks OYO)

Mosey back to The Footmobile to restack the bricks, then 5 burpees to finish things off.


  • November Challenges
  • Christmas Party (Dec, 12)
  • Shirts (order them)

Prayer Requests:

  • EZ Rider’s family
  • Our country
  • Sargento’s Prayer List


It was great to see Cinderella back at it.  Y’all know I’ve not been a regular, so all I really knew about Cinderella was he showed to Buckshot’s VQ in a physical state that was obviously not cleared by his doctor.  That’s the kind of HIM I want to learn from.

It’s amazing how these mornings in the gloom leave their mark.  I can go on for as long as you want about workouts and how they’ve shaped me, whether it’s Wet Nutz bear crawls, Sargento’s bluetooth speaker, T-Square’s Memorial Day beatdown, Whoopee’s “NO RUNNING” workout, the Wolfpack Grinder, Roscoe’s 40 days of discipline, running the Hill at the Storm with JK2, Virus’s WOJ, Gastone’s Hill, the 5 mile loop at the Coconut Horse, or any other of the countless number of mornings (and afternoons at Midoryama) that I can recall by how it felt to be there.  It’s the best remedy for Sadclown Syndrome, and I’m just glad to get to be a part of it.

Last, but not least, thanks to Outhouse.  For the beatdown, sure, but also for the name.  It coulda been a lot worse.  Been proud to be “Flintstone” ever since.

Yabba Dabba Doo

On The Fly

It was warmer out than is normal for this time of year in the gloom.  A little hazy but dry none the less. YHC arrived a few minutes before the stroke of 0530 to find Watts Up, Dirt, and EZ Rider out running for EC.  Way to push guys.

Others starting rolling in for a grand total of 11 HIM’s.  Very nice group.

5:30 strikes and it’s time to get moving.




20 SSH double count IC

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter Kicks

5 Burpees

Mosey to the maintenance shed parking lot

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter Kicks

5 Burpees

Disclaimer about the roots and tripping hazard

Mosey back side of ballfields stopping along the way for some more

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter Kicks

5 Burpees

Mosey to parking lot for 11’s

CDD’s this side and American Hammers on that side (upon request from Watts Up)

Quick count off so YHC could breathe

Abs in parking lot:

40 LBC’s

20 Oblique crunches each side

20 Windshield wipers

20 Heels to heaven

20 Crunchy frogs

20 American hammers

40 LBC’s

Starting at lower end lasting for 3 islands in parking lot progressing toward start:

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter Kicks

EZ Ride, Watts Up, and I think JJ decided to get a one burpee EC.  We can add it to there final grade.

Mosey toward start passing Waterboy and stopping at entrance of the park for 1 more round of:

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Merkins

20 Mountain Climbers

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter Kicks

Mosey to start and time!



PT Test Nov 14 Gashouse

Christmas Party Dec 12.  M friendly but not 2.0

Shirts are live.  Links are on Slack and have been sent as a Backblast.  13 more days.


Flintstones sister with a heart cath

Family members


Its was truly an honor and a privilege to start out my day with such a great group of men.






Sandlot 11/2/2020

Here we are, Monday morning is upon us and YHC has somehow not found / made the time to develop a Weinke.  Well, some forethought went into it, but it was very rough.  Here goes.

Disclaimer / Pledge

Warm up – SSH x 25 IC, Merkins x 15 OYO, Imperial Walkers x 20 IC.

Mosey towards Gastone’s hill, but slow down for some lunge walks between telephone poles.  Mosey down to the doctor’s office.

Time for a quick AB BLAST!  Circle up.  Merkins first?  I think.  Follow that with:

American Hammer x 25 IC

25 Big Boys OYO

Flutter Kicks IC x 25?

Rinse and repeat!

Mosey to Gastone’s Hill!  Up we go with one burpee at each mailbox on the right.  Icing on the cake being 40x LBC’s OYO at the top.

Meander for a moment then mosey down to the street.  Meander towards the doctor’s office.  Zombie Walks between two light poles.

Mosey back to the doctor’s office parking lot for some 11’s.  Mike Tyson’s at the curb opposite the office.  Dips on the picnic tables.  GO.

Finish up and mosey back to Pelican’s.


Good work men.

Prayer requests:  Flintstone’s sister.  Breaker Breaker’s family, Eric Stoke’s family, father has COVID.

Namerama, we out.

Captain’s SandLot


Warm Up

Side Straddle Hop            15 count cadence

LBCs                                       15 count cadence


Mosey to Bank Wall from Pelicans

Step Ups                              10 Serial Count Each Leg

Dips                                       20 Serial Count

Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to Planet Fitness

Four Corner Perimeter of Parking Lot and OYO

Merkins                               25 Serial Count

Squats                                  50 Serial Count

Michael Phelps                 75 Serial Count

Wall Jump @ Bellacinos then Bear Crawl walkway

Calf Raises                           50 Serial Count

Moroccan Night Clubs    50 Serial Count

Rinse and Repeat             3X more ea exercise

Mosey to Bank Wall from Planet Fitness

Step Ups                              10 Serial Count Each Leg

Dips                                       20 Serial Count

Rinse and Repeat

Mosey back to Pelicans

Announcements: Convergence Sat Oct 31

Prayers: Nation, F3 Members & Families

Sharpen Up November Challenge

Most men in life are in the middle of the bell curve  unless we choose to be be better than that.  If you believe you are one of those guys in the middle, then this is especially for you.    I am talking to the guys that post a couple days  a week and call it good.  The guys who are passively involved in one or two F’s.  The one’s who don’t avail themselves to all the items on the F3 Menu.  The ones who won’t do a CSAUP or Q a workout regularly.  The ones who don’t lives their lives intentionally and “oversleep” instead of making a decision to wake up and get after it.  This challenge is to push that bell curve to the right.

I have heard some clamoring among the Gashouse PAX for a challenge along the lines of the 40 day challenge so here it is.

No excuses!

VISION:  In November you are going to challenge yourself to a few required physical tasks as well as maintaining standards to increase your acceleration.

This challenge can be modified based on your fitness level but make sure you make it happen.


1st F Requirements:

100 Miles combined run/ruck miles for the month to include:

-At least one ten-mile run and…

-At least one 12-mile ruck

-Or…one combined run/ruck of 15 miles

One Murph workout

Combined total of at least 25 workouts (30 minutes minimum, CSAUP’s count as 1)

Hydrate and take in protein after each workout.

Dietary Guidelines:

No Soda

No Fast Food

No sweets

No chips

More water

More salads, vegetables, and lean meats

No alcohol* (except at Bottom’s Up, F3 Gastonia’s only standing 2nd F event.  Limit yourself to two drinks (Moderation in all things, including moderation))

Cheat meals must be EARNED!   (with the exception of Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving is a cheat day)

Seven workouts in a week earns you a cheat meal.

Going to Q-Source on Sunday morning earns a cheat meal.

If you have never been to a Q-Source session and go to your first one, you get an additional Cheat meal.

Persuasion:  Don’t be weak.  If you aren’t strong, you’re wrong.  That is it.  Make a shared Google Doc with your Shieldlock to track your mileage.  Journal your posts using Notes on your phone or some other method.  Post on Slack to update on your progress #accountability

YHC encourages Site-Q’s to schedule a long run or Ruck or Murph sometime during the month.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.  Otherwise, commit now to the challenge and quit making excuses.  Covid 2020 has been a real challenge  but we can continue to improve.  Prepare for this challenge now so you are ready.    The challenge begins with a ten miler at the Coconut Horse on November 1st, followed by Q-Source.  I am sure my friends in NOGA will make a similar option available.

EXHORTATION:  Quit being soft,



SandLot’s Compounding Interest

A brave half-dozen plus YHC got out of the fart sack to start the week off right at the SANDLOT.  It went like this:



Warm Up:

SSH IC x 15

Mosey to the PF behind the 7-11

Dirt and S.A. call this Rack’em and Stack’em.  (I called it Compounding Interest since we kept going to the ATM for the “Rack’em” portion.)

5 Burpees

10 Merkins

20 Monkey Humpers

30 Mountain Climbers (count one side)

40 Flutter Kicks  (count one side)

50 Squats

60 LBCs

70 MNCs  (Called 1/2 counts on last stack (except for Burpees) for time)

Mosey back to start

Got in a little mary with Apollo Creeds, Jane Fondas, French Fries, and Lunges




Convergence – Halloween – Martha Rivers 0700 with EC @ 0615


Prayer Requests:

Sargento’s M – Knee

EZ Rider  – Family


YHC took us out.


Watts Up Powering Down…

Sandlot 10/12/20

Without much of a plan in mind before the workout started, YHC had wanted to do a lot of different exercises.  So, that’s what we did. We warmed up at Pelicans and then headed to the park.  Some ab work and lunges on the way down to the picnic shelter.  Still no set plan.   We did some exercises and ran a little.  Exercise then run.  Repeat.  Then each of the PAX led in their least favorite exercise at a quantity of their choosing.  Head back towards Pelicans for a little Mary with some exercises on the way.  Not much to say here except I believe I’m partial to fewer exercises, harder sets, more intensity.

Good work men!

Announcements, Namerama, COT, Prayer requests

Stinky Bird’s memory test: failed.

Almost a 5K

Started with the Pledge; warm up was mosey to Martha Rivers shelter near the playground/bathrooms.

The thang:

25 Merkins, lap around parking lot; rinse and repeat until 100 Merkins completed;

25 LBC, lap around parking lot; rinse and repeat until 100 LBC completed;

25 Dips, lap around parking lot; rinse and repeat until 100 Dips completed;

25 Squats, lap around parking lot; rinse and repeat until 100 Squats completed;

25 Step Ups, lap around parking lot; rinse and repeat until 100 Step ups completed;

25 Flutter Kicks, lap around parking lot; rinse and repeat until 100 Flutters completed; plank for the six

Mosey back to SnoBalls; finished up with 10 big boys and 1 minute high plank.  All said and done we put in 3 miles and 600 reps this morning.


Golf tournament/outing

BrewRuck on October 17 at 1PM (meet at OMB; see pre-blast on Slack from Freight)


Pray for F3 Hightower’s family (officer in Myrtle Beach who was killed over the weekend)

Pray for Easy Rider

Pray for Gastone and his father in law


Ended with short prayer…off to work!


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