Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: GasHouse (Page 3 of 53)

The Track was Locked – What gives?

Good crowd showed for Gashouse this morning to bootcamp or painlab it considering the QvQ was happening elsewhere.   With The Mortimer coming up in a week, YHC planned a “laid back” workout today.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Short warm up that included 10 IC SSH, 10 IC Imperial Walkers and 5 IC Merkins.  Bootcampers set off for the parking lot at Grier Middle School for the first round of work.

Lunges across parking lot – 5 Merkins – Mosey back across parking lot – Rinse/Repeat 5 times

Mosey to the steps at The Pad behind First Presbyterian Church for some Dora .5-1-1.5.

Partner up for aggregate partner reps of the following 3 exercises:

50 Merkins – 100 Squats – 150 LBC’s

Partner 1 does exercise reps – Partner 2 runs to top of steps + one burpee before returning.

Round two of same Dora:

50 Merkins – 100 Squats – 150 Flutter Kicks

Mosey toward the track at Grier Middle School.

Two stops along the way for some IC Low-Slow Squats.

Arrive at the track……’s locked.  What in the world?  We have been locked out of the Original F3 Gastonia workout spot.  Sadness abounded but we quickly recovered and headed to the back of the Library for some modified Wolfpack Grinder work.

Exercise – Mosey to opposite side of parking lot – Exercise – Mosey back to where we started.  Included multiple sets of the following exercises:

Merkins – LBC’s – Squats – CDD’s – Flutter Kicks – Lunges

Time was running out.  Quick stop at the steps for 3 sets of calf raises.

Mosey back to the Schiele and Shovel Flags.  Quick round of Mary before the bells rang.

Several announcements:  Community Foundation Run – Potential workout that morning at the Ballpark; Young Life golf tournament coming up; The Mortimer and P200 coming up next weekend.

Several spoken and unspoken prayer requests.

I prayed us out.

Good work men.  Until the next one.  Aye


The Elixir of Magnanimity

YHC had the Q at the Gashouse and it was going to be a good day. We had five that stayed for Bootcamp. The rest rightly opted for the pain lab.

After a combined disclaimer and warm up, we went our separate ways.  The bootcampers stopped by the flag for the pledge and moseyed across the street to the business park and went to the bottom of the hill.

We would do an exercise at the bottom, sprint to the top, and do ten burpees and then slow mosey down to the bottom and repeat  the pax all claimed a number and had the option of sitting out when their number was called  no one chose to do that.  We did lunges, sprint, burpees, mosey down the hill  and cover two of the core principles of f3 .  Repeat with lbc’s, flutter’s, Moroccan nightclubs, and a couple more.  The sprint and burpees were taxing, so our mosey down was slowwwww.

After six rounds we moseyed to the library.  My favorite traffic island had been leveled and paved over so a quick modification was made.  We partnered up and p1 would bear crawl and p2 would do 20 squats and go tag p1 and bear crawl.  We did this to the top of a hill and then moseyed to the bottom for Dora.

p1 exercises at the bottom lot and p2 runs up both sets of stairs and touches the tree of life and runs back down  100 merkins, 200 lbc’s, 300 squats

We then shared some laws of combat and a few items of wisdom to ponder and discuss.  Cover and Move, Simple, Prioritize and Execute, and Decentralized Command.

The worth of honesty

The joy of work

The delights of humor

The magnetism of character

The wisdom of Perparation

The mastery of self-discipline

The importance of tenacity

The force of simplicity

The value of confidence

The attraction of modesty

The virtue of Patience

The elixir of magnanimity (Difficult to say when it is 28 degrees)

The satisfaction of serving

The habit of Good judgment

The rewards of living well.

The nobility of spirit.

We then lunged walked up the hill towards garrison because Stroganoff said he needed to do more legs before the Mortimer.  YHC saw another traffic island and was demonstrating the next exercise when Strogi reminded me we had two minutes.  A quick Omaha and mosey across the street to return to home and finish the pledge again because the Pain Labbers hadn’t done it yet.  #America

Announcements=April 1 community foundation run. Speed for need

2nd F lunch Tuesday

Extinction Run March4 at Primal Brewery


prayer requests

Clavin’s M

Nutria travel

radar’s sister


Tooth Fairy’s 2.0

Boudin’s family


A Little Mosey

Since some of you won’t read past the first paragraph, let’s go ahead and get the important stuff out of the way. Next Saturday at Gashouse, Dr. Defib will be doing a heart and overall health focused Q. Come on out and join in what I’m sure will be a physical beat down along with a lesson on how to Get Right and Live Right.


YHC led a quick warmup and then the Pain Lab went with Tube and the rest joined the bootcamp. Due to some back issues, today would be a simple workout with low reps and YHC’s interpretation of low impact. We ran a 4 mile loop stopping 7 times to complete the following:

5 PF Merkins

10 Big Boys

15 Mike Tysons

20 LBC’s

25 Plank Jacks


Returned to the start just in time and met back up with Pain Lab for COT.

2/11 Convergence at Folsom, all other AO’s closed, 0630 start

3/4 Extinctin Run at Primal, 0900 start


Be praying for – Huck, Turtleman, Clavin’s M, Defib travel and passing of his friend and mentor, Boudin son

Happy Bday to Nutria’s M!


Sargento took us out.
I’m Broke

The Greatest Salesman in the World

9 degrees at the start.  10 HIMs showed for a brisk beatdown the day before Christmas.

As a cliche for the day, YHC broke out the 12 Days of Christmas workout from Christmas Eve 2017 that went as follows:

Short warm-up with SSH’s, Imperial Walkers and Merkins.

Mosey to track at Grier Middle School.

Here are the 12 exercises in the 2022 version of Stroganoff’s 12 Days of Christmas:

Day 1 – 1/2 lap mosey; Day 2 – 10 Bobby Hurley’s; Day 3 – 10 Merkins; Day 4 – 20 LBC’s; Day 5 – 5 burpees; Day 6 – 30 Flutter Kicks; Day 7 – 20 Squats ; Day 8 – 20 CDD’s (maybe); Day 9 – 20 Hillbillies (maybe); Day 10 – 2- SSH’s (maybe); Day 11 – 30 Mountain Climbers (maybe); Day 12 – 50 Moroccan Nightclubs (for sure).  I know these are the exercises we did, I am just not 100% sure of the order of things.

A little time was left so we added one lap of the Wolfpack Grinder with 10 IC Squats – Half Lap – 30 Freddy Mercury’s – Half lap

Mosey back to the start.  Brisk workout over.

It was great to have that many show for a 9 degree workout.  Before F3, not only would I have never worked out in this type of weather, I wouldn’t even consider it.  It’s always outside.  Do hard things.

My tradition on the Saturday before Christmas is to give out copies of a new book plus any I have left over from previous years.  This years book was The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino.  This is an older book but one that is considered to be a classic personal development book.  Og has a large collection of similar books and titles.  I would recommend checking them out.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Last Minute Shopping

Time is short before Christmas so let’s get straight to the details.

The Pledge

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

Pain Lab split to do their thing. Boudin went mall walking due to an injury.

Bootcamp moseyed for some last minute shopping, but stopped by Grier for some quick work. YHC had planned on this being a faster stop, but the Q’s little elves help set up traffic cones so we stayed a little longer in recognition of their effort. Four cones set up 5 parking spaces apart. Suicide runs to each cone. Exercise, then off to the first cone. Exercise, then back to start line. Exercise, then off to the second cone. Rinse and repeat for all 4 cones.

Round 1 – Suicide Straddle Hops
Round 2 – Suicide Squats
Round 3 – LBSCs (Little Baby Suicide Crunches)

Mosey on towards our shopping destination. First stop, Ollie’s for a 6-pack. One group ran to the other end of the parking lot row while the other group did AMRAP exercises. Stop at the light pole in the middle for a burpee going out and coming back.

1 – Crunchy Frogs
2 – Seal Jacks
3 – Freddie Mercuries
4 – Squats
5 – Moroccan Night Clubs
6 – Reverse Crunches

Mosey to Gabe’s/Conn’s to pick up a set of 4-corners.

Corner 1 – Burpees x 10
Corner 2 – Merkins x 20
Corner 3 – Squats x 30
Corner 4 – Flutter Kicks x 40

Run it back with half the count but unstacking the exercises

Corner 1 – Burpees x 5, Merkins x 10, Squats x 15, Flutters x 20
Corner 2 – Burpees x 5, Merkins x 10, Squats x 15
Corner 3 – Burpees x 5, Merkins x 10
Corner 4 – Burpees x 5

Mosey back to Grier. Lunges and Karaoke through the parking lot. Mosey to the flag.

Stroganoff Christmas Eve Q next Saturday
Gashouse Site Q Swap (potentially 12/24)
Pushing Rocks Challenge

Prayer Requests
Praise – All the PAX that set up the decorations at Turtleman’s house

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Punctuation Matters

13 posted for the Gashouse bootcamp on Saturday. Some came because they signed up for the adopt a street cleanup and some came to check out a Q voted as the best in 2022(not SA). We did a little warmup with the Painlab guys then we hit the asphalt for the thang.

The Thang:

At the track we partnered up for what I called the Partner Mile. P1 starts doing an exercise while P2 runs 100 meters. P2 then starts doing the exercise while P1 runs to catch up. Keep switching back and forth for 4 laps or a mile. So let me break this down for you a little. 4 laps, 4-100 meter runs per lap, 4 exercises per lap. The exercises were merkins, squats, WWI situps, and lunges. Rinse and repeat these exercises each lap.

Mosey over to the back side of 1st Pres. Bearcrawl 5 spaces, Crawlbear 5 spaces, rinse and repeat the length of the parking lot. This sucked and most let me know it.

Mosey over to Parkwood and line up on the curb for dirty 11’s. Mike Tysons, burpee in the center, and Freddy Mercury’s(count one side). So I had been reading quotes about leadership along the way and I read one here that stumped me a little when I read it. It’s all about the commas in the quote. In hindsight maybe I didn’t pause enough when I read it. If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you. If you really make them think, they’ll hate you.-Don Marquis

Mosey to the front of 1st Pres. Crabwalk the parking lot stopping at each line to do a crabcake. Yet another favorite. We got to hear the famous Stroganoff growl! Love to see it.

Mosey down to the wall at the Perio office. Well at least def and I did. The rest of the group took it upon themselves to cross the road. I guess they thought we were done. So instead of following the leader they ran off and got themselves a failure. While insignificant in our setting it is important to learn to follow just like we try to learn to lead. How are you helping the leader if you refuse to follow. You know what happens if someone refuses to follow? Eventually you have to bring in the black tahoe. So thank you Def Leppard for leading by following! At the wall do a burpee then a muscle up x 5. Some meows stayed on the low side and didn’t really do anything.

Mosey to the corner of the Schielle for some wall sits and planks. Mosey back to the flag.




Prayer Request


Gashouse BLOCKS

It’s been a minute since I’ve been to the Gashouse on a Saturday morning, Whoopee reached out a couple weeks ago and asked if I’d Q? I text him yesterday and asked how many blocks should I bring, he thought 15 would be more than enough, that’s what I brought, we had 16 men show! We made it work!

Warmup- SSH ic, Gravel Pickers ic

Then we head over to the truck, everyone grabs a block! Roundup and myself got there a little early to find a hill, and we found a good one for this exercise! Starting at the trail head doing the 1st exercise, run down the trail to the bottom near the bridge and do the 2nd exercise! Easy enough?

1st set of exercises 10 Blockees at the top of the Hill, 10 Burpees at the bottom, 4 sets!

2nd set of exercises, 15 Thrusters at the top, 15 squats at the bottom, 4 sets!

3rd set, 20 alternating block merkins at the top, 20 regular merkins at the bottom, 4 sets!

4th set, 25 American Hammers at the top, 25 LBCs at the bottom, 4 sets!

Everybody killed it! And pushed hard! After we finished this, we all circled up to close it out!

Announcements- Chad 1000 at Gashouse next Saturday, Christmas party also next Saturday

Prayer request- Huck, each other, family members

Thanks for the invite to Q, it was good to see everyone and an honor to lead!

Gratitude at Gashouse

Gashouse 11/5/22
Rainy days usually turn many a Pax into fartsackers but a very nice sized crowd. I have a few quotes about gratitude “sprinkled” throughout the workout today.

Warmup with the Painlab Pax.
SSH x 15 IC
Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
Right over left, left over right
Low Slow Squats x 15 IC
MNC’s x 15 IC
5 Burpees


Pain Lab goes to their work and us bootcampers mosey toward Presbyterian Church stopping a couple of times along the way for 3 burpees.

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” – Doris Day

10 perfect-form merkins at bottom under a nice dry breezeway, run the steps to the nice dry overhang for 1 Imperial Walker Squat each side = 1, then 9-2, 8-3 etc. Let the bat flippers flip! I did 11’s while several may have done 13’s or 14’s waiting on me.

“This is a wonderful day. I have never seen this one before.” – Maya Angelou

Mosey behind and back around the church to another nice dry breezeway for…
an Ab Circle.
LBC’s x 10 IC
American Hammers x 10 IC
Flutters x 10 IC
Freddie Mercuries x 10 IC
Reverse Crunch x 10 IC
WW1’s x 10 single count
In solidarity with the Royal Nantan Elbow, Elbow Plank 1 minute or so.

“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson (I like this one).

Mosey to the sidewalk and up to the far side of the Parkwood parking lot for…
Rugby Sprints
Exercise until I say Sprint, run 1 section out then 1 section back and then walk 1 section.
Exercises Plank Jacks, Squats, Merkins, Seal Jacks.

“When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.” – G. K. Chesterton

Mosey back across the road to Grier parking lot for…
Route 66 with 1 CDD, bear crawl to next space 2 CDD’s all the way up to 11. That one always gets me.

“Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” – Karl Barth

Mosey back to flag as the bell rings.

Christmas town 5k 11/26
Christmas Party 12/3

Prayer Requests
Gumby’s mom
Haze’s mom
Timeframe’s Dad
Sledge’s friends with cancer
Pizza Man’s pastor

Broke took us out.

*NMM As we begin the countdown to Thanksgiving, I thought a few quotes about gratitude would be good. Turns out we had a little discussion about Joy and Peace and Happiness as these guys had some great insights. JJ had been recently teaching a lesson to youth about gratitude. It’s always good to be back where I had my first post around April 2016 and as a certain puddle-jumping Pax recently said, “TRANSFORMATIONAL” is the word to describe it. Broke was sweating before we started. Shout out to the Pizza Man for crossing the river to visit. Always good to have him back pushing the pace as always. I heard Seuss preaching the Word at one point today during 11’s and he almost had a sweat going today. I tried to catch Roscoe using some bad form today and it never happened. Dude is a machine. We discussed the famous Gumby hat he usually wears. Works well in rain and sun. Oompa is trying to recover but as I am finding out it takes longer these days but he’s still posting and doing what he can. I think that’s a great way to keep motivation. We saw Stroganoff putting in some OYO EC. He is easy to notice wearing that color of shirt. I am not sure why he wears those. I appreciate all the guys who came out.

And again…
“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Me too Ralph!

Merkin Mile

Traffic must have been horrible in the big metropolis of Gastonia this morning because the PAX didn’t start rolling in until right at 0700. 15 in total and after a quick warmup, 5 headed to Pain Lab and 10 chose bootcamp.

After a mosey to the track at Grier, we got started on the main event….a Merkin Mile.

Each round consisted of a buy in of 5 burpee’s, 10 oblique crunches each side, 15 mountain climbers and 20 big boys. This was followed by a lap around the track performing various Merkins every 100 meters.
Round 1 – 25 Merkins at each 100 meters

Round 2 – 20 Werkins at each 100 meters

Round 3 – 15 Diamond Merkins at each 100 meters

Round 4 – 10 Perfect Form Merkins at each 100 meters


A recovery lap around the track with NUR, karaoke and high knee skips was taken to let the arms recover.

Time for partner work. 10 Booyah Merkins then each partner does 25 LBC’s. R&R with 8, 6, 4 and 2 Booyah’s.


One more recovery lap with 25 dying cockroaches and 25 squats every 100 meters.

Mosey back to the start to finish with some Mary, but since we had a little time we stopped for 20 rocky balboa’s and 12 hip slippers for Whoopee.


Christmas Party 12/3

See YHC if you have someone interested in being a Track Commander for Christmastown 5k


Prayer Request




Praise for Sarlaac job

Nutria has a friend and brother in law with cancer


YHC took us out.
‘I’m Broke

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