Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Folsom (Page 9 of 55)

CO Q at Folsom

SA started the beatdown off with some stuff that went like this!


A Jacked Up Warm Up

SSH x 50 IC

Seal Jacks x 40 IC

Plank Jacks x30 IC

Crossover Jacks x 20 IC

Smurf Jacks x 10 IC

Mosey to the lower parking lot

Partner up for 11’s

Booyah Merkins in the middle and imperial walkers squats on the sides

Then we moseyed our way to the top of the park but we couldn’t do it without a little Sister Act Stack

10 Burpees at the bottom

10 Burpees and 20 Mountain climbers at the light pole

10 Burpees 20 Mountain climbers 30 Merkins at the next pole

10 Burpees 20 Mountain climbers 30 Merkins 40 Big Boys at the triangle

Mosey to the grass hill to the right of the triangle as you are going out of the park.  Then Sister Act hands the Q over to me to do some work on the hill for the last half of the workout. It went like this!


Blocks at the bottom everybody grab one for murder bunny 11’s up the hill with Burpees at the top  and Merkins at the bottom.

This really got the heart rate up especially after everything else that was done before. All of the guys pushed through and got the job done. Once we completed this workout we all lined up in the lower field with our block and we threw our block as far as we could over and over until we hit the 50 yard mark. After each throw you had to do a burpee and throw it again! That was brutal on the shoulders and surprisingly my calf muscle. I think were going to call it the Scottish Throw if that’s cool with everybody else or if that’s cool with Freight HAHA.


We moseyed back to the start to close out.

Convergence 17 at bulldog

PT test 24 at Gashouse

New AO at cloninger park in Dallas

Prayer Request

Big Pappy family




Stogies dad


I had the opportunity to share the word this morning and I shared with the guys Luke 9:23 And he said to them all If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

I told them to think about the hill work we done and how tired we were. Then I told them to think of the hill Christ climbed while carrying the cross for us. How strong he was, How much love he showed to us on that day He took on the cross for all of us and to think how hard it must have been. He shed his blood on that cross for me, for you and this world. Im so thankful for my relationship with the lord and who he is doing my life and I just want to pour the truth and boldness of his word into those that are around me.

Round Up



Plain and Simple

We’re finishing up the last days of March and we’ve got a beautiful morning without rain for a change. I’ve got 11 rock pushers ready to get at it. So I guess it’s time for a plain and simple Folsom beat down. Nothing special just a few simple sets let’s get it.

Warm Up
SSH, Gravel Pickers, MNC                                             20 reps each all in cadence

Time to say the Pledge

Mosey to the lower lot for Some 4 corners with a twist.

Corner 1 – 10 mericans                                        Corner 2 – 10 big boys                                          Corner 3 – 10 squats                                              Corner 4 – 10  mountain climbers

3 Rounds add 10 reps each set per round and as for the twist mentioned above every time we crossed the center point of the of the parking lot we did 5 burpees.

Now time for a little Triple Nickel

merican jacks, burpees, squat jacks

5 rounds 5 reps each

sprint to each station nerr back to bottom of the lot

Mosey back to the Shovel Flag for COT prayer requests and announcements.

I’m going to finish up by giving my man Hacksaw some kudos. This guy was putting in some EC this morning and dang near broke his ankle but he stayed and tried to get his work in. In the end he just couldn’t push the he normally does. It was killing him I know that kind of stuff kills me too. Just remember failing to complete a challenge isn’t necessarily failing. Stay strong and keep pushing.


Hacksaw = LOSER

Started off with the usual OOMPA in cadence set of warm up exercises on April Fools Day.

Grab the football and mosey to the bottom parking lot where YHC had previously placed cones and signs.

PAX played a horrible mish-mash of ultimate frisbee football, touchdown beatdown,  Canadian Football League 3 downs only to pass the line of gain to keep possession,  at 0540, in the dark, with a black football, both teams wearing the same black shirts, on Folsom quality pavement with the best group of HIMS you could find.

Appointed Hacksaw and Sarlacc as captains and let them pick sides. TEAM Sarlacc YHC, Beetle Bailey, Slaw, Tater Hole and Wirenut. TEAM Hacksaw, Stogie, Big Pappy, Bedpan, Wichita, Ball Joint.

Then Sarlacc told the old guy that his team could have the ball first.  Thought a WOOO was going to come out!

YHC gave bad instructions on rules and how to play the game, and it was discovered that YHC laid out the playing field as crooked as Tammany Hall. Accusations of cheating against the two guys wearing Dallas Cowboys gear that just happened to be on the same team.

Rules were ignored, changed and just flat out broken. Names were called, trash was talked, multiple sets of ten repetitions were performed up and down the field by both teams. Highlights were great throws, amazing catches, awful drops, “not in my house” defense, smiles, laughs and 70 burpees too.

All that matters is that TEAM Sarlacc won and TEAM Hacksaw went down to a bitter defeat on the last play of the game when Sarlecc channeled his inner Jason Witten and caught the game winning pass.

No injuries to report. Nothing hurt other than Hacksaw’s itty-bitty feelings.

Pick up the football, signs and cones, then fellowship mosey back to Flag.


Prayer Requests: Stogie’s dad, Sister Act’s family, Big Pappy’s family, Medicine Woman, Huckleberry, Ballard family, Tater Hole selling his house, Oompa’s M starting a new job today, Sarlacc’s leg, Hacksaw’s leg, our country. If I forgot something please let me know.


Folsom 3/13/2021

Good group of men this morning.  Time to work!

Warm-Up:  Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies, 10 Burpees


The Thang:

Mosey to bottom parking lot.  Line up on first line facing uphill toward length of parking lot.  Start with 1 Mike Tyson.  Bear crawl 2 spaces, then   2 Mike Tyson’s.  Bear crawl 2 spaces, 3 Mike Tyson’s.  We continued all the way to 12 Mike Tyson’s at the end.  The plan was to go up to 15, but that sucked really bad.

Mosey over to pavilion.  Exercises called here;
Dips, Derkins, Step Ups

Start with 10(ic) of each, then 15(ic), 20(ic), 15(ic), 10(ic)


Mosey to tennis courts.  Line up on sideline facing courts,  Exercise called here is Blackjack.  Reps add up to 21. Start with 19 Merkins, run length of 2 courts for 2 Sit-ups, run back.  Then do 17 Merkins, run, 4 Sit-ups, run.  Continue until you finish with 1 Merkin, 20 Sit-ups.


Stay on courts for next exercise .  Do a little AMRAP routine. 5 exercises called, to be performed for 2 minutes each. Start with 10 Burpees, then sprint length of 1 court.  Then do 10 Burpees, sprint.  Do this from 0:00-2:00.  Then from 2:00-4:00 do 10 HR Merkins, sprint, 10 HR Merkins until time. From 4:00-6:00 do 10 Mountain Climbers and sprint.  6:00-8:00 do 10 Jump Lunges and sprint.  And finish out from 8:00-10:00 10 SSH and sprint.

Still with a little time to spare we did Burpee suicides.  Run length of 1 court and back for 1 Burpee. Run 2 courts and back for 2 Burpees.  Finish last one with run full 6 courts, and back for 6 Burpees.  Head back to COT.



Prayer request

Appreciate the chance to lead today. SYITG

Sister Act



Folsom 3/30 “Blown Fuse”

It was a cool morning at Folsom with 13 PAX ready to get after it.

Warm up:

10 gravel pickers IC

that’s it

The Thang: 

-Mosey to amphitheater 11s

1 burpee

bear crawl to the top

10 hand release merkins

run back to the bottom

-run to the big parking lot

triple nickel

5  mike Tyson’s

10 little Gumby in the woods

15 big boys

for 5 rounds

use the three poles

-partner work

100 lbc

200 big boys

300 overhead presses

to the second light pole and back each time

-mosey to the parking lot

shared some scripture Romans:5 1-5



LMS 5k April

Convergence at Bulldog April 17th

mens retreat snowbird September 24th-27th


Prayer Request

reunite family with church and God

Ballard family

Open heart surgery Beetle Bailey’s dad

Stogie’s dad

SA’s family

Big Pappy

Westside’s family

Family struggling with addiction Hacksaw has talked to


Block Party at Folsom

When Wichita told me I had the Q for this Saturday, I had some questions about what to do (since I have been dealing with a calf injury that kept me out of the P70). So, block party it was. Thanks to Sparky and Hacksaw for loaning their blocks.

So the thing:

Warm up was (JV) pretty simple and light. Side Straddle Hops (IC) x 15, Gravel pickers (IC) x 10, Moroccan Night Clubs 50

Mosey to bottom parking lot for blocks and illustration of a few exercises. Two teams were formed. the 1’s took the left side and the 2’s took the right side. Both teams start at the same time.

Team 1 starts with:

  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 25 yards, 25 Triceps behind head, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 50 yards, 50 squats with block, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 75 yards, 75 arm curls with block,  carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 100 yards, 100 chest press with block on your back, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot

Team 2 starts with:

  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 25 yards, 25 Squat thrusters, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 50 yards, 50 combo merkins, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 75 yards, 75 arm presses,  carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot
  • 5 blockies, murder bunnies for 100 yards, 100 leg lifts over block, carry block back to start and run a lap around the parking lot

Once each team finished their side of workouts, they move to the other and repeat with the different exercise

We then mosey back beside tennis courts and did 10 rounds of Iron Hulks.

We finished the workout with my favorite “picking cherries” we did 4 rounds (30 sec picking cherries, 20 sec dropping cherries, 10 sec overhead clap).

I then shared a little word from the Good Book. Proverbs 13:22 and shared “What will your legacy be?”

Always try to keep these 2 things in mind: (1) Today is all you’ve got and (2) You will leave a legacy. Focus on being good and doing good and ask yourself regularly, “How do I want to be remembered by my loved ones?  When my time here runs out, will I continue to influence others for good and for God?”

Prayer request: Sister Act’s family, Big Pappy and family,  Wirenut’s aunt, Bedpan’s mom, James Goudelock

Announcements: Convergence April 17 at Bulldog, PT test April 24 at GasHouse

It’s an honor to know and get to workout with you guys. Thanks for the support.

I’m Sarlacc and I’m out

11’s on the Hill

Warm Up

20 SSH

10 Burpees

15 SSH

10 Burpees

10 SSH

10 Burpees


mosey to the courts

start Out with suicide burpees.
Add a burpee and merkin each time you get to a court edge.

round up everybody in the corner for 4 corners and we started with

corner 1  10 burpees

corner 2 20 little Gumby’s in the woods

corner 3 30 hillbillies

corner 4 40 CDD

Circle up and we repeated those workouts again in the circle.

we stayed in the circle for

50 LBC and 10 Big boys

60 LBC and 20 Big boys

plank work until I call recovery

plank jacks 20 ic

Peter parkers 20 ic

parker Peters 20 ic

20 merkins

15 wide arm merkins

10 regular merkins

5 diamond merkin

mosey to the hill for 11’s with merkins at the top and squats at the bottom!

we got stuff done and calories were burnt!

Prayer Request

big Pappy

gumby family

wirenut family

each other





Voting Irregularities

I put a poll on GroupMe for input yesterday: Rain was expected this morning so should I 1)Q the whole workout in the shelter or 2) stay in the rain the whole time. The final vote was 9-3 to stay in the rain. Despite having 12 votes, only 7 posted on a wet and chilly morning at Folsom. I think there may have been some absentee Kotter votes!!!!

No FNGs, we did a quick warmup and off we went.

11s on the hill between the parking lot and driveway to the old animal shelter – Merkins on one end, Jump Squats on the other.

Mosey to the flag pole. Roundup called some more Merkins while I grabbed the six. Elbow to knee in cadence and b
Big Boys to give the six a quick opportunity for a breather.

Short mosey to the upper parking lot. Originally, I wanted to do more 11s but time was running low so we just did the exercises – 2 sets – 15 each in cadence of Mike Tysons and Tiger Squats.

Mosey to the ampitheater for wall work. 3 sets of Australian Mountain Climbers and Elbow to Knees – 15 in cadence. As a bonus, Roundup called 30 Hip Slappers.

Mosey back to the parking lot.

Prayer Requests: MW’s family and friends, Pappy’s family, Stogie’s dad, all the men here today, the 5k

I heard the rain pouring at 4:30 am amd I knew it would be a rough one. It was, however, a great time spent with great men and I think I got a little better. Thanks for the push from you all and for the opportunity to lead!

  • Montross

What would SA Q?

It’s been a while since I’ve had the Q at Folsom “ the greatest AO EVER”, I wanted to give a good workout, so I thought what would Sister Act do? As much as he gets on my nerves… he does give a good beat down! I brought blocks and had Hacksaw bring a few because you never know how many are gonna show, I’m glad he did because we needed them! Thanks Hacksaw!
It went like this!

Warm up

SSH 10ic, Monkey Humpers 10ic, merkins 10ic!

Grab a block and head to the tennis courts!

Nasty 11s – Blockees on one side, Burpees on the other! This was a crowd pleaser!

Dora with blocks

100 triceps

200 Thusters

300 Curls

With 5 minutes to spare, we circled up for some Iron Hulks to finish things off!
Good work men!

Announcements… there were some

Prayer requests- James G., our teachers and children, each other, community

I had a good time leading this morning! These men are Beasts! Way to push the Rock!


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