F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Tres Leches Bulldoges

Three took to the mean parking lot of Bulldog and administered a sweet yet ferocious annihilation to the fartsaking pull of chilly morns.

We do this, like this:

WarmUp: Shoulda been there


10 IC Dips
10 Step Ups
10 IC Incline Merkins
15 x 2 Calf Raises

1:30 Burns:
1. Curls or Merkins
2. Squats
3. LBCs

Linus & Hunchback muscled out 10 more minutes of fat shredding, muscled building reps.

12/5/2023 The Storm

Started the morning at 36 degrees with Burpees (thanks Mamas Boy), followed by some side straddle hops and a mosey to the front of the school. From here we partnered up and ran the loop while doing 150 Mike Tysons, 300 Sumo Squats, 450 LBC’s and Omaha’d 600 step ups to 300 due to time. We rounded out the 1st F with 10 minutes of Mary and a COT with a prayer led by our Nantan-elect, Flinstone.



Beer ruck Saturday – mcadenville river room 11:30am

Beer mile 12/30 preblast to come

Tesla Ricky Bobby tomorrow if you like getting harassed

Radar Has the Q Thursday at The Goat

Belmont run club – Xmas light run tonight; Starts @ food lion @ 630. Message @Orangeman if you are coming

Virus needs sweatshirts/gloves/socks/jackets For Rice & Beans of Gastonia; They are looking for used sweaters/jackets especially.



  • Turtleman
  • Jane Fonda
  • Montana
  • Jackson hall
  • Tooth fairy baby on the way
  • Tiger – injured
  • Ocho – grandmother, possibly Moving to hospice

Sword 12/4/23

The crowd was a little light at the Sword this week, but that didn’t stop those who showed from putting in work. 6 runners and 1 rucker in total.


Afterwards we discussed the meaning of various Christmas carols and the need to worship, adore and celebrate Christ the entire year, not just the month of December.



Beer ruck Saturday

Beer mile 12/30


Pray for Jackson Hall, Wichita’s Dad, Huck, Turtleman, Sister Act surgery, Chubbs work


Wichita took us out.

I’m Broke

Bulldog 7

Seven turned out on a blistering chilly Tuesday morn.

I’ll cut the crap and say, look at some previous back blasts to see what was done. 30% from June, 20% from October, 40% from May, and 10 made up on the fly.

Tequila Sunrise


Layout Merkins


THE THANG—————————

To the track, for BLIMPS & BOMBS with Hard-Runs in between

Hard-Run the corners. Jog the straightaways. At the 50yd line in each side, do the following alternating exercises:

5 Burpees, 10 Layout PushUps, 15 Isometric V-Holds, 20 Mountain Climbers, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 SSH

5 Bobby Hurleys, 10 Oblique crunches, 15 Mega Jumps, 20 Bicycles (Freddie Mercuries), 25 Superman

Convergence tomorrow, Christmas party
beer ruck. 9th

Be the match – program
Beer mile December 30 Sargento’s house

TAPs & Gratitude————————–
Jackson Hall,
Jackson Curti Purdy
Jane Fonda’s house
Thought for the pax
Nutrias, daughters teacher coming back
Staying healthy
Promotion at work for Choo-Choo


12/3 Crossroads

12 including myself made it to Crossroads this a.m.

Miles were logged

10 remained for Q Source

Topic today was on Robert K Greenleaf who was a great example of a servant leader.

This is not always an easy task sometimes we expect to be served not to be the one to serve.


4Q Convergence At the Yank

So we had 4 Q’s for the 4th Quarter convergence at the Yank.  We had five runners  for 5 early miles and one rucker for a solo effort prior to the start.  The best part was Whoopee introducing himself to Cheesesteak and thinking he said “Cheesedick” and then introducing Cheesedick* to Ballsack* (balljoint)

*Don’t let your kids read this…

In any event, everyone who showed up was in good spirits as Sargento led us in a pledge of allegiance and then ordered us to mosey to the Bunker for a warm up.

We did some goofballs and some merkins and some other things before we counted off and got in groups of four for some ring of fire-esque bearcrawl/lungewalk around the circle thing.  It was great.  Lots of mumblechatter.  After Sargento, he handed off to Gavel who ordered us to run to the track behind the old Belmont MS.  YHC had a great conversation with Sargento and Def Leppard about chaffing in the nether regions (8miles requires some astro glide) and dollar store bandaids for nipples.

Gavel had us doing some field work 11’s with some WW2 and Mike Tyson’s.  Slaw was killing it before we ran out of time and handing it to Flintstone.
Flintstone ordered up three wise men options for triple nickle, zombie walk thingy, and some other thingy followed by some Morrocan nightclubs.  Then YHC took over and ordered PAX to partner with someone they didn’t know very well.  We ran back to the bunker and each PAX was to share something that was previously unknown about them to the other PAX.  I partnered with Orangeman and learned quickly he is not gay, or willing to learn, and he has never tried it (TMI), but he is very proud of all three of his daughters for individual reasons.

When we got to the bunker, we kept partners and alternated doing burpee long jumps and lunge walks for a couple rounds in the lot, followed by endless merkins while the other partner took the stairs and a lap and switched up.

The mumblechatter was strong with guys chatting it up and enjoying plenty of second F.  YHC called a jailbreak back to the Yank and called time.  There was a massive Q Fail when we had to “take two” on the video nameorama but you have to own it!

We shared prayer concerns for Jackson Hall, Huckleberry, Jane Fonda, and TURTLEMAN.

Breaker took us out in prayer and a dude with a Trump hat and a Nascar jacket took a group photo and then Stogie skipped breakfast to fellowship and hopefully EH the man to F3.

Many PAX left to eat breakfast at other places like TimeOut and Byrum’s but we had a nice showing at Cherubs where discussed needing to EH a plumber to F3 and a gynecologist whereby Balljoint said, “isn’t that the same thing?”

One thing we learned is when you have four Q’s for an hour time flies.  I could have kept going and even the EC run wasn’t long enough.  You guys are fun to be around and it is always something to look forward to every single day.

F3 is a blessing to me and I am honored to spend time with you and be your Nantan this year.  I hope to see most of you at the Christmas party where we learn who will be the 2024 Nantan and leadership team.  Ballsack said he is performing Vanilla Ice on the karaoke too so there is that.

I will probably write a Christmas party BB but just in case, I want to thank the 2023 SLT.

Flinstone, Balljoint, Stogie, Dr. Seuss, Gavel, Purple Haze, Sarlacc.

I also want give a special shout out to GEARWRENCH who had the hardest job because you joker’s aren’t consistent with getting your backblasts in on time.




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