Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2022 (Page 9 of 12)

Dearest Pamela

The PAX have longed for the loving embrace of our dear Pamela for many weeks. Our yearning remained unquenched until YHC guided the 13 other HIM toward their heart’s desire. Oh Pamela, how we missed you. This is what happened…

We ran toward the open arms of Pamela and she welcomed us like a Valentine yearning for her beau. We made wild, passionate love on her asphalt blacktop. Then we finished the rest of the run. The end.

Annoucements: 2nd F lunch at JR Cash’s in Mt Holly next Wednesday, HIMs Retreat to Flat Rock next weekend

Prayer request: Gumby’s back, YHC’s M, Linus’ family, Roscoe’s father in law, PAX on IR

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today men. ALWAYS BE EHing! AYE!!!


disclaimer, and asked for the 5 principles.
Warm Up. SSH, 1 burpee, Goofballs, 2 Burpees, Fire Hydrants, 3 Burpees, Morockin Night Clubs, 4 Burpees, Imperial Squats, 5 Burpees,
Mosey to Ampitheatre:
Donkey kicks 10 V-Ups 15 Dips 20, sprint up the hill. Repeat 3 x

Toilet time:
Many of the pax were farting it up this morning so I felt best we stop by the toilets for some Dirty Hook Ups and walls sits.
On to the parking lot.
20 burpees, sprint up and back 40 squats, sprint up and back, 60 LBC’s sprint up and back.

Halfway back we stopped did some merkins nurd some and lunge walked a good bit.
Then we karokeed at the end and karokeed the other way to get both legs the proper werk.

The Test
I mentioned to the pax that a great Man who would bring a beat down had recently moved out of town.
Mr. Rudolph was first to show this to me. What better way to pay tribute to a HIM who helped build F3.

Rick Derringer, Real American played and I had the pax circle up to begin. Burpee waterfall until the song is over.

2nd F lunch 2/16/22 Flat Rock retreat 2/18 – 2/20

Prayer Requests:
Wire Nuts Mom, Round Ups Wife and the triplets, Gumbys back wichitas foot, west sides Grandma, the Gouldlock family.
Big Pappys family, Tonkas grandma his Grandpa just passed away.

The Bed Pan is Full!

Easy, Fresh, Affordable

We were only a month into the year, but the weinke to start the week at The Sandlot was going to be based on a year-to-date review of what JJ has been up to. YHC arrived on a drizzly morning that earned the term, the gloom. As 0530 neared, PAX were still driving up, and as we hit 0530, PAX were still walking up. They’ll catch up. We have to get started.

The Pledge

This was the first week of the walk/ruck option at The Sandlot, so 6 PAX took off after the pledge to do their thing. The remaining 5 stayed for the warmup

SSH x 9
Squats x 9
Hillbillies x 9
Merkins x 9
LBCs x 9
(That’s 45 reps)

The ground was cold and wet so it was met with great fanfare when YHC called “Recover” after only 9 LBCs. Let’s mosey. Down the sidewalk, over the hole, past Planet Fitness where Sargento actively EH’ed a gentleman and his son walking into Planet Fitness, and over to the Food Lion parking lot.

To start the year, JJ and the family took advantage of the extra school vacation days for a covid-makeup trip to Universal Studios in Orlando. Those two parks are filled with thrill rides, but the Food Lion parking lot is the best I could do on the budget I was working with. To simulate the adventure of a Thrill Ride, we’d perform an exercise, run up one side of the parking spaces, perform an exercise at the other end, and then mosey back. Rinse and repeat for the 5 rows of parking spaces. 9 Squats on the lower end and 9 Big Boys on the upper end of the lot. (That’s 45 of each exercise). This parking lot was also wet and cold, but I didn’t want the wetness from the LBCs to go to waste.

Once that was complete, mosey over to Robinson Elementary for the second big event of JJ’s year-to-date adventure. YHC had turned 45 three Monday’s earlier. I would have done what most PAX do and took the birthday Q, but I was out of town on the holiday weekend. However, it was not too late for a birthday party. At the middle of the walkway, the PAX would give me a gift of an exercise and we’d do 10’s (kinda like 11’s, but with 10’s). Bubba Sparxxx gave me American Hammers, and Sargento gave me Merkins. My thought on that was that someone had given him Merkins, he doesn’t like them, and he re-gifted them to me. Don’t want them to go to waste. We’d mosey to one end for 1 American Hammer and then mosey to the other end for 9 Merkins. Mosey back for 2 AHs, then back for 8 Merkins. In total, it would be 45 of each exercise. Since I was three weeks late, we’d all stop for 3 burpees every time we crossed the middle which was marked with the birthday cone. Time flies when you’re having fun so we didn’t have time for 9 rounds. After 4 rounds, we had to cut it short, but we needed to get the 45 of each in. So we did 35 Hammers, mosey to the other end for 15 Merkins. Party over so let’s mosey.

The last and most recent event in the year of JJ was a trip the day before to Hawks Nest Snowtubing Park. This took us through Mortimer country so the last stop of the morning had to be at Gastone’s Hill #HTFU #HRB4L. Mosey up the hill while stopping at each mailbox on the right for 3 merkins. Fifteen mailboxes in total equaled 45 reps. Mosey back down the hill and back to Snowballs. Along the way we stopped at 5 different light posts for 9 Squats (yep, 45).

We returned right as the walk/ruckers did.

Retreat next weekend
Walk/Ruck at The Sandlot 0530
2F lunch next Weds – JR Cash in Mt Holly

Prayer Requests
Watts Up
Linus’s family
Wichita’s mom
Roundup’s family
Roscoe’s father-in-law

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Did we do 3 or 4 Rounds?

Only 4 Pax showed up for The Labyrinth this morning.


This is a copy from one of HIPPA’s warmups and thought about it on the way to the AO.  Though he doubled the count.

Side Straddle Hop IC x 25

Seal Jack IC x 20


Plank Jack IC x 15

Smurf Jack IC x 10

5 Burpees for the ambulance that went up Union Rd.  (My new tradition when I Q at The Labyrinth)

Bomb Jack x 5 OYO


Mosey to the BOA parking lot for 5 x 5 Burpees.  Five burpees at one end of the parking lot, mosey to the other end for 5 more Burpees.  Rinse and repeat until 25 burpees are complete.


Mosey to Fidelity Bank for Four Corners.  Since we only had 4 PAX, I asked the other three to pick an exercise for the other three corners.  Here is what we did:

10 Inch Worm Merkins – Dirt

25 Flutter Kicks – Defib

25 Crunchy Frogs – Hush Puppy.  Omaha to 15 Pretzel Crunch each side after the first round.

50 LBCs – EZ Rider.

Rinse and repeat x 3 or 4.  We discussed this during our next routine, but nobody could remember how many rounds we did.


Mosey back to BOA for another round of 4 Corners.

10 Backwards Lunge (each leg) – Dirt

10 Dimond Merkins – Defib

10 Wide Arm Merkins – Hush Puppy

50 Calf Raises – EZ Rider

Rinse and repeat x 3.


Mosey to the KFC parking lot and select a coupon form the drainage ditch.

50 Presses from our backs.  Put the coupon on the ground and move 1 position to the left for 30 Curls.

Move 1 position left and do 30 Squats while holding the coupon. Dump the coupon and head back to the flag for 50 squats and a 1 minute plank.



Thanks for showing up in the gloom gentlemen!

Prison Break

Nice cool Dry morning to get some miles in! 13 beat the Fartsack to get better this morning!



2nd F Lunch next Wednesday at JR Cash in Belmont

Retreat w/ Sargento  FEB 18-20

Rice & Beans every Tuesday at old Honda Motorcycle shop @ 6pm

Sign up for a relay!


Prayer request:

Wirenut’s Mom

Wichita Mom and ankle (possum attack)

Def Leppard wrist (ice attack)

Gumby’s back (working on concrete 25 years)

Purple Haze and M

Sister Act and Roundup traveling together to Gatlinburg

Who is in charge anyway?

There has been some confusion over what is going on with the Coconut Horse for some time.  I guess because “horse” is in the name of the AO, it is like the wild west.  Whoever shows up and takes the initiative is the Q.  As 1FQ, that would be me.

JJ, Defib, EZ Rider, Sargento and YHC ran the route.  We ran 5.  It was awesome.  YHC supposedly pushed Defib (a little) #probablyfakenews.  When we got back to start, Short Sale returned from a solo run.  Then DDC and another PAX ran in.  Fist bumps all around and we learned that the PAX with DDC was named “JJ”.

“Who named you?” we asked.

“The Gashouse named me three years ago.”

Our well known “original” JJ was confused. AWKWARD!   I thought a fight was going to break out.  It was intense.

We need a Weasel Shaker to figure this out.  Again, the “new JJ” said he was named in the GASHOUSE!  Who did that and where?

In any event, everyone got better and we joined Whoopee and Flintstone inside for some QSource on Preparedness, one of my favorite topics!

Prayer Requests:

Linus, Watts Up, Roscoe FIL and M, Tesla, SA and family, Wichita’s Mom, Purple Haze’s Mom, Big Pappy MIL, Round Ups M and 2.0.


What a great Sunday routine and it was even nicer that YHC got to sleep in to run just the regular 5 miles because the plan was to double up at Crowders later that afternoon.  (We did…Whoopee, Defib, YHC, our M’s and one dog)

On the topic of Preparedness, we should always be sticking to our routines to get stronger, faster, better in all things.  This includes all three F’s.  You should be setting goals and reaching for them daily.  Even though YHC didn’t register for the Biloxi with the rest of the guys, YHC enjoyed the trip and prepared by running longer distances leading up to the race.  The training that took place paid off with faster times and more durability.  YHC recommends training for something.  Sign up for a CSAUP if you don’t have anything on your calendar.  There will be more opportunities on the CSAUP menu soon!  BOLO


Three seems to be a popular number

I think we pulled in at the same time but on opposite sides of the parking lot. Orangeman present and accounted for, but where was everyone else? As he and I start talking Waffle House, low and behold here comes Spiderman. I yell to Peter Parker across the parking lot to bring his bell and he laughs and says hell no. Apparently, this super hero hurt his shoulder (slinging bad guys) and has been jacked up and on the IR list for 2 weeks! But does his vajaja hurt bad enough to fartsack? Hale no, dude improvised as needed. 
We get a few stretches in and start on… you guessed it, CORE.  50 seconds on/ 10 seconds to transition

Crunches, baby makers, heels to heaven, reverse crunches, star crunches, American hammers, boat hold, mosey around the parking lot. R&R

Burpees, curls, overhead press, tricep o/h extensions, squat shadow boxing, isolated curls, mosey around the lot. R&R

6 minutes of Marry

Good work men! Spidy admits that his mobility improved a little. Use it or loose it, right? Mad respect man, now go ice up and get you that deep tissue massage.

Close out with a prayer for everyone that is dealing with one thing or another. We all have our issue or someone else’s issues on our plate. Lean on the guy next to you, ask for help. Offer some help. We are in this together and there is no reason to try an do it by yourself. Prayers for all the ones said and unsaid. God Bless this country and pray we don’t go to war.


Dr. Seuss wore a Fluorescent Green Shirt in the Daytime.

There was good fellowship before the clock struck 5:30 pm.

Pledge, Disclaimer and the PAX help share the 5 Principles of F3. There was already allot of mumblechatter.

Warm Up


Imperial Walker 15 IC

Merkins 10 IC

Squats 20 OYO

Gavel decided to show up at this time.  Just in time for

5 Burpees

Leppard and Oompa left for a mosey.

The remaining PAX left on a mosey for the boot camp toward the back of the park.

We stopped at the parking lot near the playground for Route 66 with Merkins. Mumblechatter was still going strong.  There was also allot of grunting toward the end of the route.

We continued on a mosey to the concrete pad near the soccer field to the right.  Now for the main course:

After each of the following exercises we moseyed down to the end of the parking lot and back while picking up the six until everyone was back.

25 Burpees

50 Merkins

75 Flutters (Count 1 leg)

100 Squats

75 Flutters (Count 1 leg)

50 Merkins

25 Burpees

Mosey back to the start.  Find a spot on the wall for

1 min Wall Sit

10 Dirty Hookups

1 min Wall Sit

15 Dirty Hookups

Time 6:15 pm


Retreat at Flat Rock.

Reach out to site Q’s to volunteer to Q workouts.

COT- I took us out in prayer.

Prayer request


Purple Haze




Big Pappy


Thank you men for the push and the opportunity to lead. Way to push through on the last set of Burpees.  I hope everyone has a great week. SYITG


The Path of Acceleration

8 PAX showed up in the foggy gloom.  YHC showed up to plenty of EC going on.  Way to push the rock guys.  Clock struck 530 am.

Intro, Disclaimers, 5 Principles of F3

Warm up


Imperial Walkers 15 IC

Merkins 10 IC

Squats 20 OYO

5 Burpees

Moseyed around the upper parking lot next to school to end at the wall for

2 rds

25 Hip Slapper

25 Dirty Hookups

Mosey to side walk and back.

On the second mosey to the side walk we stopped for 20 squats OYO.

This work out took us on a 2 mile mosey up to the round about and back while stopping along the way doing the following exercises while stopping a speed bumps for 5 burpees.  The total burpees count was 25 in total.

25 Flutter Kicks IC

25 Merkins

25 Monkey Humpers

25 Box Cutters

Bear Crawl or Lunge Walk around the outer ring of round about near school

25 CDD

25 Smurf Jack

25 Derkins

We finished up with Mary which consist of

Flutter Kicks

American Hammers

Dying Cocka Roaches

Big Boys

Time  6:15 am.


Rice and Beans tonight

Volunteer to Q work outs

Retreat at Flat Rock.  Reach out to Sargento

Name o rama

I took us out in prayer.

Great work today men.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  SYITG


Foggy Folsom Q


10 gravel pickers

20 Moroccan night clubs In cadence

5 Burpees

40 Rocky Balboas on the curb

Mosey to picnic shelter at bottom of hill

Grab a picnic table

20 step ups each leg

20 Dips

20 Derkins

15 step ups

15 Dip

15 Derkins

10 step ups

10 Dips

10 Derkins

5 Step ups

5 Dips

5 Derkins

Indian run to the flag, when you get tagged in the back two Burpees and take the lead.

Grab the pledge.

Go to steps at the horse ring

Calf raises 5 in each step down

Partner up for Dora in horse ring

100 Squats

200 Merkins

300 Flutter kicks

400 LBC

Head back to the parking lot, one burpee and 10 shoulder taps at each light pole

We had FNG Brandon Dimmer join us and brought the biggest truck Folsom ever had parked in its COT, so naturally he became Tonka

Prayer Requests

Wire Nuts mom

Beatle Baileys diet

Roundups wife

Gumby’s back

Def leopard

Big pappys family

Wichitas mom and his ankle (possum attack)

James Goudelock

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