Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2022 (Page 6 of 12)

This is not Diablo Sammich?

As the PAX begin to show up they were thanking me for choosing the Pub to Q the morning’s run.  I had no clue what they were talking about.  Evidently I was suppose to Q Diablo Sammich also which I was totally unaware of.  Very large Q fail.  Clock struck 5:30 a.m.



We ran to Pelicans and back.  Received some feedback from some of the PAX that Dr. Suess was talking some trash about me double booking the Q.  Then he left everyone in the dust with his fast running.  What a show off.

Time 6:15 am


Prayer Request

I took us out in the prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  I have already taken necessary steps to not let his happen again.  I am signed up on Team Up. SYITG

Leave no man (or woman) behind

At Diablo, a drunk woman was in the parking lot.  It was 30 degrees out.  I tried to help. I let her borrow my phone, and tried to get her Mom to pick her up. Her Mom wasn’t having it.  I told her I’d get her a ride after our workout.

I returned and she was passed out.  I thought she was dead and realized how callous it was of me to workout while someone needed help.

Bandit stayed with me and we called 911 to help her get home.  Tube wrapped up the Q.

It was the worst feeling in the world to think that I had only half-heartedly tried to help someone in need.

Leave no man or woman behind.


5 PAX posted tonight at Midoriyama. 2 got some EC on the Mtn! I gave a Slaw a choice of wienkes. Leppard always says this is fake but I let him see there was indeed two. The other will be used next Thursday.

Warmup: it’s 5:30 you should be good by now!

The Thang: Mosey to the soccer fields for the Laredo WOD. 6 rounds of 24 squats, 24 merkins, 24 lunges(count one side), and run a lap. We headed back to the flag for 4 minutes of 30 second walk sits and 30 second lbc’s.


announcements-retreat tomorrow. Lots of races coming up. Slaw is considering the SMR if Leppard and SA will do it.

Prayer request-Gumby, Tooltime’s daughter, my girlfriend Cindy.

We Rucked

At Diablo, the men rucked. Forward. Backwards.  Sideways.  Through Martha Rivers  Tightrope walked the parking spots.  Step ups.  Every crazy thing I could come up with.

Deconstructed Burpees

At Diablo, we hiked to Waffle House.  At every parking lot, we did deconstructed burpees. 15 merkins, 15 squats, 30 mountain climbers.

(You can’t do burpees wearing a 30lb pack.)

Finished with a ton of calf raises at Waffle House, which got us a few odd looks



Climbing the walls

Today at Diablo, we rucked to the Dr’s office.  We took turns climbing the wall between parking lots.  On each side, we did squats, merkins, calf raises and more.

We hiked to the top of the hill and planked at the top for a 60 count.

Prayers for Tube, dealing with family issues.

Captain Planet

Foggy and rainy morning, at Folsom. The Men showed up and werk began.
SSH, MTN Climbers, Gravel Pickers,
Mosey to the triangle:
20 twenty twen. 20 LBC’s 20 Flutters 20 Hip Thrusters. Beetle Baily had to take a trip to the bathroom so we kept going around 3-4 times.
Mosey down to the pond parking lot.
11s Mike Tyson’s and Monkey Humpers: While in the middle of Mike Tysons Wire Nut gave me a form check.
I did my best to make sure my beard was hitting the ground.
Captain Planet: I will tolerate a Lot, I hate a Litter Bug! Pick up your trash. We seen some trash only a few feet from the can. Looked like a car pulled up and just dropped it out the window. So we picked it up and got a laugh about the 90s cartoon Captain PLanet. But seriously, Don’t Litter!
We Nur walked or deklaw, The mumble chatter was what do you call this?

Total Recall Or the Triple Nipple traditionally called the Triple Nickle.

Back to the flag and we did some Tabata. 40/20
Rocky Balboas, SSH, Jump Rope, Squats, and because none of us let the rope hit our feet we did Jump rope one more time.

Announcements: Flat Rock, also the Rooster is coming up check out F3 rockHill.
Prayer Request: Tonka’s grandma, Wire Nuts Mom, Ozarks Friend who lost his Dad.
Several others.
The Bed Pan is Full!

Apparently, winter hibernation has ended… 21 PAX at The Goat

The warmer weather brought 21 PAX out of their fartsacks and into the heavy fog of the Gloom at the Goat.   It’s awesome to see how much energy, camaraderie, and mumblechatter there is, when there are that many PAX out in the Gloom together.

YHC dragged two FNGs out of their comfy domestic surroundings, after 6+ months of EH’ing them both.  They will now be known in the Gloom as ‘Vegemite’ and ‘Radiohead’.   There were a few Kotters, too, notably Clampett.  He has been MIA since possibly September2021, so we all weren’t sure if we needed to re-name him or not.

Fannie Mae ventured back down Cramer Mountain for Post #2, after his Tuesday FNG-debut at The Storm.

It was a great spread of PAX ages, too.  There were at least 2 PAX from every decade of life, with a 21-yo and a 62-yo,  To put that in perspective, for those keeping score at home, that likely translates to birthyears of 2001 and 1960 respectively.  I believe Tesla has underwear older than that 21-yo PAX, possibly even twice as old.

Very strangely, I  don’t believe I heard a Train this morning.  The PAX definitely weren’t going to point it out to YHC, if he had somehow missed it.

The PAX all put in some solid work today.   Seemed like about 10 grabbed coffee afterwards at Floyd and Blackie’s.

Here’s how it all went down:


  •  Lawnmowers, Side-Straddle-Hops, “Good-Morning-Burpees” (YHC learned this combo from F3-Katy,Texas,  and gladly added the Burpee to YHC’s signature Alarm Clocks)
  • Mosey


  • Mosey, through town, across the Goat island bridges, to the far-side parking lot.
  • We made a few stops along the way for:  Merkins, Big Boys, and probably some other exercise(s) that YHC can’t remember…
  • Once the PAX arrived at the parking lot of the far-side of Goat Island, they lined up for:
  • Suicides – Hard Run to each of the three cones and back
  • Suicides – Hard Run, adding 5 Reps;  Cone1-Bonnie Blairs, Cone2-Bobby Hurleys, Cone3-Side-Straddle-Hops
  • Suicide Stacker:  Hard Run, adding Cone1(10 Burpees); Cone2 (10 Burpees + 10 Bonnie Blairs)  Cone3 (10 Burpees + 10 Bonnie Blairs + 10 Bobby Hurleys)
  • Mosey back towards StartEx. We stopped for a Wall-Sit (technically it was a Bridge-Sit), later stopped for some American Hammers.
  • Mosey continued, when YHC called for the PAX to “Triangle Up” around the Goat Island Triangle (It’s not a Circle, so we couldn’t “Circle Up”).  There, we did:
  • MerkinJax Mountain, IC:  1Merkin-4 PlankJacks, building up to 5 Merkins-20PlankJacks, then back down the Mountain to 1Merkin-4PlankJacks
  • Jacob’s Ladder on the 9th Street hill.    Run up, 1 Burpee at the top, Run back down.  Repeato until you get to 7 Burpees.   Most PAX finished before it was…





  • This weekend’s retreat in Flat Rock still has availability spots
  • Happy Hour on Friday at Primal

Prayer Requests

  • Families DownEast with friends/family affected by a plane crash
  • Pillar’s dad’s cancer treatment
  • Orangeman’s mom’s heart
  • Pilgrims’ M’s upcoming surgery
  • Tesla and Family
  • For the country, and the world – to quote a PAX:  “There’s too much goofy stuff going on!”

Doodles took us out in prayer.

Name-o-Rama on Twitter


As always, I consider myself very lucky to be able to lead and to strive alongside the PAX in the Gloom.

—-Bubba Sparxxx

Boudin’s Lizard

It started at 0600 hours on that cold morning with five ruckers.  No one ever passed us on the Coconut route so the assumption was no one else did any work at the Horse today.  We were wrong.

When we arrived at the AO on the return trip, Short Sale and Flintstone were there after a run.  Flintstone had already changed shoes so it was iffy if he actually did any running but credit is due I suppose.

After we had a great lesson on the GET RIGHT.  This week will be the DRP.  Did you take yours today?

Prayer requests:  YHC FIL, Stroganoff MIL, Boudin’s lizard and his 2.2.

You should try bricklaying and get in the habit of getting in five miles every Sunday and have second and third F before church.  Aye!


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