• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 02/22/2022
  • AO: The Storm
  • QIC: Whoopee
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Dirt, Tiger, BOS, Pilgrim's Progress, Bouquet, Sargento, Breaker Breaker, Serina, Tooth Fairy, Dr. Seuss, Radiohead, Virus, Buckshot, Kaepernick, Finkle, Whoopee

The date is 2/22/22. Gotta do something with 2’s or 22’s but nothing really exciting came to me so we just did some stuff. Started with Disclaimer and Pledge then during WU had some chatter that I may have shut down too aggressively with some burpees because it got kinda quiet after that…..oh well. We quickly reviewed the 5 core principles then took off with a mosey to the circle for some Dealer’s Choice. We all spread out around the circle and started with Tiger who called the exercise while he HASTILY moseyed around the circle while we did AMRAP of that exercise. Once he got back to original position (he may or may not have paused a few times on the way), the next person picked an exercise and moseyed around the circle while we did AMRAP of that exercise. This continued until all got their exercises in. We did a lot of stuff with no duplications…..FYI, Serina pulled the BURPEE card and then proceeded to mosey to South Carolina before coming back. Good for him-bring the heat and dish it out as often as possible. I thought that was outstanding. I don’t really know him well so seeing him get a little aggressive was nice. We talked about  stepping up and Q’ing a workout if you have not done recently-F3 is (supposed to be) a group composed of LEADERS so make sure you venture out and get some time as the Q soon if you have not done so recently. Those who Q a lot, offer to co-Q with an inexperienced PAX too.

Next, mosey up the hill dodging cars to the top (I was motoring along at my top speed when someone flew by me-? Bouquet, they went by so fast I don’t know if I saw exactly who it was…..) At the top we did 22 Merkins for the Vets then some squats called by Serina. We then moseyed down the hill in front of the school to the other entrance for some (help me out with those young eyes Serina, what does my weinke say) BURPEES. We moseyed to the parking lot and did some 22’s with (BOS sponsored) Monkey Humpers and (Seuss sponsored) Def Leppards (get your butt down). Finally, on to my favorite exercise, find a wall or a fence and let’s get some hip slappers done X 2 sets of 11. We moseyed back to the site of the 22’s and I realized I forgot to say to do 5 squats each time we crossed center so we did a few trips back and forth then moseyed back to start for a few rounds of Mary.

Great group out this am. A few of us got some EC. We finished with COT-special prayers for Tiger and family, Breaker Breaker and family, Tooltime and family, and Roundup and family. If you are in a good place, enjoy it and be thankful while lifting the guy to your left and right-we all need it.

thanks for the opportunity this am-Whoopee