• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 10/06/2021
  • AO: The Ricky Bobby
  • QIC: Dirt
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Noonan, Virus (R), Bubba Sparxx, Nutria, Fruity Peebles, Tesla (R), Drissle, Tricycle, Radar, Dirt (R)

Ten PAX showed up at the Ricky Bobby to sweep up gravel in the back parking lot of New Hope Elementary School on Oct 6th.   One PAX would run to the area to clean and take 5 strokes with the push broome.  The next PAX in line would lead the group in an exercise of their choice until the first PAX returned.  It took longer than expected but we got the job done.  Thanks to all who helped.

Pleadge – Thanks for reminding me Tesla.

