Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2021 (Page 8 of 11)

IPC 2021 – Week 0 @ TRB

Had 2 different plans in the works.  Depended on who showed.  When it was time at 5:30, everyone who was there was signed up for the Iron Pax Challenge.  With only 1 of me, and no need to split up, we all did the IPC.  Gator showed up a few minutes later and joined in and still beat me.

The Thang:

IPC Week 0

The track at TRB is 0.2 miles long, so it’s a little short, so we improvised a bit, and here’s what we came up with:

  • 100 Merkins
  • 2.5 laps
  • 75 Merkins
  • 4 laps
  • 50 Merkins
  • 5 laps
  • 25 Merkins
  • 6 laps

Work for time.  All keep track on their own watches.  Was a tough beatdown. Good push from all PAX.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Rain on the Mountain

Totally forgot to write this backblast. Dont really remember exactly what we did but it was mostly running drills, form running, etc. It also rained a lot. Felt pretty dang good to be honest. Thanks to all the guys that showed up!

Midoriyama 9/09

YHC hasn’t been able to make it to the hot box much this summer, good to get out there.  Small crowd, I hear the regulars were drinking wine and watching shows.  5:30, let’s go.

Start with the mission of F3, to plant grow and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.  Expand on that a little, workouts serve many purposes, one of which is to mimic life in some ways.  For some they are easy, for some difficult, but for most somewhere in the middle.  Reach out those brothers going through hard times, that starts at the workouts.  Keeping that thought, YHC asks for everyone to pick up the six at the end of called activity.

Pledge.  Warmup of SSH IW and cotton pickers. 15x IC,  and then some stretching.  Mosey to the hill on the service road beside the lake.  Pass Mayor on the way, he messaged that the be a little late.

Get to the gate.  Call 20 big boys while we wait on Mayor.  Go down the hill to the side of the lake.  10 hand release merkins at bottom, 10 squats at the top.  5 rounds.  As all complete 5 rounds, everyone picks up the six so we can all finish together.  Took most of the time, but a little left.  10 slow crunchy frogs IC.

One more thing.  YHC speaks of how often in life there is not  a choice to quit or not give it your all.  We do what we do to get better, in an effort to be the best we can be for those around us.  YHC says to give it  all on the run back to the flag.  Hard way to finish.  It supposed to be hard.

Nice work men.

Announcements:  JJ5K 9/25, convergence 10/02 downtown, extinction run 11/06, Christmas town 5k, service items (crackers, fruit cups), go extra mile

Prayer requests: Barrel Racer, friend of Lil Sweet, friend of Mayor, Westside and family, family of Katie Sparrow

YHC took us out

Always an honor



Murder Bunnies

The official week1 of 2021 IPC brought out the dreaded murder bunny and it’s newly introduced evil brother the reverse murder bunny! Once again rocks were pushed and the 6 was supported. See you next week at Old School 0700 for week 2 which looks terrible!

A veritable cornucopia of action

There was running.  There was rucking.  There was fartsacking.  There were two that showed up for Q Source only.  There was a prayer.  There were announcements.

Q Source was a freestyle.  Mostly about leadership using wisdom from Coach Urban Meyer, Simon Sinek, Bill Dupont, and Sir James Dyson.



The Fighting Yank on 9/11

There were 11 total for The Yank (8) & The Bunker (3) on the morning of 9/11.   We welcomed an FNG, Jeff Rhyne, who will now be known to the PAX as “Rug Burn”  w/Respect!



  • Alarm Clocks, Burpees, Arm Circles, High Knees, Yoga-ish Hamstring/Glute Stretch


  • 4×10 and Hill-Run behind Main Street (Old Mill Hill)  – (10 Burpees, 10 Ski Abs, 10 Tuck Jumps, 10 Merkins),  Hard Run up the Hill, (Repeato 3x)
  • Mosey to Stowe Park
  • 11’s     Mike Tysons and Dying Cockroaches, run the path from Myrtle to Pavillion
  • Jacob’s Ladder:  Hard Run up hill, Burpees at the top, increasing burpee reps from one to ten;  Two Deep squats at bottom each time
  • AMRAP – 15min, at Pavillion:  10 CDD, 15 PlankJacks, 20 Bird-dogs, 25 FredMercs , 30 Calf Raises.  Run path, Stairs to Main St and back
  • 22 Merkins in remembrance

Along the way, we also discussed the Five Principles of F3, as well as the meaning and the need for Preparedness:  Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right, and Leave Right.   Finding and doing hard things strengthens your “muscles” of  perseverance and resilience.



Moment of Silence for 9/11, on the 20-yr anniversary.


  • JJ5k – Fundraiser and 5k Trail Run in Stanley Link to JJ5k
  • Extinction Run

Prayer Requests

  • Praise for Tooth Fairy’ daughter’s Spina Bifida improvement
  • Voodoo’s old college roommate’s daughter and nanny in serious accident
  • Our Nation and the ones we lost from 9/11
  • Those who stepped to help on 9/11 and afterwards

Orangeman took us out in prayer.


Link to Name-O-Rama on Twitter


—-Bubba Sparxxx

Courage on memory lane

I took the Bootcamp mainly because my back is doing pretty well.  Lesson for my Painlab crew; if you can, you should Bootcamp (at least from time to time, we do love our metal).  I didn’t think about it being 9/11 until a few days later.  When I think of 9/11, I think of courage.  I refuse to let anything else take priority status for the remembrance of 9/11, than courage.  “Let’s Roll”, going into towers, jumping off buildings hand-in-hand, that day is shall be remembered for courage.  I think I can intertwine this message into a Q….

Today, the Pledge of Allegiance is first.  Thanks goodness Watt’s Up has a flag on his truck; no shovel flags!  We’ll get to that.

Disclaimer.  Warm-Up (standard Iron Wolf).  I won’t bore you, but all muscles warmed-up over 5-6 minutes.  We see Pizza Man running laps above us.  Solo Iron Pax?   Now we’re talking.

Time to split up.  Where is the Painlab Q/Site Q??  Holy hell, Tube ain’t here.  Voodoo didn’t miss a beat, and took it on.  I yell “follow me”, and we go:

Run to Schiele wall.  Wall sits.  30 seconds later, 5 burpees.  Rinse and repeat x 3.  Up the hill we go, stop at the top for 20 Monkey Humpers.  Follow me some more; lateral run left through the parking lot, then backwards, then right, and then down the hill we go.  All the way down….

At the bottom baseball field, I said that at the very first F3 we had, the Charlotte crew took us to a hill and I learned what a Jacob’s Ladder was.  I got broke off on that.  It took an encouraging word from Swiper to push me to get it done.  Linus will remember.  I took pride in pushing that day, maybe why I keep coming back.  To honor this, we will show courage in this attempt:  11’s, Navy Seals at the bottom, bear crawl to the top, Imperial Walkers at the top (both legs are 1).  This is deceptively tough.  Lots of merkins.  I love the damn things.  We got about 1/3rd of the way, and since we were getting fragmented, I got us in one spot and we did the rest in unison.  Good pushes here!  Barely any modify.  That hill is large.

Move up to the track.  Pizza Man is in cooldown mode.  Not us!  Dora 1-2-3.  With a twist.  100 merkins, but every Diamond Merkin is worth 2.  200 squats, but every jump squat is worth 2.  300 LBC’s, but every WWII is worth 2.  Good partner work here.  Not much chatter tho.  I looked at my clock, holy hell it’s 7:41.  Omaha the LBC’s.  We move the track for Sprints.  Single file line, 25 yard sprint, one man after another.  We did 6 each I think.  I love sprints, I hate running.  It makes sense.

Jog up to the parking lot for the last bit; Dr. Feelgood Drillers.  I created these in honor of Dr. Feelgood and F3 in honor of F3 moving me at my time of most need.  This was…..disjointed.  But fun!  It’ll gas you since it’s all gas, no brakes.  Wasn’t long enough, but it was close to time.  Circle up, bells.


JK5 in 2 weeks (we can ruck it we think :)); Christmastown 5K which will have chariots!

Praise: emphasis on courage shown on 9/11

Prayers:  Voodoo’s college roomate’s daughter and nanny in serious accident; Our Nation; For Unity

I prayed us out, after a semi-brief diatribe; we pray for Unity, and that’s exactly what we’re going for when we sharpen iron.  We are learning to be better leaders.  Show compassion, listening and openness.  It works.

MOLESKIN – we did the 11’s as a big ol’ team.  We did Dora as 2 man teams (partners).  We did sprints as solo work.  No matter how you deal with an obstacle, whether it be the whole army beside you, or just with one other person to share the load, or by yourself, keep pushing, keep pounding.  Courage in the face of adversity.


El Toro – “Big BOLLER” award

Watt’s Up – “Gimme some more” award

JJ – “this workout ain’t #### to me” award

Slick – “hey, I’m getting better at this” award

Pacer – “you cannot out-gut-check me” award

Hushpuppy – “my last sprint will be faster than my first sprint” award

Great work guys.  Always a pleasure.


Uncle Sam

Several HIM’s put in some work at the Bulldog.  We learned about the history of  America’s mascot Uncle Sam.

The Thang

  • 18 Merkins
  • 13 Mountain Climbers
  • 12 Big Boys

Lunge walk to the end of the driveway

  • 18 Merkins
  • 13 Mountain Climbers
  • 12 Big Boys
  • 17 CDD’s
  • 66 LBC’s

Lunge walk back to start

  • 18 Merkins
  • 13 Mountain Climbers
  • 12 Big Boys
  • 17 CDD’s
  • 66 LBC’s

Lunge walk to the end of the driveway

  • 18 Merkins
  • 13 Mountain Climbers
  • 40 LBC’s
  • 18 CDD’s

Lunge walk back to start

  • 18 Merkins
  • 13 Mountain Climbers
  • 40 LBC’s
  • 18 CDD’s

Lunge walk to the end of the driveway

  • 18 Merkins
  • 13 Mountain Climbers
  • 40 LBC’s
  • 18 CDD’s
  • 18 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 77 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 35 Squats

Lunge walk back to start

  • 18 Merkins
  • 13 Mountain Climbers
  • 40 LBC’s
  • 18 CDD’s
  • 18 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 77 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 35 Squats

Lunge walk back to end of the driveway

  • 18 Merkins
  • 13 Mountain Climbers
  • 40 LBC’s
  • 18 CDD’s
  • 18 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 77 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 35 Squats

Lunge back to start

  • 18 Merkins
  • 13 Mountain Climbers
  • 40 LBC’s
  • 18 CDD’s
  • 18 Wide Arm Merkins
  • 77 Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 35 Squats
  • 87 Imperial Walkers

COT, Pledge

Welcome FNG – Tim Jones – Polymer

I’ve Fallen and I CAN Get Up!

What a glorious morning… upper 50’s… awesome sleeping weather, but even more awesome for pushing the rock!  Clock hit 5:30am and there were 12 of us ready to have at it.

No FNGs, but we did have a visitor from Atlanta, Radar.  Quick disclaimer and off we go…

Warm Up

SSH – 20 IC
LBC – 15 IC
Cotton Pickers – 10 IC
Burpees – 5 OYO

The Thang

Mosey to the streetlight at the top of the hill at Davis Park.  Do 5 burpees at each streetlight.  There were 5 or 6 of them.

Triple Nickel Halfpipe – 5 jump squats at beginning, at bottom of hill 5 merkins, up the hill to the stop sign 5 LBCs IC, another 5 merkins at bottom of hill on the way back  —  5 sets.

Mosey over to the tennis courts for some suicides (I was unaware until I heard the news later in the day that today is National Suicide Prevention Day)
We lined up along edge of first court. 20 merkins, run to gap between courts 1 & 2, 5 big boy situps — back to beginning, 15 merkins, run to gap between courts 2 & 3, 10 big boys — beginning, 10 merkins, gap between 3 & 4, 15 big boys — beginning, 5 merkins, past court 4, 20 big boys… it makes sense if you don’t think about it

Mosey back to the school for a set of 11’s.  The exercises were CDDs and squats.


Pledge of Allegiance

Everyone put in some good hard work to get just a little bit better.  There was a lot of getting on the ground and getting back up throughout this workout.  The ability to get up and down easily and quickly is a great skill to take into your old age and can be a predictor of longevity.  If you don’t develop it now, you won’t have it later!

I shared a short quote from Epictitus.  “We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.”  Roscoe shared, “You can’t control the wind, but you can adjust your sails.”


JJ 5K – September 25th
Christmastown 5k – November 27th
Rocky Branch Park – nice running trail

Prayer Requests

Praise – Boudin’s family in Louisiana getting power and water
Our hurting world

We closed with prayer.

Mayor talks

Yep, Mayor was at Goat Island. He was chattering about all kinds of randomness as usual, broken parking pavement, the price of tea in China, etc. We did work nonetheless. This is what happened…

No FNGs. Still gave a disclaimer, kind of.

WarmUp – No goofballs, Don Quixotes, Patented R over L, pump fake to grass pickers.

Mosey down and around the block up to the secret parking lot for The Thang:

BOMBS – partner up. Partner 1 does the exercises, partner 2 runs around the building and back up the stairs.

Burpees x50

Overhead Claps x100

Merkins x150

Big Boys Sit Ups x200

Squats x250

This sucked a lot. Mosey down the street to the bridge to Goat Island.

Bear crawl across the wooden part. Karaoke to the other bridge. Karaoke back to the other side. Mosey back to the start due to time being up. Aye!

Announcements: JJ5K, Convergence in October, Bourbon Chase

Prayer Requests: Pillager family, West Side family

Thank you for coming out today men. It was awesome as always!!!

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