Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2021 (Page 9 of 11)

5 for 5

5 PAX ran 5 miles in a little rain at the Pub this morning. We did the OG route to Martha’s and back and even saw a few Sammich eaters along the way. Good work men!



Visit with Turtleman at his house this Friday at 5pm

Hand out water at Gaston Alive this Friday from 6pm – ???

Need a co-Q for F3 Dad’s on July 17th at Gashouse – Termite said he would help and will reach out to Mayor

Service project items this month – Gum/Mints/Cough Drops and Hairbrush/Comb


Prayer Request

Big Pappy and family

SA and family


Traveling PAX


Termite’s sons


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Ride for the Brand

Stroganoff thought about cancelling the Coconut Horse for Independence Day but YHC volunteered to make it happen and take the Q of our “run what you brung” Q Source series where the Q gets to determine the topic of the lesson of the day.

Flintstone texted me that his EC session went too long and that he would see us back at the HT after the run.  I saw his shirtless body running down Kendrick as I approached the Horse to meet up with JJ in the parking lot.  We had a nice time chatting it up on the normal 5 mile route and then we caught up with Flintstone at the end.  JJ cut out for the Q Source to get to church on time while YHC and Flintstone stayed for Q Source where I covered the main lessons of “Cowboy Ethics”.  I liked it so much I ended up buying the book and will peruse it and perhaps share the lessons with a bigger audience in greater detail in the future.

The Fearsome Foursome at The Ricky Bobby

Being a short work week and a holiday week YHC figured today at The Ricky Bobby might be a little thin. In terms of numbers it was. In terms of quality it was not! Went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20


Peter Parker X 20

Head to the field for some Kevorkians

1st set:


P1 – Run 1/2 way and do 5, run back

P2 – do then until P1 returns


2nd Set

P1 – same run, 5X hands locked big boys

P2 – work until P1 returns


3rd Set

P1 – same run as above, 5X diamond merkins

P2 – same as above


4th Set

Same order as above, Jump Squats

Over to the benches for some triple nickel

Bench – 5 dirkins

half lap – 5 plank jacks

Finish lap.

5 laps total

Benches as follows:

Bulgarian Split Squats X 10 each leg

Elevated big boys (hands locked)

Dips X 10

10 step ups each leg

Run 1/2 way across the field – 5 HR merkins

Run rest of the way across the field – 5 HR merkins

Run back

Return to benches, repeat as per previous

Run back as follows:

1/2 way – burpee broad jump

rest of the way – NUR

Back to COT for Mary and a 3 minute Plank to end


Small but dedicated group today. Enjoyed the push! Bubba Sparxx had one hell of a vacation return! Went ot the dogs for sure. Prayers up for Turtleman and our traveling pax and families right now. look forward to all your returns!





the less stinky choice

25 IW IC
25 mountain climbers IC
25 Freddie’s IC
10 jump lunges count one side

25 reverse crunches oyo
10 hand release merkins
25 Flutters IC

Mosey to short hill for 11s of hand release merkins at bottom and bear crawl up for monkey humpers , mosey down

Mosey around park until below picnic shelter and nur up hill
25 dips IC ( since it wasn’t raining ( Let it go !)

No more non rain

Assemble in front of play area burpee suicides
Run pell mell to first island for a burpee and mosey back
As a group start next round going to next island for 2 burpees
See a pattern ( they didnt either) third island for 4 burpees mosey 

fifth island would see 8 burpees and then sixth for 16 burpees

waited for anyone to ask if 32 or 64 to which I was going to respond, “ no, that’s crazy!”

turd shack for peoples chair and marching IC 25

10 hand release merkins 

assume BTTW and 10 hip slappers but count each individual 

flutters IC 25

back to picnic area to pick up derkins which were left off …. Planned on 25 IC but when I only heard BallJoint and self …. Cancelled at 20

mosey back for 2 1/2 minutes of Mary led off by Captain Stubing with 25 crunches oyo

E Z gave us 25 crunchy frogs 

Dirt with the iC reverse crunches x 20

time for one more Dirty Dogs 20 each side courtesy of Watts Up

NEED Qs FOR 7/21 and 7/28 AS ILL BE ON VACATION … step up

Freight downtown Friday 5:00 delivering water and F 3 info

Turtlemans Friday 5:00 to lift spirits and offer encouragement 

VQ for Bob the Builder at Downtown this Friday 

collections of hair brushes , combs, gun and cough drops this month

prayers for Turtleman, EZ Riders family, those in the path of Elsa



The Storm 7/6/2021

13 men at The Storm

Warm Up:

SSH x 20(ic)

5 Burpees

Gravel Pickers x 15(ic)

5 Burpees

Hillbillies x 15(ic)

5 Burpees


The Thang 

Mosey to the big parking lot beside the school.  Here we lined up at the walkway facing the length of the lot.  Do a suicide style routine using the 5 grass islands. Exercise routine consisted of 3 Rounds.

Round 1:

5 Burpees, run to 1st island for 5 Hand Release Merkins, run back

5 Burpees, run to 2nd island for 10 HR Merkins, run back

5 Burpees, run, 15 HR Merkins, run back

5 Burpees, 20 HR Merkins, run back

5 Burpees, 25 HR Merkins, run back

Round 2:

5 Burpees, run, 5 Big Boys, run back

5 Burpees, run, 10 Big Boys, run back

5 Burpees,run, 15 Big Boys, run back

5 Burpees, run, 20 Big Boys, run back

5 Burpees, run, 25 Big Boys, run back

Round 3

5 Burpees, run, 5 Jump Lunges, run back

5 Burpees, run, 10 Jump Lunges, run back

5 Burpees, run, 15 Jump Lunges, run back

5 Burpees, run 20 Jump Lunges, run back

5 Burpees, run 25 Jump Lunges, run back


Stay in parking lot for some more work.  Start at the upper corner for some 4 Corner Escalator work.  Perform 10 Mike Tyson’s at 1st corner.  Mosey to next corner for 10 Mike Tyson’s, 20 Imperial Walker Squats.  Continue to 3rd corner for 10 Mike Tyson’s, 20 Imperial Walker Squats, and 30 American Hammers.  Mosey to last corner for 10 Mike Tyson’s, 20 Imperial Walker Squats, 30 American Hammers, and 40 Mountain Climbers.

Time is running low, but had a little bit left to do some exercises at front of school.

Hip Slappers x 15(ic)

Dirty Hookups x 15 (ic)

Dips x 15 (ic)

Mosey back towards COT.  Here we knocked out 10 Burpees to bring us to an even 100 Burpees for the workout. Nice work men!! Time




Prayer Request


Appreciate the opportunity to lead again.











Folsom 7/3/2021

18 men showed for the bootcamp at Folsom this morning.  Also had 3 runners putting in some miles.  Time to work!!



The Thang:

Short mosey to the pavilion just below the COT.  Called 5 exercises:

Hip Slappers, Dips, Step Ups, Derkins, Rocky Balboa’s

We got in 3 Rounds of doing 10(ic), 15(ic), and 20(ic)!  Kept the pace up each round to get the blood flowing.  Mumble chatter was picking up a little, so time to move on.


Mosey to the tennis courts.  Time to shut the mumble chatter down and get in some work.  Pax line up on sideline of tennis court.  15 rounds, with a run to far end of tennis courts between each set of exercises:

15 Burpees, 50 LBCs

14 Burpees, 50 CDD

13 Burpees, 50 Squats

12 Burpees, 50 Flutter Kicks

11 Burpees, 50 Plank Jack’s

10 Burpees, 50 SSH

9 Burpees, 50 Bobby Hurley

8 Burpees, 50 Shoulder Taps

7 Burpees, 50 Mike Tyson’s

6 Burpees, 50 American Hammers

5 Burpees, 50 Mountain Climbers

4 Burpees, 50 Merkins

3 Burpees, 50 Monkey Humpers

2 Burpees, 50 Freddie Mercury’s

1 Burpee, 50 Hand Release Merkins

That was awful!!  Good work men!! Time



Prayer Request



Honor to lead today. Everyone pushed hard today.  Lots of complaints about the amount of Burpees, but we all got stronger today!!








Be Prepared

8 came out for Prison Break today..all runners. Great work, men!!

Mace for dogs, toilet paper, if needed..the only thing we didn’t have is mouse repellent.


Service project Friday 5:00 Downtown (See info on Slack)

Visit with Turtleman Friday 5:00 Turtleman’s House

Service Project items: small brush or comb; mint, gum or cough drops

Prayer Requests:


Westside’s Mother-in-Law

Rabbit Ears’ friend-Richard Mills

Round Up and his youth: Bo Carpenter


11 Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.

“..the pathway to Christian maturity. We grow through being tested, through the impact of God’s Word on us, and through living consistent Christian lives.” Sinclair Ferguson


Sarlaac took us out

Thankful for you guys!!


Can’t Never Could

8 Pax total at Midoriyama on Tuesday. Guess what? It was hot! Despite that, Pockets was out early getting in his burpees for his IW challenge. Whoppee would have been proud as he was listening to some George Straight for motivation. I noted it wasn’t a very motivating song but you do you.


SSH ic x 10

Morrocan Nightclubs OYO

Seal Jacks ic x 10

Grab a block from my truck and lets mosey over to the parking lot.

The Thang:

There were 6 stations setup around the island in the parking lot. Each had an exercise listed to do with the block. After the exercise you leave your block and run a lap. When you return to your block you rifle carry it to the next station where you repeat this process. We had enough for 2 circuits or 12 stations all reps were x 20. It looked this below.

Overhead press x 20, Run a lap, Rifle carry to the next station

The rest of the exercises are below


Good mornings


Avalanche-Lying on your back with the block above your head on the ground lift it over your chest and back to the ground above your head.


Round 2-


Hip Thrusters-with the block on your mid section

Overhead situps-hold the block in the air

Block Swings

Overhead Squat

Lunge Twist-lunge holding the block and twist to the outside

We had a few minutes left so we did some more rifle carries and blockees through the parking lot while Def Leppard made a sweep through to pick up my cones and papers, thank you sir.


Announcements-Service opportunity this Friday in Gastonia at the downtown alive event, bring your family out. July service project items are comb/hairbrush and mints/gum/cough drops.

Prayer Request-Pockets Dad, My Dad, PAX traveling

Naked Moleskin:

I’d like to say everyone pushed the rock today but I heard a lot of I can’t do that or I’m just not going to do that! I get that sometimes we have to modify things for injuries or whatever but sometimes things will just be uncomfortable until we do it and get used to it. That’s what Slaw always says anyway. Either way I think most got a little better. Working out on that hot asphalt in the sun has got to be making us tougher if nothing else.


F3’s Freedom of Choice

5 strong for a post-July 4th Beatdown that wrapped up with the PAX choosing the lesser of all awful options.  Here’s what I remember:

EC was strong today, as Dirt, Watts Up and EZ Rider went out for the standard EC and JJ ran to the AO all the way from home.  YHC was the only one who didn’t do EC.  JJ also ran home after it was over.  Tough bunch to get out in The Gloom after a late night of fireworks AND put in EC.

The Thang:

  • Slaughter Starter – 20 x Burpees (OYO)

Next, avoid the incoming truck who was waiting for us to go somewhere, but we weren’t really moving.  We stayed at Snoballs for

Dora – One partner runs around Snoballs while the other works on the exercises

  • 150 x SSH
  • 150 x Crab Marches
  • 150 x Dying Cockroaches
  • 150 x Wall Sits w/Moroccan Night Clubs

Made quick work of that, so we moseyed to the baseball fields, stopping at the outer walking path for

  • 20 x Burpees (OYO)

Some PAX started looking at their watches and realized we had a lot of time to go.  It started looking like it was going to be one of those never-ending Beatdowns today.

  • Bear Crawl halfway to the flag pole
  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • Crawl Bear to the flag pole
  • 30 x Flutter Kicks (IC)

F3’s founding fathers gave the PAX the freedom to exercise, or really the freedom to “modify as needed”.  What is meant as a disclaimer, really gives PAX the opportunity to customize the workout to their fitness level.  While we often say “you can make it harder”, not sure I’ve seen a lot of PAX take the bait, and I know YHC uses the freedom to modify when needed to make it through some awful stuff.  Well the last round of exercises focuses on the idea of customizing the workout.  We’d have 4 stations, one at the center of the ballfields and a station at 3 of the walkways that lead to the center.  The first time through, we would do all 4 stations and run between them.  Then the next time through, each PAX could choose which station to skip (but he would still have to run to all 4 stations, just wouldn’t have to stop and do exercises at the station).  The idea was to keep working through the 4 stations, dropping another exercise each time, until the PAX just run to all 4 stations without stopping to do any exercises.

So now in the center of the ballfields, YHC announced that we would be running through the stations.  Each station would have 2 exercises, further allowing the PAX to choose their own workout.  Stations were:

  • 20 x Hip Slappers/Shoulder Taps (Count One Side)
  • 20 x Bobby Hurleys/Bonnie Blairs (Count Each Jump)
  • 20 x Burpees/Flying Squirrels
  • 20 x Big Boys/V-Ups

So mine looked like:

  • Hip Slappers/Bobby Hurleys/Burpees/V-Ups
  • *Skip*/Bobby Hurleys/Burpees/V-Ups
  • *Skip*/Bobby Hurleys/*Skip*/V-Ups

And with that, we ran out of time.  We took the long way back, as I didn’t want the PAX to miss out on that last run, but doing so caused us to be 1 minute late.  So after COT, YHC did another 10 burpees for bringing the PAX in 1 minute late.


  • Upcoming F3 Dads
  • Bob the Builder’s VQ @ Downtown

Prayer Requests:

  • EZ Rider’s Nephew
  • Turtleman
  • PAX traveling


Keep grinding.  Summer can be miserable.  Don’t get complacent.  Do whatever you need to do to keep accelerating.  We want to be stronger in August than we were in July.

Grateful for the opportunity to lead.

Is that Freedom Rock

With the weather possibly thunderstorms, possibly rain, possibly nothing I chose to stay under the canopy of the Rotary Pavilion.

The playlist was set for an all American themed beatdown.

Warm Up then we got in some werk.
Dora 1,2,3,4,
Tabata per song 3 songs in all.
11’s with bear crawls in the middle.
Calf Raises per step lunge walk across and repeat.
Finished with some ab work and of course American Hammers.


Prayer request: New parents, each other, Turtle Man, SA, Big Pappy’s Family.

The Bed Pan is Full.
If you would like the list of Music well you should have posted.

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