Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2021 (Page 7 of 13)

4 Year Anniversary Q

9 solid HIM’s decided to join me in a celebration of my 4 year anniversary of posting with F3. Since Midoriyama is one of my favorite AO’s, it was a perfect opportunity to take the Q and deliver a moderately challenging workout for those who chose to join. All in attendance were regulars so the disclaimer was short, followed by the pledge and a light warmup. Let’s mosey.


Line up on the sideline at the small soccer field for some 40’s.

10 reps of called exercise then run 40 yards and NUR back.

Exercises were Burpee’s, HR Merkins, Big Boys and Heels to Heaven


44 Shoulder Taps, 44 LBC’s, 44 Squats


40’s Round 2

10 reps of called exercise then Karaoke left 40 yards and Karaoke right back.

Exercises were Burpee’s, Diamond Merkins, American Hammers and In & Outs


44 Shoulder Taps, 44 LBC’s, 44 Squats


40’s Round 3

10 reps of called exercise then High Knees 40 yards and Butt Kickers back.

Exercises were Burpee’s, Werkins, V-ups and Flutter Kicks


44 Shoulder Taps, 44 LBC’s, 44 Squats


There was supposed to be a 4th round (as Slaw duly noted and complained about the missed opportunity), but we were already over halfway through the workout and YHC had some other fun filled exercises that the PAX were sure to enjoy.


Mosey back to the Turd Shack at the start for another type of 40’s…Lindsey’s.

Hip Slappers and Wall Jumps – 30/10, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30

All the PAX really enjoyed this part and were hopeful of a rinse and repeat, but reluctantly agreed to move to the next set of exercises.


After a short fellowship mosey to the adjacent parking lot we finished up with some Dirty 11’s. Mike Tyson’s on one side, Tiger Squats on the opposite side and a Burpee each time you crossed the island.



The last four years seem to have flown by and it seems like only yesterday that I posted for the first time at The Yank and then spent the next week uncertain if I would ever again be able to raise my arms above my head. I can’t thank the PAX of Gashouse enough for the impact and difference that they have made in my life, you guys are awesome and I appreciate each and every one of you. I feel like I’ve come a long way since that first post and to see the growth and acceleration by so many other PAX is what motivates me to keep coming out and trying to get better. This F3 thing is here to stay, so let’s do everything we can to continue to grow not only the size of the region, but the HIM’s within it.



F3 Dad’s workout this Saturday at The Yank

Nail clippers and Chapstick for THE Service Project

2nd F lunch at noon next Thursday at Bubba’s in Gastonia

2nd F Axe Throwing at the Mall next Saturday


Prayer Request


PAX traveling

Big Pappy – Blue getting married, mother moving to assisted living, new foster child

Roscoe’s father in law moving to assisted living

Linus’ Dad

Stroganoff health


Freight took us out.

I’m Broke


YHC got to the Pub a little earlier than usual to find an empty parking lot. The minutes drew closer to running time..and Waterboy emerges out of the gloom (just like Red Ribbon does at Mt. Hollywood). .then Roscoe pulls up..then JJ runs in.

We ran a route we hadn’t taken in while. It was a nice run an fellowship on an unusually cool morning. We get back..and Shortsale joins us..a little tardy, but glad to have him, regardless!


F3 Dads-Saturday at 7 a.m. -Yank.


Linus’ Dad-cancer

Stroganoff-2 hernias

Turtleman has a scan Friday morning to determine the status of his cancer

Roscoe’s Dad going into Assisted Living and his friend’s wife with cancer diagnosis


Romans 8:26 ESV

 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

I like this translation:

 So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance.

Thankful for you guys, the run, fellowship, ability to do this! Let’s really pray for these requests..lift up Turtleman for tomorrow!


Starting the week right at The Sandlot

13 got in some work on a fine summer morning.  Here’s what I remember:

The Thang:

  • 10 x SSH (IC)
  • Stretches (seated toe touch, R foot over L knee and twist, flapjack)
  • 10 x Dying Cockroach (IC)
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
  • 20 x Penguins (IC)
  • 30 x Toe Touches (IC)
  • 20 x Crab Marches (IC)
  • 30 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 20 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)

Mosey to the parking lot by the neighborhood pool.  Partner up for

  • 2 minutes of Plank/Merkins – one partner starts merkins, goes til he can’t, then tags in the other partner and holds plank, alternating til 2 minutes is up

Mosey down the path to the park and find a new partner for

  • 2 minutes of Double Crunches/Six Inches

Mosey to the picnic tables by the Turd Shack and get another new partner for DORA

  • 100 Dips
  • 200 Bulgarian Split Squats
  • 300 Superman Pullups

Mosey back to the flag for

  • 15 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 15 x Penguins (IC)
  • 25 x Toe Touches (IC)
  • 15 x Crab Marches (IC)
  • 40 x Flutter Kicks (IC)


  • F3 Dads – 6/19 @ The Yank
  • Blood Drive – 6/16 @ Techworks in Belmont
  • Service Project – Chap Stick & Nail Clippers
  • Keep EHing Kotters and FNGs

Prayer Requests:

  • JK2’s oldest daughter
  • Turtleman
  • Roscoe’s Father in Law
  • Joey Denton
  • Stinky Bird’s wife

Always a good way to start the week.  Strong work by a good group of men.  Keep pushing the rock.

Thankful for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo


We got in some miles and got better!


F3 dads Saturday at the yank
VQ Ozark at Folsom

Prayer Request

Turtle man
PAX traveling
Pappys son is getting married
Sister Act


Started minute early with some brain teasers … 5 sisters : 1 is cooking 2 is cleaning 3 is playing chess and 4 is doing laundry … what is sister 5 doing? Also, a snowshoe rabbit is being chased by an arctic fox during a snowstorm. How do I know this?
Warmup would consist of merkins, flutters,ssh, monkey humpers plank jacks and others mostly in cadence but to confuse and ( not with this crowd!!) elicit mumble about when warm up ends …. Can we quit flap jacking … let’s cook one side…. But not today!! 
mosey to former doctors office and perform 10 big boys nur into lot and 25 hand release merkins, hop the wall and Al Gore for all pax 

mosey to loading dock, partner up one pax  hops up to dock and bear crawl or lunge walk down ramp while other does accumulation of 100 merkins 200 monkey humpers and 300 flutters

mosey over to building beside Dollar Tree ( across from Walgreens) that has an impressive sway in the center …. It been this way for years … I keep hoping to witness its collapse….. let’s help …

should it fall… I advise all to “ run like hell!!”

we tried with monkey humpers, crab thrusters, crab marches, donkey kicks, sumo jumps and even Bobby Hurleys!!! The invisible basketballs were not enough to tear it down!!! Maybe next time

now over to another wall … at the old empty bank for step ups, Mike Tysons ( what a favorite!!), Bulgarian split squats, dips and even a few derkins some in cadence 

lastly we assemble back for 25 Superman merkins and 10 burpees ( two trains that never came through)

a few merkins , flutters,  plank  and lower plank and time

go to truck and pull out large arrangement of flowers and tell all I’ll explain soon …. The puzzles looks made it fun!! 
announcements … many ….plug in whether blood drive or F3 dads …. Or….

prayers for Turtleman, Big Pappy 

previously been given wrong date for flag setup at Turtleman ….. need them Thursday night as next PET scan Friday morning 

for quite some time I’ve had this idea of bringing and distributing flowers to who ever posts at one of my workouts because we men don’t traditionally think often enough of our better half and this will ensure a Great start to your day when they witness you having brought home flowers for them!! My M personally Loved this idea.  Recently Mayor stated that if something seems like a good idea or something others might want to participate in then do it, don’t wait for him or anyone else to sanction it! Carpe Diem, I say. Or as pastor  Dickie Spargo likes to say, “ Dead roses know no roses and do your giving while they ( and/ or you) are still living!”

still curious about the brain teasers? Chess is a 2 person activity and the other answer is it was daytime





Simple Is Good

Strong group gathered at TRB to get a little better.  5:30, let’s go.

Brief reminder of the mission of F3, no FNGs.  SSH, Imperial Walkers, Grass pickers, roughly 15 IC.  Some additional stretching.

Partner up, for part of Army PT test.  Partner checks form and counts, AMRAP for 2 mins.  Switch.  Do same for sit ups with partner holding feet.  Number for Army is 42 merkins and 52 sit ups.  Head to the track.

Start with 9 burpees, half way around the track and stop for one.  Come back for 8 and 2 on next lap.  Continue until 9 on other side and one at the start.  10 laps and 100 burpees total.

Enough time left for a bear crawl in parking lot and 10 big boys to finish time.  Pledge.

Good push by everyone.  YHC reminded that we do what we do, and make it hard, partially to work our bodies, but primarily because we strive to be better in every area of life every day.  The hard part is the decision.  Once the decision is made the next step is to give it all you can.  Yes it is hard sometimes, but so is life.

Announcements: F3 dads this Saturday at Yank – Q’s needed for Dads July 17 at Gashouse, blood drive today, Men’s conference in Charlotte Saturday, site Q change at TRB June 30, GrowRuck weekend of Aug 6 – option to attend only Grow School

Prayers – Buckshot working at Camp for next month, Uranus, his wife and daughter in hospital in Philadelphia, Turtleman, Pax on IR, Slim Shady with planned mission trip in September, Nutria traveling next week, Nutria children has two scout leaders with separate back problems, Spam moving to Myrtle Beach area

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Country Boys in the Big City

Ball Joint EH’d a guy from Mint Hill and, as a show of support, decided to join him for his first workout. We all know doing it by yourself isn’t nearly as fun so 5 of us joined him for a clown car to Mint Hill.

The FNG showed and he survived. Chum had the Q. He had us jumping walls, running through pot holes, and throwing frisbees. Lots 0f Hand Release Merkins and Squats. Ball Joint did a great job pushing the new guy along and a few of us made sure to pick up the six!

During the drive home on 85, some jackass driver in a diesel dually nearly took the right side sheet metal off of the Expedition. Fortunately for all involved, Ball Joint was paying attention and avoided the accident.

Great time this morning! More clown cars coming soon!

I’m Fine

9 Pax for a steamy day at Midoriyama. Sarlacc in the daytime! Roscoe too! Many were no doubt afraid of the beatdown that would be applied by the old guy and decided to stay home, go on vacation to Florida, have a 25th wedding anniversary, work late, whatever excuse you got! Blah, blah blah! Let’s go!

Warmup: Don Q’s x 5 IC. Right Over Left for a few seconds, Left over Right, discussion of patented or not since no count. Low Slow Squats x 5 IC, Moroccan Night Clubs x 11. Mosey all the way to the Dog Park Hill.

Reverse Pyramid Ouchies
Perform an exercise. The first one was LBC’s x 20, 15, 10, 5, 5, 10, 15, 20 = 100. Run the hill after each set. Yes, that means running the hill 8 times. Due to my lack of having a spreadsheet with me, I had initially omitted the extra 5 reps in the middle but Roscoe and Freight corrected me and got us back on track. 2nd exercise was Merkins, 3rd was Flutter Kicks. 300 Total reps and 24 hill runs! Even though we were in the shade the entire time everyone was very happy to be done with this one!

Run to the far corner of the soccer field. 5 burpees. Run to next corner of the soccer field. 5 burpees, 10 Squats. Run back to the previous corner to stay in the shade. 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 Freddie Mercuries. Run back to the Dog Park Hill corner. This was where someone said they were not climbing that hill again! Don’t worry, I’m not either! 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 Freddie Mercuries, 20 CDD’s.

Since time was running low and we were in the shade, I told a story about my cousin Kathy. She passed away and we had her funeral this week. She was only 65 but had some health problems. Her daughter was with her in her last moments and as you could imagine very upset seeing her mother in such serious condition with an ambulance on its way. It was then, my cousin said to her daughter, “I’m fine. Either way, I’m fine”. I think that is a good question for each of us to ask ourselves. Are we fine? Would we be fine if we were having our last moments here on earth? Are we fine where we are with our faith? Are we fine where we are with our families? Are we fine where we are with our relationships? I think it would be a great place to be in our life to be able to say what my sweet, cousin Kathy said! “I’m fine.”

Mosey back to the flag.

Service Project collecting Nail Clippers and Chapstick during June.
2nd F Lunch at Bubbas in Gastonia on 6/24 at 12 noon
Axe Throwing at Mall on 6/26

Prayer Requests: Turtle Man, Linus’ father, Big Pappy’s family, Roscoe’s Father In Law, Traveling Pax, Love Boat’s travels. Broke took us out!

A Shady Merkin-Derkin-Werkin Beatdown

Maybe it was Nantan being at the AO or being a guest Q at Folsom or me trying to overcome severe allergies, but I brought a shady, stupid beatdown to a group of 17 HIMs and myself… The chatterboxes brought some fun mumble chatter to ease up the beatdown. Montross with an honorable mention for sure!

The show to know and grow was without merlot, hallelujah here we go!

Warmup: Morrocan Night Clubs 15 IC,  Cotton Pickers 15 IC, SSH 15 IC

Thang:  A clueless mosey by YHC to see where our first shady series of exercises would begin – the tennis courts will do… I used to play!

Werkins-Derkins-Merkins, 25 reps each, bear crawl to puddle (past second tennis court), run back, rinse and repeat @ 20 reps, then 15 reps…

10 counts sprinkled in to give our upper bodies a rest…Time to find the next spot! Mosey, down to the pavilion for some wall craziness!

A Shady Stretching as YHC  has coined it….In wall hanging fashion (feet up against wall 60 degrees), series of 30 second intervals of right leg, shoulder taps, then left leg. Quick recovery in between each…. Run uphill and back. Rinse and repeat 3 times… A quick message on don’t let your circumstances dictate your routines; leverage others in F3 and around you to Push through!

Ok, upper bodies need a break

Abs Fabs – American Hammers, Leg Lifts, Dying Cockroaches – 25,20,15 Reps OYO

Ok, mosey back to tennis courts with an audible to indian run back

The beatdown wouldn’t be complete without bringing back – Werkin-Derkin-Merkins in position hold form – 25, 20, 15 seconds each round. After each sprint full length of court and high knee rotating run….

Mosey back to start for a final countdown, speed Merkins to finish up the THANG

It was a pleasure hopping over to see the Folsom site and push through a series of stupid, shady exercises to challenge and grow ourselves!

-YHC, Slim Shady

Just a few Hills, Burpees, Merkins at The Storm

There were 15 PAX at the Storm on a beautiful June morning. We were glad to have Holyfield join us from F3 in Union County.


Some Alarm Clocks, Burpees, Grass Pickers, Moroccan Night Clubs


Mosey’d to the middle of the hill for:
BLIMPS (5 —> 30reps), IC mostly, followed by a high-effort run up the hill in between each exercise. (The hill somehow got steeper on the last run.)
Mosey’d back to the Stadium Gates for:
AMRAP, 15min, of the following set: 10 Burpees, 10 Ski Abs(IC), 10 Tuck Jumps, 10 Merkins(IC), and a Run across parking lot. (I think we got either 3 or 4 sets within 15 min, but I honestly can’t remember.)

Breaker trespassed into the stadium, because he found the main gate unlocked, to his surprise. I think I heard him urging the PAX to run Bleachers or some such thing. No one took him up on his offer today. He can always save that for whenever he Q’s at the Storm.

Mosey’d over to the School for 11’s:
10 Alternating Arm/Leg Planks, and 1 Mountain Climber. Continued on with the 11’s until Q called time.
Knocked out 5 burpees for the train.
Mosey’d back to the Start.


Man-Up from 8am-1pm this Saturday, Forest Hills church. Sign up on Slack, via link from Pilgrim.
Q needed for The Bunker this Sat – Sargento has since stepped up!
Blood drive Red Cross
F3 Dads Sat. 19th at The Yank – workout alongside your kids!
GrowRuck Aug 6th-8th – Spots still available.

Turtle man’s recovery
Buckeye’s roommate recovery
Buckshot friend recovery
Sargento wife and son. Traumatic situation while dog-sitting
Breaker’s daughter’s job search
BOS’ friend was layoff and is job searching

Pilgrim took us out.

The PAX put in a solid effort today! As always, I appreciate the opportunity to lead!

Name-O-Rama on Twitter

—Bubba Sparxxx

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