Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 18, 2021

Dumb Gastonian’s Got Em All Wrong!

The GasHouse has a special flavor to it. Particularly the Belmontian side of the Region. It’s like artificial turf, where it looks classy from a little ways off, but when you get down to it we installed that because of the practicality. Waste not, want not. Pretty sure that’s the Town Slogan… something like that…
So, do guys in GasHouse warm up? I dunno… We’ll fake a few SSHs or Squats or something and maybe they won’t notice.
When I Q DR, I like to see if the culture has spread appropriately and if the men have the #Mission in their minds and on their lips. Can’t get it to your heart if it doesn’t first start there… It’s kind of like Nellie’s Southern Kitchen’s Chicken & Gravy. It’ll get to your heart past your lips… Promise… #arteriosclerosis
So, we mosey quickly over the corner of a parking lot, do a few exercises, and start to see who knows the 5 Core Principles by heart. There is a 5 burpee penalty for having the wording egregiously wrong or for incorrect order. The men of Belmont love burpees. Or they hate them and want to get better at them, so they initiated their own forced practice mechanism by failing to be able to properly recite.
We ran from corner to corner of this parking lot, doing exercises in cadence and attempting to correctly get the wording and order of the 5 Core Principles, then moving on to the Credo and Mission as well.
One man seemed to know the answers quite well. Turns out he was the Nant’an… Nant’an… don’t you know your job is to make sure your men are prepared? We don’t care if you know the answers… unless they do too…
So, we hopped over behind the school and partnered up for a Dora.
Then back to COT…

Final thought:
Failure and struggle are good for you. If you are getting rescued (*ahem – Nantan) constantly, you can’t grow. You can’t learn. This is true of the men you serve, for your employees/teams at work, and for your kids.

Do Better,
Helmet, out.

Tequilla Sunrise 6/18/21

15 strong for the sunrise, good crowd.  Short disclaimer, difference in quitting and modifying, and reminder of mission of F3.  Warm up: SSH, IW, grass pickers 15X IC and some stretching.  Mosey to Davis Park tennis courts.

Line up for bear crawl a cide and lunge a cide.  Round 1, bear crawl to each side line of each of four courts and do hand release merkins.  Two at first line and run back to start.  Bear crawl to next line and add two merkins.  continue until bear crawl to far side line of far court for 14 hand release.

Another round but lunge walk and start with five Bobby Hurley’s, add five at each subsequent side line.  Continue until lunge walk to far side line for 35 Bobby Hurley’s.

Circle up for a round of iron hulk, stopping at 10 merkins and 40 air presses.  These are always way more difficult than seems like they should be.

Mosey back to start for short round of Mary.  Pledge.

YHC spoke briefly on why we do what we do, those closest to us deserve nothing less than for us to be the best we can be.  It is important to give all we have at every work out, not because the work out is hard, but because sometimes life can be hard.  This is one way to prepare.  Learn from the past, but don’t dwell on what can’t be changed.  Cut the negativity from life, lead through example, criticism to build rarely produces results.

Announcements:  F3 Dads at the Yank 6/19, other workout options as normal.  0515 EC ruck from the Yank, Man Up conference in Charlotte also 6/19, Grow Ruck weekend o Aug 6 with grow school only as an option.

Prayer requests:  Turtleman, Uranus and family, Big Pappy and family (wedding upcoming and new foster child), family friend of Buckeye that has experienced a death, Roscoe father in law experiencing new phase of life, Breaker Breaker daughter in law job search, YHC 2.0 (Tiger Cub) who had a fall and head contusion, Pax going on vacation

YHC took us out

Always an honor


40 50 10

Forty exercises, 50 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, that’s how we opened up Tuesday. Hooked yet, of course you are, so let me give some details.

SSH 20
LBC 15
Squats 10 IC
Merkins 10 IC


50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest then move on!

kettle bell swing
curl w/ kettle bell
freddy mercury

3 burpies

mountain climber
high knee
squat press
bent row w/ kettle bell
peter parker

shoulder tap
monkey humpers

shoulder press w/ kettle bell
tricep extension w/ kettle bell
crab crunch
calf raises
side plank leg raises

bobby hurleys
sumo squats
curl hammers w/ kettle bell
dying cockroaches
broad jumps

zombie walk
cruchy frog
american hammers

squat curl press w/ kettle bell
merkin kettle bell pull
side straddle hops
bear crawl

Stretching & core for 3 minutes.

4 Year Anniversary Q

9 solid HIM’s decided to join me in a celebration of my 4 year anniversary of posting with F3. Since Midoriyama is one of my favorite AO’s, it was a perfect opportunity to take the Q and deliver a moderately challenging workout for those who chose to join. All in attendance were regulars so the disclaimer was short, followed by the pledge and a light warmup. Let’s mosey.


Line up on the sideline at the small soccer field for some 40’s.

10 reps of called exercise then run 40 yards and NUR back.

Exercises were Burpee’s, HR Merkins, Big Boys and Heels to Heaven


44 Shoulder Taps, 44 LBC’s, 44 Squats


40’s Round 2

10 reps of called exercise then Karaoke left 40 yards and Karaoke right back.

Exercises were Burpee’s, Diamond Merkins, American Hammers and In & Outs


44 Shoulder Taps, 44 LBC’s, 44 Squats


40’s Round 3

10 reps of called exercise then High Knees 40 yards and Butt Kickers back.

Exercises were Burpee’s, Werkins, V-ups and Flutter Kicks


44 Shoulder Taps, 44 LBC’s, 44 Squats


There was supposed to be a 4th round (as Slaw duly noted and complained about the missed opportunity), but we were already over halfway through the workout and YHC had some other fun filled exercises that the PAX were sure to enjoy.


Mosey back to the Turd Shack at the start for another type of 40’s…Lindsey’s.

Hip Slappers and Wall Jumps – 30/10, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30

All the PAX really enjoyed this part and were hopeful of a rinse and repeat, but reluctantly agreed to move to the next set of exercises.


After a short fellowship mosey to the adjacent parking lot we finished up with some Dirty 11’s. Mike Tyson’s on one side, Tiger Squats on the opposite side and a Burpee each time you crossed the island.



The last four years seem to have flown by and it seems like only yesterday that I posted for the first time at The Yank and then spent the next week uncertain if I would ever again be able to raise my arms above my head. I can’t thank the PAX of Gashouse enough for the impact and difference that they have made in my life, you guys are awesome and I appreciate each and every one of you. I feel like I’ve come a long way since that first post and to see the growth and acceleration by so many other PAX is what motivates me to keep coming out and trying to get better. This F3 thing is here to stay, so let’s do everything we can to continue to grow not only the size of the region, but the HIM’s within it.



F3 Dad’s workout this Saturday at The Yank

Nail clippers and Chapstick for THE Service Project

2nd F lunch at noon next Thursday at Bubba’s in Gastonia

2nd F Axe Throwing at the Mall next Saturday


Prayer Request


PAX traveling

Big Pappy – Blue getting married, mother moving to assisted living, new foster child

Roscoe’s father in law moving to assisted living

Linus’ Dad

Stroganoff health


Freight took us out.

I’m Broke

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