Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2018 (Page 5 of 8)

Painlab Inspired

3 HIMS didn’t let a cold rain discourage them from getting better this morning. The night before we had a one pax with his M at the hospital. Another pax with a nagging injury and yet another pax that had to go to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning  for his M’s mom. That knocked the available pax down athe least by 3. Hope all is well men we will be praying for you. Now for the Painlab inspired beat down which is a new style of workout to me.

Warmarama: SSH, Toy Soldiers, Gravel Pickers

Thang: Dips, Incline Merkins, Step ups, Derkins, then on your 6 for the core part of the routine. LBCs, American Hammers,Big Boys, Freddie Mercurys, and Sandy V’s.  All exercises X 10 OYO. Repeat these for the next 35 minutes.

We really started to feel the core work after a few sets and by the end it was a struggle to finish the core work. Great work by all but we’re not done yet. Makhtar  N’ Daiyes X10 IC, Peter Parkers X10 IC, Parker Peters X10 IC. Those were a real crowd pleaser after the core work. With just 30 seconds left 10 burpees  OYO.  Time.

Announcements: Christmas  Town 5K, half marathon Dec 22 ,Operation Sweet Tooth

Prayer Request: Allen Tate mother in law, Bed Pans M, each other

Encouragement along the way

YHC awoke early this AM to the pitter patter of rain hitting the windows of his house. Being close to the holidays and my 2.0’s birthday, YHC couldn’t afford to get sick by running haphazardly in the torrential rains that had been in the area all week long. But, I knew I still had a job to do and the fact that a core principle of F3 is: “Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold”. Not knowing who or if anyone would show I took off enroute to the popular running AO. Arrived at the Pub right on schedule. JJ and Roscoe are there, rain gear on & ready to go. YHC informed them of his no running intentions. Time for pledge but no shovel flag. Improvise, OK Google : American Flag. Google images provides us with a flag. The pledge was said. YHC wished them well & told them to be safe. JJ informs me they will be on all sidewalks only for safety.

The Thang:

The PAX took off on the Martha’s loop.

YHC Decides to do a dry run of the Pub whilst they run. I take off and do the 5 mile Gardner Park loop. Made pretty good time, avg 2:05pace. Finished in 10:31.

With time to spare YHC had plans.

Im out here so do some burpees. Find shelter along the way and bust out a few at Publix gas station, Harris Teeter loading dock area and the old Rite-Aid. I managed to knock out 50 total in the 3 stops.

Check on the PAX. Met the PAX around the half way point (Rite-Aid) and offered some words of encouragement. If only I had a cowbell.

0600 – Starbucks run

0610 – I arrive back at the Pub and begin writing my Backblast in the parking lot. Really trying to beat these Folsom guys at this.

0620 – PAX arrive back at the Pub. Soaked, but with smiles on their faces. Surprised that YHC stuck around They must remember the F3 Credo is: Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.

YHC reminded these men what True HIM they really are. Coming out in these conditions and pushing themselves to be better. That said I rewarded them with some Starbucks gift cards to help them warm up after that cold, wet run. Only really good Q’s take care of their PAX 🤣!


40 Day prayer challenge, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes chapters.

YHC took us out

Men, remind yourself that even if you are unable to physically do something, you can always find other ways of accomplishing things. Yes I could’ve stayed in the fartsack this AM, but I had a job to do and people depending on me to be there. Accountability and commitment. This should hold true outside of our workouts and into our busy lives.

To the Weasel Shaker – I cannot in good conscience allow you to give me credit for this workout. Please remember to “-1” my totals for November.

JJ & Roscoe, I’ll catch you guys next run!




11 for 11’s

As I told the Pax during the workout the mighty site Q enlisted my leadership late Tuesday and asked if I would Q this workout – As always I was honored he’d think of me especially since I’ve not posted at Marthas in 3 weeks due to work commitments.  The morning was cold and the rain was just ending as I pulled up.  Seemed as if there were several out for EC this morning with several cars in the parking lot and no pax around.  As the time to start approached we collected 11 pax to have a nice little Defib beatdown


Warmup -SSH – 15 IC

Merkins 10 IC

Imperial wakers 10 IC


Gastone challenged me to get 4 miles of running in during the beatdown – as such we moseyed – stopping at each corner for 5 burpees OYO.  When we got to Gastone’s Hill we alternated Nur/Run/Nur to top.  At the top we did 10 Peter Parkers and 10 Parker Peters IC.  Next mosey to Dollar General for 11’s with merkins and squats with some bear crawling in between.  Mosey to Food Lion for dips in the cart return area followed by some wall work at Harris Teeter – 10 Hip slapper IC and 10 donkey kicks OYO with running the length of the parking lot in between.  Someone called out 15 mins of wall sits – so we did wall sits while each pax ran the length of the parking lot (7 mins)  Finished off with some sprint work (suicides) and dips on the way back to Pelican’s.  Didn’t quite get 4 miles in  but t Pax gave it great effort!


Announcements:  Christmastown Saturday 11/24.  Come out to support pax and track commanders

Christmas Party at Quichee’s 12/15

40 days of discipline – continue to pray for pax

Order new AO T-shirts online now for Bulldog and Hollywood – also T-shirts are available for M’s

Prayer requests for Nickie Bailey, Turtleman and M running Spartan, firefighters and those effected by California wildfires.


As always it was an honor and pleasure to lead this fine group of HIMs this morning

Until next time Defib- out

Let’s Try Something Different

Nine showed at Mirdoryama on a gloomy evening.  Didn’t rain, not sure how we avoided it, but turned out to a good evening to try something a little different.  Here’s how it went.


Side Straddle Hop x 12, Imperial Walkers x12, Don Q x 12


Mosey to far paking lot by soccer fields.  Started in one corner.  Q called for an animal theme start.  Each exercise started at the side curb and proceeded up to parking space lines. Idea was to get a total body workout, but maintain a core focus.  First, duck walk with a shoulder press, Al Gore for the six.  Everybody mosey to the turd shack for 10 hip slappers in cadence.  Mosey back to the start.  Bunny hop with a shoulder press, mosey to turd shack for ten donkey kicks, mosey back to start.  After each exercise mosey to turd shack alternating hip slappers and donkey kicks and back to start.  Continued with crab walk, chameleon walk, crouching tiger with burpee, and bear crawl with burpee.  All of these exercise are performed low to the ground, to stress the shoulders, triceps and big focus on keeping core tight.

After last set of donkey kicks we went to the big soccer field for progressive workout around small track.  Started with 10 flutter crunches, ran to next turn for 10 flutter crunches and 10 jumping lunges, next turn 10 each of first two exercise plus 10 hand release merkins, this is where Slaw decided to play in the mud puddle.  Last was all three exercises plus 10 jump squats.

Mosey back to middle parking lot for inch worms to third stripe to finish cooking the core. Fellowship mosey back to start.  Time

Different kind of work out today, one that can be as easy or as difficult as is wanted by changing body position.  Closer to the ground is much harder on the exercises involving plank.  Good push by all.

Remember speed for need in McAdenville, half marathon in Belmont Dec 22, and Christmas party Dec 15 at (Keesh, Quiche, Ceash) house.

Prayer requests, Lil Sweet has a friend with cancer, Def Leopard wife having knee problem, Nantan on a boat, DDC traveling, Sly and his unit, victims and responders to CA wildfires.

Always  an honor


Substitute Teacher

4 showed for a little Mosey around Dallas. The teacher (Site Q) was out so YHC filled in for a few announcements and prayer.

Announcements: bring toys for Operation Sweet Tooth, Christmastown 5k. YHC took us out in prayer

Parking Death

Never Q’d Downtown before. Vast area to perform multiple different exercises; however, YHC knew it was going to be cold and rainy so thought I’d use the parking deck. Visited the Ye ol Exicon database to get some inspiration for some new or rarely used exercises. Really wanted to bring out some coupons but I had gotten sidetracked with life during the week so wasn’t able to get them made, that said had to modify the weinke last minute

Warmup in the pavilion out of the rain:

SSH – 50 IC

Imperial Walker – 15 IC

MNC – 50 IC (Whoopee liked to pretend I was feeling him up during this exercise)

Mosey out of pavilion and stop in front of flag poles. Single file line for the Death March. Very slow, fellowshipish mosey while last guy in line does 5 burpees. After he finishes taps last guy in line to do burpees and sprints to the front. Rinse, repeat through line until we make it to the top of the parking deck.

Take stairs to lower level of Parking Deck

Jacobs Ladder
P1 – Merkins, Squats, LBC’s, CDD’s
P2 run up stairs, 2 Burpees run back down stairs & switch. Next time up 4 burpees, repeat until 8 burpees each PAX

Chilly Jacks – 15 IC
Crowd Pleaser – 1 Merkin 1 Groiner 1:1 to 5:5 to 1:1
Makhtar N’Diayes – 10 (Broke get’s bonus points for naming the UNC standout by only 1 clue given by YHC “UNC player from Senegal”)
French Fries – 25 each arm

Mumblechatter was at an all time high. Whoopee and I got into it on the French Fries as YHC was trying to steal them. He didnt care for that too much and ended up making a complete mockery of me. Made me laugh so hard it was a triple core workout for me. Pretty sure he tea bagged me a few times as well. Well played sir!

Mosey back to the pavilion and circle up for Barrell of Monkeys?? Squirt and YHC seem to recall thats what the exercise is called. Come to find out later the official term is called “Howling Monkeys”.  In a circle, everyone grabs their ankles in Monkey Humper fashion (or Gorilla Humper, for the fearless) . The first person does ten monkey humpers followed by the next person and so on as in other “ring of fire” exercises. Don’t let go of the ankles!

Next we did an Around the Horn style MARY. We heard a train so of course 5 burpess.


XMAS Party and other some other events that have already happened

Prayer requests spoken & unspoken

Squirt took us out.

Bed Pan,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to Q at your site. I know you will do great things with this Downtown AO. Makes me happy to think we started at the same time and we are already running our own AO’s. For the rest of you, thanks for resisting the fartsack and coming out to support me and make yourselves better at the same time. See you all again soon!!





Half a dozen

After a solo PrisonBreak last week, I was optimistic about the turnout this week. Pulling into Folsom, I see Volt already on his run. After some chatter and stretching the others filed out at their own paces. There were no ruckers on this episode of PrisonBreak. Seems like running is all that’s happening lately, but hey, nothing wrong with that.


announcements: Convergence at the yank Saturday. Christmas Town 5K

YHC took us out in prayer

Kettlebell Work

Just kidding, we ran.

Most ran The Pub Route:
Out of the Publix parking lot and right on Hoffman
Left onto Pamela
Left onto Gardner Park Dr
Left onto Armstrong Park Rd
Back to The Pub

Others ran a shorter version of about 4 miles:
Out of the Publix parking lot and right on Hoffman
Left onto New Hope
Left onto Armstrong Park Rd
Back to The Pub and circle around for additional mileage

Convergence at The Yank w/ 3rd F to follow
Veteran’s Day Murph at The Black Knight
New AO on Tuesdays at Bess with no-running, Pain Lab-style workout (This announcement went over well at a running AO). In all seriousness, thanks to Hipaa for coming out to promote it.

Prayer Requests:
Monk’s brother-in-law’s mother
Stroganoff’s friend w/ liver cancer

Veterans Day Zachary Tellier

12 posted at Mt Hollywood on this Veterans Day.  Every since I was on the Q schedule for this day I knew what would be done.  I was going to introduce the PAX to Zachary Tellier.  Please take time to click on the link to find out what we did and read about this HIM.

We welcomed one FNG(Hot Air) today and I’m sure this guy will prove that he is not full of Hot Air. (I have known this man my whole life)  Great work by all that posted this morning!!!

Always remember the service members that have sacrificed their lives for our freedom and thank the past and present members!!  Thanks again and it’s always a honor to lead a great group of men!!

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOUUUUTTTTT!!!


SFN Christmastown 5k- November 24th at 6pm…please come out and support!!!

Christmas party- December 15th from 6pm til 4am…The Quiche’s(more information coming)

40 day Spritual Challenge- read 31 Chapters of Proverbs and 12 Chapters of Ecclesiasties

Convergence: Who Wants The Belt?

F3 Gastonia announced the fourth quarter Convergence at The Fighting Yank with Roscoe and Short Sale tabbed to lead the PAX. As it would be a tag team affair, the theme would follow suit as the pair transformed into former Tag Team Champions “The Rockers” Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty. Great effort was made to look the part as well as design a Weinke to execute a beat-down that would challenge the All-Star Battle Royale in downtown Belmont.

A chilly morning began with a number of PAX getting some extra credit while kit for the Pain Lab and the stage were formed. Linus kicked off the event a few minutes early–reading the Proclamation ahead of Veterans Day – more to come on that. With the circle formed and document read, John Williams orchestra masterpiece from 2001 A Space Odyssey began to thump over the speaker. The Nature Boy made this famous and as the self proclaimed World Universal Intercontinental Heavyweight Tag Team Champions of F3, your heroes crested the hill and ran into the squared circle to rousing applause and enthusiasm. Once in the ring and with all the excitement, Short Sale made a not so informative disclaimer. Seeing his partner in major trouble, Roscoe was frantically in their corner calling for a tag.  At the last possible moment before the match was called, Short Sale struggled to the corner and made a legal tag.  Roscoe came in with new energy and immediately initiated the warm up but would soon lose steam. Another exchange was made as would occur frequently during the workout. There were 45 men that experienced this live but you can read about it here:


  • Roscoe: SSH – IC x 20 (tag)
  • Short Sale: 5 Burpees OYO (Tag)
  • Roscoe: LBC’s IC x 15 (Tag)
  • Short Sale: 5 Burpees OYO, Squats: IC x 10 (Tag)
  • Roscoe: Merkins 15 IC

During the warm-up, we reviewed a few of the F3 principals (peer led, held outdoors – rain/shine, free of charge, open to all men, ends with a Circle of Trust). As HIPAA and Madoff were the first to answer, they received “flair” which were bright colored strips tied around their bicep. As any wrestling fan knows, “flair” is as important to the look as the hair, ripped physique, and a signature move. Your Tag Team Champions had plenty of flair – and shared often during the workout to reward great effort or in Sargento’s case as a consolation prize (in this era of everyone getting a participation trophy). If Sargento had gotten flair earlier it would have been removed for his odd mumble chatter today.


Mosey to the Glenway Pub parking lot:

Short Sale instructed: Divide into teams of 5 for Four Corners, tag team version.

  • Corner 1: Flying Squirrels
  • Corner 2:Squats
  • Corner 3: LBCs
  • Corner 4: 4x4x4(4 reps of SSH, Merkins, Mtn Climbers)

Partners 1-4 begin at corner performing AMRAP of exercise. The timer is Partner 5, carrying a sandbag. Upon arrival, the partners tag in to carry the sandbag to the next corner. It was a little chaotic but there was no rest so the heart rate got going as did the mumble chatter. Plenty of flair was awarded for men pushing the rock.

Roscoe: Once sufficient effort and flair was handed out, Roscoe called for Omaha and the PAX followed back through the park to Belmont Middle School track.


Partner up. P1 places P2 in the torture rack (Fireman’s Carry) and performs 10 squats, one spin, moseys to the other side of the track, 10 more squats.  Both partners then mosey to the next corner where P2 carries P1.  There was supposed to be a mandatory “WhoooooOO!” while doing this exercise but too much mumble chatter at the explanation caused this part to fail.  One lap of that and Roscoe was spent.  Somehow he struggled to jump from his knees to tag in Short Sale before collapsing in a pool of mud and sweat.

SHORT SALE then called for the ugly wench Dora.

Dora 1-2-3

Remain on the middle school field for yet another partner exercise. P1 performs the exercise; P2 runs the length of the field and returns to tag in. The first set was a challenge on the legs, the next for the arms and the last for the gut.

  • 100 Jump lunges (50 each leg)
  • 200 Merkins
  • 300 Flutter Kicks

A train raced through on a nearby track. Dolph called the 5 burpee penalty – some followed suit, others ignored the challenge. This was a tough set at this point. We’d been pushed pretty hard with a lengthy mosey from the first thang to the second thang. There was a look of exasperation on many faces – but think of all the dramatic wrestling matches you’ve seen in your lifetime, when the good guy begins to re-gain his strength, pulling from deep within for the final push before making the pin. This was no different as the PAX pushed through toward the finish. Roscoe’s blond hair and sunglasses apparently reminded Def Leppard of his high school girlfriend.  Roscoe objected because he is no doubt better looking than Def Leppards high school girlfriend and even though he wrestles in the superheavyweight class no doubt weighed less than Leppard’s High School girlfriend.

Roscoe/Mary: At this point the PAX were called to plank up for the six and Roscoe asked for things we are grateful for.  Cornerstone’s daughter as a cancer survivor, All the PAX and F3 Nation, there were others….then Mosey to the fountain for Mary.  The Pain Lab moseyed over and joined in for the last bit of Mary which included Burpees, Dying Cockroaches, Squats,  and LBC’s before the tag team was counted out of the ring and Linus took back over for the closing ceremonies and Decision.

Linus called for all the veterans to come to the center of the ring. We had the Navy (Slaw), Marine Corps (Oompa Loompa), and the Air Force (Somebody) represented.  Each PAX was asked for who served in their family.  There were many fathers, uncles, grandfathers, and some grandmothers that served.  Thank you all!  Then Linus played the service Anthems for Army (merkins), Marines, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard. Our Veterans were granted immunity of the called exercise to observe the PAX doing merkins, burpees, jump squats, lbc’s, and Michael Phelps. During the merkins, Sister Act and Def Leppard had a posterior view of Short Sale, commenting how firm his glutes appeared in the tights, possibly accented by the jock strap. As a reward, someone may or may not have been tea-bagged during an impromptu monkey humper. The sights that eyes can never remove live forever.

At the end the moment everyone was waiting for. The Ring Announcer declared “The Rockers” the winners of the match and still Tag Team Champions of the World!

COT: Prayers of thanks for Cornerstone’s daughter that has survived cancer but he initiated a collection for Band-Aids noting his daughter and other survivors continue treatments and after each shot, they need a Band-Aid for the wound. You can contribute to this cause via this link:   Pizza Man’s daughter is ill, prayers for her recovery. Pizza Man’s Grandmother and her new knee.

Announcements: Tomorrow is F3 Dad’s at Martha’s House at 3PM.  It will be a 2.0 friendly beatdown followed by some fellowship and games.  If you come, bring water, snacks, and Frisbees, volleyballs, footballs, and anything else you want to play with.  Remember, it is for the kids! (wink wink)

Christmas-town 5K is technically closed for registration but we’re pushing 8 chariots. Please come out and support and run without a bib if you want. The Christmas Party will be December 15th at Quiche’s new estate. Rumor has it that pets will be allowed?

We named 2 FNG’s today. FNG Sap was visiting from Greenville, SC. JK2 and his company had a conference this weekend that lured several F3 men from other regions to participate in our Convergence. Special recognition to Spackler, Hacksaw, and To-to (theirs not ours) to join our convergence. Broke and Slaw EH’ed Chris Shuford to our workout. He was raised in Belmont, working his first job at Chronicle Mill earning the F3 name Lint Head. Welcome gentlemen.

Moleskin:  Pizza Man asked Roscoe or Short Sale to Q this convergence a while ago thinking he would be out of town.  We liked the idea of the Co-Q so we went with a theme.  Linus has an idea to Q a themed Veteran’s Day tribute at the Gashouse so he just moved it over and incorporated it into the Convergence.  The Pain Lab went mobile again and Roadie upped the game with a huge tire flipping station.  This was followed by Freight and Tiger sharing good words and introducing a 40 Day Spiritual Challenge.  We also learned that Ricky is full of constructive sarcasm.  Freight also delivered water, coffee, and bananas.  A true #HIM!

F3 is a blessing when we can share in all three F’s in one morning. You can sense the joy in the group when we get together and the fellowship is strong.  Please don’t take it for granted and always look for ways to be a positive influence on your spouse, your children, your peers, and strangers.  We should always be looking to invite others into the ring.

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