Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 23, 2018

Gravy Gut

12 men found their way out of the fartsack to burn of the Thanksgiving gut. It was cold, windy and I was still full and sluggish. Oh well I volunteered for this!


Let’s mosey to the deck to get out of the wind.


Seal Jacks x 15ic

Low Slow Slaw Squat x 15ic

Morroccan Nightclubs for a while. For added work throw in your longhorns!

CDD x 10ic

Flutter kicks x 10ic

LBC x 10ic

Man it’s hard to bend at the belly!

The Thang:

3 exercises on each level(we did 4 levels). Starting with 15 of each.

1st level-Donkey Kicks, Wall sit and march, Freddy Mercury

2nd level-Ski burps, lunges, dirty hookups

3rd level-bird dogs, plank jacks, broad jumps

4th level-Eddy Gordo(ask and I can show you), squats, burpees

Joe Hendricks on all the ramps going up of course!

Crab walk each one and mosey back to the bottom.

Do again but this time 10 each.

Running low on time I gave Golddigger the chose of option 1 or 2. He chose so we headed back to the flag.

Deep sea divers-15 up and 10 back down.

Circle up for the Iron Hulk. We had 12 so everyone got a chance to call it. 12/48 was the last count.

Pizza Man lead a few exercises while I grabbed my phone.

Sorry guys maybe next time we will do shoulders!



Announcements-SFN C-town, Christmas party 12/15 info coming

Prayer Request- Family, Addictions


A little word about how you are never truly not a sadclown. He is always there waiting to come out! Great to be out today. Do not take it for granted!

Tesla back at The Yank

So it had been awhile since YHC had led a Yank workout, duck season, convergences, and just other pax stepping up! That is all good! So with that being the case as the gathering crowd grew restless in the chill of 34 degrees, low humidity and actual sunshine (perfect weather) as opposed to biblical floods, chill and wind of the past week it was easy to go back to basics today at The Yank and some Four Corners.


20X mix of SSH, squats, IWs and Mtn Climbers.

Mosey off to the first corner:

Rail squats (Trumpers), merkins, LBCs X 10, 15, 20

On to the third corner (the corner of knowledge), did not stop at corner 2.

step ups, Dips, dirkins, 10X15X20

Burpee broad jumps : 10X

Frog hops: 10X

Do this to halfway across the middle school front yard.

Repeat going back.

Mosey down to the 4th corner:

Jump squats, inclined merkins, SSH X 10, 15, 20

Mosey up to the Field of Dreams for some fun, fun, fun!

Bear Crawl IM X 2 each, one agility run.

SSH X 10, merkins X 10 all 2X

Go back the same way we came. Bear crawls and agility runs.

Triple nickel time.

Note: We started on Heatbreak Hill but it was WAY too muddy and slick. We could have torn the place up and decided against that so we went back up to the Field of Dreams and ran it for the nickel.

Lower end: WWI situps.

Upper End: Hand release merkins


By now we were done. Good work by all pax, get catch a pledge at The Yank.


Was a great day to be out here, and everybody got better. Did recognize Dirt for his outstanding VQ at Goat Island under very tough conditions Thursday. VQs are never easy and that one was very complicated given the very bad conditions we had to deal with. He did great! Look forward to more Qs with our brother very soon!

We probably will be moving the site for the December 1 workout. The Girls on the Run 5k is right at The Yank so it looks like on the 1st we will be over in the parking lot across from Glenway Pub it appears that moring. Will let you know as those plans solidify.

Always a pleasure to lead this group! Orangeman up next. I hear he is getting meaner as his beard grows so I would be VERY AFRAID!



We literally left our Sandy V behind

Finally after consecutive weeks at Bulldog we finally have a morning with no rain! YHC was excited to get out from under the awning and be able to spread out a little and utilize the parking lot a little. That said i loaded up the M’s minivan with some coupons, some new and some old. Finally invested in some of those fancy cinder blocks, not sure why I haven’t done this before. Literally almost 160Lbs for like 6 bucks!

Word on the street was we were going to have 4 FNG’s. Well we didn’t have that; However, we did have 2 cotters come out and join us. Welcome back Moped and Hunk-A-Junk!!

Total PAX in attendance for week # 2 at Bulldog: 9!







Tire pull (This was the timer) – pull 4 times
Curls – cinder blocks
Suitcase deadlift & shrug – buckets
Renegade rows – dumbells
Arnold press – dumbells
Shadow boxing – dumbells
Chest press – cinder blocks
Crushers – slam ball
Skull crushers – kettlebell
Goblet squat – kettlebell
Blockees – cinderblock
Rinse and Repeat

It was during the 2nd round of circuits that the 60Lb. sandbag on top of the tire decided it had enough getting drug around and busted open. Needless to say the 60Lb. bag quickly became about 20Lbs. That means the PAX dropped roughly 40Lbs. of sand outta their V during this strenuous beat down. Congrats!

Pseudo Planche Merkins

MARY – Round the horn style




Prayers requests

Madoff took us out, thank you sir!

Thanks men for coming out. Always a pleasure. Appreciate the help kicking the extra sandy V to the curb after the workout. Didn’t want anyone else showing up to Bess, accidentally picking it up and carrying it with them.





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