Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Encouragement along the way

  • Post Type:
  • When: 11/15/2018
  • AO:
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: JJ, Roscoe

YHC awoke early this AM to the pitter patter of rain hitting the windows of his house. Being close to the holidays and my 2.0’s birthday, YHC couldn’t afford to get sick by running haphazardly in the torrential rains that had been in the area all week long. But, I knew I still had a job to do and the fact that a core principle of F3 is: “Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold”. Not knowing who or if anyone would show I took off enroute to the popular running AO. Arrived at the Pub right on schedule. JJ and Roscoe are there, rain gear on & ready to go. YHC informed them of his no running intentions. Time for pledge but no shovel flag. Improvise, OK Google : American Flag. Google images provides us with a flag. The pledge was said. YHC wished them well & told them to be safe. JJ informs me they will be on all sidewalks only for safety.

The Thang:

The PAX took off on the Martha’s loop.

YHC Decides to do a dry run of the Pub whilst they run. I take off and do the 5 mile Gardner Park loop. Made pretty good time, avg 2:05pace. Finished in 10:31.

With time to spare YHC had plans.

Im out here so do some burpees. Find shelter along the way and bust out a few at Publix gas station, Harris Teeter loading dock area and the old Rite-Aid. I managed to knock out 50 total in the 3 stops.

Check on the PAX. Met the PAX around the half way point (Rite-Aid) and offered some words of encouragement. If only I had a cowbell.

0600 – Starbucks run

0610 – I arrive back at the Pub and begin writing my Backblast in the parking lot. Really trying to beat these Folsom guys at this.

0620 – PAX arrive back at the Pub. Soaked, but with smiles on their faces. Surprised that YHC stuck around They must remember the F3 Credo is: Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.

YHC reminded these men what True HIM they really are. Coming out in these conditions and pushing themselves to be better. That said I rewarded them with some Starbucks gift cards to help them warm up after that cold, wet run. Only really good Q’s take care of their PAX 🤣!


40 Day prayer challenge, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes chapters.

YHC took us out

Men, remind yourself that even if you are unable to physically do something, you can always find other ways of accomplishing things. Yes I could’ve stayed in the fartsack this AM, but I had a job to do and people depending on me to be there. Accountability and commitment. This should hold true outside of our workouts and into our busy lives.

To the Weasel Shaker – I cannot in good conscience allow you to give me credit for this workout. Please remember to “-1” my totals for November.

JJ & Roscoe, I’ll catch you guys next run!




1 Comment

  1. Clavin

    Wow that was a fastback Blast!! I most like the one for Tuesday oh sorry …. or the one from Friday ….oh sorry….

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