Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: April 2017 (Page 2 of 4)

Mixing It Up – 2nd Try

In the early foggy gloom of a Thursday morning a group of ten men gathered in Cramerton to experience the Q of one with little practice. It started out with an initial conundrum of who was supposed to be the Q that morning and who was prepared.  Weinke was seen in one person’s posession and Streak looked visibly relieved the responsibility was not his.  Comment was made: “The Weinke was seen in his mouth and it looked big”, and thus further joking proceeded.  Time passed on to the ultimate start and a short disclaimer was given, mostly to not expect a whole lot this morning.


  • Warmup: Q Power was starting to build and take over
    • Toy Soldiers X  15
    • Side Straddle Hop X  15
    • Monkey Humpers X  10
    • Moroccan Night Clubs X  15
  • The Thang:
    • Mosey Around the Field – End at Bridge
    • Lunge Walk Across half the Bridge, High Knees the other half
    • Animal Triangle – 3 Rounds – Mumble Chatter started to begin after the 1st Round
      • Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Spiderman Crawl
      • 5 Burpees due to Train
    • Mosey to Other Bridge – Q demonstrated initial exercise and slipped on wet bridge, laughter was had by all
      • Burpee & 2 Lunges Across Bridge
    • 11’s Up and Down the Hill – This burned some time
      • Carolina Dry Docks, Squats
    • 20 X Flutter Kicks, 10 X  Windshield Wipers, Protractor, 10  X  Mayor of Loves
      • Special dedication goes out to Mayor for his much appreciated exercise movement
      • We also may need a geometry lesson on how angles work
    • Mosey Back
      • Hip Slappers on the Way X  20
    • 5 X  Burpees for good measure
    • Pledge
    • Announcements
      • Sign up for Mud Run May 20th
      • Advisory Board meeting with be at Brown Streak’s house next time – ALL ARE WELCOME
      • Burpathon still in the works
      • Local 5k’s Coming Up – Cramerton, Belmont
    • Name-o-Rama
    • Prayer Requests
    • Shield Lock

      Thank you to all who came out this morning and joined the group to push the rock again. I appreciate the support from all of you while I learn this whole Q thing.  Even when I demonstrated the intended exercise and landed flat on my tuchus, the concern for my wellbeing outweighed the obvious funny moment.  We have a great group of men and it was a pleasure for me to lead you this morning.


Pay Your Taxes

Disclamer was said




Into the warm up (Brownstreak Style)…..with one of the Best Bands to calm us all 45 mins of TOOL playing out of the Bluetooth!




SST x 25 IC

1 Burpee

Hillbilly x 15 IC

2 burpees

Cotton pickers x 10 IC

3 burpees

Monkey humpers x 15 IC

4 burpees

Mericans x 15 IC

5 burpees

Lunges x 10 (each leg)

6 burpees

Toy soldiers x 10 IC

7 burpees

Squats x 15 IC

8 Burpees

Carolina Dry docks x 15 IC

9 burpees

Peter Parker x 15 IC

10 burpees


After the warm up ( lots of Mublechatter here it had to happen….


The Thang


Core Time with Tool Time

In and Outs with arms up -25

Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide leg sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors- 25

Hip Rock and Raise – 25

Heels to Heaven- 25

V-Up/Roll-ups -25

Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25

Leg Climbs Right leg – 12/ Then Left Leg 12

American Hammers -50

Mosey the on to a little Dip/Derkin action…

30 Dips IC then 15 Derkins IC

15 Dips IC then 15 Derkins IC

20 dips single count then 10 Derkins IC……

Short mosey around the parking lot

Then circle up 22 for the vets lead by Slaw!




It was great to Q again I’ve missed it …..I spoke about our call to be warriors and kings and sages to advance His Kingdom and challenged all of us to look for the opportunities in our everyday life to impact those around us.



Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Recon Paid Off

YHC showed at The Storm 25 minutes early to find the appropriate spot for the planned workout.  We always mosey by or around the soccer field there, but since YHC has started posting, I’ve never seen it used.  This would be the perfect location for the planned workout, but to my dismay all the gates are locked and a sign clearly reads “No Access without Permission of the Athletic Director”.  Well the thought of climbing over the 5 foot fence flashed through my head, but the recent run in with the police at the Yank makes me think maybe that’s not the best idea.  Lets see if we can find any other sports fields unlocked for use.  I figure if the soccer field is locked, there is no way the football stadium is open, but lets check anyways.  All gates securely pad locked, but whats that I see.  A super secret entrance that might be open?????? I quickly mosey through here and there and yes its OPEN!  Head on back to the pax and lets get this thing started.


Warm Up:

Omaha.  I’m so excited, I don’t know what to do with myself.  Follow Me!

I led the pax through here and there and through the super secret entrance.  Some might consider this omaha’d warm up a workout, but it definitely got us warm.  Here’s what we did.  Stadiums: Snaked up and down the stairs of the stadium bleachers at you fastest pace hitting every step.  Finish with 10 Burpees at the start.  Rinse and Repeat 3 times.

The Thang:

We moseyed back out the super secret entrance and to the parking lot for some corners work.  I really wanted to do this down on the football field, but didn’t want overload the pax on our new playground all in the first day.

We started at one island in the parking lot, traversed two rows then exercised, traversed the length then exercises, traversed the opposite two rows then exercised and traversed the final length to finish a round.  5 rounds in all, giving it all you got.

  • Round 1:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 Merkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 LBCs
    • Width 2: Nur + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 2:
    • Width 1: Crab Walk + 20 CDDs
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 Flutter kicks
    • Width 2: Lunge + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 3:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 Werkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 Freddie Mercury
    • Width 2: Nur + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 4:
    • Width 1: Crab Walk + 20 Merkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 Crunchy Frogs
    • Width 2: Lunge + 10 Burpees
    • Length 2: Sprint
  • Round 5:
    • Width 1: Bear Crawl + 20 Merkins
    • Length 1: Sprint + 20 LBCs
    • Width 2: Nur + 10 Jump Squats
    • Length 2: Sprint

Mosey to the start and finish with 3 minutes of Mary.  Started with Dolph and went around the circle.  First time we heard Wheezy do a 4 count exercise and calls for his VQ began.  Also the first time we heard Oh Wow attempt a 4 count exercise and chatter and hilarity ensued.



  • Top Hat graciously volunteered to Q next week at the Storm so YHC wouldn’t do it again!
  • Burpathon still in the works.
  • Sign up for the Mud Run May 20th.

Prayer Request / COT

Thank you all for the opportunity to lead and for continuing to push the rock with me!

Stealing cars

Thanks to Brownstreak, I was able to get motivated by something on TV last night-Fast and Furious 6 was on, and although I have not seen any of the Fast and Furious movies, I believe the plot generally revolves around stealing cars and driving fast. The name of the movie was enough for me to get some creative juices going. There’s probably some sex, things get blown up, and general bedlam ensues…none of that was on the agenda this am so it’s ok to keep reading….well, maybe a little bedlam but who knows?

Six of us gathered in the gloom trying to figure out who had the Q today and for the next few days while Gastone was gone. It was like we were missing Sargent Hulka during bootcamp (do you like that one Billy Madison? Name that movie!!). We got started with the pledge then a quick explanation of what inspired my weinke: Fast and Furious 6-the PAX were a little surprised during the warmup that we actually had a bona fide warmup-chalk that one up to the brown hair on my head being replaced by grey or no hair. It does not need to be much, but the warmup is important. I gave a very brief disclaimer then we were off…

WU: 10 IC SSH, Merkins, LBC, Imperial Walkers, mobile warmup around Pelican’s with buttkickers, high knees, slide this way, slide that way then mosey to the defunct Lowe’s grocery store parking lot for the THANG:

1 lap around parking lot, 6 hip slappers

2 laps around lot, 6 HS+6LBC

3 laps around lot, 6 HS+6LBC+6SumoSquats (a nod to Gastone for the SS)

4 laps around lot, 6HS+6LBC+6SS+6Merkins

5 laps around lot, 6HS+6LBC+6SS+6Merkins+6LittleBabyFlutterCrunches (thanks Pizza Man)

6 laps around lot, 6HS+6LBC+6Merkins+6LBFC+6DonkeyKicks

This was the plan however, the Q failed to remember the 2 laps during round 2 so we only did 1 lap, the 3 laps was really only 2 laps, and we got a lap dropped on the 4th round when Stone Cold was able to recall Merkins for that round so our 6 laps was really only 4 laps (if you followed that you probably live in Cramer Mountain and have soccer arms. If you don’t have a clue what I meant, then you probably live in LoGa or NoDa-honestly, I don’t know the difference which is probably because they are the same????…. just saying’). To make up for the Q fail, we did 10 reps during the final round of exercises.

During the workout I was overcome with what Bandit described as “Q Power” while we talking before the workout started. I don’t remember the details, but he mentioned the 45 minute burst of superhuman strength that seems to get us through leading a workout while we are Q that we normally would be dragging our butts in the 6 position if we were not leading-in other words, being Q gives you a boost of energy from the PAX. I had some things I wanted to talk about and had a little talk with myself during the mosey that I was going to try to talk during the laps instead of “wasting time” between the laps and called exercises. It worked out pretty well (at least in the beginning), except I made some mistakes with the number of laps. In the end it worked out well anyway based on time constraints. During the laps I tried to cover what Dredd had put out on Twitter the night before-I was thankful no one else had read it yet. Briefly, the lesson was basically about our Dolphin/Daffodil intersection (D2X) and why we should decline work outside our D2X. We have discussed the Dolphin and Daffodil in the past here in Gastonia, however, reading Dread’s post clarified some definitions that, to put it bluntly, I was completely wrong about. Look both of these up in the Lexicon, or better yet, read Dread’s post (I will try to retweet it: and then when you finish, read it 3 more times. You will get something different each time you read it. Basically, it explains why Bandit should not wash cars and why Monk should. It also explains why both of them should be able to change diapers and not shy away if the opportunity arises. If you don’t understand this then either A) you were not at Martha’s House this morning or 2) you have not read Dredd’s post at least twice yet. In either case, you would probably benefit from reading it.

We finished up with the idea of the fallacy that we all think we are somewhat indispensable in some way (or ways). HOWEVER, the truth is we are easily replaceable parts in most of our roles in life. There is a hospital in Atlanta that I worked at many years ago that is proof of this statement-the walls did not fall down after I left, and in fact, they expanded after I was gone and the hospital continues to do really well without me.

While I am writing this, I have come to the conclusion that, in my opinion, (again, this is my own opinion, not quoting Dredd on this part) the one area that we are relatively indispensable is our family life-the role we play with our kids and our M’s needs to be so important to us that no matter what, we should feel that we are utterly and completely indispensable. We are so vitally important to our M and 2.0s that we need to take this responsibility and duty so serious that no matter what, we make sure we do our utmost best to “chase perfection, and chase it RELENTLESSLY, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence” (quote from V Lombardi).

This was a great morning for me-thanks for coming out there guys. I still have a little of the Q power left over from the gloom.


EGGcellent Good Friday…

Since I don’t get to many opportunities to Q or even post at the morning F3 Gastonia AOs, I wanted to take the opportunity and Q downtown. With it being Good Friday as well, I really wanted to bring not only an EGGcellent Pizza Man delivery but a meaningful one as well.  I had a couple things in mind like EGGs and parking deck.   With that being said it went like this:


  • SSH X 20 IC…wait train so 5 burpees OYO…Now SSH
  • LBC’s X 20 IC

That’s enough; let’s mosey to the parking deck.


Not too many opportunities for parking deck work in F3 Gastonia so I wanted to use it in my delivery. The 15 PAX moseyed to the 1st floor to wall sit for 1 minute and were informed that we would then bear crawl up each ramp and mosey to the basket of EGGs that were placed on each level.  In each basket there were 6 EGGercises and 2 bible verses to read on each of the 4 levels.  We did 3 EGGercises and read 1 verse on the way up and on the 5 level QIC informed the PAX that we would wall sit for 1 minute while a verse was read.  On the way down the PAX were to crab walk down the ramps and mosey to the basket for the other 3 EGGercises and other bible verse.  Once the PAX were back on the 1st floor we did one more minute of wall sit and then moseyed back to the pavilion for the pledge and COT but, not before we used the hand rails for horizontal plank walks into the pavilion for 22’s for the vets.  The EGGercises and bible verses were:

  • 10 Burpees
  • 25 merkins
  • 10 hip slappers
  • 1 min wall sit
  • 25 LBC’s
  • 20 LBFC’s
  • 10 Mike Tyson’s
  • 25 Diamond merkins
  • 25 Wide merkins
  • 30 Flutters
  • 15 WWI
  • 20 Sandy V’s

 Isaiah 53:5  But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Romans 4:25  He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

Romans 5:8  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

1 Peter 2:24  “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Psalm 121:7  The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;

1 Corinthians 6:14  By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.

John 11:25-26  Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.a




  • Mud Run- May 20th
  • 1/2 Marathon in Davidson with Pizza Man, Def Leppard, and YOU?- May 6th
  • Burpeethon coming soon!!!

At the end of the day I hope that each of the 15 HIMS got an EGGcellent beatdown and also remember the meaning of Good Friday and the Easter holiday during this delivery.  Thanks for the giving me the opportunity to Q.  Great work and I look forward to the next time.  Until then Pizza Man is OOOUUUTTTTTT!!!

Holy Tour

In the middle of Easter weekend, 14 PAX showed for the Saturday show. YHC had a workout packed full and was sure not to disappoint. There were two FNG’s with us today, so the disclaimer was given and then we said our Pledge of Allegiance.

A strenuous warm-up of 20 Morrocan Night Clubs was completed and then we were off.

We moseyed toward the train tracks only to be cut off by a train! 5 burpees were called for per usual. Of course this was a long train, so to pass the time we did 10 Don Quixotes then 10 Goof Balls for the waiting motorists. I’m sure they loved the performance!

Mosey up Main Street to the first stop our holy tour, the Lutheran Church. Here the PAX were introduced to the now famous suicide routine called King of Hearts (Jesus is the king of our hearts, get it?). Using the row of parking spaces, everyone would go the the end and back doing the following: Karaoke Left, Karaoke Right, Skips and a Regular Sprint. In actuality, they weren’t suicides we did, but who cares?

Mosey from there to our second stop on the tour, Holy Angels campus. We found a nice covered picnic area off to the side for our next session. Partner up and do Hail Mary’s, partner 1 holds plank position, partner 2 places feet on the back of 1 and does 25 dips. Next, we did a session of 6 Minutes of Mary (she was the mother of Jesus you know), a continuous running clock where the PAX called the ab only exercises. Can’t remember who said what (Tiny Tank tried to call burpees, Queso and Feta wanted some other unauthorized stuff too) but I know we did American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, LBCs, Crunchy Frogs, V-Up Sit Ups and finished holding plank until time ran out.

Mosey again to the point where we did a brief round of Prayer Squats, then continued on all the way to First Baptist. It’s a shame that the Mayor avoided this AO today, I had him in mind when I put this weinke together. Thinking back, during one of Edison’s Q’s, Mayor and I got passed in this section of town by a guy who had to have been at least 75 years old but still passed us like we were standing still during his morning run. He even went so far as to compliment us on our good efforts doing “the 5F”, good times! We kept on til we reached First Baptist Church. There, the have a sidewalk, a slightly inclined grassy area and another sidewalk at the top. We did a session of Jacob’s Ladder (from Jacob’s dream in the Bible). Run to the top and do 1 Merican, back down and do 10 Hallelujah squats at the bottom. Add another burpee each time at the top until you hit 7. I’m not sure how 7 was arrived at, that’s just what the exercise list on the F3 website says.

Mosey to the back parking lot of First Presbyterian Church. Here we did a made up bunch of stuff with somewhat holy names. 25 more Hail Mary’s, 20 Prayer Squats, Supermans (because Jesus was the superest of men ever) to failure. We ran a timer for the supermans and the undisputed winner was Top Hat. Beast mode!. Finally we did 20 more Hallelujah squats.

Mosey back to the park for the wrap up. We still had a couple of minutes left so since Top Hat won the superman competition, he suggested we run the stairs until time was up. Awesome!

Announcements: Mud Run May 20th

Prayer Requests: T Square and family, Dr. Feelgood’s mother

Moleskin: My idea was to get some running in if only because I’ve always avoided it for everyone’s sake and most guys don’t like it. We covered almost 2.5 miles today. The PAX did a great job of hanging together and encouraging those who were a little slower to arrive at each destination. That’s F3!

By stopping at the area churches, I also wanted to shine a little light on why most of us celebrate this Sunday the way we do. Jesus loves us and made the ultimate sacrifice for us!

He is Risen indeed!

It was an honor to lead as always men!

Happy Easter – NOW RUN!!!

Awww yes, spring is in the morning air. Birds were chirping. The sun was rising to reflect off the morning dew in the grass on this fine day before Easter morning. The flatulence and belching from 11 of F3’s finest men echoed out over the Gashouse parking lot as I pulled into the Schiele to Q! (Had to make a pitstop to hide some Easter Eggs first…)


SSH: IC x 20

Cherry Pickers: IC x 10

Flamingos: 20 count each leg (just 2 legs thank you)

Mosey to flag for pledge

The Thang:

  • E.C. Running Dora 1,2,3,4:
    • 4 Laps around the track
    • 300 LBCs
    • 200 Merkins
    • 100 WWI Sit-Ups

The situp stations gave us opportunities to sharpen one another with some good life/marriage advice. Men may be sitting on their own hands and breaking 60-second egg timers throughout the region. We omaha’ed the last round of core work to just run our 4th lap, EC to dolph for double hurdle work and Def for extra “CDDs” completed!

Time to split into 2 teams for our “main holiday event”….

  • EASTER EGG HUNT (on roids):
  • Team 1 in one goal, Team 2 on opposite side of the field in the other goal with our Easter Baskets in the goals.
  • Teams stay in goal and complete squats/calf raises while 1 teammate sprints across the field to pickup their egg. Once they return, they open it to reveal the workout inside. Team completes the workout together, then next team member sprints to retrieve 2nd egg. Continue until all eggs are in basket. First team done, wins!

Monk got a “rotten egg” on our very first 1 so he had to do 20 burpess on his own then sprint back AGAIN to retrieve a “good egg”. Slaw helped him out while we all laughed. (Not AT you Monk – but WITH you.) 🙂

Not sure how this could have happened, but the other team ended up with 2 rotten eggs. (We’ve hired 2 committees to investigate! One that handled the Oscar Awards mistake and another that found Tom Brady’s jersey. They’re working tirelessly. Really.)

“Foul Play” was called so Team 2 was deemed the WINNERS! They got to run first while the losing team started with burpees and then chased in a lap of:

  • Catch Me If You Can

(First partner does 5 burpees while 2nd partner runs backward (NUR) around the track then partner 1 chases them, once caught they switch and repeat.)

  • Jail break back to Gas House


Shared Steve Jobs’ famous analogy of teamwork…

The rock tumbler that takes ugly, dirty, regular old rocks from the backyard then shakes them all together and as these old flawed rocks bump into each other over time they come out polished, shiny, smooth and beautiful. They become so much better because of the friction that they have together with other flawed rocks.

That’s what these brothers of F3 do for me. Aye?


Squirt’s daughter, Monk’s coworker, family that Def Leopard knew who lost their son to suicide, all those battling physical and mental sickness, and praise for the good things we take for granted.

Good work today men. Hope everyone has a blessed Easter with loved ones!


6 HIM showed up and beat the fartsack this am. Stretch and listen to the trains go by. 5:30 Let’s go.


Warm Up;
SSH x 10 IC
TS x 10 IC
Archer Mericans x 10 OYO
Squats x 10 IC
Burpees x 10 OYO

The Thang;
Mosey 1 Lap around the central grass area. Meet up at bottom of hill near bridge for the first round of 11’s. 10 burpees at the bottom of the hill, run to top of hill approx. 50 yds and 1 CDD. You know how the rest goes. About half way through someone says any AHole can call 100 burpees. AYE! Next was another lap around the grass area and meet at the gazebo for round 2 of 11’s. 10 pullups at gazebo, run to top of grass hill to the park benchs and 1 dip, repeat until done. Very little mumble chatter. Meet back at the gathering spot and circle up for Pax Mary. YHC 25 LBC’S IC, Mayor 10 Wipers OYO, TopHat Russian Twist x 15 IC, Juicebox Flutterkicks x 15 IC, Thrax Mountain Climbers x 15 IC, Madoff Spiderman Mericans x 10 OYO. Time

BOM; Announcements; Prayer Requests, our brothers on IR, T Square and M, each other.


Moleskin; Tough workout this am. Nice work men, not a lot of mumble chatter other than Mayor trying to beat up on the Q. TClaps to Madoff for pushing it hard this am. Strong work by all pax. #DFQ


11 men showed for a taste of the sun at Midoriyama. A little short of our last few weeks, with numbers to 18 a few times. With several new guys out at midoriyama the pressure is on to bring it.






FIRST MOSSEY ,the long way to the play ground with a break for six to catch up 14 lbc’s.

pullups  8  then 20 lbc,s

then 20 American hammers

then 20 plank ups ,  (high plank to low plank)

SECOND MOSSEY, to soccer field to get coupons

first exercise 21’s…curls 3 sets of seven ….1/4 up x7..1/2 up x7…all the way up 7

lap     around parking area

second exercise weighted dips x20 IC

lap     around parking area

X2………………….then some partner passes with coupon

and then some wall work 10 Mike Tysons then 10 hippslappers x  3   I was reminded that there were other exercises  in lexicon.  Guess I better get a little more creative next time, but its not those first two sets that burn its the last one, and you cant have a third without the first.two.

last mosey toward flag for some lunge walks for bout 10 yards then 10 bobby hurleys

almost forgot 22 merkins for vets




mud run may 20th

Spartan 1/2 Marathon in Davidson-May 6th



Its always an honor to lead out here . If you would have asked me 2 years ago what I would be doing I never would have dreamed it would be standing in front of a group of men leading a workout like this. You men make me stronger at every post. I hope to be a part of this for a long time……..

PRAYER REQUEST            all those on IR we hope to see yall  soon…remember tsquare and others

needing it …Pocketts hope to see asap




The Guillotine

15 of Gastonia’s finest men fought off the Fartsak this morning and made it to Gastone’s funhouse.

The Thang:


30 SSH

20 Imperial Walker

Mosey through the baseball fields around the big soccer. Pause for plank, elbow plank, left and right arm high. Go the rest of the way around soccer field on the wooded part of the path and down to second field attached to the hill near picnic table.

The Guillotine  (Created by Gastone and named by Defib)

12 Merkins, run across field 3 power poles to path for 10 Sumo Squats. Then up the hill for 1 Russian Get up. Back stop at path 10 Sumo Squats and back to start.

11 Merkins, Run, 10 Sumo Sqats, Run, 2 Russian Get Ups, Run, 10 Sumo Squats, Run to beginning.

Repeat until flip flopped.

You can pick the exercises but the middle is a constant and the ends are some version of 11’s.

6 Minute’s of Mary, 6 Inches hold, Legs apart hold, 30 Flutter, 6 inches, legs apart, 20 Flutter. (running out of time)

Take the path through the woods back to the beginning.

I went back to run in 6 and the Pax did some extra credit until we arrived.


We ran a few minutes over with this one and I have to pay Monk per minute for the extra 4 minutes but I think it was worth the money. Everyone one did a great job and worked hard doing this one.

Many prayer request for several kids, relatives, and friends. Please keep all of them in your prayers.

Thanks as always for the opportunity to Q and I look forward to the next one,

Gastone Out!

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