• Post Type:
  • When: 3-30-2017
  • AO:
  • QIC: pockets
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Match Stick (FNG), Side Car, Ray Ray, Blart, Swimmer, Ash Pond, Lil Sweet, Def Leopard, Pizzaman, Freight, Short Sale, Canteen, Billy Madison

14 showed for a rainy/wet beat down. Trying to show some planning skills, I dug up some exercises that I haven’t heard done yet. With that I like to start with the pledge and we’re off.


Abe Vigoda  x 10 IC   Slow Stretching Windmill

5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the fartshack for some wall work.

10 x Hipslappers  IC

10 x Donkey kicks IC

10 x Wall taps  OYO

Now the rain began and we partnered up and did a Triple Check. Teams of 3 and 1 team of 2.

partner 1 wall sits

partner 2 planks

partner 3 sprints 100 yrds and back. or in our case to the truck in the parking lot. rinse and repeat x 3

Slow mosey to the parking lot for a route 66.

first one was a Bulgarian Ball Buster. Its a reverse lunge to a knee up.

second was the Merkin. Freight called out bear crawl between lines so some did.

Mosey to the parking lot in between the ball field and the horse shoe pits for 15 mins of fun. Complete reps of exercises and then run a lap.

10 Bobby Hurleys

10 Monkey Humpers

10 Nolan Ryans each hand. A few guys had good reach on this one.

5 Crunchy Frogs

After that we did another route 66

Van Goghda  Its a slow windmill on your 6. Feels like a WW1 Freight called out duck walk so we did.

I had more on the wet winke but since time was running low and we had a FNG to name, we moseyed back to the start and did 10 Dips and 5 Burp & Merks to finish up. Pizzaman took us out on 22 for the vets.


Announcements, Prayer request and prayer and we named the FNG. Welcome Wes Huffstetler now known as Match Stick

This week has been crazy for me. My Boss had a Heart attack and is heading for triple bypass surgery. When I arrived at the workout I found out that a high school friend had passed away from a massive heart attack. Thank you guys for showing and keep each other in your prayers.