• Post Type:
  • When: 02/18/2017
  • AO:
  • QIC: Roscoe
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sparky, Gumby, Slaw, Def Leppard, Huckleberry, ASH Pond, Roscoe

YHC saw Huckleberry’s tweet soliciting Q’s for the Folsom and since I had never posted there (shame on me) I offered to take the Q.  YHC arrived early after doing some Google Earth virtual recon.  I borrowed some of my neighbor’s kid’s sidewalk chalk and got to work on the lower parking lot.  I counted at least 30 parking spaces and started writing on each space.  That pavement is not smooth and I was grounding up some chalk into little nubs in about one space.  I knew there were at least 3 #HIM’s doing a 2 mile pre-workout Ruck because I counted cars (there were actually 4 since Slaw and Def Leppard are saving the planet, one carpool at a time).    As I was going about my drawing I began to hear my name being called from the distance and also things like “you have a purdy mouth” or some Deliverance like chatter that could only come from a guy like SLAW.  I finished the prep work and drove back to the upper lot and waited for the PAX to arrive.  At 0630 there were seven of us in the lot so I started with a very brief disclaimer and we were off for a quick run around the lot and back to start for the warm up.

SSH, LBC, Squats, Abe Bagoda aka “Def Leppard’s”, and then Domino’s.  Line up shoulder to shoulder in a line holding a right side plank.  The man on the far side goes to front plank and knocks out ten merkins and holds the front plank and we move along down the line until we are all in the front plank.  That concluded the warm up and then we were off running down the hill to the picnic shelter.  Slaw was hospitable enough to run ahead and hit the lights.  We knocked out 30 dips on the picnic tables followed by a round of step ups…approximately 15 each leg give or take.

We slow moseyed a few yards to the bottom of the lower lot.  Some of the PAX had noticed the chalk marks in the parking spaces and the mumble chatter began.   YHC explained the “Thang”.  Lower numbers of PAX equals more accountability so we would work and move together.  YHC would call the exercise IC and then each PAX would do a burpee long jump to the next parking space until we made it to the other end of the lower lot.

Parking space 1: 10 burpees, burpee long jump to space 2

Space 2: 35 squats burpee long jump to space 3, etc

  1. 20 American Hammer (Roscoe resorted to Midoriyama counting and confused everyone on these)
  2.  25 Merkins
  3. 30 Seal Jacks
  4. 10 CDD’s
  5. 20 WW1 Situps
  6.  20 Skier Lunges (crowd pleaser)
  7.  15 Plank Jacks
  8.  35 Squats
  9.  10 Burpees
  10.  35 Squats
  11.  20 American Hammers
  12.  25 Merkins
  13.  Seal Jacks
  14.  CDD’s
  15.  20 WW1 Situps
  16.  20 Skier Lunges
  17.  15 Plank Jacks
  18.  35 Squats
  19.  10 Skier Lunges
  20.  50 Calf Raises
  21.  25 Squats
  22.    15 Seal Jacks
  23.     15 American Hammers
  24.    15 Merkins
  25.  20 Flutter Kicks (to preserve chalk, these were labeled as “FK”….mumble chatter
  26.  25 Morrocan Night Clubs
  27.  10 ST’s.  YHC couldn’t remember what “ST” stood for.  It was supposed to be shoulder taps but Slaw added a D on the end and we called it STD’s.  I gave the Slaw naming rights for the next exercise and more mumble chatter about STD’s, STCC’s, college, #downward spiral.  Slaw finally called the exercise…you guessed it: 10 burpees, except due to the ST and D added we called them burpees with an H.  Figure it out.
  28.   5 Monkey Humpers,
  29.  10 LBC’s.We still had 15 minutes on the clock so we moseyed down the hill to repeado.  This time we would only hit the burpee spaces and then long jump to the next burpee space.  After the second space of burpees YHC audibled and added lunge walking as an option.  We made it back to the STD’s and did more burpees with an H and then finished the last 5 spaces again before moseying back to the upper lot.  There wasn’t a shovel flag in sight so I pulled an American Flag GIF on my phone and we said the pledge of allegiance and closed it out.

Announcements:  Advisory Meeting tomorrow at 7 at On the Border.  Men’s retreat coming up in March.  Freight will send out the details again.

Prayer Requests:  Several medical issues affecting community members in Gaston County.  TopHat and his family continue to be in our prayers.

This was my first post in Folsom and I wasn’t disappointed.  There are lots of things to do in this park and great men to work with.  Everyone put in great effort and let me say that Sparky has great stamina and form on long jumps.  I didn’t have much of anything to share with the PAX because I was gassed most of the time but I had contemplated and shared with the Pax the following:  When you lead (as a Q or otherwise) you are “on a stage” and you have that Q strength and don’t want to disappoint the PAX or your audience.  We should have that same energy and example with our M’s and 2.0’s.  So go and lead with that same vigor as when you Q a workout and be the example your family deserves!