Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2016 (Page 3 of 5)

Diamonds from sand

We started with 12 for the beatdown, then Hushpuppy sneaked in like Spiderman without me even noticing. There was some concern the night before as I had no Weinke planned-unusual for me but nothing to worry about. I received my Qinspiration from the comments on Twitter (#Roscoe)….BRR training has left my Weinke-making skills a little rusty so I was eager to get back out for a regular beatdown.

Started with the Pledge (standing)

Disclaimer: state the obvious

WU:SSH X 1 (not a typo, this was it for WU-thanks Roscoe, I hate the warmup, let’s get it on!!!)

Mosey to the far parking lot-

First Exercise: Dab-10 burpees per minute for 5 minutes (so I miscounted and we did 6 sets…, never claimed to be good with numbers) then took a lap. Initially planned on 2 of these sets however I had a lot on my Weinke so we moved on. It had nothing to do with how much the first 5 minutes sucked. While doing the Dab, we discussed how the 5 Layers of the Concentrica were related to my recent Sandy V. Basically, these are the 5 layers of relationships in order of importance that we as HIMs need to keep in mind:

1. Our M-the most important layer, the source of my Sandy V, and thus why I needed a reminder about the Concentrica (something I have discussed before at 2 previous workouts, maybe it will stick after the 3rd time)-Stroganoff, thanks for the re-direction the night before-nice to know my Shieldlock will be honest with me even when it is not what I want to hear.

2. Shorties-our relationship with our 2.0s cannot be understated and our relationship with them affects their future relationships with everyone else

3. Shieldlock-look around you, the men you are exercising with are your Shieldlock-noticeably behind our M and Shorties.

4. Blade-mentor and mentee

5. Mammon-work relationship-easiest to measure (paycheck, time clock), easiest to replace-can quit job at moment’s notice. Family and Shieldlock unlikely to let you quit without a fight while Mammon will quickly replace you and not lose a step.

We moseyed to the bridge (Hushpuppy showed up somewhere around here-could have been there during the Dab but I couldn’t say) and then took a left, proceeded across the bridge to the gov’t building across the street with 5 benches out front. We did 2 sets of dips X 36 each (BRR has 36 legs so this sounded good at the time).

We moseyed back towards start across the bridge and took a left into the parking lot where we lined up for some Conveyor Belt-1 pax lined up on every other parking space in a straight line (we had exactly the right number of spaces), each pax did 3 burpees then the front pax runs to back of line and pax in line move forward then repeat the process until all pax move across the belt. Approximately half-way thru we Omaha’d to 5 squats instead of burpees. I heard Roscoe say we had done about 85 or so burpees at this point.

We moseyed across the street for some wall action…Hip Slappers X 15 IC then some Mountain Goats (who knew there was such an exercise???) in honor of our BRR pax. Mountain Goats are a version of Mountain Climbers (on counts 1, 2, and 3) then throw in a donkey kick with both feet on 4. These were pretty tough so I will definitely be seeing these in the future. We did some monkey squats too-basically start in plank then swing legs up into low squat position and do a monkey humper. I was still thinking about the 85ish burpees so I don’t know how many Mountain Goats or Monkey Squats we did-somewhere around 80 of each I think.

At this point, I had already had a sufficient beat down but we still had the main event to go-START THE MUSIC!!! There was no music but if there was I would not have been happy-I am not a fan of Rush. Our next exercise was the Red Barchetta (when you have a Sandy V, music you dislike can really irritate you and that’s how I felt the night before). I also know several of the GasHouse pax regulars are Rush fans so it seemed appropriate. The Red Barchetta goes like this: run 100 yards, do 100 SSH then run back to start (think a train came by so we saluted with 10 burpees then kept on counting). Run 75 yards and do 75 mountain climbers then run back to start. Run 50 yards and do 50 LBCs (we did flutter kicks because it is Stroganoff’s favorite) then run back to start. Next run 25 yards and do 25 Merkins (supposed to be single count, made the mistake of having Roscoe count these and he doesn’t know how to do single count Merkins so we did regular 4 counters #beast). Next we did a 10 yard dash and did 10 burpees then moseyed back to the flag for a few minutes of Mary that I don’t remember.

Namorama, announcements, prayer requests-great work men. This was a tough one but you all busted it out really well. I needed this one to get me back on track.



I’m going to start off thanking everyone that was a part of the BRR team!!  That was honestly one of the greatest experiences that I have been a part of.  I would like to send a special thanks to Dr. Feelgood for all the inspiration and leading the 3rd F along the way!!

It was another Thursday at Midoriyama, this time it was a little different, it was a little cloudy and started to RAIN!! That’s right, I said RAIN!!  9 PAX made it out for another one of Pizza Man’s deliveries.  It went like this…


SSH, Don Q’s, and Moroccan nightclubs while waiting for some people to roll in.


I like to call this the supreme cause it works all areas of the body.  The PAX performed 3 exercises together then sprinted to the end of the horseshoe pit and back.  There were 5 different groups of exercises and they were…

  1. Merkins, LBC’s, Squats
  2. Derkins, Flutters, Alt jumping lunges
  3. Incline merkins, WWI, Calf raises
  4. Dips, American hammers, One legged lunges
  5. Clock merkins, V-up’s, Wall taps

After we went through each of these we had time left so I asked Tool Time, Huckleberry, and Freight for a number 1-5.  The numbers they said were the ones that were rinse and repeated…3,1,and 5

We finished those up and had a little time to finish in Midoriyama fashion with 22 merkins for the Vets!! Then I heard Huckleberry say, “I thought we were going to do burpees” so thanks for the advice, we had time for 5 burpees to finish the delivery.


Strong work as always from the PAX at Midoriyama.  Always a pleasure to lead and until the next Pizza Man delivery….Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTTT!!!


Unlucky 13

Thirteen pax chose to wake up before the roosters to Keep Pushing the Rock this morning at Goat Island, an impressive showing! Why 13? Because Brownstreak fartsacked. I’m confident things would have gone much smoother with his presence. We missed you Brother!

Warmup: SSHs (20), Don Quixotes (20), LBCs (20), Moroccan Night Clubs (20)

The Thang: After the WU, I took 15 seconds to offer a shameless plug for the upcoming Spartan Beast in Winnsboro, SC on Sat Oct 29th. It’s a 15 mile obstacle race with a little mud. There are at least 5 F3 men from our pax committed to run.  Sign up & join us! But I digress….back to the workout. I quickly offered up Top Hat’s crowd pleasing promise that there would be NO running today. Tears of joy and shouts of jubilation sprang forth from the pax…none louder than Dolf & the BRR boys.  As the ruckus waned, my conscious kicked in so I had to confess what I said was a complete lie. We did a quick count off and began the workout with a short Indian Run. We ran down the hill, took a right on the sidewalk, veered left behind City Hall & the church, made a hard right on Main St, and circled up to say the Pledge in the upper parking lot facing the flags at half-staff in honor of fallen Shelby officer Tim Brackeen.  With our minds and hearts suddenly “at attention”, Monk shared the Word of the Week.

At this point, I reminded the Pax the upcoming Beast is a 15 mile race. For this reason, I planned 15 pain stations (or exercises) for the completion of our time. The rules of engagement were as follows: 50 seconds of continuous exercise followed by 10 seconds to recover capped off with a lap around the building and up the stairs (there was lots of Rocky mumble chatter around the stairs) to the upper parking lot for the next exercise.  Simple enough, right? Here were the exercises:

  1. Burpees (just in time for the passing train)
  2. Rocky Balboa’s
  3. CDD’s
  4. Bobby Hurley’s
  5. Dercins
  6. Money Humper’s
  7. Bear Crawl
  8. Squats
  9. Bodies Hit the Floor – In need of a change of scenery, we mosey’d down to the gazeebo and circled up. The gazeebo proved to be a tight fit for our pax as we completed the 9th pain station. Since there was no wall to ruin & the guys were begging for more burpees, we did burpees in lieu of donkey kicks along with the usual merkins and plank.  As the music ended, we then Omaha’d the location & regrouped at the bridge to complete the workout. The new run route was limited to the bridge (across & back).
  10. Lunges
  11. Seal Jacks
  12. Plank Jacks
  13. Shoulder Taps

Time! Unfortunately we were not able to complete (14) hip slappers and (15) Pull Up Squats.

COT: announcements CSAUP event Nov 11-12, prayer requests, BOM & prayer

Tclaps to those making inaugural posts to Goat Island: Tiny Tank…an FNG on Tues at the Storm who chose to come back, Belt…a Folsom regular, and Billy Madison…posted early to the wrong location before eventually finding the pax.

It was an honor push the rock with you guys today. Aye!

Hills and Thrills

So for the last several months approaching the BRR I have been stating I would not be running anything more than a 5K after it’s over. I still feel that way most of the time but I enjoyed the trip and the fellowship so much that I have now signed up to do the Palmetto 200 and have HC’d for next years BRR. Thanks to my F3 brothers for putting on the EH and making me better. So that being said I also may have said no running on Tuesday following the BRR. Well obviously I’m an idiot and just mummblechatter a lot. My 2.0 and I were riding bikes around Midoriyama and she was looking for a fast hill and stumbled upon the lane to the lake dock. I thought “this looks like a bad idea”! P200 training begins!


The usual Seal Jacks, Don Tooltimes and whatnot.

Mosey to the lake dock. I was very impressed with this noisy crowds quit approach as there were fishermen on the dock. Respectful!

The Thang:

Run up the hill about a third of the way to the picnic shed for 20 dips and 20 decline merkins and back down to plank for the 6. Rinse and repeat 3 times.

Going from the shed run to the top for LBC’s and CDD’s( I think) and back down for 5 burpee’s. Rinse and repeat 3 or 4 times.

Mosey back to the Flag for the pledge.

I’m pretty sure I’m missing some monkey humpers and other stuff in here. That’s what happens when you do the BB a few days late. Either way the point is we ran and we ran some hills! Good work by all!


Closed with the prayer.


BRR Gashouse – Van 1

Thursday afternoon, Sept. 8th, 3:45 pm or so, I arrived at Freight’s house to find several of the PAX already onsite ready for the road. The FUMC Van (Gray Ghost, at least for now) was steady and being loaded with no concept of what the next 48 hours would reign down on this poor vehicle, but we’ll get to that later. It was hot. By 4:30 pm we were off (Bandit, Monk, Defib, Pizza Man, Freight, Tool Time, Stroganoff) with a great send off from Whoopee and Sargento. We headed North with a relatively uneventful trip up to West Jefferson for the registration and ‘last supper’ before the unknown (at least unknown for YHC). On the way, Bandit handed me a sheet from Feelgood, some encouragement that I read aloud to the van. Bandit then informed us we had some notes from our families he would hand out before each leg along with a scripture from Feelgood. We read these aloud before each leg and I think it inspired us to move forward. Thanks Feelgood (HIM). Someone told us to look out for the white vans and the main street in W. Jefferson looked like an Avis Van Rental parking lot…white van after white van after white van until the Gray Ghost arrived. Boondocks Tap Room for the registration and Boondocks restaurant for the final meal.

Off we went toward Independence, VA and the Grayson Inn & Suites, courtesy of Pizza Man. We arrived somewhere between 9:00 -10:00, don’t recall the exact time. We got to witness an ‘almost’ Pizza Man beatdown of the poor girl at the registration desk as she told him there was only one bed per room. After a few minutes, we were able to decipher that she just was not clear as she was speaking in some local mountain language that we apparently could not translate.

As we finally settled down, I looked at the clock and realized we had to get up in about 4 hours……nice. 3:00 am… the van and on the road by 3:45 am. Arrive at Grayson Highlands State Park by about 4:35 am, unload. It was time to get it on. We struggled to find a name for our van as we did not want the van 2 group to do this for us and I’m not exactly sure when it happened but we settled on “Grumpy” as in bust out a grumpy. I think you can fill in the blanks.

Loaded down with reflective vest, blinking lights and my head lamp, I was ready to go. I had a few seconds to reflect on the task ahead (which I still had no real grasp on what we were doing). I was grateful for the opportunity to lead us out. GO! I’m going too fast. I was just passed by a blind guy and running buddy. Where’s Monk? Slow down. Speed up. All this was going through my head but I kept focused ahead and reached Monk, well I actually ran past him briefly but made the hand off. Hips hurt, knees hurt, but leg 1 done.

Here we really get going. This is where we started chasing the next runner along their route. As we drove leg 2 and quickly passed Monk along the road, we started to realize what we might have gotten ourselves into. I think the 5 runners in the van were grateful we were not running this leg, it was brutal, or sure seemed that way. Dark, gravel, elevation change, multiple turns… us. If this was a ‘hard’ leg, we were not looking forward to the very hard and mountain goat legs. We arrived at the 2nd EZ and began the wait, thinking it would be a while. Monk came in a few minutes later with a blazing hot finish. Hand off to Defib for leg 3. Suns coming up by now as Pizza Man took over from Defib. This provided us with the first on-course video from PM, it was fantastic. Freight takes over….where are we? Started to video the exchanges and sending out. Freight hands off to Tool Time for the roundabout leg #6 that would end at the first transition zone where Van 2 was waiting. It was good for Tool Time to release some of his ‘MCE’ (mumblechatter energy).

We arrived at the transition zone and found Van 2 and Dolph ready to go and Mayor’s classy key lanyard. Short break. Tool Time arrives. Dolph is gone. Good work on the first 6 legs for Van 1. Onward to Boone as we leapfrogged legs 7 – 12. Caught some lunch at Our Daily Bread, waited forever on Bandit and Monk to get some coffee and then headed to EZ 12 for the next exchange, Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. Great EZ with hills all around and even a graveyard fenced in on an extreme hill. Some caught some sleep, some of us could not. Nice breeze but the temperature was rising. Van 2 arrived and the time was approaching for Whoopee to hand off to Stroganoff to start the 2nd round for everyone.

If I knew how to post videos, I would post this exchange as the PAX paid homage to Whoopee as he came up the hill. He was welcomed looking at several backsides in the middle of a set of Monkey Humpers, it was terrific. He handed off to me for what I knew was my toughest section (very hard, 1100′ elevation gain, 9.3 miles, 80+ degrees)…easy. Between mile 5.5 – 6, the calf cramps started. It was on. I slowed to a section of running and then a section of walking trying to not cramp more but was unsuccessful. I’m sure the guys were getting worried when my expected arrival time came and went. I finally approached the Blowing Rock City Pool and was told after they could hear me coming due to my screams of agony (or cries like a baby). I finally made the hand off and was escorted by Pizza Man and……Roscoe……Roscoe? What is Roscoe doing here? And his M? Great…I can only imagine what they were thinking…..Stroganoff is dying. Call 911. Nevertheless, I finished and yes, I was in a lot of pain. Monk took off as far as I know. Thanks for the support Roscoe. Aye!

Stroganoff was loaded into the back seat to head toward the next EZ. As we waited on Monk to arrive, Defib had to perform a Swedish massage on Stroganoff’s left calf…it was brutal. My leg literally seized up to where I could not move it and everyone in the van scattered as I screamed like a middle school girl that I could not move. In steps Defib, not sure out of obligation or fear that I might not be able to run my last leg. He worked a miracle and I asked for a cigarette after. Thanks Defib. Possibly the worst pain of my entire life. Sorry fellas. Defib then scrambled to find his bib. He eventually found it in my bag…at the last EZ I was throwing my stuff all over the back of the van in disgust as my legs throbbed in pain so there was no telling what ended up in my bag. Again, sorry.

Monk handed off to Defib and got to hear the agonizing story of my cramping legs, massage and cigarette from the other guys. I think they were afraid to get back in the van. Bandit convinced them they couldn’t walk so off we went toward Grandfather Mountain.

Defib arrives after his 10.5 mile section that might have included some elevation change…..”This is stupid. Just stupid.” This was followed by the Van 1 quote of this endeavor: “I am no longer an optimist.” Followed by more mumbling, I will never do this again, wait til I see Whoopee, this is his fault. (As of this moment, I believe Defib is a HC for next year).

Next EZ quickly as Pizza Man was blazing on a downhill 3.2 mile section…..under 20 minutes, are you kidding me? He barely broke a sweat. Freight was waiting for his shortest 3 mile section. Stroganoff still crying like a baby in the back of the van. Defib still mumbling never again. Tool Time waited for the final hand off of round 2 for van 1. Off he went….we could hear him the entire route. It was starting to get dark as we headed to meet up with van 2 at the next transition zone. Tool time arrives. Dolpbh is off. I think we began to realize at this point that we might actually finish this thing as long as Stroganoff didn’t implode during his next leg

Time to leapfrog legs 19 – 24 and head to the Bakersville F.D. in the middle of nowhere for some food and rest. Baked Potatoes actually hit the spot for me and we all tried to get some shut eye. Defib hit the soccer goal while some tried to sleep in the van…..but Tool Time even mumblechatters in his sleep and Monk spent 3 hours in the back of the van messing with his bag so no rest for the weary.

Van 2 arrived as the clock approached midnight with Whoopee on the trail toward Bakersville. I prepared both physically and mentally for leg 25, knowing I could have another leg problem. At the last EZ, Outhouse handed me a pair of compression socks and I put them on soon after van 1 was moving again. OMG…time for another cigarette. It felt so good. I was afraid to take them off. Thanks Outhouse. Whoopee arrived not long after midnight and I took off into the gloom, seriously, dark and foggy with no other runner in site. Stream running on my left almost the entire route, quiet…except for the Rush blaring from my phone. Red Barchetta carried me around the corners and up the slopes (you Rush fans will understand). I can only imagine what my guys were thinking as they waited for me to arrive. “If he cramps again, we’re going to take a DNF.”….yada, yada, yada. Somehow, I had no cramps and was able to maintain a decent pace the entire way. I think it was simply the fact that I knew each step took me closer to being done. Or maybe there was no way I was going to let the BRR Gashouse team down, not sure. As I climbed the last hill, I yelled…”Monk!!”, handed off to him and came to a stop. Looked up and just smiled. I was done. I had finished and was not dead and my legs were not cramping. I think Defib was more relieved than anyone.

Off we went to chase down Monk with Tool Time in the navigator seat. We took a wrong turn, but recovered and made it to the next EZ. Monk knocked it out with a great pace as he did on every leg and handed off to Defib for another long run 9.1 miles this time. Me thinks Monk was happy to be done. Showered and he proceeded to cozy up in his sleeping bag in row 1 for some well deserved sleep over the next several sections and EZ’s.

Defib arrived at EZ 27 after completing almost 25 miles, the most of anyone in either van. T-Claps my good man. Again we heard from Defib that he will never do this again. Pizza Man was off again with more videos as this was winding down and we could see the light. Hand off to Freight at EZ 28 for Freight’s last run. Not long after, we received a dark video with only audio…”This is Freight. Running sucks!”. Nothing else to say.

We headed to EZ 29 and we began to notice more teams that we did not recognize had caught up to us and this continued. It was also about this time that I began to realize just how much of a cesspool our van had become. It was not pretty, in fact, it was rather disgusting. The back of the van was down right unpleasant. We continued to move forward.

EZ 29. More activity. Vans we were seeing for the first time waiting for Freight to arrive. Still dark. Middle of the night. Fright arrives. Tool Time takes off for the last leg for Van 1. Headed to last Transition Zone to meet up with Van 2. EZ 30 is where we witnessed the Charlotte Running Club (starting at 1:30 pm) catch up with us after starting 8.5 hours after us. They were sprinting through each leg..had to be. Made me want to vomit.

Caught up with van 2 (Fury) at this terrific EZ serving breakfast, that’s right, pancakes & sausage and coffee. It was terrific….close to requiring another cigarette. Tool Time arrived, handed off to Dolph. Now what? Van 1 was done. I don’t think we knew what to do.

We loaded up and headed toward Asheville and the finish line knowing Van 2 was putting in the work to bring it home. We were heading against the flow of runners at this point for a while and this helped us begin to understand what we had accomplished so far as we passed runner after runner. Not sure how many we passed but it was a large number and was humbling to realize what we were a part of.

We were the first van to arrive at the finish area, even before the finish line was set up and we parked next to the grass where we had an area to relax, shower, eat, etc. YMCA for showers, Starbucks for coffee, sleeping bags for rest….all this going on as we waited the few hours for Whoopee to arrive at the end of his Glory Leg.

My M even showed up to lend her support to me and the entire group. I believe she came to understand over the past few months how important this was to me and how highly I think of all you guys. I think she wanted to get a glimpse of it. We waited and as a few groups started to arrive we moseyed to the road to watch for Whoopee. We got the 1 mile text and the anticipation was on. Mumblechatter, laughter, smiles, pats on the backs, high fives, fist pumps….it was terrific. We waited and has he was coming down the hill, we gathered on the corner to run through the finish line just behind our Nantan. Here he was, high fiving as he went by. All of us followed behind and crossed the line in 30:32. How about that? 8:53/mile. Not bad my friends, not bad at all. More laughter and smiles and high fives before a great lunch compliments of Whoopee’s sister. Time well spent at the park with good food, cold beer and good friends. Home now.

As I reflected on the last 48 hours or so, I came to realize it wasn’t about our finishing time or pace. For me, it was about the training time to accomplish something I had never done before and never imagined attempting before F3. It was about the push to finish, the encouragement directed toward others to finish, the gratitude to others for the safety (Bandit & Mayor), the time well spent. The total team effort. As I struggled up that last hill on my 2nd leg with both legs and toes cramping, I wasn’t thinking about myself, I was thinking about finishing so I would not let you guys down. If I had been on that road alone, I would have called it in. That rock would have rolled back over me. Instead I was able to lean forward with both hands in front and push that bastard forward. Even though no one was with me on the Blue Ridge Parkway, I was not alone. You guys lifted me up to keep moving forward just like you have the last 18 months since my first post at the Gashouse. Like Whoopee stated in his Van 2 BB, if you weren’t out there on the road with us, it’s hard to explain. I think I could write another 2,000 words and not get it all. It’s about that guy next to you. Hell, I want to do it again. All the pain, lack of sleep, cesspool van, lack of good food, port-a-jons, etc. all of it. Let’s go.

You guys rock. Thanks for the journey.

Until the next one. Aye!


Monday at Marthas House!

The inaugural Monday workout at Martha’s house is now in session.  Because Hushpuppy has a big mouth and asked “hey, anybody want to work out on Mondays on this side of the county?” YHC was voluntold (by himself) that he was the Q!  11 of Gastonia’s finest #HIM, all veterans of the gloom posted so the disclaimer was short and sweet. The word of the week was shared “Proverbs 19:21 – Many are the plans in the mind of man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will be established”  The pledge was made and the workout began:

Tha warm up: Imperial Walker IC X 15, Moroccan night clubs X 20 IC, Peter Parker X 15 IC, and the mighty-mighty Press, Press Fling X 10 IC.  (only effective if the count is accompanied by a WHEEE!!).  Then It was time for a Mosey to the Soccer field, the far and gloomy one near the woods.  Because it was dark, and Hushpuppy’s are afraid of the dark, and penguins, and cars, YHC wore a head lamp.  As we arrived at the soccer field at 5:40 am, someone had strategically placed tiny lights and the 4 corners of the 2 parallel soccer fields.  We gathered round the first light and remembered the anniversary of 9-11, the 2977 souls lost that day, including those who ran towards danger when many would run away Outhouse asked if something enlightening would be shared and YHC re-read the word of the week.

Tha thang: 4 corners, alternating Burps at 1 corner, Bobby Hurley’s at the next (9 Burps, run to next  corner, 8 Bobbies, run to next corner, 7 burps, run to next corner, 6 Bobbies, and down until 1)  this was 2 laps around 2 soccer fields and finished at the same lighted corner we started at.  Then it was repeat, doing Diamond Merkins and Crab cakes; again, counting down from 9 to 1 ending up with 4 total laps around 2 soccer fields and 90 reps of exercises.  After a count off it was mosey across the complex with a plank-o-pearl halfway to catch the 6 and our wind.  Since we had done the number 9 twice, YHC was now in search of the number 11.  The pax kept mumbling something about there being 11 people but that just wasn’t the 11 I was looking for.  But since we had 11, I decided to call an Omaha and trade out the planned 11’s on the hillside for some Dora 1-2-3.  Bear crawl up the hill, jog round the bench, and crawl bear or crab walk down the hill.  100 dying cockroaches, 200 squats, 300 flutters.  For the sake of time, the count was stopped at 200 flutters.  A count was made and we moseyed on, stopping for a pearl of curbside dips halfway.  YHC asked Whoopee to call the cadence as my wind was still a few hundred feet behind me.  Sticking with the theme, Whoopee called 20 dips in cadence, (9+11) and we mosey’d back to the Snoballs parking lot.  with 2 minutes remaining Some Merkins and Scorpion CDD’s were called to fill in the time, and the workout was complete.

Prayer requests, T-Square, praying for him and his family, (Glad he got to hunt with his Father!) Hushpuppy’s great nieces in hospital but getting better, Elena, acquaintance of Short Sale, prayers against staph infection.

Announcements: BRR Awesome, need 2 teams for next year!, Need Q’s for Monday’s and Wednesdays at Marthas, Hushpuppy and Easy rider posting in Clover at the Maze to spread the CSAUP joy, 8 man teams in cabins,

#Folsom Remembers 9/11

The fog/smog was out thick this AM rolling into the Folsom gloom. With a little humidity, the overall atmosphere was right for a good beat down. Still in the back of my mind, I can see the images of the towers falling 15 years ago and all the brave men and women who went in to rescue and help those in the horrific sites where America Haters cowardly acted in terror. I still lift up those families of all who lost loved ones. So today I honor those families. So the PAX were rolling in hot, but not quite as hot as Roadie on 1 wheel! Great crowd and looks there, an FNG! Alright, some fellowship and stretching then 5:30 hit, lets roll


all IC and with a count of 15 for 15 year anniversary of the attacks: Mountain Climbers, Hillbillies, Monkey Humpers

mosey to horse arena

tha thang

box jump up the 5 levels of the seating area for 15 burpees, come down for round 2, box jump up for 15 jump squats, down for round 3, box jump up for 15 calf raises. Line up on the bottom level for 15 declined merkins x15 IC, 15 LBCs IC, run a lap around the arena, back for dips x15 IC, run a lap, back for Freddie Mercuries x15 IC,

mosey to the far lot and concession stand for flutter kicks x15 IC, thanks Sparky for the nice slow/fast pace cadence! Find a wall and Donkey kicks x15 OYO. Then on our 6 for 15 big boy sit-ups OYO.

Enough with the snack shack, mosey to the pavilion for 15 Rocky Balboas (total 30), then a round of ATMs, while remaining in plank position with 15 shoulder taps IC, 15 single count merkins on YHC count, then 15 fast pace merkins OYO. Time is getting slim, so mosey the hard surface back to the start.


Namorama, welcome FNG( Tolbert)

Cot/ BOM by YHC

Great work men! We have gone from pushing pebbles to Pushing Tha Rock! Looking to push boulders!  I appreciate the opportunity to Q, but more important I appreciate the group, our friendships, and what F3 is all about; creating Men, leaders in our homes, in our communities, and in our Walks in Christ! Blessed to a part of it all!


BRR Van 2

Well, I am going to try to do this justice, but if you weren’t there it just is not the same. Van 1 left the day before so I will leave the Van 1 backblast to them. This will be my attempt to summarize our 30+ hours of some serious fun.

So after months of preparation, 7 studdly pax left Gastonia at 530am Friday morning headed for parts unknown to embark on our first BRR challenge. Nervous energy was obvious as The Mayor drove us through the dark. We made 1 stop for a steak, egg and cheese biscuit for Dolph then proceeded onward and eventually reached our destination-LZ1 where we would wait for Van 1 to arrive. I think I made about 5 trips to the port o john while we were waiting. As the sun was coming over the mountains, The Mayor pulled out a special 3rd F prepared by Dr. Feelgood-great words of encouragement that settled my nerves. There were also 3 cards from our M and families-1 for each leg. This was the emotional push I needed at the right time. Shortly afterwards Van 1 came rolling in and we were moving on to the course with Dolph waiting for the handoff from ToolTime. We proceeded to go through our first legs and slowly but surely the confidence grew and the nerves faded away.
After completing our first legs we went on to a local watering hole in Boone to down some grub and a cold beverage. We narrowly avoided major disaster thanks to a disgruntled local man who had his car towed from the space we were parked in. After filling our guts we rolled onward to the next LZ where we set up camp. We put our sleeping bags on a metal trailer in a parking lot and waited for van 1 to arrive. We were entertained by a skipping fairy who seemed to have a deficiency of F3-poor guy. Don’t think it was a choice for him. Some people are programmed differently. I think this is where Pfqueesh tried out the shoe washer-excellent results but probably not to be repeated in 2017. Our shower decided to unload 3-4 gallons of water into his shoes and the trunk of our van. Thankfully he brought a 2nd pair of shoes.
A little while later we were off again leaving Dolph to complete his second leg. The second legs for our van were a bit more eventful. I think this is where Dolph decided his leg was not long enough so he ran part of it twice in the dark. I think his leg had the most banjos and Ned Beatty’s as well as the least teeth per square mile out of the whole race. Pfquietch was chased by multiple dogs all teeming with rabies during his leg. Each of us powered through this leg with determination and fought our own demons along the way. I think the second leg was really a tough leg in a lot of ways. It was hard for me to focus on this leg knowing we had a long night ahead of us and then another run in the early morning hours with little to no sleep. One of us even thought they saw a Sasquatch on his leg. Running in the dark in unfamiliar territory was a bit unnerving. This leg ended at a fire station where van 1 had been resting. As van 1 took off to complete their final legs, we settled in for a quick meal and some much needed quick rest. There were freshly dug potatoes with warm showers waiting for us. After a quick meal and enough time to down a quick drink, we were back in the van and on our way to who the hell knows where???? There was some discussion between The Mayor and his shotgun assistant Dolph however I was in the far back and being an old fart, my bad hearing made me feel like I was underwater listening to 2 sea lions argue over a tuna. Eventually we arrived at the final LZ and quickly laid down in our sleeping bags. I think OutHouse was on a cement basketball court and slept ok. I was serenaded by a chainsaw named Mayor as he snored his way through the early morning hours. JK2 claimed a seat in the van while the rest of us spread out around on the ground somewhere. I woke somewhere around 5 am with Dolph walking around the van checking out his muscles in the mirror. I don’t think the guy slept much that night. Before too long he was hunkered down in front of some pancakes just under 1 hour away from his mountain goat leg. Before I knew it we were back in the van and moving on through the legs. I have to say the mountain goat legs and the “very hard” (I think second) leg for Pfkeitche were some impressive legs that would have literally brought me to my knees. Doing them on little sleep added another layer of pain that I had not anticipated. We all powered through our 3rd legs like champs, each shouting words of encouragement to not only our team but also to other teams. This was an emotional leg for me. The first part of my leg was uphill for just over 1 mile. As I was coming up the hill knowing I had 5+ miles downhill and then we were finished, I thought about a lot of things. I thought about my wife and kids and how they were hoping I would do well. I thought about all the training runs I had done with the other BRR runners-JK2, Stroganoff, OutHouse, Defib pushed me and pulled me to miles I would not have done on my own. I thought about the 3rd F from Feelgood. I thought about the words of encouragement from Feelgood and Roscoe from the day or 2 earlier-Roscoe leading the Downtown workout in honor of all the BRR runners (see his backblast) and something from Feelgood about “Outta my way bitches, two more legs to run!” I thought about where I was a little over 7 and half years ago staring at the walls from a hospital bed wondering if I would see my kids grow up. It took me awhile to get up that 1+ mile so I got a lot of thinking out of the way. When I got to the top I called my M and my brother just to let them know I was thinking about them. I pulled a Pizza Man and took a selfie-video for posterity-I needed to get some things out of my head. Coming over the hill was exhilarating-I could feel the end coming quickly and wanted to soak up every second of it. I sent a text to our team when I was a mile out and shortly after received a bunch of texts of encouragement. The final turn into town with a quarter mile left was amazing. I could see, hear, and feel the GasHouse Pax yelling and waving as I closed the final distance. I know I was running but I really felt like I was floating through the air in some out of body experience as I made the final turn and crossed the finish line headed for the picture area with some of the best men I have ever known. After a quick shower we headed for some food and cold beer while we sat on the grass in some Asheville park enjoying the fact we had all pushed the rock and for a brief moment, to me, felt like it actually moved just a little bit.

This event seemed like something out of the movie “Stand by Me” at the very end. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. The very end of the movie ends with one of the main characters saying “I never had any friends like the ones I had when I was twelve…Jesus, does anyone?” F3 has given me some friends like the ones I had growing up and doing things like BRR lets me relive that feeling over and over again. If you weren’t there, you missed out.

I hear they may be doing this crazy BRR thing again next year……

Muddy clear directions and cadence challenged

I’ve been a part of F3 now since March of 2016. After surviving the first few workouts after having shoulder surgery 5 months prior, I knew I was going to enjoy these workouts. I also knew my day would come to lead one.  Finally the day arrived. I truly thought I would have had a mere handful with a large portion of our group out of town running the BRR, but 15 came out to support me for my VQ. After a great 3rd F by Dr. Feelgood I made my first VQ mistake and didn’t start on time! I gave the usual your an idiot for following me disclaimer and jumped right in. At several points throughout the workout I completely forgot I should be counting or even how to count (seems super easy when I’m following along, didn’t think I needed to practice to be Q!).

Warmup – The warmup consisted of the usual suspects; SSH, LBC’s, Don Quizotes, and finally some Merkins to get the arms warm.

The Thang

After a quick warmup we moseyed to the flag for the pledge and then on to Grier for some track work to help us remember the fun our BRR brothers were having.  After having the group count off in 2’s, I quickly gave what can only be called clear as muddy water directions (trust me they were crystal clear in my head). Along the track I had laid out numbers 1 thru 4 with an exercise written along with the number. With the 1’s starting on one side and the 2’s starting on the other we were to run around the track stopping at the 1’s and doing 10 of each exercise. Then around a 2nd time stopping at the 2’s and doing 20; so on until we completed 4 laps and a combined 1 mile and 200 reps of the following:

Lap 1-Diamond Merkins/Burpees X10 ea. Lap 2-Seal jacks/Plank jacks X20 ea.                                                                              Lap 3-LBC’s/Moraccan Night Clubs X30 ea. Lap 4-Squats/Flutter kicks X40 ea.

After a quick gathering to count off and a chance for the Q to catch his breath we moved over to the tables for a trip down memory lane and my first workout one cold March morning. We did 3 rounds of the following exercises with each round increasing by 5, starting at 10, with a lap down to the ballfield and back up in between each set; dips, Merkins,step-ups, and Derkins.

Each round the mumble chatter got a little louder and I could tell the guys were really starting to like me and the workout I had chosen!  After finishing up we gathered at the “G” and recycled the numbers with workouts on them, playing a little F3 Roulette. We completed another combined set of 200 of the track exercises and still had 15 mins left to go!  We moseyed back to the Schiele for a brief pause while I encouraged the men to “climb on” whatever mountain they may face and in this case it would be the trail at the bottom of the property. Down we went with some mumble chatter behind me. We made it down and commenced to do 10 8-count body builders (telling ya, the guys were loving me). After that we moseyed back to the top for what had to be the ringing of the bells that signaled an end to our misery. Alas, it was not so. It seemed that a new exercise I had just learned must be shared. We zombie lunged about 15 or 20 yards and bear crawled back. The bells were delayed some more so I did what any good Q would do, I picked an exercise on our six (which at this point can not be recalled). Finally the bells rang and we finished out with the COT and announcements.

It was truly an honor to lead this group of men and I look forward to leading more sessions (with counting practice of course and clear directions or easier exercises). Thanks for the opportunity.




Sartfackers, attack of the sack!

3 of Folsom’s finest posted this morning. Several others were attacked by the fartsack (I hope they survived), one was outsmarted by the smartphone alarm, one had to work, and another with his 2.0 posted at 05:30 by mistake and thought we were not going to show. (Sorry about the mistake with the start time.)

Warmup: SSH, Windmills, Calf raises, and Cherry pickers.  YHC mixed up the count on these so some were 15 and some were 10 but all were done IC.

Thang: We mosey down to the lower parking lot for some four corners. Bottom left with squats, bottom right with lunges, top right with merkins, top left with french fries, YHC likes to add a middle to my four corners and so we did a set of lbc’s in the middle. All exercises were OYO x 50. We mosey  to the amphitheater (Huckleberry’s fav) where we did the alphabet, rocky balboa’s x20, dip’s x15 IC, and derkin’s also x 15 IC. Mosey again to the Folsom hill for 15 big boy situps at top, run down for 15 CDD’s at bottom and Bernie Sanders back to top, repeat 3x. Mosey then to concession stand for 15 Donkey Kicks, and mosey to the shelter for 20 stepups IC and some plank dips x20. Mosey back to tennis courts for a ring of fire to honor 9-11, 9 merkins and 11 big boy situps. Also by request 22 merkins in honor of our veterans.

COT: announcements CSAUP event in November 11-12, BRR update. Prayer requests.

BOM: YHC took us out.

Great job men, way to push the rock. It’s an honor to lead you.

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