Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2016 (Page 4 of 5)

#Folsom bb Push the Roc

8 men showed up this am for a challenge and YHC did his best to deliver. Started off with the Pledge and then moseyed to tennis court.

Warmup; SSH, CDD, LBC’s, Toy Soldiers, Flutter kicks all x 15 IC. Plank triceps pushup x 5 IC.

Thang; 6 tennis courts, lunge across court and perform 10 OYO Butt ups; lunge across next court and 10 more Butt ups repaet to the end. Plank for the six. Now that the blood is flowing. Headeing back; Bear crawl across court and perform 5 Burpees OYO; Crab walk across next court and 5 burpees; bear crawl next court and 5 burpees. MUMBLE CHATTER! I like it. Nice work Pax. Crab walk court and 5 Burpees; repeat to the end alternating between bear crawl and Burpees. I think Hank said he was planning something similar for Thursday. Sorry Hank disnt mean to steal your plan. Next we moseyed to the ampitheater for some of Whoopees favorites. 10 wall jumps OYO; BTW HIp Slapper x 5 IC; rinse and repeat. I believe these are getting easier so on the 2nd set we did x 8 IC. Strong work guys. Getting stronger!!! Next we hit a round French Fries, Jack Web, YHC had to be reminded what number we were on a couple of times, and one more round of Frnch Fries. From here it was time for recess so we headed to the playground. 2 sets of 5,10,15. Pull ups, mericans, squats. Time. Strong work men.
Namorama- Prayer Requests, Announcements.

BOM- Sparky

Moleskin- Hank says he has Jump ropes in the truck if anyone wants to use them. Tennis courts make a much better location for any work on your six. Doesn’t hurt for any kind of suicide work as well. Bear crawl/ Burpees and Crabwalk/ Burpees seemed to get the mumble chatter rolling this am. TClaps to Huckleberry, you’re killing it brother. All Pax definitely pushed the roc on this one. AYE! Crusader you hit the nail on head during the BOM sir about praying for our children and facing the social views of of our world and culture today. Strong words brother. It is an Honor to lead you men. Thanks for oppurtunity. #DRP

The Fighting Yank

Sadclowns of Belmont, NC beware. F3 has invaded downtown and planted a flag at Stowe Park AKA The Fighting Yank. I was very excited about this launch as I have a great feeling about the growth in this area. I was so excited I was there early enough to go to the middle school, plant the flag and return to sit around on the park bench and have my morning coffee. It was great to be sitting there on Main st and watch as the PAX began to arrive greeting one another. Just as the 5 minute warning was announced Sargento and Keish came sprinting by after a 9 mile BRR training run(I’m glad they’re on my team)! So 16 PAX and 8 FNG’s moved on down into the park and circled up for some introduction. YHC covered what F3 is, means, our mission, who and how it works. The disclaimer was given and I recited Romans 5: 3-4.


SSH x 15ic

Don Quixte x 10ic

Morrocan Nightclub  x 25ic

Calf Raises x  15ic

Hillbillies x 10ic

Merkins x 10ic

LBC’s x 10ic

CDD x 10ic

Monkey Humpers x 10ic

The Thang:

Mosey the long way around the park for a full tour slowing down a bit for some bear crawl’s for about 20 yds and on to the middle school track at the top of the hill where we found a shovel flag planted in the field. A little flag explanation and presentation was given. Then the pledge.

I must say this place is great for workouts. Hills, track and exercise stations in various places. So I had two plans laid out on my weinke. One was a little easier than the other. After checking out the FNG’s it was decided they came for a workout so on with it I went.

Partnered up(all FNG’s were partnered with one of the PAX) for some Dora 123. Running out about 40 yds and back. Great job by all here. Great support by the regular PAX.

Moseyed down to the the shelter with the picnic tables while an FNG brought and replanted the flag. YHC covered a little about the 2nd F and what it has meant for many of us. I am proud to say that some of you are now some of my best friends and I may have even publicly mentioned Tool Time in there. Must have been the heat!

So we did some Dips x 15ic, Step ups x 15ic,. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey ,with and FNG carrying the flag, over to the top of the hill. Well not the top but the 2nd tier down. This hill has several. We did 11’s with Merkin’s at the bottom and WWI’s at the top. Again great support from many HIM’s was seen here.

So with our flag in hand we moved on back to where we started. So this next part was not in my plan and I quickly regretted the idea. We had a little time to go so we crab walked about 30 yds to the stairs ran up and down and bear crawled back. Again great work guys!


So we circled back up and YHC covered a little about the 3rd F along with Monk covering this months theme. Coffeerama at Cherubs was announced. Area workouts and next week. I hope to see all the FNG’s back out there. Seem like a great group of guys. FNG’s received F3 names along with the AO. There is a memorial in the park for veterans of WWII. The statue is named The Fighting Yank! Much respect to those men. That was when men were truely men. An era of great family, community and country leaders. YHC closed with 1st Corinthians 16: 13-14 and a prayer.

I cannot say enough about the support I saw from the PAX today. True HIM’s brought F3 to Belmont because they care! I was very proud to be the Q that didn’t lead but followed those men. Keep the EH on and let’s grow this thang!

11 elevator

8 brave men posted Friday for a nice humid Beatdown

With tired faces and minimal mumble the workout commenced:


SSH x20

Hillbillies x20

Don Quixote  x20

Moroccan NC x20

LBC x20

Mountain Climbers x20

Merkins x10

The Thang:

Starting with laps around the parking lot – each time we reached an end we did the following:

Merkins x5 then Merkins x10

Wide Merkins x 5 then x10

Diamond Merkins x 5 then x10

Mosey to our favorite wall for 3 sets of donkey kicks x10

Mosey through downtown with quick ab workout stop on steps – flutter kicks, homer/marge and hello dolly

Finally reach the garage for a real beatdown – lunge walk/bear crawl to top

With little breath left we went right into 11’s only instead of running across parking lot we used the stairs with Burpees at the top and LBCs at bottom.  A couple of near Merlot splashes before an Omaha as time expired.  Moseyed to pavilion for COT.


Prayer requests – Godfather on tying the knot, T-square’s family


So proud of the guys today who showed no quit as we pushed each exercise with little rest in between. As always it was an honor to serve.

Naked or neked?

We had a great day in the GasHouse-2 new AOs starting today so our numbers were a solid 10 (I miscounted, sorry Bandit) with 6 of them at the 3rd F just before discussing ACCOUNTABILITY.

WU: SSH X 10 then short mosey to include regular, butt kickers, high knees, side shuffle L and side shuffle R, and karaoke then the real WU including SSH, Merkins, LBCs, Moroccan Night Clubs con La Cucaracha then 13 Burpees (pay tribute to the 100 days of Burpees from another AO outside GasHouse that I cannot recall) then mosey to the flag for the Pledge.

The Thang:

Mosey to the track for 4 corners (yes, this track has corners). Start with She Hate Me (10 lunges each leg, 10 burps, 10 merkins) then mosey to next corner and plank until the arrives and I give the recover sign which may have been after the 6 arrived….yes, Feelgood, I do care that everyone arrives but just needed a little more sleep before moving on. We did 4 cycles of this (1 at each corner) then moseyed to the church parking lot for some partner work.

At the base of the stairs we partnered up and P1 did exercise while P2 ran up the stairs (yes, hit every step) then swapparoo with partner. The exercises included Monkey Humpers, Scorpion Dry Docks, and Flutter Kicks. I think the Pax were messing with me asking so many questions and needing demo of exercises…..may have been confusing in my presentation so will give them the benefit of the doubt…..

Next we met Jack Webb-props to Spud who knew who he was so instead of 10 we did 9 reps max. I love Jack Webb (almost as much as hip slappers)-I admit it. Don’t tell my M. She just won’t get it. Think I will be doing these more so may need to practice a bit at home in your spare time-just sayin’

Next we moseyed back to the track after saying goodbye to Madoff-dad responsibilities-great work showing up and putting in time when you were limited. Could easily have fart-sacked. We took a few detour short cuts on the way back just to make up for the demos mentioned above with the stairs exercises. On arrival to the track we jumped straight into more She Hate Me for another circle around our square track.

We then moseyed over to the other stairs by the track for some more partner work with stairs and donkey kicks/flutter kicks to burn some more time then moseyed back to the flag for some wall sits of various time durations with 10 second breaks. While sitting on the wall, Spud entertained us with some Lewis Grizzard humor-What’s the difference between being naked and neked? What?? (you ask in unison). Naked is being caught with no clothes on. Neked is being caught with no clothes on and being up to something no good. Now you know……was much funnier when he told it after my legs went numb during wall sits.

We then started to mosey back to start but I pulled an Omaha and we ran up the hill towards the track and turned around to finish with a mosey to start with Spud trying to EH a friend (was that his father) at the very end.

We finished with announcements (new AO start X 2 today), discussed Advisory Board morphing into 2nd F type event with all welcome, F3 Dads events in Charlotte and upcoming in GasHouse later in July-check with JK2- then closed with a quick prayer.


Great start to the day guys-really enjoyed the 3rd F early before the workout. Thanks for the opportunity.


LBCs and 123s

The morning brought 6 lucky men out of their fartsacks for the Thursday Goat workout. Aye!



SSH x 20 IC

LBC x 20 IC

Don Quixote x 20 IC

Moroccan Night Club x 30 IC

Mosey around and up to the secret parking lot by the railroad tracks.

The Thang

We lined up for a round of 11s. On one side the PAX did merkins then ran to the other side where we did Goof Balls. This got the blood pumping real good so at the end we caught our breath with 60 seconds of the People’s Chair.

From there we moseyed off the reservation to the uncharted territory of the public basketball court (it was locked!).

The PAX paired up for some quality time doing Dora 123. Man 1 worked toward a cumulative 100 Carolina Dry Docks, 200 LBCs & 300 Squats while Man 2 ran to the other end of the parking lot where he did 5 Bobby Hurley’s. After a little group mumble chatter at the end we took a fellowship mosey down to the gazebo on the lawn for the final lesson. Ab time!

Newtons’ Cradle x 10 each side IC

Dolly x 20 IC

Dying Cockraoch x 20 IC

Peter Parker x 20 IC

Protractor with PAX count off at each position

Travolta’s x 20 each arm IC

LBCs x 20 IC

Flutter Kicks x 30 IC?

Nolan Ryans x 10 each arms IC

Time was up and the ab agony was over! Good work men!


Prayer requests- Tool Time’s company is laying off a lot of employees. Health prayer requests that I can’t remember.

Announcements- Belmont launch this Saturday


It was awesome leading you men again this morning!


Floppy’s Favorite

6 of the baddest braved the heat of the afternoon at Midoriyama. This is how it went.


Seal Jacks x 15ic

Hillbillies x 10ic

Imperial Walkers x 10ic

Toy Soldiers x 10ic

Flutter Kicks x 15ic

The Thang:

Mosey to the far end of the park- Bear crawl from one curb to the other and do 5 Merkins and back. x 2. Crab Crawl from one side to the other and do 5 WWI’s x 2.

Mosey to the playground- 10 pull ups, 10 one leg lunges x 10ic. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey back to the pits and partner up for coupon work. Partner one wall sits 25 yds from partner 2. Partner 2 does 5 blockee’s. when blockee set is complete they sprint and switch. Each partner did 25 blockee’s(Floppy Disks favorite exercise!!!!!!).

Mosey to the end of the parking lot- Route 66-at each parking line Bobby Hurley’s. There was much chatter about how great of a point guard he was. Especially by Def Leopard! Big Fan i guess.

Mosey to the bleachers for tri dips x 15ic. Step ups x 15ic. Rinse and repeat.

Circled up for some Mary to close it out.

Great work by all. This one was fun.



Announcements- Belmont Saturday

Prayer request-traveling friends, workers during layoffs.


my hypocrisy knows no bounds

10 men abandoned the fartsack this morning for a brisk weather beat down.  after the last few rolled in a little hot, we began.


reverse crunch, rosalita wip, scorpion dry docks all x 15IC / squats x20IC.


the thang

little mosey to the lower packing lot.  started with 25 merkins, 25 lbcs and 25 flutter kicks OYO then run a lap. rinse and repeat.

mosey to the amphitheater for some rocky balboas x 20, mountain climbers x 25. moved to the wall for ascending testicles with 5 merkins each at 10 degrees, 45 degrees and 90 degrees (maybe more like 75-80). rinse and repeat.

mosey to the playground area for some xys x 15IC

mosey again to the tennis courts for some suicides.  long distance first and work your way back in.  had to call Omaha about half way through due to time.  circled up for some brief tabata.  45 sec merkins amrap, rest.  45 sec pretzels (each leg) recover.  mosey back to the starting point for some 5 merkin ring of fire.

announcements: Stowe Park and Folsom both launch this Saturday.  Prayer requests: sparky’s friend, each other and those still in the fartsack (or out of time). closing prayer.

Gentlemen – it’s and honor and a privilege to be a part of this group of men.  ISI is not a slogan, it’s a blessing.  This AO has provided more encouragement and accountability that I could have ever imagined.  it was also and honor to be able to Q this morning. until next time;

Phillipians 4:13


big Balls and Jack Webb

Nice and cool outside this am-nearly perfect weather.

About 9 pax showed up then during the WU, a couple more showed for nice round 11 to get a beatdown at Martha’s.

WU-Mosey around Pelican’s with buttkickers, high knees, side shuffle, and karaoke then 10 IC SSH, 11 IC Merkins, 12 IC LBCs plus some slow holding at various points to make counting really awkward. some squats and Moroccan Night Clubs con Cucaracha (toe raises on 1 and 3 count-GasHouse original-won’t find this anywhere else-we have it copyrighted) then 10 burpees OYO. Started to Mosey to the parking lot when someone (? Stroganoff) reminded me of the Pledge so we did the Pledge then on to the parking lot for the Thang…but first, in honor of BA and El Padrino making a return, we got a coupon out of my car. I could feel the anxiety building up as the back door opened and I pulled out… pong balls. Everyone got only 1-did not want too many sore muscles and we moseyed to the defunct grocery store parking lot.

The Thang:

Pax line up, throw the ping pong ball as far as you can, lunge to pick it up then sprint to other side of parking lot. Repeat from other end back. Think we did this twice (total of 4 throws) then did 2 more throws with hopping on one leg to the ball then sprint to other side.

Next we partnered up and did some piggy back 4 corners-partner carry the long way/mosey the short ends, plank, then on the corners did ? number of Mountain Climbers, CDD, Jack Webb (think 1 pax knew who Jack Webb was, 1 was knew the pain was coming), then (thanks Short Sale for the idea) 2 rounds of hip slappers to close out the 4 corners.

Next we did some more partner work: P1 ran about 50 yards and back while P2 did the exercise-4 rounds of Fondas (lay on side and raise leg up like Jane Fonda used to do-Easy Rider gets bonus points for wearing leg warmers-very nice brother, hope your little sister does not mind you borrowing from her), Merkins, and Flutter Kicks.

Think we moseyed back to start with a burst of dips, squats, dips, and Monkey Humpers (Where are you Jobu????) to salute the traffic then Bandit took us home with a few Dying Cockroaches.

Great work this morning guys. Seemed like everyone was really pushing it this morning despite the (not so) heavy coupons. Appreciate the motivation.


Sight seeing at Midoriyama

Well it was another HOT day at Midoriyama.  With 6 PAX on hand I wanted to give everyone a tour of Midoriyama.


Side straddle hops x 25 IC

Air Squats x 20 IC

Moroccan night club X 40 IC

Work out:

Off we go…we hit the asphalt for a good run…we stopped at every opening for two exercises…it went like this:


Merkins x 25

LBC’s x 25 IC


CDD’s x 30

Bicycles x 25 IC


Omaha to the bleachers for Incline merkins x 30

Flutter x 25 IC


Omaha to the bleachers for Decline merkins x 30

World War I x 20


Pull-ups x 10

Hanging leg raises x 10


Diamond merkins x 20

LBC flutters x 20 (Thanks to Freight)


Rider merkins x 20 (Thanks to Freight)

Homer Marge IC


Dips at the picnic tables x 50

V-ups x 25

With 20 minutes left…we took a short cut…lol…to slider hill…we ran down and up slider hill with 1 burpee at the top…rinse and repeat until 5 burpees

Mosey to stairs for calf raise x 10 per step (Total of 130)

Mosey back for 1 minute of Plank mary:

Plank up/downs

Plank jacks x 16


Pledge of Allegiance


June 11th- Inaugural F3 Belmont workout



Great work by the PAX…way to push through the heat!! It’s always an honor to lead a great group of men!!




BA and Godfather’s Comeback Tour

BA and I have been MIA from F3 workouts since the first few weeks of our softball season. Long days and late nights kept us in the #fartsack as late as possible, but now that our season is over and the school year is coming to an end, we figured it was about to rejoin to group and what better way to do it than with a co-Q at #GasHouse featuring everyone’s favorite coupon, cinder blocks.

After the disclaimer – again, forgive me if I didn’t make all the major points, it’s been a while – a mosey to the flag at the front of the museum for the pledge, and a promise of NO UPPER BODY EXERCISES, it was time for the Warm-Up…


  • Side-Straddle Hop x15 (In-Cadence)
  • Merkin x15 (In-Cadence)
  • Little Baby Crunch x15 (In-Cadence)
  • Don Quixote x15 (In-Cadence)
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x50 (In-Cadence)
  • Neckies (Chin to Chest) x25 (In-Cadence)
  • Neckies (Right Ear to Right Shoulder) x10 (In-Cadence)
  • Neckies (Left Ear to Left Shoulder) x10 (In-Cadence)

For the next part of the beatdown, BA lead the PAX to the cinder block garden he had planted beside his truck before the work out started. It was time to partner-up and pick up one block per group. After moseying into the nature trail, the beatdown continued as follows:

  • 300 Chest Press – P1 completes exercise while P2 runs to the bottom of the hill and does 5 LBC’s and runs back up the hill to switch with P1 – counting was on aggregate.
  • While waiting for the SIX, several PAX planked, switching between regular and raised arms/legs. At the very end of this exercise, the PAX did 25 Prayer Squats In-Cadence.
  • All PAX mosey to the bottom of the hill.
  • 250 Bicep Curls – P1 completes exercise while P2 runs to the top of the hill and does 5 Carolina Dry Docks and runs back down the hill to switch with P1 – counting on aggregate.
  • 200 French Curls – P1 completes exercise while P2 runs around the barn and does 5 Squats before returning to P1 to switch – counting on aggregate.
  • 100 Weighted Squats – P1 completes exercise while P2 runs around the barn and does 5 Side-Straddle Hops before returning to P1 to switch – counting on aggregate
  • 50 Blockies – P1 completes exercise while P2 runs to opposite bridge and does 5 Carolina Dry Docks and runs back to P1 to switch – counting on aggregate.

With about ten minutes to spare, the PAX gathered their blocks and their pride, and moseyed up the hill to return the cinder blocks to BA’s truck. There was about five minutes left at this point, and Godfather decided the best course of action would be to do some Mary; however, having grown accustomed to the shade of the nature trail, Godfather suggested moving the PAX to the shaded portion of the parking lot.

Last-Minute Mary

  • Freddie Mercury x15 (In-Cadence)
  • Hello Dolly x15 (In-Cadence)
  • Homer to Marge x2 minutes
  • With about a minute to spare and thanks in-part to Dolph, there was just enough time for 5 Burpees OYO.

BA and Godfather’s comeback tour ended with the normal COT: Name-o-Rama (no FNG’s), Announcements (F3 Belmont kicks off this Saturday, June 11 at Stowe Park), Prayer Requests, and a Prayer. There was great attendance at Panera for Coffeeteria, and even though Bandit tried to steal Godfather’s seat (pun intended), it was a good breakfast for all.

On a personal note, it’s good to be back among the PAX and I like forward to getting back into things. I’ll be getting married next Saturday, June 18 and then I’ll be in the Dominican Republic for my honeymoon, but I’ll be back strong after that. It was a pleasure to lead!

-El Padrino aka Godfather aka Mr. 25-year-old Stamina

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