Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Chapel Hill?

  • Post Type:
  • When: 05/28/16
  • AO:
  • QIC: Stroganoff and Whoopee
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sparky, Digger, Vortex, Chip, Oldies, Wolf (FNG), Dolph, Skipper, Whoopee, Iron Man (FNG), Stroganoff, Clark, Blaze

Lincolnton is off to a great start with a lot of support, however the FNGs are in short supply but what they may lack in quantity, they are making up with in quality. We started with a couple FNGs (combined age of 31 years) with a disclaimer then we got started with the warmup.

Several laps of moseying around the church parking lot with plain ol’ mosey, high knees, side shuffle left, side shuffle right, and karaoke. Circle up for some exercises IC: SSH, Squats, LBCs, Merkins, and Flutter Kicks in honor of my Co-Q who loves the kick de-la flutter’ then I handed the keys over to Stroganoff.

We moseyed to the parking lot past the poison ivy for a Tarheel Grinder-much tougher than the fabled Wolfpack Grinder….IC exercise, lap around the parking like, exercise OYO then plank for the 6. Exercises were as follows:

15 IC Squats, lap, 25 Merkins, Plank

15 IC Squats, lap, 30 Mount Climbers, Plank

Quick discussion about not Q’ing what you cannot do and You vs You-work to get better and not against the Pax next to you. Stroganoff also shared his favorite things about North Carolina including Chapel Hill, the University of North Carolina Tarheels and his favorite color which happens to be Carolina Blue. He also showed us pictures of him with his Tarheel underoos when he was a boy. He also showed us pictures of him on Christmas morning opening up a gift from his brother- a Tarheel colored leisure suit he wears around the house when he is not cheering on the Tarheels at basketball and football games.It was a really special moment for him and we all were very happy to hear about his love for the Tarheels.

15 IC Squats, Lap, 25 Merkins, Plank

21 IC Squats, Lap, 30 Mountain Climbers, Plank

Recover then mosey to the bottom of the hill across the field.

Partner work with Dora 1-2-3: Aggregate 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 Flutter Kicks

Partner 1 starts the exercise while partner 2 runs up the hill (Stroganoff wanted to call this hill Chapel Hill but we told him maybe it was not such a good idea-he insisted on calling it that the rest of the workout) and past the 2nd bench then down the other side of (Chapel) hill. Upon returning the partners switched and kept track of the exercise until all were mostly completed.

The keys were then handed back to Whoopee….

We stayed down on the soccer field below Chapel Hill and kept the partner theme going. We divided up into 4 equal groups of 4, 4, and 5 pax and started a few rounds of “Do the called exercise while your partner runs across the field and back then tags the next partner who runs across the field and back and tags the next partner….” with the exercises as follows: SSH, Merkin, Flutter Kicks (again bec my CoQ loves flutter kicks almost as much as he loves the Tarheels). We did a few rounds of this until the appropriate amount of mumblechatter had been reached-can’t remember if it was a lot of mumblechatter or none…

Next we did an original exercise I came up with while sitting at home the night before as I grumbled over something before going to bed-Lincolnton Zombie Lunge Walk: start with 1 burpee then do 2 lunges with each leg then 3 burpees then 4 lunges with each leg then 5 burpees… until you get to 9 burpees and 10 lunges with each leg then mosey back to where you started from. Just for the record, this can stay in Lincolnton.

We then introduced the Lincolntonians (is that a word?) to AMRAP (as many reps as possible). We did the called exercise for 45 secs AMRAP then took a 15 second rest then did next exercise for 45 seconds…..The exercises included the following:SSH, Merkins, LBCs. I had more but we were low on time so we moseyed back to start, said the pledge, then quick discussion on the need to EH guys in Lincolnton to make sure this AO stays alive. There are some great guys posting here and likely plenty more who will in the future once they see what is happening-just need to get them out here.

We finished with a BOM and a prayer from Stroganoff then it was off to the coffeerama at Ingles which may just be one of the best coffeeramas around, almost worth the drive from GasHouse…

On the way back I got to hear about Stroganoff’s favorite memories of Chapel Hill and the Tarheels. It made my heart warm and fuzzy when I saw the twinkle in his eyes and smile on his face as he shared those special memories…..

Until next time-Whoopee

Stroganoff sent me his portion and told me to add anything but I put it exactly, word for word, 100% just how he sent it to me without (many) changes.



  1. Stroganoff

    Wow Whoopee, this might be the greatest BB of all time and so accurate in its portrayal of the events of the workout and general feeling of the PAX. I almost shed a tear reading it…….but I soon recovered from the haze and came back to reality.

  2. Clark

    I bet next time Stroganoff doesn’t let whoopee enter the bb. Us wolfpack fans stick together, so Stroganoff I can hold him down while you beat him.

    Seriously good beatdown. And yes, coffeeteria is awesome there. I paid more for a smedium coffee at Starbucks than I did for BACON and eggs, and still spent less than $5 total.

    Thank you for you support…2 weeks in a row!

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