Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2016 (Page 4 of 5)

Cramerton Speedway

Was a relatively small but high quality crowd today at Goat Island. The weather was perfect. Here’s what I remember:

WU: 10 reps IC of the following: SSH, Merkins, Freddy Mercury, Monkey Humpers, Scorpion Dry Dock, LBC, Mountain Climbers, then 30 Moroccan Night Club con la cucaracha (Whoopee original-MNC with toe raises as if stepping on cockroaches).

The Thang:

Mosey down hill then around to BB&T bldg, partner up, pA goes up/down stairs while pB does AMRAP called exercise X 2 rounds of the following:Merkins, Squats, Scorpion Dry Docks, Toy Hillbillys (mix btwn toy soldier and hillbilly), and hold in hip slapper position (careful to remove shoes each time so as to avoid soiling the walls of the beautiful building). When partners swap position they do 5 LBCs together.

Mosey back to start, Burpee challenge: escalator burpees every 30 seconds (or so)  starting at 1 and going to 10. Next we moseyed to the bottom of the hill right across from bridge for Cramerton Speedway-Catch me if you Can-partner A runs backwards around the town square, partner B does 5 Merkins then runs to catch partner A taking care not to pull a Roscoe/Anthrax sandwich. Swap and repeat process until all the way around the town square. Once back to start, lunge across bridge (5 bonus point for each spiderweb/spider you eat), 10 burpees on other side of bridge then mosey back to start. Next we heard the word of the week from Monk: “I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart.” Followed by the corollary (I am paraphrasing) “While I do 10 burpees.” So we did 10 burpees and called it a day.

Namorama, Prayers for Outhouse, Announcements about BRR, Backwoods Brawl, run for the cars and off to.

Enjoyed it guys. Thanks for pushing hard.



Throwback Thursday – A trip down Route 66

MOUNT MADORIYAMA GASTONIA — Two men meet at the base of the towering mountain ready for an epic throwback Thursday adventure down the infamous Route 66.

As Freight planted the flag, there was humorous banter about a mythical F3 unicorn named Greg Louganis Merkin and how they wanted to see a video of Jolly Roger performing this stunt.

The journey back in time started with a short warm-up to get the oils flowing for an adventure down Main Street of America. Twenty arm circles forward, twenty backwards, followed by twenty side straddle hops. IC of course.

With their heart rates up the first leg of Route 66 got underway with a legend from the 1990’s, Bobby Hurley. With spirits high the men mixed 40-yard sprints in between sixty-six jump shots.

Bobby had other arrangements and for the next leg, and we picked up a hitchhiker named Mr. Merkin to take his place. The Q decided to swap out sprints for 40-yard side steps.

With the second leg complete the crew got a little hungry and took a detour to 1948 for the grand opening of in and out burger. To work up the appetite, they ran backwards down Route 66 for 40 yards and did sixty-six in and outs on their six.

Candy is what they wanted for dessert, and luckily the Starburst plant wasn’t far away. This leg consisted of 40-yard sprints and StarJacks.

For the final leg of Route 66, they went to a galaxy far away. A place where the Imperial Walker’s roam free.

After finishing this epic journey they still had time left and threw in some country music with “Yeah”, 40-yards of lung walks, 20 merkins to Peter Parker to Parker Peter. Finally, 5 Star Burpees to finish it off.


Warmup (all IC):

  • Arm circles – 20 front, 20 back
  • Side straddle hop – 20

Main Event:

  • Route 66 Bobby Hurley
  • Route 66 Merkin with Sideways run
  • Route 66 in outs with backwards running
  • Route 66 Star jacks with running
  • Route 66 Imperial Walker
  • 20 wall taps
  • Yeah
  • Lung walks
  • 20 merkins to Peter Parker to Parker Peter
  • 5 Star Burpees


Only two of us, so it was short and to the point. One advantage is with a small group we got to cover all the F’s. “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” – Proverbs 27:17


7 PAX and 1 FNG posted at Folsom this morning for a leason in time and counting!


SSH x 20 IC

Hillbillies x 10 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Mosey to the shed


HIIT Training on the clock. 45 seconds of the rep and 20 seconds of rest but we counted IC just for practice.

Merkins, Flutter Kicks, Squats then run through the parking lot. x 3

Tri Dips, Freddy Mercury, Step Ups then run through the parking lot. x 2

Ski Burps, LBFC, Calf Raise then run through the parking lot. x 1

Mosey back to the parking lot


Announcements-Backwoods Brawl, Mud Run, Burpee thon, Community Run

Welcome FNG-Roady! Great to have you out. Keep the EH up Folsom!

This will be my last regular workout with the guys at Folsom. During the workout time I will be in the solitary confinement of my office. But no fear I will be back to deliver some pain. Keep up the good work!

Brick No Hit Back – Chong Li

I’m calling it the, Brick No Hit Back.  Remember the classic 80’s action thriller starring Jean-Claude Van Damme as the incomparable Frank Dux, who fights for his pride, legacy, and charming big-haired lady friend, in an international no holds barred martial arts tournament? Good, were on the same page. So, the part where Frank hit’s the top of a stack of 4 bricks and only the bottom one explodes…….and Chong Li, the Asian Hercules slowly nods his head in approval (or so we thought) then says,  BRICK NO HIT BACK!!!!!!!!  This is the equivalent workout to that scene.

Warm up:
20 – Side Straddle Hops
20 – Squats
10 – Don Quixote
10 – LBCs
10 – Merkins

The Thang
To the Sweating Lot: (Grab the bricks, GRAB THE BRICKS)
Pair Up:
4 Corners (light poles}
1 Pax Runs,WITH THE BRICKS, while the other crushes the exercise. Cumulative numbers.
100 – Merkins
150 – Squat Press – squat with shoulder press holding bricks
200 – Flutter Kicks

Floyd Mayweather – Plank Punch, front, side back – switch arms and repeat (holding the brick)

4 Corners (light poles}
1 Pax Runs,WITH THE BRICKS, while the other crushes the exercise. Cumulative numbers.
40 – Burpies w/ Brick
100 – Lunges
150 – LBCs

11:  Merkin – run – Russian Twist

Wide World of Sports

4 Showed up for the  first official F3 workout at Poston Park. Named “Madoriyama” for the severe ninja training and the massive mtn looming over the park. I say official because over the last 8 months 2 men have joined and pushed YHC every Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 pm awaiting F3 Gastonia to be ready for expantion into the evening.(during the winter we are in the gloom too!) To celebrate we went back through the first workout we ever did there and my first Q.


Cross Country- Moseyed down the road and through part of the trails. Circled up for:

SSH x 10 IC

Arm Circles x 10 IC

Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

Air Push up x 10 IC

Merkin x 10 IC

Crunches x 15 IC

The Thang

Moseyed to the baseball filed for baseball inspired exercises

Catcher- Sumo squat jumps x 20 OYO

Shortstop- Side hops touch the ground- 5left 5 right x 2

Outfielder- Sprint 5 burpee’s x 2

Batter-Flutterkick’s x 10 IC

Mosey to the soccer field for soccer theme

Squat front kick x 20 OYO, sprint across field, LBFC’s x 20 OYO, sprint across field, Squat jump x 10 OYO

Mosey to other field for football theme

Merkin and roll x 20 OYO

Mosey to hill for bear crawl up and crabwalk down x 2

Mosey to parking lot for bear crawl across 5 merkins and back for 5 more( heard some onlookers yell “look bear crawls”, we must look good doing them!)

Mosey to horseshoe pits for bowling/horseshoe theme

Lunge the full length while throwing you back leg around like you are a pro!

Moseyed to the playground for gymnastics theme

pullups x 10 squat x 10, Rinse and Repeat

Moseyed back the long way(your welcome Flppy Disk) for some alternating shoulder taps and peter parker.

Finished up with the Pledge. Thanks for the reminder JK2!


The usual announcements. JK2 is interested in doing the mud run so we need three more to step up and join him. We have one team so far. Contact him or me if interested.

As always it was a pleasure! I have to give a shoutout to Pizza Man and Floppy Disk who have had a huge impact on my life the last year. Locking shields with me weekly and giving me reason to push on!

F3 Gastonia is proof of the starfish and how it happens. I have found lately that sadclowns make me mad and I am surrounded by them everywhere! So help me get better by making these clowns better. EH someone and get them out to a workout. We have 6 days of workouts in the mornings and the evenings now. We are eliminating excuses.

I look forward to seeing others join us at Midoriyama. It is a great location. We accept early workers, fartsackers, smartsackers and those that just plainly won’t get up! No more excuses! Aye!

Folsom – No Failure to Communicate

10 PAX plus YHC gathered in the gloom this morning for a mixed beatdown in the Biggerstaff Park haze.  The recon from the previous day came in handy as the crowd grew to 9……..anyone else?

At this point, we had no FNG’s so we hit the disclaimer quickly and went through a little mumble chatter…..wait, another vehicle….and….it’s an FNG.  More detailed disclaimer now….I’m an idiot, don’t do this, at your own risk, if you follow the Q you might be an idiot too.  All good.

The warm up went something like this (In Cadence):

20 – Side Straddle Hops

20 – LBC’s

Wait….another late arrival… that Sparky?  Yes….yes it is.  Welcome.  (Not starting over)

15 – Imperial Walkers

15 – Freddy Mercury’s

Pledge of Allegiance

The Thang

Here we go.  Mosey down to the far end of the lower parking lot for some Stroganoff 20’s/Modified Elevens/Dallas Counting, etc.  Freight clarified the Dallas counting method but all was good.

One side of parking lot:    Merkins (Start with 20 and count down by 2’s for the next set all the way down to the last set of 2…..20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 for those of you still confused.)

After set of Merkins, run to other side of parking lot for alternating sets of 20 LBC’s & Flutter Kicks.

This ‘Event’ (since I really don’t know what to name it) yielded totals of 110 Merkins, 100 LBC’s and 100 Flutter kicks.

After a short recovery and more mumble chatter that I could not decipher, we moseyed around the pond to the base of the hill beside the softball field.  During my original recon the day before, I decided we would do some partner Folsom 1-2-3 with some bear crawling up the hill between exercises.  The ‘hill’ looked more like Mt. Kilimanjaro in the gloom so we immediately ‘Omaha’d’ (is that a word?) to only running the hill to the fence and back between the partner work.

The partner work required cumulative partner reps as follows:

100 Merkins

150 Squats

200 Flutter Kicks

For the Q, this was more difficult than it appeared on paper.  (Happens every time)

Short mosey to the covered picnic area for some Freight comedy followed by some dips and squat work in cadence:

20 Dips

15 Squats

20 Dips

15 Squats

15 Dips

15 Squats

The PAX then moseyed back to the shovel flag for the name-o-rama, announcements, prayers and Circle of Trust.

Please keep Outhouse and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Backwoods Brawl, Gashouse one year anniversary celebration workout is coming up April 9th.  Mark your calendars.

As always, it was my honor to lead another workout this morning.  It is terrific to see the newest AO in Dallas having such a great turnout each time.  This is a strong group and great AO.  I’m looking forward to joining you guys again.  Keep putting the word out about F3 and what we are trying to accomplish with Fitness, Fellowship and Faith.  Nice work men.

Until the next one, Keep Moving Forward.  AYE!

#BB #TheStorm

12 pax made the choice to take the Red Pill this am for a simple beatdown at #TheStorm.  Disclaimer was read and the warm up began.  Promise was made no burpees, yes we are doing burpees!

Warmup IC; 15 SSH, 15 Mericans, 10 Toy Soldiers, 10 Low Slow Squats, 10 Trunk Side Stretch, 5 Archers ( alternating side wide push ups), Monk read word of the week ” I wil give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart “.  The pax then took a lap around the parking lot and met back at the flag for the pledge.

The Thang;

The Pax were instructed to partner up and size doesn’t matter.  Partners lined up at the imaginary goal line (parking space line).  P1 wheelbarrow P2 to 25 yd line and each partner perform 20 old school situps.  P2 Fireman Carry P1 to 50 yd line and each partner perform 20 flutter kicks each, double count.  P1 Fireman Carry P2 to 25 yd line and each partner perform 20 feet throws.  P2 wheelbarrow P1 to goal line and each partner perform 20 side plank up downs, 10 each side.  Count off and The Q informed the pax that he forgot the burpees on the first lap so to make up they were to perform 10 burpees at each corner.  Plank it up at goal line for the 6 to arrive.  Once the 40 burpees were down it was rinse and repeat of the above, only the burpees on lap 3 were reduced to 5 at each corner.  Then a quick count off and the Q realized there was time for another round.  Rinse and repeat .  Last lap was 1 and 1/2 to get the pax back to the flag with no burpees.  Nice work men.  Circle up at the flag for some mary.  10 IC; Russian twist, V ups, Lbc’s, Freddy Mercurys, French Fries.  Time was called.


Announcements; Outhouse and Family.  Were praying for you brother.  4-16 Community Run, 4-30 Mud Run, Burpeethon in May, Mayor to inform pax of details, BRR in September.  Namorama. Monk thanks for the prayer.


It was an honor to lead you men this am.  You all showed me what taking the RED PILL means #DRP.  It doesn’t get any easier you just get stronger.  Simple beatdown but felt it.  Tclaps to Mayor for digging deep this am, strong work.  Defib pushing the rock on the runs.  Nice work by all Pax.  Enjoyed it.  Till the next one.  #DFQ!


Accelerate For Impact

Since YHC picked up the Q for today at 2200 the night before, I was winging it all the way this morning.  This group of 8 die hards hit the pavement for an early morning down painment!

Warm Up

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Don Quioxte x 20 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 20 IC
  • But Kickers OYO for a while

The Running

First run was about 1.5 miles, mostly through the parking lot and eventually out the lower entrance and up the hill to the Eye Of The Storm (aka “Artwork”).

We stopped for a little Mary around the circle…  PAX on their six, shoulder to shoulder, for some LBCs while #AcceleratingMan on the right made lap around the art.  Then next man, etc… until everyone made one lap.  Probably about 150 LBCs.

Next we took a little breather and talked about #Acceleration, often conjuring the image of high speed. However, acceleration is simply #Movement that is marginally faster today than it was yesterday.  It means each day we can do something to be faster (or better) than we were yesterday. Acceleration is movement towards achieving a goal.

We also talked about #Impact, or forcible contact to strong effect.  Where can you make an impact? Are you accelerating? After pondering these deep thoughts for a few minutes, it was back to the grind.  It’s a running workout, right?  Let’s accelerate.

For the next segment we head down hill back towards the lower entrance.  To keep things in sync with the 6, we began to loop back every other light post to keep the PAX close.  We then headed up to the top of the parking lot and around for the final loop.

Total distance today was 2.56 miles.

With 8 minutes left, we attempt to finish up with some Mary (People’s Choice)…

  • Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercuries x 15 IC
  • Side Crunches, Left x 10, Right x10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
  • Hello Dollies x 15 IC
  • ‘Mericans x 15 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Dying Cockroaches x 15 IC

OK… still just under a minute, so 10 BOYO.

JK2 with the reminder to get the Pledge of Allegiance.

And, uh….Disclaimer? (yes… a bit late I know).


  • Prayers for Outhouse and his family with the loss of his mother yesterday.
  • Check email blast for upcoming events.
  • Finished with a COT.

Attack Your Weakness

As any good Q would do, I had three sets of gloves and was going to get to the AO at least 15 minutes early because I was excited there were some EH’s who said they were coming this morning.  Halfway there I realized my phone holder didn’t have a phone in it so I turned around and ended up hustling to make it to the Gloom with two minutes to spare.  It was a lively bunch which was exciting so I wanted to get it started with a disclaimer and the five parts of an F3 workout.

We started the warm up with the side straddle hop and I immediately realized that my money clip was still in my pocket.  I had to figure out a way to discretely get it back to the car without too much delay.

  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • LBC
  • Don Quixote

10 Burpees OYO.  I got through them quick so I could go back to my car and put my money clip away.

When I returned I heard the peanut gallery talking about me going missing we were done with the warmup and on to the Flag for the #PledgeOfAllegiance

The Thang:

A mosey to the Grier track and collected for a question…What is your weakness?  The PAX were asked to pick an exercise they need to practice.  Then they were told to do ten of them.  I think I saw burpees, dying cockroaches, and merkins.

Then on to the track for two lines of Indian runs for two laps.  Next we did two lines of Railroad tracks for ½ a lap and then leapfrog for half a lap.  We then collected again for another ten reps of another weakness with some discussion.  What is your weakness in life?  Who knows it and what are you doing to improve?  Who is holding you accountable to get better?

Next was the Burp and Merk…Circle up   One burpee, one pushup.  One burpee, two pushups, one burpee, three pushups.  We got to twelve with one break for a count off in between.  I counted all the merkins and if somebody else was counting we may have gone back down to one.

We then moseyed to the baseball field.  Five squats at the bottom of the hill and then run to the top for five more.  Repeado x 3.

Quickly returned to the Field and formed two lines for the tunnel of love.  Not everyone loves getting dirty, but some unnamed Prima donna’s were all toes and arms to keep their shirts and knees clean.
We then formed one long line of 27 and locked elbows for some windshield wipers and flutter kicks.  Before we started there was some amateur Rockette’s practice.  On the flutters Whoopie apparently likes to do a good morning darling on the four count which was smacking into my legs.  Counting a cadence and knocking shoes with the guy next to you is challenging but a lot of fun.   No harm no foul.

We then ran back to the Schiele and the PAX were planking to recover the six.  We kept going to the Nature trail pond and planked for the six.

One of my best friends passed away 3 years ago tomorrow and we dedicated some benches by the pond in his memory.  We were at this spot and we talked about family, brothers in arms, sad clown syndrome, and I spoke about what F3 has done for me in the past year.  Hopefully some inspiring comments to get the PAX thinking about naming their struggles, holding each other accountable, being better husbands, fathers, leaders and living third.

Then we did 50 merkins for my late friend Brian.

We went back to lot and Whoopie had the PAX getting it with some mountain climbers.  I started the clock and we did the Plank challenge until we heard the church bells.

The Gashouse Advisory Board meeting March 6th at GSM Services at 7 followed by bible study at the same location at 7.  Monk advises to read Genesis 2 and 3 to prepare.

Birthdays this week…T-Square and JK2 I believe.

I asked for the PAX to send me their favorite stories and or workouts they have done in the past year so we can incorporate their memories into the Backwoods Brawl.  Someone said, “not this one”.  Touché!  Seriously, send me your favorite memories/workouts for the Pre-Blast!

Prayers for Outhouse and his mother and my late friend’s family.  We ended with the COT.


After Coffeerama, Dolph, Boss Hogg, and Roscoe and later Bandit converged at the Hogg’s farm for some Backwoods Brawl preplanning and recon.  The ideas are endless and lots of brainstorming going on.  The Backwoods Brawl’s QIC might not be worth a hoot but the AO will be the best we’ve experienced.

Hey Spiderman…Where’s The Hat?

Warm up:
Side Straddle Hops: 20
Muroccan Night Clubs: 40
PeterParker: 10
LBCs: 10
Merkins: 10

4 corners:   Lunge straights,  Burpie corners
4 corners:   WallCrawler (bear crawl switching directions) straights, 10 dying cockroach (spiderman falling) corners

Parking Garage: (Grab the loot, Bricks)
Deck Runs  x 2
1st Floor – 10 Burpies
2nd Floor – 20 Merkins
3rd Floor – 30 Squat & Shoulder Press
4th Floor – 40 Flutter Kicks

Elevens – Merkins and Squat Brick Press between Pavilion and Main Ave


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