Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2016 (Page 2 of 4)

Derecho – Fast and Long Lived Storm

This morning, 8 PAX plus 1 dog (20 total legs) posted to the first Running Focused AO.  As of right now, this workout will be called “Derecho”.  Thanks for the suggestion Whoopee.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration defines a Derecho as the following:

“A derecho (pronounced similar to “deh-REY-cho” in English, or pronounced phonetically as ” “) is a widespread, long-lived wind storm.Derechos are associated with bands of rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms variously known as bow echoes, squall lines, or quasi-linear convective systems.”

Expecting only a couple to show this morning, due to the outspoken members of our group who let it be known that they hate running, I was pleasantly surprised that 8 showed.  Needing to exercise my dog, German Shepherd Liesel, I decided to take care of both this morning.

After some chatter about the Yeti, Defib letting it be known that anyone who posts could have done it, we were off.  We took off like a Derecho, up to the Baseball/Softball fields of Stuart Cramer High School.  Looped back down around the school to the top of the main entrance.

  • Pain Station #1 (1 mile in) 100 of any exercise of your choice.  Discussed naming this circle with the statue (Art as Roscoe would call this) as the “Eye of the Storm”.
  • Ran from the Eye of the Storm to Goat Island (Neighborhood Side).
  • Pain Station #2 (about 2 miles in).  Did “Elevens” here of Merkins and LBC’s.
  • Ran from Goat Island back to the Eye of the Storm.
  • Pain Station #3 (about 3 miles in).  50 exercises of your choice.
  • Ran back to where we started.  Finished with COT.


Great to see the turnout this morning.  Pleasure to lead this new AO for F3Gastonia.  We have a lot of options here at Stuart Cramer High School so lets keep this going.  I have trained for 2 marathons on my own and I can tell you that this is much better to run with a group than on your own.  Thanks for pushing me this morning.

Those of you who say you hate running, just try this workout.  See what you think!  Running is not that bad!  Its all mental!



18 PAX showed up for what was said to include no work at all. We even had a few guest(did they come because they heard no work?). Sorry, I lie sometimes! I’m working on that. Before we got started it was asked how many Tarheel fans were in attendance? Due to this weeks lose to the Blue Devils they seemed to be reluctant to raise their hands. No worries we Blue Devil fans can always spot you.

Warm up:

Seal Jacks x 20 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC

Air Punches x 15 IC

LBC x 20 IC

Bobby Hurley’s x 15 (Go Devils)

Monkey Humper’s x 10 IC (for the Tarheel’s fans)

Mosey to the flag for pledge then mosey to the front of the school.

The Thang:

Wheel barrels from speed bump to speed bump.

Line up on curb and bear crawl to other side + 5 Merkins. Crab walk back + 5 WW2 Situps. 3 Sets

Line up on curb broad jump across and lunge walk back. 3 sets

Mosey to courtyard and partner up.

Partner 1 runs the stairs while partner 2 does the exercise.

147(total points scored in this weeks Blue Devil Victory) Flutterkicks

147 Merkins

147 Squats

Romans 5:3-4 about suffering

There may have been some mention about the Wolfpack losing to the Blue Devil’s as well?!

Mosey back to parking lot

147 Tricep dips/WW2 sit ups. Do as many as you can then run across the parking lot and switch the exercise. As many trips as needed to reach 147.

Circle up for some Mary. Boat/Canoe, Plank Challenge by Van Winkle(brutal), and a few more I have tried to forget!


Announcements:Hat’s off to our Yeti representative’s Whoopee, Dolph, Defib, and Brownstreak. Good work guy’s! Backwood’s Brawl on 4/9. Starting 2 new AO’s this week- Monday at the Storm(running based) and Dallas(Biggerstaff Park) Tuesday. I see great things happening in the Gashouse! Gastonia Rotary will be hosting Dredd and OBT on 3/3. 5 year anniversary at the Philmore coming up.

Nameorama: Had a few guest this morning. Great to meet you guy’s! I look forward to our next beatdown.

Ecclesiastes 12:13

Once again I really enjoyed leading you men. You have all really made an impact on me and I hope we continue to impact others! EH somebody this week and let’s grow! See you next week for another delivery by Freight.

Aye, Freight






Gastonia Leadership Team

F3Gastonia region holds an advisory board meeting each month which is open to anyone.  Watch Twitter and weekly email blasts for dates.  The following leadership structure was revised on April 18, 2016.

Leadership Team

  • Nantan (Whoopee) – The is the cultural and spiritual leader of the region.  He is the CEO.
  • Weasel Shaker/COMZ Q (Bandit) – This is the spreadsheeting guy who ensures details are not overlooked.  He is the COO.  As COMZ Q is also responsible for weekly email blast and other things technical related.
  • FirstF Q (Dolph/Freight) – Responsible for leading and coordinating the overall Fitness program
  • SecondF Q (Godfather) – Responsible for leading and coordinating the overall Fellowship program
  • ThirdF Q (Monk) – Responsible for leading and coordinating the overall Faith program
  • Community Outreach Q (Stroganoff) – Responsible for leading and coordinating community service and outreach activities.
  • F3Dads Q (JK2) – Responsible for leading and coordinating activities for Dads and 2.0s for our region.
  • Twitter Q (Godfather/BA) – Posts weekly schedule and pre-blasts on the Twitter machine.
  • Facebook Q (Spiderman) – We are not doing this yet, but basically want to post the same Twitter stuff on Facebook
  • ShovelFlag Maker (Brownstreak/Bandit) – Makes/engraves our shovel flags.
  • Facilities (Stroganoff) – Will reserve/coordinate facilities for events as needed.

Site Qs

Site Qs have the overall responsibility for each of our AOs. Ready to Q a workout?  Please contact the site Q for that AO and they will get you on the Q schedule. Our site Qs are listed on the Gastonia region schedule.

If you have input of questions in any of these areas feel free to contact the Q directly or join our monthly meeting.


#GasHouse February 22-27 Q List

Here’s the list for this week:

  • Monday, February 22 – #GHRunners – JoBu
  • Tuesday, February 23 – #TheStorm – Defib
  • Tuesday, February 23 – #Biggerstaff – Dolph
  • Wednesday, February 24 – #MarthasHouse – Outhouse
  • Thursday, February 25 – #GoatIsland – Brown Streak
  • Friday, February 26 – #Downtown – Whoopee
  • Saturday, February 27 – #GasHouse – Freight

#GHRunners and #Biggerstaff are working titles… feel free to submit your ideas for these!

Anyone up for the (physically impossible) GasHouse #sevenpack?

Sculpted 6 of Linus

I was really wishing I had fartsacked since Yeti was only 1 day away, until I arrived at the Rotary Pavilion and had the chance to spend some time with Hot for Teacher as he popped his cherry. He was already on site when I arrived and eager to get started. Soon afterwards the rest of the Pax came rolling in just like they always do. We started the warm up and Linus arrived fashionably late so we continued our SSH until he joined the circle. I had a new exercise I wanted to try out, so Linus became my target….

WU: SSH, Don Quixote (old man style (slow), that’s how I roll), Toy Soldier (for Dolph), Merkins, LBC, and then (drum roll)……Sumo Squat-reportedly shapes and tones the 6 better than anything else (with 1 leg do standing roundhouse kick, side kick, then squat X 2, then repeat with other leg). Linus seemed particularly comfortable doing these and I could not help noticing he may have done these before….coincidence…..I think not. Maybe he has been working on these. After about 3 or 4 of these per leg, I messed up the counting and I felt like we were wasting time so we broke out of that, did the pledge and got to work.

The Thang: Whoopee

Bearmuda Triangle-ish…more of a straight line. Was never good at algebra, or is that geometry? Who cares? Start at one end of parking lot and make way to other side by bridge. Either bear crawl or lunge for awhile then do a burpee. Continue bear crawl/lunge for awhile then 2 burpees, repeat with escalator/elevator burpees until you get to the bridge. Think I got to 5 burpees. After some group discussion we moved off the street for safety reasons and played some Blackjack. Sum of exercises is 21 (similar to 11’s) with Merkins and LBCs (20 merkins, walk/mosey across lot then 1 LBC. Back to start for 19 merkins then cross again for 2 LBCs. Repeato until complete or until we ran out of time). Been awhile since I was Q and I overplanned. Was planning for some other stuff but needed to get back to home base for Hot for Teacher’s portion of Q. We mosey back to start for Hot for Teacher who then took over.

Part Deux: Hot for Teacher

Plank Compass (got a nice view of Linus’ 6, he’s definitely been doing those sumo squats at home, you sumo squattin’ sculpted 6 SOB) for about 37 minutes. HFT loves to plank. Think we did some Peter Parkers next then not sure if we planked some more. Memory is a bit fuzzy. I know we eventually duck walked around the pavilion. Think HFT is part bird-his was more of a duck sprint. Worked in my favor as I was able to stand tall and walk like an old man for part of this while he could not see me. We got back to start and think we moved to Mary with a variety of things including LBC, Dying Cockroach, Freddy Mercury, humping the sky (AKA reverse plank), lie on your back in the Marge position and intermittently raise heels to sky (long name, maybe we should call it “heels to sky”), and (thankfully) 7 burpees OYO compliments of Spiderman.

Finished with a COT and ran for the cars so wouldn’t be late for work. Glad I posted. Feel better when I do and got to get in shape for the Yeti. I think it’s coming up soon. Anyone know when that thing is supposed to happen???

BRR March Madness Challenge: We have about 5 guys now and need at least 9 (preferably 12). I will put $50 towards any GasHouse pax registration fee if you post more times than I do in March. Got a couple new AOs opening up so lots of opportunities to get better. I promise you will earn every penny if you accept the challenge….. We need to register soon but can’t do without some more HCs.

Enjoyed it guys, thanks for coming out and thanks for sharing the Q with me HFT. Was a pleasure.

Whoopee and Hot for Teacher

Ladders and Sprints

Waking up this morning feeling excited about today’s episode of Goatisland. The 3rd of 4 short story series. As I arrived at the island I notice and different aroma.  It was a smell that took me back to childhood. Family trips to the mountains and……. Tweetsie!!! With the tracks nearby it wasn’t  unusual, it was just more defined this morning. With the crisp cool air and the smell of railroad ties the PAX started filling in. Excitement was building and they all started to talk and looking for the goats to arrive with the u-haul. I greeted the PAX and our visitor from Summerville-Splinter. We all welcomed him and then it was TIME! I welcomed all with a “I’m an idiot and you’re an idiot too for following me” speech. This is what was delivered……..

Warm up:
SSH 25xic
Imperial Walker 20xic
Mericans 20xic
LBC 15xic

Pledge (thanks Whoope)

Mosey to the community center. Planked up and waited for the 6. Thank to all the pax for tailing back and picking up 6 and encouraging. Here’s the THANG

The Thang:

5-10-15 ladder
Run to top of driveway (exercise)
Run down driveway (exercise)
Set 1-Mericans/WWII
Set 2-Mt. Climbers/squats
Set 3-Burpees/LBC

Mosey to top of driveway:
Sprints- 20yards after 6 reps of exercise and mosey back to start.
Exercise list looked like this:
Flutter kicks
Freddy Mercurys
Jump squats
Apollo oh no’s

Mosey back to the island…….

Russian twist
Hello dollies
Dying cockroach
Slow v-ups
Plank side raises(both sides)
And a new one to the group…the drone (thanks top hat)


Great workout guys. Thanks again for allowing me to lead this group. All was well till Juliet stepped out on to her balcony and said to us “stop being so loud there are people trying to sleep!” All’s well that ends well….. Right? BB&T don’t like us, the boot camp chicks mock us, and now the community is yelling at us from balconies!?!? Stay tuned don’t turn the station now…… Who knows what’s going to happen next week. Maybe a police chase?!?!


Whoopee has a challenge for the PAX. He has labeled it #marchmadness . He will give $50 toward BRR fees to anyone that post at more workouts (Gashouse) than him for the month of March.

Remember myself, Dolph, Defib and Whoope as we are at the YETI.

Be mindful and pray for the prayer request of you F3 brothers.

The 10-Minute 100-Burpee Challenge

11 of #GasHouse’s gathered in the GLOOM this morning for yet another of Godfather’s “winging it” workouts. Despite the rain and the mid-thirty degree temperatures, it was noted that several PAX were wearing shorts. As the clock struck 5:30, it was time to begin…


  • Side-Straddle Hop x20 (IC)
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x20 (IC)
  • Low-Slow Squats x20 (IC)
  • Merkins x20 (IC)

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to Student Entrance of SCHS… Several of the PAX helped to move a large stone back into place that had been bugging JoBu, BA, and Godfather for the last few weeks.

With the stone benches back in place, the PAX completed 10 Bunny Hops and 10 Derkins on the original and newly located stones.

Next was a mosey to the SCHS weight room to get a little in-door beatdown. After disengaging the school’s alarm system (potential headline: Workout Cult Breaks Into School), the PAX were informed they would be completing the 10-Minute 100-Burpee Challenge (actually became 11-Minutes), and it went as follows:

  • Minute 1 – 8 Burpees
  • Minute 2 – 9 Burpees
  • Minute 3 – 10 Burpees
  • Minute 4 – 11 Burpees
  • Minute 5 – 12 Burpees
  • Minute 6 – Count Off/Rest (completely necessary)
  • Minute 7 – 12 Burpees
  • Minute 8 – 11 Burpees
  • Minute 9 – 10 Burpees
  • Minute 10 – 9 Burpees
  • Minute 11 – 8 Burpees
  • Total – 100 Burpees

YHC was hesitant to include the rest between the first 50 and second 50, but after feeling and seeing other struggle, it was time for a slight audible.

With the 11-Minute 100-Burpee Challenge in the rearview mirror, it was time for a little 6MOM…

  • Little Baby Crunch x20 (IC)
  • Flutter Kicks x20 (IC)
  • Freddie Mercury x20 (IC)
  • Hello Dolly x20 (IC)
  • Homer to Marge
  • World War Sit-Ups x10

Wave of Merkins around the Weight Room (5…4…3…2…1)

Mosey to Start

In the Closing Minutes…

  • Billy Blanks x10 (IC) – Squat with alternating kicks on each leg
  • JoBu’s x10 (IC)
  • Little Baby Dips x25 (OYO)

Eleven’s (Modified to Sixes)

  • 5 Squat-Jumps
  • 1 Merkin
  • Decrease Squat-Jumps and Increase Merkins on each side of the parking lot

Count-Off, Name-o-Rama, Announcements, Requests, Prayer

Coming Up in the Near Future…

  • Running-Centered Workout at SCHS starting 2/22 @ 5:30 AM (Contact JoBu)
  • The Yeti – 2/20 (sending good vibes to Defib, Brown Streak, Whoopee, and Dolph)
  • New AO at Biggerstaff Park (Dallas, NC) starting on 2/23 @ 5:30 AM (Contact Dolph)
  • Second F Happy Hour – 2/23 @ Mayworth Pubic House in Cramerton, NC
  • F3 Founders at Gastonia Rotary – 3/3 (see e-mail blast for more info)
  • Advisory Board Meeting – 3/6 @ 8:00 PM at GSM Services

2016 Blue Ridge Relay – Gastonia Preblast

2016 Blue Ridge Relay Information Session
If you are interested in running in the 2016 Blue Ridge Relay (BRR), we need to get a list of seriously interested PAX. I’d like to get a team of 9-12 solid commitments before we register for the race. This preblast should answer any questions or give you info on where to get answers. Mayor has secured a van (possibly 2) so that should reduce the cost significantly. Basically, the cost is registration plus gas, food, and various supplies (see below) and should be around $200 per person if you are careful.

Your solid commitment consists of emailing Whoopee and promising to bring $100 to a workout sometime in the next 4 weeks.

WHOOPEE CAN HELP WITH THE COST IF THAT IS AN ISSUE. I would really like to have Gastonia represented so it is worth it to me to put in a little extra $$.

Blue Ridge Relay – Event Info
Who: YOU. Can I do this? Yes. Anyone who posts to regular F3 workouts & can run a 10k can be comfortable on a 12 man team. If you’re not confident that you’re ready now, keep posting and you will be by September.

What: The Blue Ridge Relay (BRR) is a 209-mile relay race along the Blue Ridge mountains that offers a near-perfect combination of 1st F, 2nd F, & CSAUP. The race is split into 36 predetermined legs of varying distances (2 to 10 miles) and difficulty levels (Easy to Mountain Goat Hard). For a 12-person team, the average total distance is 16.6 miles spread over 3 legs (it’s like running three 10k’s in a day). Average is just average though – some legs are longer and some are shorter. Teams travel along the race course in vans, picking up and dropping off runners at the beginning and end of each leg.

When: September 9 – 10, 2016
Race starts on a Friday morning (starting times are staggered and vary from 7am-11am) and ends on Saturday afternoon.

Where: Begins in Grayson Highlands State Park in southwestern VA and ending in downtown Asheville, NC

How Much?: $1300 per team entry fee (roughly $110 per person)
Additional per person cost for van rental, gas, food, and supplies TBD

Why: CSAUP… enough said!

Additional Info
What if I hard commit now and need to bail later? Team rosters have to be finalized prior to August 1st. So…If it’s prior to August 1st: No problem. Just find a replacement, have him reimburse you your entry fee & let your team captain know ASAP. If it’s after August 1st: Still no problem. Find a replacement, have him reimburse you your $100 entry fee & let your team captain know asap. Note that a $10 roster change fee will apply.

Who’s Q’ing this event? Whoopee is Qing this event for F3 GasHouse.

I’ve heard from many F3 PAX this is THE BEST CSAUP EVENT EVER!!!!!

Links to Even More Info
2015 F3 Nation CSAUP Website:
BRR Event Website:


Gashouse #BB Dolphsworld

The preparation started a couple of weeks ago to gather the coupons for a Gladiator Games style workout. Once all items were obtained the plan came together. A couple of the pax met on site early to set up coupons for a rotation of somewhat heavy obstacles.
17 pax appeared in the gloom this am with cold weather gear, gloves, and readiness. .

Word of the Week; Monk

Warmup; SSH 12 IC, Storm Troopers 10 IC, Mericans 10 IC, LBC 10 IC, Spiderman arrived so we performed 1 more round SSH 10 IC. Mosey to Flag for the pledge. Mosey to the Field.

Pax circled up and counted off, 17. 3 groups of 4 and 1 group of 5. Direction of flow through the stations and station instruction given by the Q. I apologize for being lenghty, tried not to lose any of the Pax. The Q did see a lot smiles and heard some mumble chatter. Only one of the pax could perform a station at a time remaining pax in the group performed Mary at their discretion. Each group started at a different station and ran/ mosey counterclockwise to the next.
– 280lb tire flip 3 times
– 100lb 20 yrd sled pull hand over hand; back peddle pull to start
– 10lb or 20lb sledge hammer to large tire, 5 each hand
– 10 Dips IC on Bleachers
– 5 Pullups partner assist if need be
– 15 Blocksquats IC
– 240lb group log carry 25 yrd and back; EC overhead press
– 10 Mericans IC
Rinse and Repeat

Thanks to Sparky for the awesome sled and 20lb hammer, also to Mayor and Brownstreak this morning for the set up help. Spiderman came in hot, so we did one more round of SSH then we were off. FNG, Allen Tate joined us on the field. I hope the Pax enjoyed it as much as I did. I know a little different in small groups but we all got in a good workout and approx 2.5 miles. I was not sure how this would go because I’ve never been involved in something like this. The pax seemed to have no trouble with the stations or the weight. We all might feel it tomorrow though. The sled pull needs some fine tuning as it seemed to be the bottle neck. Sparky had a good idea to add another one. Time was up after two rounds so the Pax assisted with collection of coupons while Mayor rolled Bandit back to the LZ in the large tire. TClaps to Linus, awesome job sir. TClaps to pax and the FNG’s for the 1st Dolphsworld run. FNG Mary Lou has been shortened to Lou.

Annoucements; Monk is looking to start a 3rdF BiBle Study, send suggestions of time and place to him. Yeti 2-20-16. Gastonia Run, lets get a team up. Dallas AO to start 2-23-16 at 5:30am, location pending. Snowbird Mens Retreat Invite from Sparky 3-10 through 3-12. BRR in September.
TSquare appreciate you taking us out.
As always, A pleasure to lead you #HIM.

The Machine

Six faithful posted Downtown.  Here is what happened.

Warm up

  • SSH
  • Toy Soldier
  • Don Quioxte
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers

The Thang

Mosey to outside parking lot at the Gastonia Conference Center garage.

Elevens w/ Merkins and LBCs with 40 yard sprints across parking lot.

Mosey to find Spiderman and Whoopee (who had an uncontrollable uneasy feeling that someone was bird-dogging our unprotected cars awaiting an opportunity to take advantage).

Eleven’s w/ Burpee’s and LBC’s with 75 yard sprints from Pavilion to W.Main Ave.

Pledge (thanks for the reminder Whoopee)

Seven Minutes of Mary (well kind of) – People’s Choice

  • Dying Cockroach (Bandit)
  • Flutter kicks (Stroganoff)
  • Sprint to top fire escape (Outhouse)
  • Mountain Climbers (Spiderman)
  • LBC (Linus)
  • Merkins (Whoopee)

Don’t recall all the details, but we started another round and definitely hit the fire escape one last time.

We wrapped up with Name-O-Rama, COT and BOM.


  • YETI is February 20.  Come route on Defib, Brownstreak, Whoopee and Dolph!
  • Lincolnton launching in spring. Gastonia has offered to help lead workouts and post to support.
  • Happy Hour is February 23.  Last Tuesday at Mayworth’s
  • Spiderman’s hat is the hot new fashion!  Not yet available at, but maybe one day.


  • Dustin’s test results came back again – all clean!
  • Outhouse’s mom for her cancer treatments.


As we circled up for 7MOM Friday morning, I mentioned that the logo we surrounded reminds us that we are all cogs in the gears that drive the Big Ball.  I am not a Rotarian (nor a mechanical engineer) and must admit I was unaware of the history or meaning of the Rotary Wheel emblem which is the centerpiece of the Rotary Centennial Pavilion where we workout in downtown Gastonia each Friday.  Stroganoff (an actual Rotarian) suggested I should write that idea down.  So with a little more thought and research, here it is…

First, a little history… A quick search on the Google machine revealed that a wheel has been the symbol of Rotary since their earliest days, early on as a simple wagon wheel.  The Rotary Wheel is said to illustrate “Civilization and Movement”.  In 1922, it was decided that all Rotary clubs should adopt a single design. So in the early 1920s, the present gear wheel, with 24 cogs and six spokes was adopted.  However, a group of engineers advised that the geared wheel was mechanically unsound and would not work without a “keyway” in the center of the gear to attach it to a power shaft. So, in 1923 the keyway was added and was formally adopted as the official Rotary International emblem.

In mechanical engineering, a gear is a rotating machine part having cogs which mesh with another toothed part (often other gears) to transmit torque. Like a clock or other complex machine, many gears may work together to produce some desired outcome (maybe to invigorate male leadership is our communities). If the cogs are worn or broken, the machine may run poorly or perhaps stop altogether, sometimes damaging other cogs.

But by itself, a gear does nothing. It requires Movement. In our lives, Movement occurs through Individual Initiative. It takes a man saying, “today I am going to do something to be better” and then to follow through and actually do that thing.  It might be posting to a workout to physically challenge yourself.  It might be volunteering to serve others in your community.  It might be making a hard decision at work.  It might be reaching out to someone in trouble or in need, or holding others accountable.  It might be putting work aside to spend time with your family.

Now just as the engineers noted with the Rotary Wheel, the gear which has no keyway to lock it to the shaft will not spin. This gear cannot be transfer the torque to other areas of the machine and provides no benefit to the machine.  F3 provides us with a key to lock our individual initiative together with other men for a common purpose.

The interactions we have with others in our daily lives resemble how the cogs come together between the gears and drive the machine.  If we are worn or broken cogs, we have limited or no capacity to impact others around us. In severe cases, we can break other parts of the machine. By surrounding ourselves with other HIM, we continuously sharpen and hone ourselves (and our brothers) to keep the cogs in good working order.  Only then can we use the machine to invigorate male leadership in our community.

As always, I appreciate the opportunity to lead and be led by my brothers… to sharpen my skills… to help one small gear drive The Machine.




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