Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Storm (Page 4 of 26)

A May Workout @ The Storm

Oops, I’m late, so this is gonna be a quickie write-up.

We did a quick warm-up, said the pledge, then ran around the parking lot, and did some dips and merkins. Then half the Pax ran up and down the sidewalk while the other half did a few things from the lexicon, like step ups, calf raises, squats, etc. There were flip-flops so everyone had a chance to do it all.

Short slow mosey for some rugby sprints and just enough time to head back to the flag for a little stretching.

Announcements: blood drive 6/16, F3 Dad’s at The Yank 6/19

Prayer Requests: Pax on IR, Turtleman, Sister Acts family, Big Pappy

YHC took us out. It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Form at the Storm

14 pax came out to the Storm. We focused on form in the “Hey Buddy WOD”, and the men pushed themselves and each other. Glad to have Cinderella back out on his birthday and the day before his F3 Anniversary.



Hillbilly’s- Woops! I mean Goofballs

Hillbilly’s-back on track

Side stretches


Hey Buddy WOD

Run to school

Then, 5 Rounds of:

10 Lunges

10 Air Squats

10 Big Boy Sit-Ups

8 Burpees

Run to circle

Catch Me If You Can

Partner 1 performs 5 Imperial Walker Squats and then runs to catch the Partner 2, who is NUR uphill. 

Bear Crawl 1-2-3

Partner up, perform 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 Plank Jacks as a team. While Partner 1 is doing the 1-2-3, Partner 2 Bear Crawls around the circle, then flip flop until all Merkins, LBCs, and Plank Jacks are complete.

Run back to school:


10 DIPS, 20 Flutters, 30 High Knees

9, 18, 27

8, 16, 24

7, 14, 21

6, 12, 18

5,  10, 15

8 Burpees to finish.


New AO: Bunker: This Saturday, 7 a.m. at Yank

May 22 Amoeba Ruck


SA and family

Big Pappy and family

Pillager’s Dad

Dry Rub’s M recovering


jIncline your ear, O LORD, and answer me,

for I am kpoor and needy.

 nBe gracious to me, O Lord,

for to you do I cry all the day.

 Gladden the soul of your servant,

for oto you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

 For you, O Lord, are good and pforgiving,

qabounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.

 rGive ear, O LORD, to my prayer;

listen to my plea for grace.

 In sthe day of my trouble I call upon you,

tfor you answer me.

But you, O Lord, are a God gmerciful and gracious,

slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

16  hTurn to me and be gracious to me;

give your strength to iyour servant,

and save ithe son of your maidservant.

Cinderella took us out; after which he was serenaded with a rendition of “Happy Birthday”.

Great work! Thanks for coming out! Keep at it!



Shifting shapes

With 15 seconds to go, Sargento asks why I’m wearing the wrong socks ( red white and mostly blue compression). I’m puzzled so he replies, “ May the Fourth be with you!” Well, I suppose my nerd card will need to be revoked. Totally missed that one I did, hmm?
Watts up suddenly chimes in with excitement that it’s time to start …. Thankfully I personally have the ONLY acceptable time keeping device for this morning and LOOK, It’s NOW time!
Brief disclaimer as we are all F3 announce I am not a professional … inform all to seek Sargento as he says he is one during his one month tour.
Butt kickers IC x 20
Merkins IC X 12
Mtn climbers IC x 15
Plank jacks IC x 15
Whew…. Lotta counting ( considered adding ski abs here … but if Demo didn’t want to disrupt rhythm … they come later)
Announce that at all speed humps …. 5 burpees ( insert thunderous applause)
Oh look … a speed hump and then another ( someone kept trying to give schematic drawings from the city planners that these were sidewalks… but they end at the curb?)
Circle up and space evenly in circle ,,, remember your space and bear crawl around to starting point …. Making a line.
Now for the fun part of today’s beat down …. Call an exercise ( wisely remember that next May be worse) and run perimeter
Werkins, merkins, crunchy frogs, MNC, large arm circles and others called … interestingly enough it was Dr Seuss with the burpees call. Somewhere during all this my phone buzzed with alerts as if it was 18 hours ago and we were once again facing thunder storms and tornado warnings…. No …. Wait ….. someone admits to having had chili last night….
Clean up on aisle six!!
This was introduced by Whoopee a while back … just as enjoyable now as then!

that was our circle

mosey around front of school to find another speed hump and then little later we need to add a speed hump …. Many enjoyed me using the Q power to install one

next we nur up the hill from one traffic circle to the other feel  that burn!!

at upper circle we create a square using 4 corners technique of the 4 road directions and here is where I insert the ski abs giving full demo 


plank jacks 

flutters ( count one side)

aforementioned ski abs 

all set to 50!

breather and reset … ask what’s missing ?

a triangle!!!

25 hand release merkins

25 crunchy frogs

25Little Gumby in the woods ( Squat straddle hop) .. call it whatever 

Oh…. And 5 burpees for the train 

monkey humpers facing non existent traffic IC x 20

5 more burpees ( told that’s the same train… asked for proof … non was provided)

mosey to bottom entrance  and 10 Mike Tysons OYO

25 lbcs

20 squats

Dr Seuss conducts class on the proper elegant form that must be maintained …. Even had a video at the ready!!

several more burpees at several more “traffic sidewalk humps”

I even mention at one of them that I’m feeeling generous …. So only do 5 burpees!!

at last one …. Is that another train? Choice is given … 5 burpees for the train or for the hump…

circle at start for small Mary

Freddy Mercuries x 20

LBCS x 20

finish with 5 burpees for the train all wanted to ignore

Pilgrims Progress and BOS would ruck today making sure not to aggravate ankle soreness from weekend ruck

Amoba ruck coming

Memorial Day Murph 7:00 Sandlot all other AOs normal schedule 

new Bulldog/ Pain Lab style workout 5/15 Yank

dads F3 signups

toothpaste and tooth brushes monthly collection

Purple Haze at TRB or Stiny Bird at  Labyrinth ( choices choices … post somewhere)

lastly great group of men who really went after it, while there was mumble chatter they plowed through what I had like it was butter and I want to give a BIG shout out to our newest Site Qs like Pilgrims Progress and Flintstone who have greatly embraced their roles and you can see the enthusiasm they  have!






Ab Storm

14 Him’s showed for The Storm

Warm up: SSH, Merkins, Burpees, & Flutter kicks

Mosey (nurr)to the round about and plank for the 6

Mosey around the back side of the school to the bus area

1st line of parking spaces (14 to be exact) for suicide burpees (burpee at the first line to begin and run to each line for a burpee and back – rinse and repeat until complet)

Mosey to the next line of parking spaces for route 66 – merkins

Mosey on around the school to the parking lot -football field side and partner up for some Dora: partner 1 called exercise while partner 2 runs around the parking lot

LBC x 200

Flutter kicks x 400

Shoulder taps x 300

Mosey back to the flag for some merry:  6 minutes of different ab work.


Announcements and many prayer request



EZ out!


4/20/21 National Marijuana Day

Did I get your attention?  I saw a headline that Willie Nelson wants the POTUS to declare 4/20 as National Marijuana Day.  With weed being legalized in more and more states, I’m sure this will be a reality soon.  April 20th has a more significant meaning for me.  April 20, 1982 was the day I became a father.  My oldest son, Jeffrey was born at 9:05 pm in Waterloo, IA.  It’s a day that changed my life.  On to the workout!



Statement on how The STORM shirt is the best design in all of F3, which in fact it IS!

Seal Jacks IC x 25

Hill Billy Walkers IC x 20

Eskimo Merkins we worked up to 6, paused, then did 7 and finished with 8.

Mosey to the bottom of the practice field for the start of Four Corners.  Thanks to Breaker Breaker for giving me this idea as he did this a couple of years ago.

5 Burpees at the first corner

10 Merkins at the second corner

20 Dips at the third corner

40 Flutter Kicks counting one leg at the fourth.

Rinse and repeat x 5

Mosey to the bleachers at the ball fields for…… you guessed it DIRTY CALVES!

Calf Raises (double count) x 10, 10, 15, 15.  Watts Up wanted to keep going so we did a couple more sets of 10.

Circle up for a round of Circle Abs.  Each PAX calls out an AB exercise of 10 reps.  Each Pax calls the next one as fast as they can without a rest in between.  Lots of moaning and groaning here because we had a ton of PAX show up this morning.

Mosey toward the flag and stop short for 11’s.  Start with 10 Peter Parkers and 1 Jump Squat at the other end.  We got through the 8 and 3 round before time ran out.

Mosey back to the flag and arrive at 6:15.45.  Sorry I went over Gentlemen!

Pledge – Thanks for reminding me about this Pilgrim.

Good work today men.



PT Test at Gashouse on Saturday at 7:00 am.  All other AOs are open.

Dr Seuss purchased a new car.  Nice ride Seuss!



Prayer Requests:

Turtle Man

Dry Rub’s M

Hux Family

The 12 Days of April?

Plenty of HIM came out to witness the inspired leadership of the new Storm site Q Pilgrim’s Progress. Too bad he had me as the first Q of his tenure, nowhere to go but up from the bottom! Here’s what happened…

Disclaimer, no FNGs.

Warmup – Goofballs, Don Quixotes, the patented Sargento Left over Right stretch.

Mosey around the parking lot to get the blood flowing and arrive back at the start. Yesterday was my 18th wedding anniversary (poor girl). In honor of that momentous occasion, YHC decided to put together an appropriate music playlist for the PAX’s listening enjoyment while rocks were pushed. It was lovely.

The Thang – The 12 Days of April –

This was a totally unique workout that has nothing to do with any other time of year. The rhythm of the workout would coincidentally go to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas song. Pretty cool how that worked out. These exercises were done in accumulating fashion with each round building on the last.

On the first day of April, my true love gave to me…

  • 1 Burpee
  • 2nd Day – 2 Jump Squats
  • 3rd – 3 American Hammers
  • 4th – 4 Merkins
  • 5th – 5 High Knees
  • 6th – 6 Big Boy or WWI situps
  • 7th – 7 Diamond Merkins
  • 8th – 8 Jump Lunges
  • 9th – 9 Oblique Crunches each side
  • 10th – 10 Hand Release Merkins
  • 11th – 11 Monkey Humpers
  • 12th – 12 Turkish Getups

That was so much fun we headed off on a mosey around the block. At the stop sign we did monkey humpers until the 6 was in. At the roundabout at the artwork we bear crawled the outside ring which was a really long way. Mosey back to the start.

This killed so much time that we only were able to get 4 rounds of the 12 Days of April, however we started this in reverse descending order. We did all 12 days, then 11, 10 and ended on 9.

Time! Thanks for the opportunity to lead today men. It was great. Roscoe didn’t even try to hijack the JBL either so that was a win. Aye!

Prayer requests: GSM, PAX looking for work particularly Breaker’s son & daughter in law who will be new college graduates in a month or so. Pray for our country too.

Announcements: Convergence, PT Test, Short Sale’s challenge

YHC took us out.

The Storm’s Greatest Hits & A New Site Q

13 at The Storm to run back some of the stupidest things YHC remembers doing over the past year.  Here’s what I remember…

5:29 with a train rolling in and a packed schedule, and knowing I’m going to end up talking to much, so let’s get started with

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

We begin with the disclaimer from Groundhog Day at The Storm and

  • 22 x SSH (IC)

Next up, an old favorite from the Site Q himself

“Don’t use your tongue!” got the chatter goin, and the idea of the French Merkin was born.

Mosey to the traffic circle at the front of the school for some seriously modified 11s

12/15/2020 – Q: BOS – 11s modified to 7s modified to about 5 1/2s

Today, we did “Odd Eights”, starting with 1 of each exercise at the bottom traffic circle and 7 of each exercise at the top traffic circle at Lakewood Rd.  4 rounds total with 1,3,5, & 7 reps at the bottom and 7,5,3, & 1 rep at the top.  Called exercises were the same at the bottom and the top, and were:

  • Burpees
  • Double Crunches (LBC & Reverse Crunch at the same time)

In spite of cutting it way shorter than originally intended, it still took up a healthy chunk of time, taking us to about the halfway point of the workout.  No 10-counts today, YHC talks too much.  Six rolled in to a random assortment of ab exercises, and we didn’t break stride and went right on to the side of the school, with the batflippers jumping the literal hurdles along the way.

8/25/2020 – Q: Huckleberry – DORA

YHC learned two things from Huck’s DORA:

  1. “Australian” means inverted
  2. “Single count” and “double count” don’t mean what I think they mean

Partnered with Slim Shady, we messed around and ended up doing 300 Australian Mountain Climbers counting right side only or 2 leg movements = 1 rep.  Everyone else counted differently, and YHC still doesn’t know what “single count” and “double count” mean.

Anyways, today, pressed for time, our DORA was:

  • 50 x Dwight Howards
  • 100 x Australian Mountain Climbers (Count each leg movement)
  • 150 x People’s Chair Air Presses

Quick work made.  On to our last stop… the softball field.  They knew what was coming.

Before we got to the worst of it, an ode to the Site Q as we climbed the bleachers for some “Dirt-y Calves”.

  • 15 x Calf Raises (IC)

YHC takes his time calling calf raises so that each rep gets its full flex.  Time for one last dose of awful.

8/4/2020 – Q: Wet Nutz – Bear Crawl

This was awful the first time we did it, and it was awful again.  No matter how long you think it is, the path from the softball field is always longer than that.  I had been back at it in the Gloom for 2 weeks when Wet Nutz dropped this gem on us, and it was the most miserable and beat up I’ve ever been at a workout.  Luckily, Virus and El Tigre picked me up and I survived it.

For those who weren’t there, we bear crawled that path with 10 merkins the penalty for stopping and taking a break, until we reached the end or time got short.  Luckily, as today was just a highlight reel of miserable workouts, we didn’t get to repeat it the 2 or 3 times that we did originally, and with time running out, we moseyed back to the flag.

Back at the circle, Dirt asked for the floor and let us know that he was turning over the Site Q responsibility to Pilgrim’s Progress.  Many, many kudos given at that point to Dirt for his leadership at The Storm.


  • 4/17 – Convergence & Bulldog
  • 4/24 – PT Test & Gashouse
  • 5/10 – Young Life Golf Tournament – See Buckshort for details
  • 5/22 – Amoeba Ruck CSAUP – 4 man teams – See BOS for details
  • Rocky Branch Trail Enhancement Project – Connects Belmont to Cramerton by a Carolina Thread Trail connector with multiple offshoot trails for different skill levels and activities.  You can support by donating through the Community Foundation Run with the Tarheel Trailblazers team by April 17th.

Prayer Requests:

  • Orangeman’s M traveling
  • PAX looking for jobs
  • Flintstone’s sister

Dirt took us out in prayer.


Dirt is my kind of leader – one who lets the actions of his life speak for him.  He’s the first person to arrive at a workout and the last one to leave.  If he gives you his word, it’s as good as done.  He’s the first one back to go pick up the Six.  He puts others before himself.  You can think you’ve got the upper hand on him, and the next thing you know, he’s racing by you with plenty of gas left in the tank.  He won the Iron Skillet in March.  He’s not the fastest, or the strongest, and surely not the biggest, but he’s committed, every day, to getting better.  His daily excellence in the small things yields big results.

Now it’s Pilgrim’s Progress turn to lead at The Storm, and I know he will do the job well.  He’s consistent and committed and will put all his energy into his role as a leader.

This is my first Q after running the Mortimer, and I feel the need to remind myself that none of us are ever staying the same.  We’re either accelerating or decelerating.  Post-event collapse is something I know I struggle with as specific reasons for focused work are hard to find.  I know I can get complacent having reached my goals, and just not get after it with the same urgency.  Roscoe is always quick to remind us that the reason we work hard every day is because we don’t know what life’s going to throw at us next.  We’re never fully prepared for the worst, but if we keep accelerating and stay hungry, we’re stronger and more prepared than we were yesterday.  Keep pushing the rock, and keep accelerating.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  Best wishes to both the former and now current Site Qs.

Yabba Dabba Doo

To Stretch or Not to Stretch

Great morning for a workout as 15 HIMS pushed themselves at the Storm!

Dirt always says YHC brings something new; I actually did have something new to interject into the warm-up. One of my goals is to remember to stretch before and after a run, so  I thought I would introduce one new stretch, the Gorilla Stretch. Get in gorilla position and slowly stretch up. Well, there seemed to be two camps of thought about this.



SSH, Gorilla Stretch, Don Q’s

1st & 10

Perform 10 Merkins, 1 Burpee (11’s) at the 10, sprint the very end. Recover jog back to the 20. Perform 9 Merkins, 2 Burpees, sprint to the very end, recover jog to the 30. Repeat until all 100 yards and 11’s have been completed.

Oblivious and Clampett are fast; SA is a beast; every pax pushed themselves! Buckeye loves to stretch and makes that known; SA doesn’t and makes that known..telling me to pay Buckeye no mind.

7 of Diamonds

At each of 4 corners:

Round 1– 7 4-count CDDs

Round 2-14 Big Boys

Round 3- 21 American Hammers

Round 4- 28 Plank Jacks

So, I caught flack for stopping at what are technically not “corners,” so I extended the actual routine. Watts Up tried to get technical with me about something that went right over my head. Buckeye wanted to talk stretch, SA doesn’t want to hear it.

Quarter Pounder

Sprint 25 yards-25 High Knees-NUR back to beginning

Sprint 50 yards-50 squats-NUR back

Sprint 75 yards–75 LBC NUR back

Sprint 100 yards-Flutters-NUR back

Lindsay’s- 30 DIPS/10 Step-Ups, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25

Buckeye was given the opportunity to lead a stretch but declined.


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:6 ESV

Salvation comes by faith alone, by grace alone, through Christ alone. It is a gift we don’t have to work for it.

“We can stand safely, securely, and confidently before God because of the work of another, namely Christ. ” Exalting Jesus in Philippians


Convergence-4/17 Bulldog (All other AO’s closed)

Freight collecting supplies

PT Test 4/24 Gashouse (All other AO’s open)

Prayer Requests:

Job situations

YHC took us out.

Name-o-rama (Buckeye wanted to change his what, just give it a guess).

Thankful for you guys..good times!!


Back @ The Storm

The Mortimer 100 is finally in the books for 2021 and training is over so back to The Storm on Tuesdays ilo the Half-Pipe training. I will say putting in the training definitely pays off. This year YHC was able to shave some time off pace on the first two runs. Both were 7 mile runs, not the hills that other team members had, but did have some challenge. First the first run, was 9;17 per mile, 6 secs faster than last year with an extra 1.5 miles and a couple hills. The second run is the same as YHC ran last year and was 8:37 per mile, 8 secs faster than last year. Legs hurt Sunday and Monday, so I knew not to attempt much running this morning, although EC was performed putting in around 2 miles.

Its 5:30 am and we have a several PAX ready to get working!



  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Don Qs
  • Moroccan Nightclubs

The Thang:

Slow Mosey to front of school

Next 32 mins of four rounds with the following 8 exercises. Perform each exercise for 45 secs then a 15 sec rest.

  • Burpees
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Squats
  • Jump Squats/Bobby Hurley
  • Lunges
  • Flutter Kicks
  • SSH

Six minutes left, so we mosey back to COT for a brief round of mary


Verse of the day – “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold” Psalms 18:2

Announcements – Convergence @ Bull Dog on Saturday April 17th and PT on April 24th.  Dr.Seuss with Q next week at The Storm

Prayer Request – EZ Rider’s wife, Hippa’s wife’s grandmother passed away, prayers for family; PAX looking for jobs

YHC closed us out in prayer

Thank you men for allowing me to lead this morning, it was an honor!

Breaker Breaker

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