Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Martha’s House (Page 12 of 21)

Formerly The Black Knight, this AO meets Monday mornings at 0530 at Pelicans on Union Road, near the entrance to Martha River’s Park

Mary is Pissed…

Okay, so like, you guys are so, so mean. I mean really mean to me and all my sisters. At the end of all your little workouts is supposed to be my time – you know Mary! But you always spend all your precious workouts doing the thang and lately I’m not even getting one minute, let alone six. The only one that seems to love me is Tool Time and honestly he freaks me out a little. But he does love a good core work and at this point I’ll take what I can get. But for all you other meanies, you better not forget about me and my sisters at Alpha Beta Sigma. We might not be as pretty as the Betas (burpee) or sexy as the Mu’s (merkins) but we are the ones that will shape up those nasty beer bellies of yours so you better pay us attention.

Hugs – Mary, ABS Athletic Director


  • Imperial Walker IC x 10
  • LBC’s IC x 10
  • American Hammer IC x 10
  • Merkin IC x 10


We moseyed into the dark of morning along Neal Hawkins at a moderate pace. Odd how only a few weeks ago this time of day was a sauna and now we have to add layers and see the huffs from our gasps evaporate as we blazed a trail toward the baseball field concession stand. YHC provided a quick demo of the five core exercises in the set:

  • Homer/Marge/Reach for Maggie
  • Flutter Kicks IC x 20
  • Dry Dock Crabs IC x 20
  • Freddie Mercury IC x 20
  • Burpees OYO x 10
  • Run to the end of the sidewalk and return.

As I stated in the brief disclaimer before the warm-up, I’m not expert, just an idiot with some suggestions; but in my experience, the key to good core burn is changing the positions from back to plank to six, all with different exercises. Today’s workout was designed to do that. I added the “reach for Maggie” that while the PAX legs are vertical, take both hands to reach toward your toes. The third one was swiped off the new exercise list and I encourage you to give it a try and include in your next Q. Get in CDD position. First count is to exchange positions of your right hand and left foot, so they cross in the middle; return to position is two; third had left hand and right foot exchange positions, then returning for the first rep. See how many reps you can do before the burn spreads like a bad diablo sammich. The mumble chatter started, happily hearing more groans when burpees were announced. They are always a crowd favorite. We went for another round with 5 less reps of flutters and 10 less reps of dry dock crabs.

Mosey to Field 4 and one thing was clear it is dark as a monkey’s ass on that side of the AO. It’s also wet. QIC made a mental note for future sessions to stay toward the light. So we managed to run the Four Corners with more ab work. We went two rounds. We did Knee Taps in standard plank due to the wet ground. Probably should have increased the reps to get more burn – Mary was shaking her head saying “wussies.”

  1. Plank-jacks x 10
  2. Crunchy frog x 15
  3. Burps x 20
  4. Knee taps x 25

We migrated toward the hill with intentions to use it in the running portion of Dora 1-2-3. The jagged terrain of the hill is bad enough if you can see it. Our problem was we couldn’t see anything and YHC quickly Omahaed, opting for a run to the far light pole and back. We split nicely into three groups and did an aggregate of:

  • Merkins x 60
  • WW I Sit Ups x 90 (fun in the cold, wet grass)
  • Jingle Balls x 120

Once completed my watch said 6:13. I checked my Weinke and sighed that my last pain station of six more core challenges at the picnic shelter would not be achieved on this effort, even though the PAX might have been willing. I pictured Mary, arms folded, shaking her head. So I didn’t get to put the cream on top of the cake. But just like my senior prom date said, ‘next time, we’ll go all the way, I promise;)’

We moseyed toward the snowcone palace, breaking the lengthy return with 10 LBD’s IC along the curb.

Announcements: CSAUP November 11-12; CSAUP T-shirts available via MudGear until 10/19.

Prayer Requests: Praise for Sledg-o-matic’s father’s successful surgery; we lifted up Easy Rider’s aunt that recently passed; Also Easy Rider’s friend’s daughter – Trinity fighting cancer.


If your reading to this point, you either skipped ahead to the workout or indulged my “story” about Mary’s lack of attention. It was a fun workout to attack our cores the entire time which went by way to fast. It won’t be too long before Mary is Pissed Again finds its way to an edited Weinke. It was a good group that pushed through. Sledge-o-matic is becoming a regular at multiple venues. Linus made a mid-week return. I have heard some preliminary plans for his upcoming GasHouse Q on 10/29 – that will be one you will not want to miss. Make sure to keep Mary on your good side – she can be a bee-atch if she doesn’t get any love.

Moving On

Warm Up

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Squat x 20 IC
  • Toy Soldier x 15 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Don Quixote x 10 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC


Shoulder Work

Mosey through parking lot to the wall on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way for some upside down shoulder work…

  • Hip Slappers x 10 IC
  • Donkey Kicks x 10 IC

Rinse and Repeat

Core Work

Next we mosey to the parking deck and out the back to the parking lot for some 4 corners work. First round was IC…

  • Dying Cockroach x 20
  • LBC x 20
  • American Hammer x 20
  • Mountain Climbers x 20

Rinse and repeat (3 more rounds), this time OYO. Plank and wait for the six (YHC) after each cycle. In between rounds we also got in some Monkey Humpers just for fun.

Legs and Shoulders (again)

After a short mosey back to La Place De Art, we grabbed some benches (or steps, or whatever we could find) for some leg and shoulder work…

  • Step Ups x 30 IC
  • Arm Squats (fka Dips) x 15 IC
  • Rinse and repeat (3 rounds total)

More Core

After the last sprint back to the pavillion, we finished off with 7 Minutes of Mary. Everyone gave some, some gave all!  This was some of YHC’s regular routine today.  Just not much rest in between the work.  Like to keep moving to keep that thumper pumpin!  Great work everyone!


  • The Climb (Gastonia’s first CSAUP event) coming up November 11-12. Make sure you sign up. All the cool kids will be there. Dredd will be guest speaker on Friday night.
  • Look for updates on Operation Sweet Tooth, a toy drive in memory of Olive’s daughter Sweeth Tooth. We will have a collection day early in December.
  • Whoopee will be hosting holiday party on January 7. Mark it on your calendar today
  • Advisory Board will be Oct 30.

Great weather these days. Sure, its been a bit cool, but this is a welcome change from this last hot summer. Great to see everyone. Appreciate the opportunity to lead!


Monday Morning at Martha’s House

Moleskin: It’s Monday, it’s early, the Q wishes he could have fartsacked, but glad he didn’t.

The pledge was made and the Disclaimer was given, and the warmup began:


Appalachian Americans (Hillbilly’s) 15 IC

Plank for the Low, Slow Merkin, x 10 IC

Peter Parker’s IC X 10


Short mosey to the rock farm in front of KFC to gather some coupons.

Slightly longer mosey to Martha’s parking lot for tha thang.

Tha Thang:

Lunge walk from Island to Island, squat at each parking space line (modified zombie walk) with the coupon.  Leave the coupon and bear crawl back, merkin at each parking space.  Rinse and repeat.

Pick up the coupon and mosey to the other end of the parking lot.  The lot is unusally dark this morning.  YHC intended to do some swing set crunches and pull-ups but with no ambient light it may have been a bit dangerous.  We found a spot under a lamp post, set down the coupons and did 6 minutes of Mary and each PAX called a workout.  Good creativity, not the same old exercises.

Next was curb work with Rocky Balboas holding the coupon, then diamond merkins, then repeat.

Under the shelter, on the picnic tables for weighted dips (rock on the lap) and step ups, repeat 3X IC.

Mosey to the field house between the baseball fields for hip slappers and shoulder taps.  YHC asked for help with the cadence since he can’t count when his 6 is above his head.  Thanks for the help gentlemen. Mosey to the road, down the sidewalk and to the park entrance for some monkey humpers X 10 IC.  Mosey back to the rock farm to return the coupons, and then back to Snoballs.  No incidents with cars and everyone returned safe.  With 4 minutes remaining YHC called the peoples chair while each pax ran 1 lap around the building.  8 men, 4 minutes we finished just on time.


Announcements: The Climb CSAUP, Travel group had a great time capturing the ghost flag which is currently at Folsom.   Saturday the 8th the Travel group will converge with other regions for the Monroe Launch.

Prayer requests: Bandit’s mother and T-square’s youngest need our prayers.

He said cherry

Today was a Monday that I really did not have the energy to push, however, I knew I had the Pax expecting me to lead this morning. I did not sleep well, my legs hurt, I was tired, wahwahwahwah… again, the Pax were expecting me so I was there and really glad after we finished (as usual).

I started with the disclaimer, then gave a Brownstreak WU with what was on the menu and expected reps:

10 reps IC of called exercise then 5 burpees between exercises. There was some mumblechatter but we persevered through 10 SSH, 5 burpees, 10 Squats, 5 burpees, 10 LBC (nice and wet pavement), 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 5 burpees.

Pledge (standing)

Mosey to parking lot near playground past the high school cross country team and their parents sitting in their cars.

10 woman makers were the called exercise-needed a demo but I think I did them wrong, however, no one objected so I’ll keep that to myself and check the exercise later. Before we started I think it was Bacon (respect) who said something about a cherry-think it was that woman makers were burpees in disguise with a cherry on top?? I got a chuckle out of that so we sat in plank an extra 10-15 seconds. We finished those then lunged part of the way to the soccer field then finished with a short mosey to some Red Barchetta by Rush. I really don’t like Rush, can’t stand their electric type music and whiny voices like someone has crammed their testacles six inches up their 6-I realize this is not a popular opinion of others in F3, but it’s how I feel and since I am writing the backblast, I get to be the only one to comment (for now, anyway). Maybe I’ll bring some real music next time I am Q….still in a grumpy mood from listening to that crap for the 10 seconds I was able to put up with it. I’ll be better soon, maybe.

We got to the dark soccer field for the next exercise which was the main event: Red Barchetta was on: 100 yard run, 100 SSH, then back 100 yards. 75 yard run then 75 Mountain Climbers, then back 75 yards. 50 yard run, 50 LBC, then back 50 yards. 25 yard run, 25 Merkins, then back 25 yards. 10 yard run, 10 Burpees, then back 10 yards. Plank between sets as much as able….once I stopped vomiting we moved on to the Turd Shack….

Mosey to Turd Shack for some wall work: 10 Hip Slappers, once the crying stopped we moved on to 10 Mountain Goats, 11 Donkey Kicks, and then finally 10 more Hip Slappers.

Next we moseyed back to start but paused at the lights for 10 reps of called exercises: can’t remember what all were but think they included Merkins, Squats, ? LBC, dying cockroach, and maybe Mountain Climbers. Finished with 10 Monkey Humpers at the entrance to the park then moseyed to the snocone place and did a few laps of side slide, butt kickers and high knees before several rounds of Mary before I cried Uncle and could not move any more. I sat there in a puddle of sweat with a big grin on my face until I could muster the energy to finish with announcements, namorama, and COT.

THIS MORNING WAS GREAT!!! I needed all of you to push me through this so thanks for coming out. Squirt and Stroganoff-great job pushing through. Those labor-pain screams by Stroganoff always get me moving. Bacon-the cherry comment almost made me fall down and in retrospect not sure why. Bandit and HushPuppy-solid work this morning. The EC by Hushpuppy was impressive, especially on a Monday morning. Squeaker-think you have posted more over the past 10 days than most of us for the past 2 months-keep it up, outstanding. Spiderman and Easy Rider-both of you kept us on track with a steady pace and intermittent mumblechatter.

7 out of 9 of us are registered for the CSAUP-impressive stats.

until next time-Whoopee

Cetirizine Difficiency

After dragging around some kind of head cheese for 5 days and being down range for some R&R, it was time to get back to my regularly scheduled program. I was looking forward to a push from my Gashouse gloom brothers. Of course, I didn’t really consider the impact of 5-day head cheese on leading my workout (especially calling cadence). Perhaps some better planning could have helped me avoid the certirizine deficiency. Or not!

Anyway… here is what happened.

– I’m Not Professional
– Participate At Your Own Risk
– You are Responsible for you
– Instructions are Suggestions (I suggested everyone go home)
– Modify As Needed


Warm Up
– SSH x 20
– Squat x 20
– Toy Solider x 15
– LBC x 15
– Don Quixote x 10
– Mericans x 10
– Repeato x1 (in reverse order)

After a mosey to Martha’s parking lot, we hit Four Corners IC
– Dying Cockroaches x20
– LBC x20
– American Hammer x20
– Mountain Climbers x20

After a very short mosey down the parking lot, YHC goes all Oklahoma on the PAX (that is Omaha for all you Peyton Manning fans) and starts making stuff up. The next exercise is…
– Wall sit w/ motorcade fight club (editor’s note… that is what I typed in my e-weinke. decoded = Moraccan Night Clubs). 25 IC
– Donkey Kick 7 IC
– Hip Slappers 7 IC
– Repeato x3

Next we moseyed to the picnic benches for three sets of Dips and Step Ups. Something like 20, 15, 10 dips and 25 step ups.

After a mosey back up the parking lot, it was time to partner up for some Dora 1-2-3. However, due to time constraints we went with Dora 111 instead.
– Mericans x100
– LBCs x100
– Squats x100

Final mosey back to Sno-Ball’s for some quick Mary before we wrapped up with the COT, Namorama, Announcarama, and BOM.

Prayer requests raised for friend of EZ Rider who is battling colon cancer, the Phillips family (staff of Dr. Feelgood’s) who are part of recorded gospel group – while in Tennessee her brother had a stroke, for Eva Grace (young girl in Hush Puppy’s church) who is fighting throat issues.

Monday at Marthas House!

The inaugural Monday workout at Martha’s house is now in session.  Because Hushpuppy has a big mouth and asked “hey, anybody want to work out on Mondays on this side of the county?” YHC was voluntold (by himself) that he was the Q!  11 of Gastonia’s finest #HIM, all veterans of the gloom posted so the disclaimer was short and sweet. The word of the week was shared “Proverbs 19:21 – Many are the plans in the mind of man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will be established”  The pledge was made and the workout began:

Tha warm up: Imperial Walker IC X 15, Moroccan night clubs X 20 IC, Peter Parker X 15 IC, and the mighty-mighty Press, Press Fling X 10 IC.  (only effective if the count is accompanied by a WHEEE!!).  Then It was time for a Mosey to the Soccer field, the far and gloomy one near the woods.  Because it was dark, and Hushpuppy’s are afraid of the dark, and penguins, and cars, YHC wore a head lamp.  As we arrived at the soccer field at 5:40 am, someone had strategically placed tiny lights and the 4 corners of the 2 parallel soccer fields.  We gathered round the first light and remembered the anniversary of 9-11, the 2977 souls lost that day, including those who ran towards danger when many would run away Outhouse asked if something enlightening would be shared and YHC re-read the word of the week.

Tha thang: 4 corners, alternating Burps at 1 corner, Bobby Hurley’s at the next (9 Burps, run to next  corner, 8 Bobbies, run to next corner, 7 burps, run to next corner, 6 Bobbies, and down until 1)  this was 2 laps around 2 soccer fields and finished at the same lighted corner we started at.  Then it was repeat, doing Diamond Merkins and Crab cakes; again, counting down from 9 to 1 ending up with 4 total laps around 2 soccer fields and 90 reps of exercises.  After a count off it was mosey across the complex with a plank-o-pearl halfway to catch the 6 and our wind.  Since we had done the number 9 twice, YHC was now in search of the number 11.  The pax kept mumbling something about there being 11 people but that just wasn’t the 11 I was looking for.  But since we had 11, I decided to call an Omaha and trade out the planned 11’s on the hillside for some Dora 1-2-3.  Bear crawl up the hill, jog round the bench, and crawl bear or crab walk down the hill.  100 dying cockroaches, 200 squats, 300 flutters.  For the sake of time, the count was stopped at 200 flutters.  A count was made and we moseyed on, stopping for a pearl of curbside dips halfway.  YHC asked Whoopee to call the cadence as my wind was still a few hundred feet behind me.  Sticking with the theme, Whoopee called 20 dips in cadence, (9+11) and we mosey’d back to the Snoballs parking lot.  with 2 minutes remaining Some Merkins and Scorpion CDD’s were called to fill in the time, and the workout was complete.

Prayer requests, T-Square, praying for him and his family, (Glad he got to hunt with his Father!) Hushpuppy’s great nieces in hospital but getting better, Elena, acquaintance of Short Sale, prayers against staph infection.

Announcements: BRR Awesome, need 2 teams for next year!, Need Q’s for Monday’s and Wednesdays at Marthas, Hushpuppy and Easy rider posting in Clover at the Maze to spread the CSAUP joy, 8 man teams in cabins,

Really Late Backblast

Due to total Q failure on this one, all I recall is that we did a warm up, some exercises, running, probably some Mary towards the end. Regular Bandit stuff I am sure. I also know it was a Wednesday morning and that we had 13 guys show up an get better, including Ryan Ferguson who was lucky recipient of the emotional headlock from Dr. Feelgood the day before.

Hushpuppy better get some contacts

The workout started at 5:29 pm, with YHC’s standard disclaimer as I suggested the pax get back in the car and go home. None took me up on the suggestion so the workout began.
The warmup:
Mosey to KFC for some breakfast rocks. As YHC led the PAX down the road, I looked over my shoulder, saw no car, looked up the road, saw no car, turned to cross the street and there was a car! The pack of PAX had obstructed my view. Thanks to the driver for good breaks. Once everyone grabbed a rock we were then over to the empty parking lot for the warmup.
SSH x 25 IC
LBC’s x 15 IC
Dying Cockroach x 15 IC
At this point I looked across the parking lot towards the restuarant in the small shopping plaza, and I saw what appeared to be a statue of a penguin holding a surfboard in front of the restaurant. I asked “I don’t have my glasses, is that a statue of a penguin holding a surfboard? Or an overflowing trashcan?”  No, I was not hallucinating, I thought it was a little playful statue in front of the restaurant! Then it moved. It was a person sitting on a bench, and the bench had a large oval on the back of it.
Imperial walkers X 15 IC
Merkins X 10 IC
After several minutes of trying to count cadence and laugh at myself, it was time for tha thang:
Mosey with rock around the parking lot to a big open wall.
People’s chair with rock on lap until YHC counted 15 mississippi’s under his breath,
Then hold the rock out front for 15 Mississippi’s, then over the head presses 25 X OYO.
Recover, then lunge walk short distance across parking lot and return to wall, wash, rinse, repeat of the people’s chair. AsI Mississippi’d it gave me plenty of time to ponder the mornings misfortune and the fact that I called another human being who was probably not in the best place in life, an overflowing trashcan. Not cool. Hope they didn’t’ hear.
After another round of the people’s chair, mosey 1 lap around the parking lot and return to the wall. For chair, lunge walk, chair, mosey.
This was repeated 3 times, with a couple sets of Mike Tyson’s thrown in for fun.
Then, we moseyed to the end of some parking spaces and lined up on the yellow line for 7’s. Did squats on one end with the rock, mosey’d to other end of
parking spaces and did merkins. Once complete, we mosey’d back to KFC to drop off the rocks in the culvert and found a step for some dips.
Dips x 13 IC
Then the Pledge was made, and mosey’d down the street to a field full of boulders.
The Q ridiculously called lunge walk across the field doing a burpee at every other boulder. As we crossed the field the people’s chair was burning strong in our legs so an Omaha was called for the return trip. Bear crawl with a merkin at every boulder! This also was surprisingly hard on the quads and some of us may have skipped a few boulders. . . As everyone else completed Dr. Feelgood was still diligently pressing at every boulder, determined to complete the exercise without modification so YHC and some others joined him and finished out, making up for what some of us skipped. Then it was back to the starting point for 6 minutes of Mary to finish out the workout!
Announcements: Habitat build next 3 Saturdays, 9am after coffeerama, contact Whoopee. Q needed for the Storm on Monday Labor day, Contact Defib. Monroe Launch is October 8th, Hushpuppy is participating and would like some Pax to travel with him.
Prayer requests, T-Square and family, Several people battling cancer, kids returning to school, prayers for students and teachers.

Jack Brown Tribute

I started my week with one weinke, then as the week unfolded and I found out about a funeral I would be attending, my weinke changed. Tuesday night I attended the funeral of a great man-Jack Brown. He was a member of the Coast Guard and served in anti-submarine warfare duties. He was a member of the state highway patrol for 30 years, and was the first face at school that my kids saw for several years. He was always smiling and there rain or shine to welcome them to school. His jokes and warm smile will be with me for a long time. As the 3rd daughter, whoever it was that day, got out of the car and Officer Brown helped them over the curb, he would say, “Saved the prettiest one for last.” It never got old for me or my girls. This morning was about Jack Brown-I thought of him often today and he was my motivation for posting this morning and pushing through the gloom. I shared a little of this just before we started.


Warmup-the part I really dislike so we moved quickly-don’t blink or you would have missed part of it.  We did roughly 10 reps IC of the following: SSH, LBCs, Merkins, Squats, Flutter Kicks, Merkins (again), who cares just follow me….

The Thang-

Mosey to the bank for ATMs X 10, a few reeeaaaalllllyyyy sllloooowww to make it burn

Mosey to KFC for some breakfast, wipe your feet for Hip Slappers X 20-everyone hung pretty good on this round with a little mumble chatter early

Quick mosey over to the dilapidated grocery store parking lot for the “meat and potatoes” part of my weinke. I mentioned at the warmup that Officer Brown was 70 years old and to keep that number in mind. Well, as usual, my weinke was writing checks my body could not cash. I ‘splained to the pax we would do 7 laps around the lot (somewhere around 1/4 mile laps) with 10 Burpees per lap. My burpee total over the last 3 months is probably less than 20-I will blame BRR training on that but if you believe that you are really not that smart. We started with burpees then took off for lap 1-feeling pretty good until 3rd round of burpees when my chest was on fire and felt like I was running in combat boots so…..OKLAHOMA! Keep with the 7 laps but option to do 10 burpees or 35 full flutter kicks per round (cannot repeat same exercise back to back). Quickly a bunch of guys opted for the flutter kicks, but not everyone.

After about 4 rounds, I broke a “soft” F3 rule about scripture during the workout. I felt it was necessary and, honestly, I think it is a dumb rule. For the past few weeks it seems I have been hearing scripture from Hebrews (more in the past 2 weeks than I think combined in the past 5 years). The final straw was at Officer Brown’s funeral. I read parts of Chapter 12, the first few verses…and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…I thought of Officer Brown finishing his race and now resting peacefully.

We continued on with our goal for 70 burpees (with some flutter kick substitutions as needed). Defib had a brief race with his 2.0 Eddie. Fun to watch and good to know the guy who beats me many mornings also at 46 years old can also beat his teen-age son who is in really good shape. Can’t imagine that will last too much longer, Defib. Later I found out Eddie splashed merlot at home. I felt bad for a few minutes when I heard this, then I realized Defib was not only smiling with pride like his son had just gotten accepted to a prestigious college, but had congratulated him after it happened. Attaboy Eddie, good work this morning during your summer break. I don’t imagine many of your classmates were even thinking about getting out of bed at that time of day.

Before finishing this beatdown, I read a little more from Hebrews-this was the part that I think was meant specifically for me as I have had some things happening at work recently and I needed a push in the right direction. Hebrews 12 v14: Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.  Made me pause and consider my actions and reactions lately.

We moseyed back to KFC for some more hip slappers-less enjoyable at this point but we pushed through. We moseyed back towards start but took a quick break for 70 dips for Officer Brown-broken up into 3 different sets. This was a crowd pleaser. We then moseyed back to start but passed the start line for a little bit longer mosey then Bandit closed us out with some dying cockroaches.

Pledge (thanks Roscoe for reminder)

Announcements: Cancelled Advisory Board this week.

Prayer Requests: several made, remember them this week

thanks for coming this am-I feel so much better after seeing you all early in the morning-great start to my day-Whoopee

RIP Officer Brown, you are missed by my 3 girls very much


Are you ready for some Football

6 brave souls fought off the fart sack to sweat bullets this morning at Martha’s for a nice humid smackdown.


Warmup- all IC

20 SSH

15 Don Quixotes

15 Imperial Walkers

50 Moroccan NC – you are welcome brownstreak

10 Merkins

15 LBC

15 Flutters


The Thang

YHC brought footballs – each person grabbed one and moseyed to old Harris Teeter Parking lot to get in football shape – this requires strength, speed, and agility (as we’ll as money to finance the players) – So started with a withdrawal from the ATM with 10ATMs – (10 Alternating shoulder taps, 10 Tempo merkins and 10 Merkins).   Now that we were financed we took a football and ran to each of six parking lanes forward then backwards with 10 LBCs in between.  At this point we realized we we out of money and need to make another withdrawal with 10 more ATMs.

Next we worked on ball handling skills with pax pairing up to do modified Dora with football.  One partner ran around BB&T and the other did LBC and then Merkins until pair completed 100 each.  Run with the ball and hand it off to partner – if you drop ball then have to do 5 burpees (amazingly no fumbles)

Finally ended with musical ensemble (as some go to football games for the halftime show) so we did Burpees to “Thunderstruck” to round out the morning.

Pax now ready for football season!

Pledge at end

Prayer requests: Brownstreak’s 2.0 (Shrimpboat) considering Red to Dead 150 mile run in Jordan – Please pray for their decision.  Also prayers for students and teachers starting school.


As always it was my pleasure and honor to lead this fine group of men!  Until next time

DeFib – Out


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