Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Folsom (Page 3 of 55)

Giving Back at Folsom

14 PAX on a mild December morning for a JV workout led by YHC. Gonna keep it pretty simple today, so let’s get started. Disclaimer, pledge, quick warmup and let’s go.


Mosey to the block pile and partner up. One partner rifle carries the block while the other does 3 burpees then runs to catch up and switch. Continue in this manner all the way to the upper parking lot at the Ag Building. Enough block work for now.

Double Dirty Merkin Ladder

20 merkins on one side of the parking lot, run across to the far side stopping for a burpee at each of the islands and then 19 merkins. Back and forth across the lot dropping the merkins by 1 each time and continuing with the burpees each time you cross the island. This took quite a bit longer than YHC had allotted, so the weinke will need to be modified. Not the first Q fail and won’t be the last.

Back to the blocks. Partner up again for some Dora 1-2-3. One runs a lap around the lot while the other works.

100 Alpo’s

200 Goblet squats

300 Chest press

Take the blocks back to the pile the same way you got them here.


Time is running short, but we still have work to do. Head to the tennis courts for some Walkercides. Run one court for 5 IW squats then back to start for 5 Big Boys, run to second court for 10 IW squats then back to start for 5 Big Boys. Keep it up until you’ve made it all the way across. We may have been a minute or two late getting back to the flag, but no complaints. Not any that I listened to anyway.



About halfway through the workout I asked the PAX to consider how they would answer two questions.

  1. What has F3 given me?
  2. What have I given back as a result of what I’ve been given?

We had a good discussion on these questions and the importance of giving back. Giving back entails sacrifice and you have to give up something to be able to do it. Make the sacrifice and make a difference in the lives of others.


“I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.”

Maya Angelou


Be praying for:

Huck, Turtleman, Super Dave’s mom, MW’s friend from church, Purple Haze’s mom, Bedpan’s mother in law, military and others away from family during the holidays and all the sickness going around.


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

Listening at Folsom

Folsom 11/26/2022
SSH, Cotton Pickers, Low Slow Squats, Right over Left, Left over Right,
On your six Right foot over left knee and reach hands through and around left knee and stretch it out, repeat for opposite side,
Squat stretches both sides, MNC’s.

Mosey up the hill stopping for 3 burpees at each light pole.

Pledge at the flag, except the flag was missing from the Citizens Center. There was a flag at Walmart in the distance.
1 minute 6”, 1 minute elbow Plank.

Mosey down to smooth parking lot to find blocks.
30 Curls.
30 on your six Chest Press.
30 Overhead Press.
30 Tricep Extensions.
30 2 hand rows.
30 Shrugs.
Run a parking Lot Lap. REPEAT the exercises and then Farmer carry the block a lap.

Mosey back to tennis court.

AB Circle
LBC’s x 20, WW2’s x 15, American Hammers x 15, Penguins x 15, Reverse Crunch x 15, Pretzel Crunch right and left, Flutter Kicks x 15, 1 minute 6”, 1 minute elbow Plank.

4 corners
10 perfect form Merkins, next corner.
10 PF Merkins, next corner.
10 PF Merkins mosey back after 3 corners for time.

Return to Parking Lot and line up for Route 66 with CDD’s and Bear Crawl to next space.

Announcements: Christmas Town 5K tonight, 12/3 Party, need an HC and vote on awards. T-Shirts order extended.

Prayers: Turtleman, Huck, Wichita Baby and wife, Pillager family, Deal family.

Throughout the workout I read some quotes and verses about being a better listener mainly speaking to myself. Several guys also had some good words about listening. I think probably everyone could try to be a better listener especially to our family members.

Westside declared we were light on the legs today. There was a lot less running than I usually do due to a calf muscle but a good full body workout. Thanks to the guys for coming out.

Listening To Others
1. “It takes a great man to be a good listener.”― Calvin Coolidge
2. “Listen with your eyes as well as your ears.”― Graham Speechley
3. “One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” – Bryant H. McGill
4. Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. – Proverbs 17:27
5. When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent. – Proverbs 10:19
6. “A time to tear apart and a time to sew together; A time to be silent and a time to speak.” – Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭7‬
7. “Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would have rather talked.” – Mark Twain
8. “There’s a lot of difference between listening and hearing.”― G. K. Chesterton

Horrible…..and Confusing

YHC had been looking forward to lead the regions best AO in a good ole beat down. Today was the day. I had my Weinke prepared and was ready to get to work. I walk outside and felt the chill in the air and thought to myself, “my hands ain’t gonna like today.” So, I roll on to Folsom a bit early to stretch and chat before time to clock in. When 5:30 hits, we start.

No FNGs, short disclaimer


SSH, Imperial Walkers, Low slow squats: all x10 IC

Mosey up to the animal shelter to grab a block.


Line up at the base of the adjacent hill. The routine called was 11’s. And these were horrible. Blockees at the bottom of the hill, box jump over the block, then rifle carry the block up the hill for thrusters. Rifle carry your block back down. And yes, you box jump over your block after each blockee! Lots of mumblechatter from the PAX, myself included. This seemed to take longer than I expected, but in all honesty, we finished it fairly quick. Now, Replace blocks and mosey to tennis courts. Line up for burpee suicides. Mosey one court and back for 1 burpee, grab 5 merkins at each turn back. Mosey to the second and back for 2 burpees. Continue until you’ve reached the final court then count it back down to 1. Escalate the burpees but the merkins stay at 5.  This was a battle to get the PAX on track. The chatter here was broad and pronounced. Lots of confusion of the called routine. “Do we escalate the merkins?” “Do we stop after the last court?” “The math part is easy.” We pulled together and finally made it through.  Time is running out, so we mosey back to start.


COT: Wichita M having baby, Sparkys dad, Bedpan traveling, our families, our country, Thanksgiving, Operation Christmas Child program and volunteers

Announcements: Christmas Party Dec 3


Moleskin: As always, it’s an honor to lead you men. I appreciate every one of you guys.

MDub out

Been a Minute or Two


SSH x 20

Gravel Pickers x15

Toy Soldier x 10



Mosey to the Senior Center but on the way stop at every light and perform these exercises x 10 each.

Perfect Form Merkins



Mountain Climbers (count 1 leg)

After picking up the 6 we said the pledge and got back to work doing 11’s behind the Senior Center starting with 10 Mike Tyson’s and a V Up on the other end. With time getting close we headed back to start.


Christmas Town 5k see Broke to HC, Ultimate Frisbee Thanksgiving Day @0700 meet at soccer fields and HC in Slack now if you want to play, Christmas Party Lewis Farm Dec. 3 @ 6:00 PM


Prayer Request:

My mom, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Deal family, Stogies mom, Sarlacc’s mother in law, Wichita and family, Evinrude’s grandfather with cancer, Pallbearer’s parents sick, Sparky’s Dad, the holidays.


Way to push men, it was an honor to lead such a great group of men.



Rhyne’s alliance comes to Folsom

Been a while since I’ve Q’ed, 530 hits and we get started!


SSH, Toy soldiers

We head for the blocks, taking them to the nearest light pole. Block work at the top of the hill, at the tennis court parking entrance do the other exercise.

2 sets / 20 reps

Blockees at the top, Burpees at the bottom

Thrusters at the top, Lunges at the bottom

Upright Rows 10 each arm at the top, Merkins at the bottom

Then we circled back up at the launch, Low plank while the group counted to 60 which was pretty funny.

Gearwrench told me about an ab exercise he learned this past weekend using the format of the iron hulk, instead of merkins/ shoulder press you do Bigboys/ American hammers with three merkins between. TIMES up!

Announcements- ultimate frisbee thanksgiving day, Christmas party December 3rd

Prayer Requests- quite a few shared this morning and I can’t remember all, but here are some-

Huckleberry, Wichita family new baby coming, my dad, soldiers, our community!

Remember you have an impact everywhere you go, whether home, work, the store… wherever! Be an encouragement! We all need someone to sharpen us! Push us to be better! And we need to be doing the same for those around us! Preaching to myself here.

Thanks for the opportunity!

New Q November at Folsom

Blarts Q at Folsom



Left over Right

Right over left


Mosey to Flag for pledge and some core work


Nolan Ryan’s

Box cutters

Next over to parking lot for some “Tic Tok”

From plank position against curb with one arm on curb do one Merkin then plank walk to other arm keeping feet against curb for two merkins back and forth untill we completed 8 counts

This was Volts favorite exercise

Mosey to Tennis courts for 4 corners

10 mtn climbers

20 squats

30 seal jacks

40 flutter kicks

Next started to mosey and rain started so Omaha to shelter for bout 20 min of Tabata

120 sec on 10 sec rest


Mtn climbers


Seal jacks


and a couple more but rain stopped so back to the weinke as planned

Down to lower lot for 11’s

Mike Tyson’s and squats

Then back to flag for 22 for Vets

Time remaining so a few more LBC’S

Prayer request

Turtleman, Huckleberry, Nantan’s Arm, Mayor’s Shoulder, others and there family

The pleasure was mine today men

Hope a 50 day challenge won’t be needed after the new Q November is over.

Untill next November

BLART IS OUT……Keep pushing men and keep telling your F3 Story you never know how it may change someone else’s life too…














Easy Peasy

YHC has been working his way back into the gloom on a regular basis. So far so good. It’s been a while since I’ve had the Q, but ready to at least pull off a strong JV, at minimal, workout.

Arrived early for a little mumblechatter and stretching.I had intended on getting our morning showers during the event, but Mother Nature pushed the rain on out of the area. My watch strikes time. No FNGs, so quick disclaimer and we get to work.


SSH x10 IC, mosey to the tennis courts. Mumblechatter about how we had no warm up….

Line up for the Sparky inspired routine. Sparky used a 20-1 several exercise workout with coupons quite a few times. I decided to use the 20-1 factor and apply it to something extremely simple, yet effective. It might just be the easiest written Weinke in Folsom history?


20-1: 3 exercises; merkins, Squats, big boys; start with 20 each, run the tennis court and back and get 19 each, repeato until you finish with 1 rep each. This would put the total reps at 630 and the run distance at right about 2.25 miles. It seemed so easy. I wasn’t exactly sure if this could be completed in 45, but I knew some batflippers would definitely push it and everyone else to get it done.

It’s time, so we mosey back to start.



Announcements, Stanley creek 5-10k, convergence at Bulldog

COT; Huck, Westside traveling, Striper’s brother, Purple Haze mom, Roundup’s baby, all  babies on the way

Always an honor to Q the greatest AO in all of the Gastonia region…..maybe even in all of eastern US regions? Blessed to among you men.

MDUB out!

Keep it moving

Gearwrench reminded me last week of a Q I did at Folsom right after he started F3 and how all the running was a struggle for him. Since he’s been pushing the rock for almost a year now YHC decided to run it back and let him see how much he’s improved. After the pledge and an extended warmup for the late arrivals we headed up to the road behind the AG Center for The Thang.


Start at one end of the road with 5 burpees then run to the opposite end for 10 merkins. Back to the start for 5 burpees then run to the opposite end for 20 IW squats. Continue in this manner with 30 American hammers, 40 Mountain climbers and 50 Big Boys then back down 40, 30…..Finish off with another 5 burpees and you’re at 50 total.


Time is running short so we hustled to the triangle for a little Dora 123.

One partner works while the other runs up the hill and back. 100 SSH, 200 CDD and 300 Flutters.


We got back to the flag about a minute or two late, but sometimes that happens.



The F3 devotional today was titled “Choose Hope” and we spent some time discussing how this helps us to get through the low points and struggles in our lives and how our faith is strengthened when we rely on God to get us through.



Blood drive

F3 Dads workout 8/20

F3 skating 9/17

JJ5k 9/24


Prayer Request



Striper’s brother

Sarlaac’s daughter

MW cousin passed

Wirenut family

Big Pappy and family

Spackle mother in law travelling

Achy Breaky’s uncle


YHC took us out.

I’m Broke

The Hill part 2

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to lead a workout at the worlds best AO “Folsom “! We did hill work with blocks, and it sucked but we didn’t get to finish! So…. Today we have a full hour, and we gonna get it done!

630 rolls around, we get started! 9 men showed this morning, a little liter crowd this morning, men out of town?

Warmup- SSH, Gravel pickers

Time to move! We head up to Folsom’s Block pile, then head to the HILL! This hill is pretty long, it will drain you.

10 Blockies at the top/10 Burpees at the bottom/ 4 sets!

15 Thrusters at the top/ 15 spurts at the bottom/ 4 sets!

20 alternating Block merkins at the top/ 20 merkins at the bottom/ 4sets!

All the men worked hard this morning, Folsom has come along way! The men are getting stronger, and the workouts are getting harder! I had posted on groupme that we are gonna try to burn 1000 calories this morning, we didn’t make it to 1000 but the Mayor burned over 900, and several men were in the 800s but we all put in hard work, that hill is a man maker!

Prayer request- Big Pappy, his mom passed this week. Huckleberry and his daughter, James Goudelocks funeral was today he left behind a wife and 2 children, those tubing today.

Announcements- Montross is Qing Folsom Tuesday

Thanks men for letting me lead the workout today!


A great day for Folsom

After a recent Q at Old School YHC knew that a Folsom Q was in order as well.  The land of beards, trucks, excessive mumblechatter,  and “candor”.  YHC arrived after setting up a pain station on the way in and was immediately met with “you aren’t in a truck” and “you don’t even have a beard!”  While all the trucks were parked on the right side of the parking lot, YHC put his sedan on the other side all by itself and was shamed for this move as well.

Unfortunately, my 2.0 had “borrowed” my JBL speaker and the bluetooth wasn’t connecting immediately when it was time to start the workout.  (Technical Difficulties)

Gear Wrench hit me with “I remember my first Q too!”   You have to appreciate good candor!

Once the music started playing, we opened up to the patented “Raining Blood” warmup to get the blood flowing and then moseyed to the tennis courts.  We alternated bear crawling one tennis court and then doing hand release merkin burpee long jumps across the next all the way to the end and then moseyed back.  Once we regrouped we moseyed to the flag at the front of the park for the pledge.  Then we moseyed to the parking lot for the Thang:

Pick a parking spot.  Each spot had a sheet of paper with a number of reps for an exercise.  These included 10 burpees, 10 8-Count Bodybuilders, 20 Squat Jumps, 30 merkins, 40 LBC’s, 60 calf raises, 50 Plank Jacks, 70 seal jacks, and 80 Flutters.  After an exercise take a lap around the lot and return to the next parking spot to the right of the original space.  Most PAX were close to finishing two rounds.

At the bottom of the concrete bleachers, 10 lunges each leg and then step up to the next stair and do 5 squats on each step to the top and do 10 more lunges each leg.  We then moseyed back to the start for some Mary led by Sarlacc and then closed with this:  All Pax try to get to 100 reps of each exercise with the first PAX hitting 100 calling it out so the rest stop.  Wichita was the early favorite to complete 100 merkins.  I am not sure who finished first but Hacksaw jumped up and let out a scream of motivation.  I think the next exercise was 100 mountain climbers and then we closed out with 100 High knees.

Due to Hacksaw being today’s war daddy as well as getting in EC and his enthusiasm to attach each rep like his namesack “Hacksaw Buzz Sawyer”, he earned MVP for the workout.  Great example Hacksaw!

Lots of prayer requests:

Sarlacc’s brother

Striper’s brother




Purple Haze’s M and Sister

Defib’s buddy with cancer

Jim Ramsay (Purple Haze’s neighbor)

David Jackson with cancer

In the praise column, Hacksaw’s mom and Sargento’s clean biopsy

We followed up with a quality breakfast at Time Out.

Happy 4th of July men.  We are blessed to be Americans and to live free!



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