Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Medicine Woman (Page 12 of 12)

Folsom Ginners

8 Pax rolled up into the nice cool air of the Folsom AO this AM. Gotta love when the humidity dies down and the fresh cool air has you feeling a little nippley. Anyway, the Park has already become a full time campground due to the hosting of the Cotton Ginning Days event. These guys must be dedicated! I was a little worried about the possibility of awakening some of these hard core folk, but we carried on as usual. 5:30 and it’s time.

no FNGs


SSH x15 IC, Hillbillies x15 IC, Monkey Humpers x15 IC, those were for the ole guy who woke up and stepped out his camper to see what the crap we were doing. No reaction so let’s mosey.


tha thang

we make it to the horse arena for some of my favorites, box jump up the 5 steps of the concrete bleachers for 10 burpees, down the back up for 10 squats, down then back up for 10 Merkins, down for 15 dips on the bottom step IC. Mosey on around to the upper lot for some fast pace side steps across then back from curb to curb, then lunge walk curb to curb. 10 burpees OYO, LBC x15 IC. Mosey to another popular area of the AO, tennis courts to partner up for some Mary. P1 runs distance across all courts to the fence and back while P2 does Merkins, rotate for a total of 50, then the same with 100 squats, then the same with 150 LBCs. Next up is the use of the four corners, Mayor brought to our attention that there were four corners within “one” tennis court alone, nah we doing all 7 courts outside corners. 4 exercises 5 count each OYO at each corner, run to each corner, exercises were burpees, squats, LBCs, and Merkins. I notice we have a few minutes and we haven’t made it to my goal of at least 2 miles of running, so we line up for a good run of suicides using the width of each court t the end and back. Awesome, that actually put us at 2.3 miles total! We did our best t recruit some Ginners, but without success!

Csaup, Crowders ridge, November 11th.


thanks guys for another chance to Q! Pushing the rock may not get easier, but it sure does bring the strength!


Street lights and shenanigans

6 Pax rolled into the Folsom gloom. I’ve always noticed the quantity of street lights within the park, especially after Garfield gave me an idea a few days earlier during his Q.  No one coming in hot so let’s do it.

no FNG so Disclaimer


SSH X15 IC, HILLBILLIES X15 IC, Don Quiote X15 IC, Stretch to right foot for 10 count, left foot for 10 count, then middle for 10 count.


tha thang

mosey to the first street light, stop, all exercises will be in the quantity of 20 each, YHC asks Gomer for an exercise, Merkins OYO, mosey to the next light for Huckleberry’s turn, big boy sit-ups OYO, then to the next for Hank, burpees OYO, mosey tot the next for Floyd’s Flutter Kicks IC, mosey to the next light for my own call, Good Mornings IC, now that you get the idea: Gomer-overhead claps IC; Huckleberry-Little baby dips IC; Hank-burpee OYO, at this time I want to address the fact that Hank had reason behind his choice of exercise; Floyd-mountain climbers IC; MW- LBC IC; Gomer-air presses IC; Hank-yes-burpees OYO, which Hanks mumble chatters something about talking trash about the Panthers losing, which resulted in Burpees; Huckleberry-Mike Tysons IC; Floyd-flutter kicks IC; MW-monkey Humpers IC; Gomer-French fries IC; Hank-SSH Burpees OYO; MW-ring of Fire merkins 10 each.



nice work men! Note to self, “no mocking the Panthers prior to any Q of Hank!”


#Folsom Remembers 9/11

The fog/smog was out thick this AM rolling into the Folsom gloom. With a little humidity, the overall atmosphere was right for a good beat down. Still in the back of my mind, I can see the images of the towers falling 15 years ago and all the brave men and women who went in to rescue and help those in the horrific sites where America Haters cowardly acted in terror. I still lift up those families of all who lost loved ones. So today I honor those families. So the PAX were rolling in hot, but not quite as hot as Roadie on 1 wheel! Great crowd and looks there, an FNG! Alright, some fellowship and stretching then 5:30 hit, lets roll


all IC and with a count of 15 for 15 year anniversary of the attacks: Mountain Climbers, Hillbillies, Monkey Humpers

mosey to horse arena

tha thang

box jump up the 5 levels of the seating area for 15 burpees, come down for round 2, box jump up for 15 jump squats, down for round 3, box jump up for 15 calf raises. Line up on the bottom level for 15 declined merkins x15 IC, 15 LBCs IC, run a lap around the arena, back for dips x15 IC, run a lap, back for Freddie Mercuries x15 IC,

mosey to the far lot and concession stand for flutter kicks x15 IC, thanks Sparky for the nice slow/fast pace cadence! Find a wall and Donkey kicks x15 OYO. Then on our 6 for 15 big boy sit-ups OYO.

Enough with the snack shack, mosey to the pavilion for 15 Rocky Balboas (total 30), then a round of ATMs, while remaining in plank position with 15 shoulder taps IC, 15 single count merkins on YHC count, then 15 fast pace merkins OYO. Time is getting slim, so mosey the hard surface back to the start.


Namorama, welcome FNG( Tolbert)

Cot/ BOM by YHC

Great work men! We have gone from pushing pebbles to Pushing Tha Rock! Looking to push boulders!  I appreciate the opportunity to Q, but more important I appreciate the group, our friendships, and what F3 is all about; creating Men, leaders in our homes, in our communities, and in our Walks in Christ! Blessed to a part of it all!


No Itenerary

Alright, sorry for the delay getting this BB up. It was a different feel rolling into the gloom considering Wednesday was nice and cool. It was pretty dang humid and lack of good air to breath may be an issue. Anyway, once Sparky finally rollls in, seven Folsom PAX are ready and along with 2, yes 2, FNGs!

Disclaimer, reiterated especially due to the humidity


SSH x20 IC, Monkey Humpers x20 IC, LBC x20 IC, Mountain Climbers x20 IC



mosey up to the tennis courts, line up, fast pace side steps slapping the ground and rotating sides at the end of each court continuing to the end of 6 courts finishing with 10 Buroees OYO, rinse repeat for the trip back with another 10 burpees. Mumble-chatter, And Dolph loudly excited yelling “good warmup!” No line up for some suicide merkins using the width of the six courts, 1 court and back for 7 merkins, 2 courts and back for 6, after the 4th court I realized that my “Ashbrook” math had resurfaced, but no complaints with the final run being all 6 courts and back for 2 rather than 1 merkin. Let’s mosey the running no trail around to the pond parking lot. Pick a parking stripe, and bear crawl across the painted stripe to the end for 10 twisted merkins, turn 180 bear crawl back for 10 more twisted merkins. Mosey down to the amphitheater for 20 Donkey Kicks OYO, elbow plank for 20 French Fries IC, 20 big boy sit-ups,  grab the short wall for 20 Dips IC. Mosey th long route around the lower parking lot and back up to the upper shelter. Step ups 12……16…….? Way to much distraction due to Gomer’s heavy footing on his bench sounding like a blacksmith shop. 20 Freddie Mercuries IC, 20 dips IC. Running short on time we mosey back up to the flag.

announcements, BBR, sign up for Q for September

Namorama taking time to name our 2 FNGs

COT, prayer for students and teachers headed back to school, continue to build strong leaders in our families and communities


Always an honor to Q you guys. When you have this kind of people around you, it’s much easier to get that motivation to go out and Push ThAt Rock! It’s always a blast and an encouragement everyday we meet for a good beat down!

Tennis Court BrickDown #Folsom

With a busy week in preparing to lead both a church men’s group study and a home life group study, I had no exact plan of the events to take place at Folsom this AM. I did, however, grab some standard bricks and tossed them into the back of the truck for a possible use. On the drive into the gloom, I did have a few ideas pop up in my already overloaded mind.

So, even with the death inflicting humidity of the already 75 degree temperature, seven devout PAX rolled up into the gloom for a good sweat inducing beat down. We usually jump into a warmup dead at 5:30, but due to a fellow PAX, Mary Lou, having torn a calf muscle yesterday I decided to stretch it out a good bit OYO. After all, the always punctual Sparky hasn’t made it here yet. Well, there he is. Another minute of stretching and we hit the warmups.

disclaimer, everything is U against U, and stop for water anytime you need it, and as always, we are all a little messed up in the head! Now to it.

SSH x20 IC, LBC x20 IC, Hillbillies x20 IC


  1. YHC informs the PAX to grab At Least 2 bricks off the back of the truck. I did have extra for Dolph if 2 weren’t enough, but he wasn’t present this AM. Mumble-chatter, something about brown recluse bites and the fact Gomer was bitin by a Widow not too long ago, mumble-chatter, while all hold the bricks up to the light to clean out the webs searching for the possible biting culprits. OK………Mosey up to the tennis courts.


Mosey 1 lap around the whole court yard with bricks in hand. Come to a halt at the fourth corner to start some four corners to get our hearts going. 5 brurpees or whatever u call it, brick burpees, OYO then mosey to corner 2 for 4 more, corner 3 for 3 more, corner 4 for 2 more, then back home for 1 more. I was a little concerned the weight of the bricks may not be real effective, which later, we were glad they weren’t any heavier. Line up with a partner for some Dora 100,200,300. P1 runs the distance of all courts and back while P2 performs side laterals using bricks and switch back and forth until a combined 100 are finished, then do 200 overhead presses the same, then 300 LBCs all with bricks. Alright, that’s starting to wake up those tired muscles. Circle up for more, 50 forward laterals, 50 curls, 50 rear laterals, 50 squats. Brief recover, then take your bricks for another lap around the courts coming to a halt at corner 1. With a few more minutes, it just wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t throw in a little ring of fire, 10 brick merkins each. Mosey your bricks back to the truck. Even though standard bricks Hartley weigh a couple pounds, they sure do a nice job building hand strength!

Announcements: Costner elementary cleanup this Saturday morning at the school in Dallas, Blue Ridge Relay Sept 9-10

COT, always encouraging to be better leaders


Even though you try hard to come up with a Q game plan to outdo the last, remember how simple the plan can be while still receiving the same nice beat down as the last! F3 is yet another outlet for my walk in Faith and has been another great accountability tool for those everyday struggles. Always push harder everyday to be better than yesterday and with God, you will become the better leader in your families and communities He has called us to be. Thank you men for the honor and great work!


Tour de Folsom

That’s a first, the Folsom regulars that dodged the Blue Pill were actually a few minutes early this AM! Looks like a strong showing of 7 PAX ready to get it on.

No FNGs so to the disclaimer. I like to reiterate it whether there are any FNGs or not. Honestly, we all are pretty crazy for being out there much less more than once.


SSH x20 IC, Mountain Climbers x20 IC, LBCs x20 IC, then some hamstring stretching reach and touch right toes for 10 count, left toes for 10 count, middle ground 10 count. Alright, no mumble-chatter so moving on.


Tha Thang

Mosey the walking track back up to the horse track concrete seating area. Mumble-chatter something about “horse track?”, Dolph is in the lead up the sidewalk, well, now we are lost, nope just lost the hard surface. After a quick detour, back on track.

there are five levels of concrete seats, so jump ups to the top 5 burpees, hop back down, jump up to the top with 4 burpees, back down then up for 3, 2, 1. Oh yeah, we gettin warmed up now. Mosey down to the next venue of torture, the pond parking lot. Line up, bear crawl across finishing with 10 merkins, lunge walk back with 10 squats, rinse repeat 3 rounds the last being with 5 instead of 10. Another mosey up to the concession stand by the ball field for 20 donkey kicks OYO, 20 wall assisted sit ups OYO, 20 one leg squats 10 each leg. Let’s mosey again down to the walking track and aroun the back side of the pond to the lower shelter for some Dora. Partner up, PAX 1 runs to the top of the parking lot and back while 2 does step ups AMRAP, switch PAX. Round 2, PAX 1 runs to the top of the lot and back while 2 does calf raises, switch. Round 3, PAX 1 runs top of the lot and back while 2 does crab cakes. Recover, grab a bench for 20 dips IC, 20 Freddie Mercuries IC. Mosey back up to the upper lot. Pretty good timing!

No new announcements

COT, Lifting up Prayer requests


: it’s always an honor to Q the Folsom crew. Good work men pushing it to the limit. The BB title was manifested by the layout of the workout, mentioned by Garfield, I believe, thanks. There was a slight Omaha on behalf of QIC, mumble-chatter was heard about the amount of running and that Pizza Man would be proud. After all was said and done, 2.2 miles in the books, the PAX pushed the rock! Looking forward to next time. It’s true that it doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger!


Counting Parking Spaces

Five warriors busted out of the fartsack for a good Tuesday morning beat down. Wait here comes an FNG in a sweet old school minivan………..nope, must be lost. I briefly describe that today’s workout will be mostly yoga and pilates, then Huckleberry mumbles something about Insanity or P90x? More chatter, woahh it’s 5:31, lets hit it



SSH x15 IC, Toy Soldiers x15 IC, LBC x15 IC mosey to the lower end of the lower parking lot. Hey, there’s the mystery truck guy! Not for long, we must have waken him up and there he goes.

tha thang

marked parking lots are awesome BTW! A version of 11s but we doin 8s.

bear crawl one parking space, 7 burpees; bear crawl 2 spaces, 6 burpees; mumble chatter…….you get the just, until bear crawl 7 spaces with 1 burpee. Run a lap around the parking lot for round 2. I think Dolph ran at least 3 laps waiting for us to finish. This time lunge walk the spaces with merkins down to 7 spaces and 1 merkin. Run a lap around the lot for round three. Imperial walkers and LBCs. Run a lap and ready for round 4. Army soldier walk spaces and squats the same ending with 7 and 1. More mumble chatter, something about feeling something burning. Anyway, run a lap for round 5, Omaha, let’s slow walk spaces with Good mornings. After all the thigh burns, duck walks were quickly modified. Yes, take another lap. Circle up for some prison merkin burpees x5, confusion chatter, I had just read up on this one last night, PAX yell demo. As YHC I should have counted my demo as 1, ouch. Mosey back to the upper lot and flag for the pledge. With time left, circle up for ring of Fire merkins 10 each then some hillbillies x15 IC, Freddy mercuries x15 IC. Sparky shouts “hey, learned a new one, Hyper Burpee” or something like that, mumble chatter during the demo, then Dolph brought out another extreme merkin that had PAX falling on their shoulders.

no new announcements, prayers as always for our families, our nation and its leaders. Lifting up Scott Pasours family and the officers families of the past shootings.

great work Men! Always an honor to Q!

2 Corinthians 5:20-21

5 burpees OYO around the man in the truck

i was optimistic rolling into the dismal aura of Folsom. Surely most PAX weren’t hungover from the spectacular Dallas fireworks extravaganza. Noticing that I’m about 15 minutes early, with 2 already stretching, I still remaine optimistic. Ok, now we have a few more and the shovel flag has not made it to the AO, wait, Sparky has a mini version he made walking up from the darkness. Let’s get to it.



hillbillies x15 IC, plank jacks x15 IC, mosey up to the tennis courts where many memories have been made and make a full lap around all 6 courts.

tha thang

5 burpees OYO

11s sounded great on paper due to the evenly spaced courts. Lunge walk width of court 1, 1merkin/10 LBC, bear crawl width of court 2, 2 merkins/ 9 LBC, lunge walk court 3, 3 merkins/ 8LBC, continue all 6 courts and back through court 1 alternating bear crawls and lunges ending with 10merkins/ 1 LBC. Mosey to lower parking lot where we see our mystery man sleeping in his truck agin. Seems to be an ongoing dilemma. We just happened to bring our mosey to a stop right at the same corner that our mystery guy was parked.

5 burpees OYO

short mosey to the shelter and find a bench seat. Step ups x15 IC, dips x15 IC, and rosalita x15 IC. Short mosey back to the parking lot where our friend was still snoozing.

5 burpees OYO

four corners next, run to first corner for 10 merkins, second corner for 20 SSH, third corner for 30 flutter kicks, fourth corner for 40 LBC, mosey away from the mysterious man in the truck back up to the upper parking lot.

Tha pledge

5 burpees OYO

i expected to be short on time, but noticed we had several minutes to get in some more work, so 5 burpees OYO. YHC was open to fill the space with some input by the committed PAX. Roadie LBC x15 IC, Garfield windshield wipers x10 slow single count, ring of fire merkins x10 waterfall, I remember 2 other requests that were completed, but my mind has left me.

Prayer requests, COT, Prayer for the road.

great work men, it’s always an honor to Q. After all had settled and the PAX had left, our group text started up as usual. Garfield had mentioned, “what if the guy in the truck just happen to wake up and see a bunch of guys doing burpees around his truck, grab a gun and started shooting?” Well, I didn’t have a great answer, neither did the others in the group, other than, hopefully the guy is still drunk front he night before and want see straight. Surely our men could bob n weave safely away, but with that said, maybe we should leave him his space in the further? So thankful for F3 and all three meanings of F which have brought the groups together, I’m assured it is producing the Men and leaders and strength it intends to do within our communities.



Anything left out?

7 PAX gathered in the eerie post-storm gloom at the Folsom.


With a slight drizzle upon us we mosey down to the lower parking lot with a nice paced lap around Coming to a stop at a nearby shelter.

Warmups: IC


calf raises

flutter kicks

Tha Thang

partner up, PAX 1 reverse suicide width of parking lot while PAX 2 prison push-ups, switch it up. Then PAX 1 duck walks a distance while PAX 2 plank jacks, switch. Then P1 inch worms(easier in demonstration) a distance while P2 LBC, switch. Then P1 toy soldiers while P2 flying squirrels, switch.

Mosey to first corner of parking lot stop 10 SSH, mosey to next corner 10 squats, mosey to next corner Freddie Mercuries. Mosey back to the upper lot for the Pledge.

With a quick recover, Dolph couldn’t help himself but to throw in 10 burpees on your own, we abliged the notion. Then we Circle up for some 1 minute drills, merkins, toe squats, mt climbers, and ended with a Ring of Fire merkins x 10!

Announcements, prayer requests lifted up, and prayer for the road!

great job men, and thanks for the opportunity to Q!

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