Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Clavin (Page 10 of 12)

Whoopee and the ghost Q

  1. Arrived at Diablo Sammich and wondered where the menu was or my server . Two minutes to go and here comes my maitre d dressed to the nines , but telling me today’s menu is buffet and I might be dining alone . Wait! Headlights! WattsUp!
    Whoopee gives directions on what he’d have done if he stayed so we follow his lead and head over to the Hairy Peeter and do 4 corners with squats of 5-10-15-20 and back down …. mosey back to wall at South Bank passing only one couple also enjoying a night stroll from the Pub ) and we do three rounds of dips incline merkins and 10 each leg step ups ( only once on these …. ouch)

matrices back at start with 20 to go so 20 more squats and time!

usual announcements

prayers for Watts Up 2.0

only my second posting here and no Whoopee either time …. I’ll get him sometime that wascally wabbit ! But as he was called in to more important things ( work) it’s all good and understandable . In between the P200 and work schedules …. numbers sure are down …in fact Whoopee said he won’t be able to Q next week and was gonna post it and I saved him the trouble and grabbed since he knew his go to man Voodoo wouldn’t be present either. That way I can officially Q the Sammich and check that off my other list ( yes , someday I dream of being a big boy and Q ing all AOs …. but that s for another time !)

A little grey matter for the grey coupon

Two weeks ago I Q’d a ruck inspired workout that Voodoo hated to have missed …. lucky HIM I had already created the framework for today’s beat down during that event … funny how the mind works . The following week Voodoo was present at Neverland as I asked our site Q if next week was open …. yes … I’ll take it …. Voodoo ? …. your wish is my command … come next week … limited running if at all.
There were 2 tweets billing this event as working a muscle we men rarely use and that the M will be so pleased we were present today. Some questioned what this could mean …. seems many were inspired or just plain ole damn curious as I began …. a little differently ….
We pledged and as I raised my arms to my side explained that today’s workout would be up to you as to the level of intensity ( beginning MNC in moderate pace ) telling all present to speed up intensity or slow ….. to ….. a ……. Gastone ……………… level ………………….. ..during the warm up there were no cadence counts …. in fact there was only one in the final 6 minutes if the overall workout.  Today would be visual …. following Q s actions and there will be a cerebral ( dat deres special talk fer brain power ) element added in for new challenges. This was the new muscle rarely used as I’m sure all of us at some point have heard the M say “ What were you thinking?” “ Use your head ….( at this time Time Frame correctly guessed that yes I meant the head above not the one 2 feet lower !

We also performed IW and heel raises ending with LBCs

Lets mosey …. around Snoballs at which I waited to hear grumbling from Voodoo at the lack of coupons and pacing …. but wait… we came back to my truck as I open the tailgate exposing a treasure trove of coupons calling all present … heard some marvel at the number of them bug I was unsure how many might show and besides while unloading last time I sent one into early retirement as it fell on s kettlebell when unloading . And if any were wondering … yes there are smaller alternatives in case any 2.0s may have been present. Later today when unloading in fact my 2.0 CapN Crunch asked what we did with these and I explained and demoed a blockee which he too wanted to attempt but I forbid his using a full size opting instead for a half size …. he was impressed at the exertion required!

now we are ready and head over to the back side of building at driveway entrance where I explain that some of the pax are now exposed to rough waters that they must get out of quickly  part of today’s exercises will be determined by the pax who must solve a puzzle ….. growing up I always loved working puzzles word finds riddles and other such and in the 90s was given a game called MindTrap of which I tested the pax several times such as to begin “ a truck 15 feet 2 inches drives trough town tries to go through an underpass with 15 feet clearance signs and gets stuck … how do you release the truck w/o damaging the bridge ?” JK2 with the swift  and correct response of take air out of the tires !

Now our next challenge is the river ( street in actuality ) that we must cross making sure our coupons remain dry …. there were a few ticks of the clock and someone called hold over head ….” yes! Cusack! “ I cry…I also disclaim for those present to stay alert to any traffic once over we shoulder our burdens and meander to former Doctors office where we lay coupons down 10 squats now … Blockees !! 5 only then box jumps and reshoulder  burden over to sign telling us some nonsense about private property blah blah blah

Halt ! We must determine safest exercise to cross this mine field we are now in front of ( I do realize how ridiculous this sounded but felt it would add to the mumble chatter and was i right) many looked puzzled and I explained let’s lunge walk as many asked what mines were in the ground how many how big the explosions or destructive …. somewhere in here asked another Mind Trap question “ a plane departs New York City carrying 523 passengers and 10 crew bound for Alaska . However, along the way the plane crashes across the border in Canada. Where do you bury the survivors? “ answer came quickly you don’t bury survivors!

Gastone led us in flutters 51! My age ! Island never stopped at least until he saw he was being left behind as we went to the wall and attempted to cross other side at lowest point …. caution must be taken as there is a second drop many of us found !! Sargento easily walked over the wall coupon shouldered acting like it was an anthill and Turtleman…… OMG …. we puzzled whether he went to drain the turtle or just search for turtles in the woods ! While we waited on him we now did 10 triceps presses and meander to the dock where i start to deliver new challenge but JK2 …. swift as a fox ( if there’s ever a mental challenge he’s on my team!) figures out solution before the query as we are to build a staircase because the challenge is for us to climb up to top of deck w/o using hands to pull up crab walk down ramp rinse repeat collect a block and meander to parking lot for new challenge …..

“All pax and coupons must make it to the other side of parking lot but half carry the load while the other half moves quicker than the others “ it took a minute for the pax to puzzle out that we were to partner up and one would farmer carry two blocks ( tweet last week saying this was little used rucking exercise needed to be implemented ) and p2 would run to other side hand off and continue … we then went back to original side where I asked our final Mind Trap question that none guessed “ I saw an arctic fox chasing a snowshoe rabbit in the snow. How was this possible?”

Many of these questions are worded to mislead you either with irrelevant info like the last question with the number of passengers and this one uses your thinking of white on white on white or even thinking I said it was snowing …. but the simple answer was that it was daytime! Final challenge time we are facing a raging river not too deep that we must cross …. in truth an island about 6 of 7 feet and we are to use blocks to build an unusual bridge ( should’ve taken picture ) but the pax worked this one out even collecting blocks on way out with the exception of Turtleman who felt he was half Turtle anyway and tossed his block waaaayyy over another direction … also noticed Hipaa brave the waters for a special rescue of block !!! Well done ! Shoulder and meander to the bank for dips burpees box jumps and s few squats for about 3 rounds …. shoulder again and return to truck and called for someone to call final exercise while we finished loading …. Turtleman with the save of another random number flutters … Gastone kept calling numbers all over the board …. so who knows

announcements of p200 this weekend

convergence Folsom March 30

Community Foundation run / speed for need and Gastone grabs the final chair !! Well done sir!

may 5 Mt Mitchell 51/2 up and 5  1/2 down


Gentlemen … I had a blast creating this in my mind and recreating it for all of you…. I hope that it was enjoyed as well

And let  me leave you with one more puzzle “ my vacation home has all four sides facing south . How is that possible? “

was it the most intense workout? Hell no! It was created as the cousin of the one from 2 weeks ago …. kind of like the brains vs brauns…. so who won? Why the pax for sure ! Will my next boot camp Q be similar r? Hell no again! I’m constantly trying new challenges and new ways to keep it lively and real . Point in case this was my first time posting more than a week … 8 days straight( no…. you won’t see my tomorrow , sorry wearing down ) but I have new challenges for rest of month for self …. I am always amazed and strongly influenced and even encouraged by so many of you HIMs like Hipaa who , when I plan on a 7 day posting he Qs 7 days straight !!! Another HIM from this morning I want you guys to encourage us Gumby ,   This HIM has posted some 18 times in 16 days and wants to continue longer this month but admitted to me that he feels the batteries are wearing down ….. you see him you URGE him ON!!

one final note …. big time q fail on the HW …. yes there was to be homework but not in the traditional sense , will I post it here …. NO! It will be more impactful in person rather than being read  … all will understand … in fact it’s similar to what i spoke to Island Watts Up and Bed Pan on Friday

As the saying goes …. always leave them wanting more……


Pardon me, do you have any grey coupon?






Disclaimer pledge warm up coupons … carries dips derkins burpees box jumps curls colt 45s presses triceps extension goblet squat swings …. mix it up varied counts Meanders and  stuff it into a blender and that’s about it! Anything more and you should have posted to know ….although …. I may not have had enough coupons …. thankfully I listened to inner voice as JK2 so wisely pointed out …. the F3 thing is free …. that’s why we’re always spending money   Buying equipment coupons clothing ( watts up sporting new shirt… F3 logo and styling!) o f course you missed my attempt at a wipe out!

prayers for Easy Rider family

Mt Mitchell climb May 5

Folsom convergence March 30

Latini run

community foundation run /s4n event April

A happy ending

Whoopee is looking for a donor to donate $100 ( preferably in small loose change)  for his happy ending …. of course I’m sure if there was several interested parties looking to split the cost and lend a hand it would be eagerly accepted. More on that later.
Arrived few minutes early, pax sauntering towards pavilion looking sleepy Medicine Woman spoke of desire for no merkins ( oops… wrong day to post!) no rain, no site Q … let’s gather.
As I give disclaimer I note that Whoopee and Gastone are feverishly plotting … its only when I begin first exercise of the WU that I realize the many tributaries of Lake Whoopeegonnagetcha that he has located and uses all morning long to ensure full coverage of wetness on ANYONE stupid enough to be close by!
Seal jacks x20
Al Gore (Turtleman reminds us of this being the father of the internet) 1 min
Plank Jacks x 20
And my least fav exercise …. SSH ( as they are so overused) …. however …. I thoroughly enjoyed a different version brought to Midoriyama by Oompa Loompa where you clap at the apex and clap on your hips …. x20 Sister Act was present on that day and said only thing missing was my inflection like OL who barks out like drill sergeant !! Sorry can’t reach that level.
Mosey to York and Main to Monkey Humper the traffic that wasn’t present … dang it and here comes the rain…. again.
Mosey across to …. where else The Main Post Office …. I mean I AM a mailman … so time to deliver!
MERKINS …. 11 style
The twist is so 10 at top of drive mosey to dock hop up do 1 bear crawl down ramp nur the hill and continue to count up/down until reversal .
Now we mosey over to McQuitter Wall where I learn of the brick that gives wall its name .
Derkins x10
Step ups x10 each leg
Dips x 10
I intended to also do box jumps but omahaed due to unsafe conditions
These were done 5 times and afterwards was when Whoopee went asking for single $100 donor to drop him in the lake …. I mean to help the cause of the YMCA where he will Voluntarily jump in Lake Robinwood next week. He said that this donor would give him the happy ending that he really needed.

Frogger across Franklin then turning towards parking deck that Turtleman kept begging and pleading for the workout to move to …. my intention was only to tease with looking at the deck but was persuaded by Gastone to at least mosey in where we waited on Tman and Watts up . I asked Turtleman for another 10 count which he said “ 10 . I’m good” so we moseyed back into rain and made way back to pavilion. A REAL crowd pleaser!

Assemble on top step, butt at edge , feet dangle over steps for 40 Flutter kicks …. been wanting to use this for some time. Not really as bad as I expected .

core time :

M W started us off with Freddie Mercs  and there were some more flutters and other stuff ……. however ,……. my brain suffered an aneurism, MW stopped to dust off his body from inactivity and poor Whoopee stopped all movement as he slipped into a coma when Gastone called what was supposed to be American Hammers …… but they were so slow I fear he may still be counting ! I ended with s 1 minute timer ( failing to notice that my M had silenced phone last night ) and we did AMRAP merkins in honor of medical study released this week about cardio value of doing 40 merkins a day in one minute.


Mt Mitchell hike may 5

Csaup tomorrow

wanna ruck? Join Whoopee for fun and adventures each and every Thursday morn


Q source

prayed for Pizza Mans M and her upcoming results and Whoopee taking daughter and fam to Raleigh(?) tomorrow for championship game

great job by all and thanks for letting me lead!

We NEED to adopt!!

A number of weeks ago I read a front page article in the Gaston Gazette speaking about the level of trash on our roadways and the fact that the city is seeking to use funds and have private companies to clean up our roadways .
I’ve often felt what better way to impact this community much like the clean up the woods campaign for the YMCA than for us to adopt a street or maybe even two!
I spoke with our nantan Stroganoff who was on board but had me contact Bandit as he is our community involvement point man. Both loved the idea but wanted me to take lead after Bandit researched whether any regions had taken advantage and adopted roadways.
After dealing with flu and reaching out first to one agency but being sent to another ….. I have found that there is a real need for us to move forward and that there are some excellent areas for us to adopt if the pax agree. I would love for all to please reach out to me and give input and insight as to where would we like to choose. Currently available is Armstrong/ Gaston Day from S. New Hope to Kendrick and even Robinwood. Another great need I saw on DOT site is much of Dallas. I cite these areas since we run these areas anyway and it will certainly benefit us by having cleaner streets/ sidewalks to run/ruck and make them safer for others.
All that the adopt a roadway program asks for us for us to clean the chosen roads every two months for a period of not less than 2 years and that the areas also be at least 2 blocks or more. The program would supply bags and some other supplies as well as a nifty sign that would acknowledge our contribution to the community giving us visibility.
Post your comments here, on Slack, Twitter or email me …. let’s clean up!

The return of the Negan / Clavin

This weekend marks the return from the midseason hiatus for the show walking dead and I also used it as a return not only from the flu for myself coming back from the dead but also returned from taking a one month hiatus from Qing. Planned it but the flu through the monkey wrench in this weeks works and  have to wait till I was sufficiently recovered. I’ve been married a good number of years and could tell from my wife and her expressions during December that she probably felt like I had Q Ed little too much and I chose step back for the entire month of January as promised her.  This Also gave me a chance to regroup plan for future events and to watch as a great many others being inspirations and stepping up to queue for the first time…. and I got to witness the likes a Buckeye yesterday downtown working out to the smooth stylings of Lawrence Welk ! Who would’ve guessed that he loves Sinatra as well?
Whether or not you’ve watched any of the show The Walking Dead you undoubtedly notice it’s influence on television good or bad. It is been my favorite show for a great number of years primarily for it’s uncanny ability to shock repeatedly. One of the most diabolical characters ever to grace silver screen or the small screen is the character of Negan ….. either love to hate him or hate to love him! One of his favorite items to use as a baseball bat wrapped with barbed wire called Lucille! Today I re-created my own with an aluminum bat instead of wood as noted by sledge o matic used razor wire from Halloween to wrap its ends. I also donned my “ this is my Walker killing shirt” complete with blood stains…… now on to the show!
At the end of the previous season of The Walking Dead all towns were decimated from a vicious war range between all the factions. Leader of the good side Rick Grimes finally bested Negan but he chose let him live which was NOT very well received by the rest of the groups! He remained in prison until the mid season finale and now tomorrow he is loose again!!!
To represent our rebuilding in the aftermath there was a tire pull as our timer … pulling it back-and-forth four times at least until Hipaa had to add weight to really add to the ‘drag’ …. This  simulated the group going after the covered wagon in the show during this season. Also present right there was Lucille for swinging!
Next up and had a variety of kettle bells for kettle bell swing followed by station with bricks that we were using to represent the rebuilding of the walls of Alexandria. Exercises here with a merkin single arm raise each side lateral raises the side and front.
Also this season there was a huge flood that wiped out the bridge all the communities and in a major rebuilding effort all factions got together to rebuild it …..we had two 4 x 4‘s one 4 foot the other 4 1/2 feet that we would squat with or while on our six we would press above…. some choose to use both for the extra challenge.
We must not forget the walls of Hilltop  so we had coupons and we were doing overhead presses as well as curls to rebuild those walls.
Let’s not forget the devastation that occurred in sanctuary……. so now we have the slam ball pretty obvious as well as a 10 pound ball with handles that we either passed from hand to hand clockwise rotation around the body also many used it to clean press above their head.
Lastly let’s not forget that we need to dig for some of these bodies so we have dumbbells simulating in a. shovel fashion. And some where during workout  my M decides to text me a Starbucks order thinking that I am at the Sunday run  out where the Starbucks is located in the Harris Teeter!!
Approximately the halfway point we broke away and shuffle zombie like fashion …..I’m sorry walker fashion across the parking lot and back doing launch walk squat. Today’s music selection had two of the songs used for the last two years of video footage promoting the show one from the band called future royalty the other Rival Sons…. song titles take what’s mine and the other was doing your worst… The rest of it put in Nirvana and Motley Crue and end it with the majority of Rob zombie/white zombie as he tends to epitomize the appearance of the apocalypse and it’s denizens! Approximately five minutes to spare Boot Camp crew arrived and I choose that time and I am one for an exercise using the slam ball where the crew gathered in a circle pass off the ball to the next person if in that passing the ball is dropped … five penalty Burpee‘s if you personally drop it you only have five penalty Burpee‘s. All went well until Hipaa intentionally dropped it Voodoo look like his puppy had been kicked Hipaa with a broad smile gladly fell down to is five Burpee’s…. and then it was “on” as the ball was being pitched across to others to see just how far this will go!!!!
Yo Adrian did announcements also warmup before all this and prayed us out !!!
Til the next zombie ….. errr walker apocalypse ……

The last Murph of 2018

Today’s goal was simple …. complete the Murph and along the way contemplate where you were one year ago …. what you achieved in one years time and where and what you want to complete in 2019!
Remember this well and compare to next years results! In these last few weeks of 2018 there’s been a lot of talk about key words , thoughts and aspirations for the coming year hopes and dreams …. so with that said let’s make those resolutions and set those goals in all 3 aspects of our lives remember God first family next and our fitness and fellowship.

There were 4 HIMs to show at 5:30 ( Spider-Man even swung in !!).. and there were 12 for a rainy  day Murph.

We began with the pledge a brief disclaimer and mention of   What we will perform in the Murph and then we went on to it!

Starting with our 1 mile circuit around the park assemble in the play area where I had brought chalk to keep track of numbers ( some like Gastone have a memory like a steel trap and don’t need no stinking chalk!!) … we next did our pull-ups pushups and squats. All waited while all completed tasks and we set out for another Mile run assembling undercover of the picnic area . Mumble chatter and some going after the six until all return and we end with a final 22 single count merkins for the vets .

i love this exercise because it really challenges you and there’s plenty of open opportunities for mumble chatter or for supporting and lifting up each other up.

Pizza man spoke of the new F3 Q source which will meet at Starbucks at Harris Teeter either after Coconut Horse and Starbucks at Ingles at Crossroads each Sunday to discuss F3 topics on leadership, etc … check more info on Twitter or in a preblast !

There was also a lot of open excellent discussion on importance of making sure that we all dont put too much emphasis on F3 leaving our family out  …. that would be a fail! Balance is best.

Whoopee also commented on the setting of goals speaking of how we an all keep track of what we accomplish either each workout or day to day , in our diet …. whatever our goals are . He also cited an excellent example would be Roscoe who keeps an accurate log on his phone which he can access anytime to compare as needed!

prayers were for Sister Act , the upcoming new year , our goals and family … Def Leppard prayed us out

Great work by all !! Thank you for the opportunity to lead men !!

Murph pre blast — New Years Eve

It’s time for another Murph to complete our year . Let’s all assemble this Monday December 31 at 7:00am at Martha’s Park at the entrance to the playground area nearest turd shacks. Bring all AO flags and let’s show Gaston County how we do it!
Those not familiar with the Murph it’s in honor of a fallen soldier in Afghanistan (Lt. Michael Patrick Murphy) whose daily routine was 1 mile run , 100 pull-ups , 200 push-ups , 300 squats and ending in one more mile run. Our usual routine during the pull-up / push-up and squat exercise portion is to do 10 pull-ups , 20 pushups and 30 squats ten times using hash mark techniques till completion.

This workout will also be a slightly longer and possibly run an hour in length.

Help us close out 2018 in style and close the books, put up the decorations and prepare for the new year that’s only hours away!!

“We _________ Kings”

How many Kings ( Mägi) went seeking the infant Jesus Christ at his birth? I presented this earlier today on Twitter as a brain teaser as it was asked of our church congregation some 24 years ago . Answer will be in the final paragraph …. although why not read along for a moment…

The main purpose I chose for this morns exercise was to be a challenge to our brains which Pedal learned very quickly as he had to reset when I called for seal jacks during warmarama ( I believe he was ready for SSH ( but I will probably never call for these again as we seem to have overused this and reached our goal for the rest of the decade!) I had also tweeted the Ickey Shuffle wanting to see if that would rouse pax . Not successful😢

Started with pledge morroccan night clubs  the aforementioned seal Jax plank Jax and rocky b’s All cadence to 10.

I was hopeful for more pax but had figured Roadie wouldn’t make it since he took Oompa Loompa to the football fiasco with the Panthers …… however

there was a set of buckets with sand to be used as timer farmer carry to end of covered area and back about 1 minute

i had a yoga ball for either crunches with back against ball or derkins ( feet up)

two light dumbbells for straight arm raises

two (new) kettlebells thank you Hipaa for telling me where to go and buy these ….. lighter one single arm clean …. heavier was for forward swing

slam ball  (new as well) for slamming or crush with squat

medecine ball (my m’s) for tricep extension

jump rope ( yes I brought it back)

and lastly I gridded our agility ladder with paper listing 11 exercises inin outout / lateral Carioca / single foot each square/5 hops and run / backwards and/ or forwards in and out / and the Ickey Shuffle

for music I had tweeted that we we’re sweating to the oldies ….

years ago my wife and I discussed whether or not there would be oldies stations when we got older playing Ministry , Skinny Puppy ,  White Zombie  etc… so with that in mind….

todays selections were Are You Gonna Go My Way, Back in Black , Immigrant Song, Black Betty , thunderstruck Bawitaba, Sabotage and Berzerk

At some point I heard a train called for 5

ran on program until time called thanks to Pedal

this program was to challenge each of us to utilize our brain power thinking and if and when possible increasing speed in each exercise ( wasn’t surprised to see Hipaa crushing it)

prayers for Pedals M and Toto

Announcements … Saturday  at Yank moved down street due to Santa Hussle 5k and next Tuesday no Bulldog but Storm May be open …. look for info …

now lastly … the answer is “more than one……..”

please, don’t simply believe what I say, grab your bible … the only mention is in Matthew chapter 2


Small things can be so impactful

As a child I remember several times going either to nursing homes or other settings to carol at this time of year . it’s been many years since I’ve done it but was very moved today not only to do something meaningful but for such a great man as Bedpan recalled “ has given so much to the community “. As the group was not too large we were all able to enjoy the warmth of Santa’s home even getting to see how he has all the latest gadgets ( only needing to call on “Alexa, turn on the lights !” For when we needed to see our music. My M and 2.0 , Cap’n Crunch along with Oompa Loompa’ s M arrived early to not only ready Bob for our arrival , but also to visit with him ( they stayed until 11:00!)
It was very moving listening to Time Frame tell Santa that his picture with his family is proudly displayed on his wall.
We all sang rather well and as Oompa Loompa remarked “ thankfully no one videoed the moment !” To which someone responded that that was Hipaa’s purview.
As our Nantan was present I asked him to pray us out.

And there was peace on earth , and good will towards men …. all for one moment.

Thank you and God bless all who showed

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