Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Boudin (Page 2 of 8)

Slow day at the Ricky Bobby

YHC showed up to Q and the parking lots was still quiet until about 5:27 am until I saw Nutria on his way with the flag and Tesla pulled up.  Clock strcuk 5:30 a.m..



Warm up


15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

10 Merkins IC


Mosey to the back of the school for some wall work.

2 rds

10 Hook ups

20 Hip Slappers

30 Shoulder taps

It was at this time Roscoe showed up to join us. We headed out of the pits and on to the track for the following work.

We moseyed to the front of the school and back in between the following exercises. (Modefiied option was to fellowship mosey to the end of the parking lot and back)

25 Big Boys

50 Merkins

75 Monkey Humpers

100 LBC

75 Monkey Humpers

50 Merkins

25 Big Boys

Time running low we moseyed/fellowship moseyed back to the flag.  Time for core work for the remaining time.


Box Cutter


Reverse Crunch


Finished off with 5 burpees and time.  6:15 am.


Prayer Request


I took us out in prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. SYITG

First Bulldog Q

The weather was perfect for a beat down at Bulldog this morning.  YHC showed up for his first Q and the PAX started to show up. Clock struck 530 am, time to get started.




15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

5 Burpees

The PAX brough their kettle bells, so we held them above our heads while walking to each corner of parking lot to complete one of the following sets at a corner.

Set 1

30 SSH

20 Squats

10 Merkins

Set 2

30 Mtn Climbers

20 Lunges

10 Merkins

Set 3

30 Pulsing Squats

20 Shoulder Taps

10 Merkins

Set 4

30 Freddie Mercuries

20 Plank Jacks

10 Merkins

With one round complete, we planked on curb.  Plank walk side to side on curb then perform Merkin when called by Q.

Rinse and repeat first round.  Up next, travel on route 66 with kettle bells

Route 66 with kettle bell swings on the way down.  Kettle bell carry back to the start then Route 66 with Squat with kettle bell.  Farmers carry with kettle bell with one hand then switch to the other hand on the way back to where we warmed up.

Time running low, we bear crawled the length of 3 poles under the awning before finishing up with core work.

25 Flutters

25 LBC

25 Big Boys

Time  6:15 am


Prayer request


I took us out in Prayer.

Thanks for coming out this morning and the opportunity to lead.  SYITG


Bad Moon Rising

YHC got out  of his truck to a red color moon. Maybe it was the Sunday disguised as the moon because it was still blazing hot.





15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

15 Gravel Pickers IC

20 Squats OYO

Mosey arounded around upper parking lot near school back to the corner of fenced in field for Route 66

Lunges and Bear Crawl two parking spots.

On the way back we did Merkins and Lunge Walk two parking spots.

Moseyed to parking lot down the side of football field.  We did the following excercises then moseyed a figure eight around parking lot. Rep scheme was 25,20,15,10



Monkey Humpers


5 Burpees

YHC felt like he was going to Splash Merlot on the last run.  I wonder if that would have been the first time a Q splashed merlot.


Time running low we moseyed back to the start for some core work.

25 reps of


American Hammers


Heals to heaven


Big Boys

Freddie Mercuries

Michael Phelps

6:15 am time.


I took us out in Prayer


Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  Stay hydrated.   SYITG

Fight at the Yank

Clock struck 7 am and it was time to get work.



Slow mosey down to the Bunker for a warmup.



15 Gravel Pickers IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

5 Burpees for the Train.

The group then split into 2.  Sargento led the men that stayed behind for The Bunker.  7 men in total started out on a mosey from the Bunker.  We went around the back of the Bunker then up on Hawthorne Road then stopped at the bottom of Myrtle street.

10 Squats at the bottom then mosey to next telephone for 10 merkins then mosey back to start.  We went to the next telephone pole on Myrtle each time.  We ended up getting 9 or 10 rounds in until it was time to head back to the Bunker for some joint work between the two groups.  Sargento then took over for some wall work.

Wall sit with a march

10 Dirty hook ups

Wall sit with a march and air press

20 Hip Slappers

Wall sit with a march.

Now that the boot campers rest was over we moseyed back to the park near water fountain. Near fountain we did the following excercise then mosey up the walk way toward the shelter for 5 burpees.

25 Big Boys

50 Overhead claps IC

75 Merkins

100 LBC

Time winding down we fellowship mosey back down to the fountain for bear crawl around half the fountain then up the walk way.  Fellowship mosey back to the Yank.

Time 8:00 am

Sargento took us out with COT.


Prayer Request


Sargento took us out in prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. SYITG



Tiger lead the warmup next to Sammy’s then we fellowship moseyed down to the The Bunker.  The PAX helped me get a few coupons out of the bank of my truck and we started the beat down.

First up  Route 66

Merkins and Lunge walk to the next parking spot

On the way back

Lunges and Bear Crawl to the next parking spot.

Next up we did 3 rounds of work with 5 Burpees in between each set.



Monkey Humpers


Mtn Climbers

Set 2 TABATA  with coupon



Overhead Press

Good mornings

Set 3 Wall work

Wall sit

20 Hip Slappers

10 Dirty Hookups

30 Shoulder taps

Wall Sit until all PAX are done.


Next farmer carry while other PAX did wall sit.  With time running low we were only able to get on set in .  Fellowship mosey back to the Yank.

With a few minutes left time for some core work.

25 reps


High Scissors

Low Scissors

American Hammers

High Flutters

Low Flutters

Time 8:00 a.m.

Tiger took us out with COT


Thanks for the opportunity lead.  SYITG




Inclement Weather

YHC woke up to heavy thunderstorms and thought this is going to be fun.  Make few changes to the weinke and off to the AO.  Arrived to see Dirt and Watts Up vehicles, so I thought they might be on a run.  Getting close to the start and the PAX started showing up.  With 5:30 approaching fast I jump out the truck and start leading PAX to under the school awning with rain and lightning still in the sky.


Warm up


15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

20 Squats OYO

5 Burpees

Mosey to the end of the awning for an escalator.  We used area under awning for the mosey in between sets.  Still lightning.

10 Merkins

20 Big Boys

30 Monkey Humpers

40 Mtn Climbers

10 Burpees to finish set.

Mosey to front of school for larger area to mosey. We did the following excercises with a mosey in between each

25 Big Boys

50 Overhead claps IC

75 Merkins

100 Squats

125 Flutters 4 ct

Next we found wall where we could for 25 Dirty Hook ups then wall sit to rest of the PAX were done for 2 rounds then we moseyed around the parking lot back to the school sign for 20 yard bear crawl.  Train in the background, so 5 burpees for the train then bear crawl back to the sign to finish with some core work.

25 of follow exercises

American Hammers

Flutters count right leg


Reverse Crunch

Heels to heaven


Plank til the end.  Time  6:15am.


Prayer Request


I took us out in prayer.


Thank you men for showing up this morning and the opportunity to lead.  SYITG

We ran



We came, we saw, we ran to Pelicans and back.


Prayer Request


I took us out in Prayer

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  I need this Q.  I haven’t posted since Saturday, so this should get me back on track.  SYITG

Deck of Fun





15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Gravel Pickers IC

20 Squats OYO

10 Burpees

Mosey to parking deck with 5 burpees for the speed bump.

At the bottom of the parking deck we partnered up for a DORA 123

One partner completed the following exercise while the other partner moseyed to the second level of parking deck and back.

100 Merkins

200 Squats

300 Flutters count right foot

Mosey to the very top of the parking deck. We started with an exercise then moseyed down a level to complete the next exercise.  The exercises were:

25 Burpees

50 Overhead Claps IC

75 Merkins

100 Flutters count right leg

125 Monkey Humpers

Time starting to run low we started on a mosey back to the start, but stopped at building for some wall work.

2 rounds of

Wall sit

10 Dirty Hook ups

30 Shoulder taps

Mosey back to the start with 5 burpees for the speed bump.

Time 6:15 am


Prayer request

I took us out in prayer

Name o rama

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.  SYITG

The Storm





10 Gravel Pickers IC

15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

10 Reverse Lunge Count right leg

Mosey to the school the long way by the round a bout for a little Dora 123.  Partner up, 1 partner performs exercise while the other runs to end of walkway.

100 Derkins

200 Step Ups

300 Flutter count right leg

Next we used the 4 corners of the upper parking lot to perform the following exercises while moseying in between the corners.

100 Air Squats

90 LBC

80 Lunges

70 Merkins

60 Mtn Climbers

50 CDD

40 Jump Squats

30 Big Boys

Time running low moseyed back to start.

20 Burpees

10 Hand release Merkins

Time 6:15 am


Prayer Request

I took us out in Prayer.

Name O Rama I keep forgetting to do this before the Prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. SYITG


Extreme Mumblechatter




15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Moroccan Night Clubs IC

5 Eskimo Merkins

20 Squats OYO

Moseyed to Ingles where we used the parking lot to do 2 rounds of Figure Eights or as Leppard said Hour Glasses.  on the corners we did the following exercises while doing 5 burpees when crossing the middle

20 Squats

20 Merkins

20 Lunges count right leg

20 V Ups

We then moseyed to the pharmacy parking lot to use the curb to plank and shuffle left and right while doing 5 merkins when called.  This is were Dr. Seuss really started the harassing of the Q.  So I recycled parts of Dirt’s workout from Tequila Sunrise in an attempt to diversify the workout.

Next up mosey to the church where we used the wall to complete 10,15,20 of the following exercises



Step ups

This is where the wheels came off with what is expected when counting reps on step ups.(Most PAX have been there with not understanding how to count right leg only). The PAX turned on the Q and really ramped up the mubblechatter directed at the Q.  Sister act started it, but Dr. Seuss really took over with more comments about Dirts Q from the day before.

We headed back to the track.  The plan was to partner up for Boo ya Merkins on one side then mosey to the other side of track for 5 Burpees then continue your mosey until you cross again.  Starting with 1 Boo ya Merkins going up to 10.  We managed to complete 3 then the Q Omaha.  Moved back under the shelter for some Tabata work.  20 seconds of work with 10 second of rest.  The first set was the following excersices




Mtn Climbers

Once done we bear crawled to the soccer goal and back

Next set we did




FlutterOnce done we bear crawled to the soccer goal and back

Next up core work

25 reps of


High Flutters

Low Flutters

High Scissors

Low Scissors

American Hammers

Heals to Heavens

Time 8:00 am


Prayer Request


I took us out in Prayer.

Had a great time guys.  Thanks for the mubblechatter and opportunity to lead. SYITG


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