• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 07/06/2023
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Ball Joint
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Slaw, Sarlacc, Ponyboy, Gearwrench, Handcuff, Dr. Suess, Pallbearer

I got the Q again.

Warmup: Normal stuff in circle then mosey up to the flag pole, alternating mosey, nur, and karaoke along the way. At some point Slaw hurt his Tant on the Karaoke…To bad Sister Act wasn’t there to massage it for him…hate to see it.

Thang: Sheldon Cooper Style but with block…so lets call it the David (Goggins) Cooper..I believe they are cousins anyway. 10 down to 1 with a lap in between. Exercises are Blockies, Curls, Tri’s, Squats, Merkins w/block, then 40 lbc every time to engage the core. Everyone pushed hard. The air was soup, and it sucked. That took us the whole time and we moseyed back to start about right on time. Shout out to Handcuff who has returned to us recently and has been hammering down for last 2 weeks! He is getting better too he made it back to shovel flag without walking any 💪 keep pushing Brother!

Look on Slack for a Whetstone/shield lock and sign up!

Annihilation 15th @ Yank w/Tiger

Kids/Dads workout 15th @ Gashouse

2nd F lunch on the 19th @ Pita Wheel Dallas

Slaw Belt Challange going on now..double post at Midoriyama

Jackson Hall
Hacksaw recovery
Kid going to Military/shipping out.
Big Pappy takes on Japan.