Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2023 (Page 10 of 13)

1 hour of Omaha

We’ve had great numbers recently at the Yank but I knew today was going to take a hit, Q vs. Q at Gashouse and BOS put out a clown car opportunity to MeCa a few days ago. But we are there for whoever shows so here’s what I remember.

I was hoping for even numbers so we could play with the blocks Tiger purchased last week and left in the Bunker. 7 HIM joined me by 0700 to say the pledge of allegiance. We moseyed down to the Bucker for the warm up and block werk but the blocks weren’t there. After doing a quick scan we realized they were either stolen for nearby construction or by the city since Tesla talked us into leaving them in the open rather than hidden in the trees. Oh well move on.

Warmup: stretch, gravel pickers, toy soldiers and merkins.

My weinke was out the window due to no blocks so I improvised. We ran over to the side street next Everyday Cafe where we bear crawled two parking spaces then stopped for 10 squats, there were about 10 spaces. We stayed close for some Dora 1 2 3. 100 merkins, 200 shoulder taps and 300 LBCs.

Next we ran to Hawthorne hill for triple nickel of CDDs at the bottom and Big Boys at the top 5 times.

We ended at the track for Tesla’s favorite fourth quarter routine bear crawl slalom.

Back to The Fighting Yank statue for five minutes of Mary: burpees, ab work and a few more burpees.

Lunch at JR Cash’s 3-22 noon
Community Foundation run 4-1, sign up and help push three Speed for Need chairs
F3 Dads workout 4-15 0700 at the Yank
Time laps at Whitewater Center, see Flintstone
Multiple Grow Ruck events

Orangeman’s grand baby to be born very soon
Fannie Mae sister-in-law
Tigers mom
Jane Fonda family’s

YHC took us out

Pleasure to lead this morning and remember to always be prepared.

Coconut Horse – Plan

Following the Extinction Run, a good group of guys gathered at 0630 in the Harris Teeter Parking lot. Most had their ruck sacks  intending for a recovery exercise. All except one. Stroganoff fresh off completing 13 (I think?) miles at the Extinction Run put two fingers on the “f-ck it” button and pressed hard cashing in another 5 miles. JJ joined him. The rest of us took what has become a staple route into Heatherloch so Scratch (Hunchback’s pup) can burn some energy before drop off at his house on the return. BOS and Flintstone lead the way. The rest of us grouped together.

We returned inside the HT for QSource, Chapter 9 of Extreme Ownership’s Plan written by Leif Babin. They used a rescue mission of a hostage as the premise for the lesson. Proper planning begins with mission analysis and directives for the team. The plan must be understood on all levels. Leadership must be briefed clearly and concisely but the boots on the group teammates must be empowered and know the roles well enough to execute which may include covering for someone else if necessary. Once the mission/project is complete, a debrief can identify relative strengths and weaknesses to improve for the future.

Until the next one:

Short Sale

Grapes of Wrath

21 toatal for the QvQ at Midoriyama thursday. This was a matchup we all paid a price for. Me vs Broke! Broke pulled a Freight by campaining a bit. When I pulled up he had voting signs put up with big check marks beside his name. It was great. He also had several bottles of wine sitting out to obviously bribe some for their vote. As you can tell he’s a democrat. He probably offered some money for people to stay at home and not have to workout.


Flintstone started things off with some very flattering words about both of us. Thank you kind sir we are both honored to serve.

I took the reins to start. No time for warmups it’s 5:30 in the evening.

The Thang:

Mosey over to the long parking lot across the street. Line up on a line. 117 yards away there was another line and some cones. Yes 117 yards for those that were asking. I went back and measured the parking spaces=9′ and counted the spaces=39= 351′. The Pax were instructed we would run to the other line and do 3 burpees. The kicker was we would be on a timer and for every man not across the line in time we would add a burpee. We started with 26 seconds. Everyone went a little too hard out the gate not really knowing how long it would take. Most settled in pretty well after that. After our burpees I instructed the Pax we would do the same thing going back, which is slightly uphill, and do 3 jump squats. After that round the fun part started. I informed the Pax that I would be deducting 1 second. It is now 25 seconds to get there. We continued this for my entire 20 minutes. We mixed in some 10 counts as I and I’m sure some others were near merlot. The Pax were hustling! We recieved extra reps a few times but no more than 3-4.

Broke took over and took us back to tha main parking lot where he had 5 cones setup about 10 yds a part for some suicide sprints. Yep more sprinting! By this point most of us were out of sprint. He had us do 10 reps of an exercise then suicide sprint all of the cones. Next 20 reps and sprint. We did this going up to 50 reps and then started back down. Perfect form merkins, squats,  wide arm merkins, hillbilly’s, and hammers I think. With 5 minutes to go he called us to circle up. He gave the challenge-5 burpees, 5 Big Boi’s, 5 squats as many rds as possible in 5 minutes. The winner gets a bottle of wine or if you merlot you get a merlot. Slaw, Gumby and someone else I can’t recall all got a bottle and Broke got 3 votes!

The vote was tight. It was tied coming down to the last vote where of course I was victorious! I retrieved my 2022 Best Q medal, which is kind of like my raslin belt for this competition. There were some laughs and some boos as I entered the circle as the champ. I felt a little like Rick Flair. Some loved him and some loved to hate him. He played his part just as I have learned to play mine. All in all it was smoke fest and a great day for all involved. If you didn’t a little better on Thursday you weren’t trying…..meow.



Announcements-Sign up for the community run/Speed for need 4/1, 2nd F lunch at JR Cash 22nd


Prayer Request-Gumby’s family, Ratchet’s sone/family, Purple Haze’s foot, Turtleman, Huck


I mentioned playing my part. I read Mr Vice, something Dredd wrote, and it just felt right. It is what many of us call a douche canoe but like most things it has it’s purpose. I’m not saying I’ve got this job nailed perfectly but I’m honing my skills. Either way for those that boo, get annoyed, and roll your eyes at my ways just know I’m not just a cocky A-hole. I’m a cocky A-hole that loves you. Read below a piece from the writing and a link for the whole thing.


But his main job, the one that (depending on how well he does it) makes the difference between a successful dining-in and one that just checks the block, is to be an asshole. Mister Vice is supposed to be an asshole, but not the kind that nobody wants to be around because he is a pointless irritant motivated by his own selfish reasons. Mister Vice is another kind of asshole, a guy who dispenses irritation with a point and purpose that is necessary to any gathering of men.

How a good Mister Vice does that is far more art than science, but there are some characteristics that all the successful ones have in common. He must be a tremendously observant guy with a sharp wit and acerbic sense of humor. He must possess an encyclopedic knowledge of arcane uniform and conduct regulations, violations of which he must be capable of spotting at great distance. He must also be self-disciplined enough to remain marginally more sober than everyone else so that he can stay one step ahead of them as the night progresses. And, most importantly, he must truly love both his unit and the men he has been tasked to serve as Mister Vice. Absent that last characteristic, he’ll devolve into the wrong kind of asshole, the pointless irritant

CHAPTER EIGHT: Mister Vice (

Don’t Forget Scrat

5 PAX ran or rucked The Halfpipe. Scrat was there so she should get some sort of credit.

3/9 and 3/11 – QvQ
3/22 – 2nd F Lunch – JR Cash in Mt Holly
4/1 – Community Foundation Run
May – Time Laps at the Whitewater Center

Prayer Requests
Stroganoff Mother-in-law and Gastone Father-in-law
Radar’s sister
Ratchet’s 2.0

Prayer to take us out.

Until next week…

M.A.N. in the Rain

6 HIMs joined me for a precarious weather morning at Tequilla Sunrise. I made a weinke which was weather friendly and could be Modified As Needed. We did get in some laps and a full-body workout. Febreze seems to be a real crowd-pleaser..haha.


Warm-up: Gravel Pickers, Plank Stretch, Toy Soldiers

Lazy Dora

P1 starts with 100 HR Merkins x20 while P2 planks, then switch. 

Next, while P1 does 200 LBCs, x40 P2 performs a 6″ leg hold until P1 is finished, then switch. 

Finally, P1 300 SSH x60 while P2 does Slide Plank, then switch.


On your six, do 2 Big Boy Situps. Remain upright after last BB and lift feet up 6″. Do 10 Air Presses…

Alarm1: oyo

A- Shoulder Taps x10 

L-Lunges x15 

A-Crunchy Frogs x20

R-Rocky Balboa’s x25

M-Merkins x30

Alarm 2: with partner: one pax does a lap  

A- Dips x100

L-Squats x150

A-Flutter Kicks x200

R-Russian Twists x250

M-Mt. Climbers x300

40’s: Dips/Derkins

that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:15‭-‬16 ESV 

This has really struck me that in these verses, Jesus is talking about himself. “Verse 15 says that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. Verse 16 is the most famous summary of The Gospel in the Bible. The purpose of giving his Son was to make God’s great gift of eternal life available to anyone to-whoever believes in him, that is, whoever personally trusts in him.”


22nd lunch

Community Foundation Run-April 1


Radar’s sister 


Tooth Fairy’s 2.0

Wirenut’s family

Ratchet’s 2.0 recovery from brain surgery

Tiger’s mom recovery

Termite’s brother cancer

Calvin’s M 

YHC took us out.

Thanks for your hard work, men!

Coconut Horse 2/12

7 PAX came out to run/ruck at the Coconut Horse. 6 stayed for Q source.

Chapter 6 : Simple

In this chapter Jocko explains the importance of simplicity in our planning and communication as a leader.

In this chapter, Jocko describes a scenario he encountered with a rookie MiTT leader(a US Army officer from a military transition team, deployed to train and combat-advise Iraqi soldiers, known as MiTTs). This MiTT leader come in with a misconception of what they would be up against and was intending to lead his team through a long stretch of hostile territory in Iraq.

Jocko goes on to explain the myriad of complexities in the rookie leaders plan and advised him to carry out a much more reasonable exercise that wouldn’t get the entire group killed.

Even though the MiTT leader followed Jocko’s advice and took the shorter path for their first exercise, the group  encountered heavy fire and were left with two casualties, both Iraqi soldiers, one would be fatal.  This experience rattled the rookie leader and proved Jocko’s point.  Had they carried out the leaders’ original, complex plan, they would have suffered catastrophic losses.

The issue with complexity is that it magnifies the effects of the issues we encounter in battle, and in life. Minimizing complexity and maximizing clear communication better ensures that when the $hit hits the fan, the group can recover and adjust to carry out a successful mission.

As a leader, we must strive to clearly and concisely communicate with our teams. No matter how well we understand our plans, if the team doesn’t understand top to bottom, we have not kept things simple enough and have failed.

In our discussion, several shared examples of similar scenarios playing out in their own lives. I could write a book on overcomplicating and overthinking everything. The best way I’ve found to combat this is to ask myself, “why?” when I’m going down a rabbit-hole and a plan is getting away from me.  This forces me to face some of the questions I’m likely to receive from my team ahead of time and prepare a short, clear response. In other cases, it forces me to realize that some component of my plan is flawed and needs work.

It’s an honor to get to sharpen myself mentally and physically with you guys. I need every one of you, in order to continue pushing and growing. I greatly appreciate it.


Maybe it’s Maybelline💋




It’s a small world after all

Strong showing at The Ricky Bobby included an FNG who showed up out of convenience. Like many of us, he gets pulled in many directions after 0630: family life, work obligations, etc. Shout-out to “White Glove” (I hope I remember that correctly) from the Winthrop/Rock Hill region for opening his eyes to the free beatdown taking place every Wednesday at 0530 just down the street at New Hope Elementary, a very convenient location for Les (KoolAid).  My own experience starting out with F3 was remarkably similar.  First it’s a convenient way to squeeze a workout into a busy schedule, then it’s more than that.  I recently heard a story about how F3 was credited with – no exaggeration – saving someone’s life.  Come out to Bulldog or Pain Lab to find out more about that.  After the workout, KoolAid and I discovered that with multiple kids in the same grades and wives who know each other, our paths have no doubt crossed in the past without us recognizing it.  Small world indeed!  (It’s been stuck in your head ever since you read the title, hasn’t it?)

The full disclaimer for our FNG was predictably, and rightfully, criticized by the PAX.  After a warmup of SSH, Hillbilly Walkers, Nolan Ryans (10xIC) and runners stretch, we recited the 5 core principles then moseyed around the track.

Circled up for COP at the edge of the field, 10 reps each: Mike Tysons (OYO), Freddy Mercurys (IC), Bobby Hurleys (OYO), Hello Dollys (IC)

The Thang:
Count off into 2 groups, evens and odds. Evens run a lap while odds do some work alternating pairs of exercises, 10 reps each, then switch:
– Dips / Derkins
– Reverse Lunges / Squats
– Heels to Heaven / Big Boys
– American Hammers / Burpees (PAX choice! Called simultaneously by Orangeman and Tesla!)

Repeated COP, 15 reps this time.

Counted off again, this time evens bear crawl to middle of field and back while odds do same exercise pairs, then switch.

It was getting close to time, but we completed one more COP (10 reps) and moseyed back to the flag for the pledge and the Mission of F3, flawlessly recited by Tesla.

2nd F events: happy hour Friday; lunch 22nd at JR Cash
Community Foundation run April 1, various CSAUPS – check slack

Prayer intentions:
Rambling Man’s M, Ratchet & family, and the many marriages that are at risk or worse

It was a pleasure to lead this fine group of HIM’s this morning, and welcome KoolAid!

 – Nutria

15 at Ground Assault

There were runners.  There were ruckers.


Lunch 22nd at JR Cash
Community foundation Run – apr 1st
May 15 – young life golf tournament
Old shoes, sneakers – “Sneakers for Kids” – termite, esp needing kids sizes
May 19, kings mountain Ruck
“Time Laps” 24hr Relay whitewater Center
GoRuck – June 10th in Charleston

Thoughts & Prayers (and Gratitude)———-
Jenna Glass – aneurysm
Turtleman cont’d recovery
Ratchet’s son
Termite’s brother-chemo
Tiger – mom
Tooth fairy’s daughter
Kiera – little girl undergoing chemo

Sunrise at Members Only

YHC and the crew gathered at 6;15 am sharp for the ruck launch after a great Extinction Run the day before. Ruckers included Tesla, Eh Ya’ll, Anchorman, Watts Up, Pilgrim’s Progress, Gavel, and Orangeman. Off we went through the hills of Stowe Point and South Belmont. Great sunrise! Perfect weather, high 30s. Runners inlcuded Breaker Breaker, Tiger, Nutria, Freon, Fannie Mae, Jane Fonda.

Q source as on Queen. YHC expanded that from just food to what we ingest overall. It means a lot!


What a Difference a Knee Makes (The Sword 3/6/23)

Good crowd at The Sword this morning.  PAX were off in all different directions running, walking, rucking, you name it.  We reconvened at 06:00 for the word on submission to God.  The group was asked to consider when was the last time they truly submitted to His will.  Then they were asked how it would feel if we dropped to both knees instead of just one and the change it would have on our frame of mind.  We concluded with a ball of men on their knees asking for God’s blessing and favor as we lifted prayers and praises!

Announcements / COT:  Lunch @ JR Cash in Mt. Holly 3/22 / Community Foundation Run (3 chairs for SFN) / Ratchet’s 2.0 / Hayes Family / Turtleman / Clavin’s M / Praise Report for Chubb’s Dad out of ICU & in a room / SA’s back

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