Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 21, 2022 (Page 2 of 2)

The Storm 12/20/22

Cold morning didn’t put a damper on a crowd gathering at The Storm, 16 total.

Start with the mission of F3- to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.  The mission is not about merkins or burpees, it’s about becoming better men.  More than a workout men, make it a mission to participate in the other activities offered this coming year.  Pledge.

Warmup of burpees, SSH, IW, gravel pickers, arm circles, merkins and some stretching.  Breaker brought a car load of blocks, grab them and head to front of school.

Count off and partner up.  One partner does an exercise while other partner runs the circle.  Once runner completes circle switch.  Three rounds and move to next exercise.  Exercises were three rounds of each of blockies, step ups, and thrusters.

Took up most of time, head back to flag carrying blocks.  Circle for some mary, with 5 burpees starting and five more after exercise.  Had time for nolan ryans.

Took a moment for word about importance of doing hard things.  Sign up and train for an event(s) that get you challenged in 2023.  Important to do hard physical things because it also helps train your mentality.

Announcements: 8 block on new years day at each AO, new year’s eve beer mile, Thursday lunch, three month team challenge to start the year, Gearwrench, Hacksaw, and Round Up 50 miler mid January.

Prayer requests: Breaker daughter in law job search, Pax traveling and on IR, Pallbearer and his son, Turtleman, Huck, Wirenut and his family, Tiger and family

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Members Only 12/18

3 Ran, 3 Rucked,  1 led QSource



Push The Rock Challenge – 3month
Beer Run – NYE day morning
3 – 200mi Relay races in 2023 (still sign up)

—–TAPs (Thoughts and Prayers)——-
Thanks for the group for just being here
A PAX is glad for the spot he is in now, after a very tough year
A daughter-in-law looking for a job
Travel safely over the holidays
People who have a hard time at holidays
Gratitude for a great birthday/fellowship hike

Pole to Pole

No I’m not talking about T-bone style sleeping Slaw! If you don’t know look it up in the lexicon. I’m talking about working our way through the park light pole to light pole.

I read a Bible verse that hit me the other day. Proverbs 24:10 If you falter in the day of Adversity, your strength is small.


Pfftttt let’s go get some blocks and mosey down the road to where you first turn in.

The Thang:

Do 5 blockees, run to the next light pole, do 10 jumping lunges(feeling those this morning), run back to your block, rifle carry it to the next pole, and rinse and repeat. Looks to be about 14 poles. This was a good grinding workout!

After that we grabbed some wall at the turd shack. Wall Walk up the wall to the BTTW position then walk back down. Grab your block for 5 thrusters. Rinse and repeat for 5 rounds. Nice! Wall Walk? Plank position with feet against the wall. Now start walking your feet up the wall while walking your hands back to the wall until you are vertically in the Balls To The Wall position. Now walk back down.

That about done it so we grabbed our blocks and headed back.




Announcements-Signup for the competition Flintstone put out ASAP

Prayer Request

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