Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 18, 2022

Tabata and a Flag Handoff

Four HIMs joined YHC for a special day as Time Frame handed the flag over to the new Site Q, Spider Man (albeit a couple weeks late!). However, that would happen later as we had work to do.

After the pledge and a warm-up, YHC explained how tabata was going to work this morning: 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest, 5 exercises, do it twice. There were three rounds in total.

Round 1: kettlebell swings, Halo’s, Squats, Triceps, and merkin pull-throughs (all with the KB). After the second set, waiters carry to the cones and back.

Round 2: LBCs, Flutter kicks, plank, six shooters, big boy cross (bottom of feet pointing together during the sit-up). Waiters carry to the cones and back.

Round 3:  with KB, chest press, pullover, bent row (1 side now, other side on second set), one-legged squats (1 side now, other side on second set), calf raises.

No time for a final mosey, so back to the flag.

Prayer requests for Tube’s guidance, Spider Man’s injury, YHCs Mom.

YHC took us out.

Spider Man has the flag!

It was an honor to lead -Orangeman

Downtown meets “Dee”

10 pax at Downtown this morning. No FNG, so let’s get to work.


SSH x 15(ic), 5 Burpees, Gravel Pickers x 10(ic), 5 Burpees, Hillbillies x 10(ic).

The Thang:

Looking for some WOD workouts that I haven’t done recently, and I stumbled across the “Dee WOD”. I’ve done this one before, but it’s been awhile.  Now I know why.  This one is brutal, and took the majority of our time.  But the pax loved it!!  It goes like this:

4 Rounds

40 Squats

30 Hand Release Merkins

20 Burpees

400m run

We would mosey across Franklin to the corner next to McQuitters wall to start the Dee routine. The run consisted of running down the hill to stop light, left a block, up hill to Franklin.  Perform exercises, then run horseshoe again. The hills on this was an added bonus! Nice push on this one men.  I was smoked after this one.

Mosey back up the street for some core work.  First light pole do 10 Big Boys, 10 V-Ups, 10 American Hammers.  Next light pole perform 9 reps of each exercise.  Continue this until we finished with 1 rep of each exercise at COT.

With a few minutes to spare, we knocked out 10 final Burpees, and Pizza Man lead us with 22 Merkins for the Vets!  Time

Folsom 2/15/2022

16 men at Folsom this morning! Time to work.


SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillies

The Thang:

Stay put at the COT for an extended warmup.  2 exercises called, Burpees and Imperial Walker Squats, for a round of 11s.  Start with 10 Burpees, 1 IW Squat.  Next was 9 Burpees, 2 IW Squats.  8 Burpees, 3 IW Squats.  You know the drill, continue until you finish with 1 Burpee, 10 IW Squats.

Mosey to bottom parking lot, stopping at first corner to right.  4 corner escalator work is called.  Corner 1 is 10 Hand Release Merkins.  Mosey to corner 2 for 10 HR Merkins, 20 American Hammers.  3rd corner is 10 HR Merkins, 20 AH, 30 Bobby Harley’s.  Last corner is 10 HR Merkins, 20 AH, 30 Bobby Harley’s, 40 Mountain Climbers.  Remain in this corner to work our way back down. Here we did 40 MC, 30 Bobby Harley’s, 20 AH, 10 HR Merkins.  Next corner is 30 Bobby Harley’s, 20 AH, 10 HR Merkins.  Next corner is 20 AH, 10 HR Merkins.  Last corner is 10 HR Merkins.

Mosey to bottom of parking lot, and line up on first line.  Called one of my go to routines, Route 66 with bear crawl.  Start at first line for 1 Mike Tyson.  Bear crawl 2 lines, then 2 Mike Tyson’s.  Bear crawl another 2 lines, 3 Mike Tyson’s.  Continue this until you finish with 11 Mike Tyson’s.  That is a tough one!

Short mosey to entrance of COT parking lot.  Still with some time remaining, called Triple Nickel.  5 burpees at bottom, run to first light pole for 5 Big Boys, then back down. Complete 5 rounds of this.  Then short mosey to flag, Time!



Prayer Request


Appreciate the chance to lead today men.  Guys really pushing each other out there, nice work!


This is not Diablo Sammich?

As the PAX begin to show up they were thanking me for choosing the Pub to Q the morning’s run.  I had no clue what they were talking about.  Evidently I was suppose to Q Diablo Sammich also which I was totally unaware of.  Very large Q fail.  Clock struck 5:30 a.m.



We ran to Pelicans and back.  Received some feedback from some of the PAX that Dr. Suess was talking some trash about me double booking the Q.  Then he left everyone in the dust with his fast running.  What a show off.

Time 6:15 am


Prayer Request

I took us out in the prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  I have already taken necessary steps to not let his happen again.  I am signed up on Team Up. SYITG

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