Four HIMs joined YHC for a special day as Time Frame handed the flag over to the new Site Q, Spider Man (albeit a couple weeks late!). However, that would happen later as we had work to do.
After the pledge and a warm-up, YHC explained how tabata was going to work this morning: 50 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest, 5 exercises, do it twice. There were three rounds in total.
Round 1: kettlebell swings, Halo’s, Squats, Triceps, and merkin pull-throughs (all with the KB). After the second set, waiters carry to the cones and back.
Round 2: LBCs, Flutter kicks, plank, six shooters, big boy cross (bottom of feet pointing together during the sit-up). Waiters carry to the cones and back.
Round 3: with KB, chest press, pullover, bent row (1 side now, other side on second set), one-legged squats (1 side now, other side on second set), calf raises.
No time for a final mosey, so back to the flag.
Prayer requests for Tube’s guidance, Spider Man’s injury, YHCs Mom.
YHC took us out.
Spider Man has the flag!
It was an honor to lead -Orangeman