Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 13, 2022

Gashouse Special

It was a perfect morning to make it a great day at the Gashouse. 8 HIM were there to push the rock and show their knowledge of all things F3 and other letters. This is what happened…

Disclaimer, no FNGs

Pledge of Allegiance

YHC began the questioning with one that we don’t cover too often. What is the mission of F3? The answer was given by past Nantan Stroganoff, “To plant, grow and serve small men’s workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.” Past Nantan Whoopee explained that it was originally “for the re-invigoration of male community leadership.” Either way you say it, F3 is obviously more than just a workout, it’s also a leadership organization! With that, the PAX split up and the bootcampers followed YHC away to destinations unknown.

We moseyed up Garrison and ended up in the back of 1st Presbyterian church. YHC asked the PAX how many letters are in the alphabet, with the answer of 26 given by some wise PAX. With that, the Thang was revealed.

The Alphabet!!!

A – American Hammers x20 IC

B- Big Boy Situps x20 OYO

C – CDDs x20 IC

D – Daniel Sons x20 OYO

E – E2K x10 IC each leg (look it up)

Take a lap around the church. Upon return and the 6 arriving, YHC asked for one of the core principles of F3. Someone said it was Open to All Men. That right it is! Mosey, stopping for a few seconds of wall sit and then resuming until we reached the parking lot of Parkwood Baptist where we returned to the regularly scheduled programming.

F – Flutter Kicks x50 IC

G – Goofballs x50 IC

H – Hillbillies x 25 IC

I – Imperial Walkers x25 IC

J – Jingle Balls x25 IC (YHC joked around and called this something silly during the workout but Defib called it correctly)

Take a lap around the church. Upon returning, YHC called for another of the core principles. “Peer led” was the call I think. Mosey across the street to the Grier track and our regularly scheduled programming.

K – Knerkins x20 OYO

L – LBCs x50 IC

M – Monkey Humpers x25 IC

N – Nolan Ryans x10 IC each side

O – Whoopee called something I can’t recall, which we did IC. Then we did Outlaws x10 IC each direction.

Take a lap around the track. Upon returning YHC called for another core principle. “Men only” was the call I think. Mosey back across the street to the library and our regularly scheduled programming.

P – Plank Jacks x25 IC

Q – Quick Step (a Sargento original) x25 IC

R – Rocky Balboas – x25 IC

S – Side Straddle Hops x25 IC

T – Turkish Getups – there was dispute about whether you can use a hand to get up. Because of this dispute, most PAX didn’t do the exercise. Whatevs. Take a lap!

Upon returning, YHC called for another core principle. “Ends in a COT” was given. The final core principle of “Free” was called out as well. Mosey across the street to the museum for the finale of the the beatdown.

U – Up Downs x 1 OYO

V – V-Ups x 10 IC

W – Werkins x20 IC

X – skipped it

Y – skipped it

Z – Zombie walk across the parking lot.

Time! Great job hanging with plenty of mumblechatter to boot!

Announcements: Rice N Beans Tuesday, 2nd F Lunch at JR Cash’s Wednesday, Inaugural HIM retreat next weekend.

Prayer requests: Gumby’s back, T Square, Tube’s brother in law, Living Hope church plant, Tax Break’s family on the loss of his mom

Great group of men out at the original AO this morning. Keep pushing the rock men and remember, Always Be EHing!!!

Members Only – Preparedness

Some ran, some rucked, and there some EC miles.

The Pledge


Announcements – Rice & Beans on Tuesday, Retreat this coming weekend, 2nd F lunch on Wednesday @ JR Cash in Mt Holly.
Prayer Request

Tesla and M

Sargento’s M

Tiger’s M and step son

Bos’ friend of family with cancer

Breaker’s uncle

YHC closed out in Prayer and then coffee and QSource.


A few new things

Warm up with seal jacks and toy soldiers, 15xIC, then merkins, Nolan Ryans and plank jacks (10xIC).

The Thang:  Brought a couple new things to share what I’ve seen in other regions.  First is the ski jump from “Churham” (Chapel Hill/Durham)  – drop down to a low squat position on a slow 1-2-3 cadence then jump when Q says “Up.” We did 5 of these.  Next, not really new, was a mash-up of Apollo Ohno’s and Bonnie Blair’s. Should’ve tested that one out myself beforehand.

OK, let’s mosey. But, we’re taking the flag with us (like they do in Chicago as I learned from a visit last fall). High-knees across the bridge to Goat Island Park for an Indian run where the first in line carries the flag and the last man stops for 5 hand-release merkins before catching up to the front. This takes us about 2 laps around the park.

Next stop is the picnic benches for derkins, dips, and step-ups, 10 each.

Carioca back towards the bridge, circle up where the paths intersect.  Merkins, Nolan Ryans, Plank jacks (15xIC) then some ab exercises.

Mosey around the park then back to the picnic benches for derkins, dips, and step-ups, 15 each.

Carioca back towards the bridge, circle up where the paths intersect.  This time, round of Mary.   Bouquet brought up something new with a low plank mountain-climber type of thing that should definitely come back up in the future.  Amidst the groans of the PAX, he even told a decent joke about a Buddhist guy.

Mosey around the park then back to the picnic benches for derkins, dips, and step-ups, 20 each.

Carioca back towards the bridge, circle up where the paths intersect.  Just enough time for a few more exercises, then head back for COT.  Don’t forget the flag; high-knees across the bridge.

Pledge, announcements.

Prayer requests:
BOS’s colleague going through chemo

Privileged to lead!

 – Nutria

Groundhog Day

Warmup started with the patented stretch left over right followed by the right over left. Showing respect for the sight Q we then preformed a round of  micro mercins. Lastly some more stretching. At this point Whoopee left the group for work.

moseyed over to the picnic shelter for a round of three exercises, step ups, dips and LBCs. Lunge walk from the road to the shelter.  First set 10 each. Second set 15 each and third set 20 each.

Second stop was in the center of the baseball fields. Started with a one minute walk sit. Followed by hip slappers. Then another wall sit. And finally dirty hookups.

We made our way over to the hill at the front of the complex for a set of 11s. Side straddle hops at the top and LBCs at the bottom.

In honor of groundhogs day we went back to the picnic shelter to rinse and and repeat the first stop.

Next we made our way back the park lot for the pledge and COT. Stroganoff showed up for COT after rucking.

Minimum of 2 to play the game

Its looking like it’s just me a Voodoo for the split to Painlab. The group separates and me and Voodoo grab a corner of the parking lot, crank up our favorite 80’s hair band and proceed to put the work in. Then here comes Tax Break sneaking in with his EV. Sweet, and he brought some toys for us to play with. Now we have a curl bar, abs wheel and dumbbells for stations. Let’s start with warm-ups. Now for the meat and potatoes.
Set 1: 50 secs of work/ 10 secs to transition
Merkins, curl your kettle, o/h press w/kettle, o/h triceps ext. w/kettle, isolated row switch arms half way, decline chest press on six w/ kettle & hips up, shadow boxing in squat position. R&R
Set 2: 50 secs of work/ 10 secs to transition
Crunches, rev. crunches, flutters, American hammers, big boys, Superman’s, baby makers. R&R
Set 3: Stations 50 secs of work/ 10 secs to transition
Romanian deadlifts w/ dumbbells’, abs roller – extend as far as you can go, slam ball, curl bar w/ 35lbs.

We put the work in today and kept the cardio up. Good work men!

Prayers for Tax Break and his family. He lost his mother last week unexpectedly when he thought she was getting out of the hospital. The Lord has other plans. Prayers to all other Hims dealing right now, we all have something going on.

Live Courageous

There were 3 runners and 4 Ruckers on this cold, rainy morning.

YHC closed us out in a short devotional from a friend, Live Courageous


Live Courageous


Nehemiah 2:18

“Then I told them how the hand of my God had been favorable to me and also about the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said, “Let us rise up and build.” So they thoroughly supported the good work.”

The above picture is from my 13-year-old all-star team in Columbus County. It was a good summer; we were just a bunch of country boys playing video games, cropping tobacco, and cutting grass during the day. In the evening, we would beat the brakes off whatever all-star team from the city that was brave enough to show up that day. They pulled up in nice vans with nice bags, new bats, and sweet uniforms. We jumped out of the back of our dad’s pickup truck with an army bag full of 20-year-old helmets, last year’s discounted bats, and crushed whoever we played. I learned a valuable lesson about courage that year. To begin the summer, we played the local 14-year-old all-star team. Even though they were only one year older, they were legends to us. I batted second that summer and my buddy Chris Baker hit leadoff. The starting pitcher for the 14-year-old team was throwing absolute smoke in warmups and we all stood in the dugout silently wondering if we could hit it or not. Coach called me and Baker over and said, “Baker is going to get on with a single, then, I’m calling a hit and run, and Lincoln is going to smoke this guy’s best fast ball in the gap for a double, Baker will score from first, Lincoln will be on second and we are going to light these boys up.” Sure enough, Baker singled, I stepped in the box and coach called a hit and run. I smoked a first pitch fastball off the sweet spot of last year’s “Air Attack 2” bat just left of second base. But the shortstop caught it because he was covering second on the steal and doubled off Baker for a double play. Our number three hitter popped out and the inning was over. This may seem like a failure, but it wasn’t, because that result didn’t matter. We were jacked up because we now knew we could hit this guy. The courage was contagious.


That’s how courage works. Just because you step up to the plate and hack doesn’t mean the chips will fall in your favor. Being courageous doesn’t secure a desired outcome. Being courageous is living in a way that steps up to the plate regardless of the smoke you’re going to face. When the challenge arises, there are two types of people: people that fall back and people that dig in and swing away. In the scripture above, Nehemiah shares his vision with the people, and they say, “Let’s rise up and build”. In Hebrew, this verb means to “stand” or “arise” to fulfill a command. When we know what God wants us to do, we can “rise up” with courage to fulfill the command, regardless of the challenges. My journey following Jesus has been marked by one simple truth: I’m willing to do what most others are scared to do. That’s not because I’m confident in me, but I’m confident in the one who gave me the command I’m rising up to fulfill. Yeti Hunters live courageous, everybody else plays it safe. God’s Kingdom is built through people that courageously fulfill the commands God gives. Which one will you choose

The Bunker – 2/12/22 WOD

10 MINUTE AMRAP 1 (0:00-10:00)

5 burpees

15 kettlebell swings

2 minutes rest (10:00-12:00)


10 MINUTE AMRAP 2 (12:00-22:00)

16 single arm kettlebell hang clean and jerk (8 per side)

20 reverse goblet kettlebell lunges (alternating, 10 per leg)

2 minutes rest (22:00-24:00)


10 MINUTE AMRAP 3 (24:00-34:00)

20 Drinking Bird Kettlebell Deadlifts (10 left, then set up again and do 10 right)

16 Power to the People kettlebell presses (8 with right foot off the floor; 8 with left foot off the floor)

2 minutes rest (34:00-36:00)


10 MINUTE AMRAP 4 (36:00-46:00)

60 second high knees clutching kettlebell to chest

20 froggers



Comfort Crisis

Good size crowd at The Fighting Yank this Saturday morning. A few did some D2D training but I threw them in the BB anyway because they did the work! Good group for some EC as well. Despite some pretty good temps my hands got really cold during the ruck and it took until mid workout for me to get them warmed up. During the ruck when I complained Breaker started talking about the comfort crisis book and basically told me i was a wimp and my hands weren’t really cold.


SSH, Low slow squat, butt kickers, and high knees.

The Thang:

On airline st we lined up for some merkincides. Run to the first pole on the right, do 25 merkins, and run back. Rinse and repeat until you get to the 90deg curve(about 7 poles). Anytime you pass one of the three poles on the left you do a burpee.

That sucked, lets mosey. We stopped for a little core time. Some lbcs, flutters, and then added them together for LBFCs.

Over at the hill at Hawthorne we partnered up for some Dora 123. 100 hand release merkins, 200 lunges(count each), 300 flutter kicks(count one leg).  The run utilized the gravel trail through the natural area.

Up Hawthorne we stopped at each house for an over head clap. Adding one at each house(14 houses).

Mosey up Keener to Poplar. Orangeman mentioned it was unfortunate I was learning all the streets in Belmont.

Run Poplar back to Main. At each road opening do 5 squat jumps(6-7). At each power pole on the right do 10 seal jacks(around 12-14).

On our way back down Main we stopped at the church for some work. Howling monkeys, Ring of fire, 5 rounds of Captain America(1:4 ratio of burpee/lateral bunny hop).

Mosey back for the COT.


Announcements-retreat this coming weekend has room for more

Pledge-someone was very excited about getting to say the pledge


First Q at Folsom

YHC showed up to Folsom to the PAX filtering in getting ready for the beat down on a beautiful morning.



5 Principles of F3

Warm up


Imperial Walkers 15 IC

Merkins 10 IC

Gravel Pickers 10 IC

Squats 20 OYO

5 Burpees

Mosey down to the end of the lower parking lot.

Route 66

Merkins and Lunge Walk two parking spots.  Mosey back to where we started

Route 66

Squats and bear crawl two parking spots.Mosey to Tennis Courts.  Time for an escalator. Started at one corner of the tennis court complex.  The exercise were 10 merkins, 20 Big Boys, 30 Pulsing Squats, 40 Mountain Combers count 1 leg. then mosey to next corner. At the first corner 10 Merkins, mosey down to second corner 10 Merkins, 20 Big Boys.  Mosey down to the 3rd corner 10 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 30 Pulsing Squats, mosey to the fourth corner 10 merkins, 20 Big Boys, 30 Pulsing, 40 Mountain Climbers.  Mosey back to the start and plank for the six.

4 Corners with mosey inbetween corners

Corner 1

30 SSH

20 Squats

10 Merkins

Corner 2

30 Mountain Climbers

20 Lunges

10 Merkins

Corner 3

30 Monkey Humpers

20 Burpees

10 Merkins

Corner 4

30 Feddie Mercuries

20 Plank Jacks

10 Merkins

Dora 123- One partner worked while the other ran down and back on tennis courts

100 Merkins

200 Squats

300 Flutters (Count both legs)

While completing Dora YHC heard a train, so you guessed it 5 burpees for the train even tho the PAX said that is not a thing in NOGA.

Time for some core work TABATA style. 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes


American Hammers


Freddie Mercuries

Another mosey around the courts and back to the start where are charged Sarlacc with leading exercises until the 6 was in.  He chose cherry pickers which seemed to be a big hit in NOGA.  Time 8:00 am.



Prayer Request

Name o rama

I took us out in prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men. Welcome FNGs Arch, Velvetta, Shatner.  SYITG


Great day to be in the gloom.

The PAX showed up in force this morning.  The clock struck 5:30 a.m.



5 Principles of F3 then fellowship Mosey to basketball courts.

Warm up


Gravel pickers IC 10

Merkins IC 10

Monkey Humpers IC 15

5 Burpees

Mosey to the Davis Park parking lot for Route 66. We did Merkins going on eway then Monkey Humpers on the way back.

Mosey to Tennis Courts.  Time for an escalator. Started at one corner of the tennis court complex.  The exercise were 10 merkins, 20 Big Boys, 30 Pulsing Squats, 40 Mountain Combers count 1 leg. then mosey to next corner, but do burpee in between tennis courts.At the first corner 10 Merkins, mosey down to second corner 10 Merkins, 20 Big Boys.  Mosey down to the 3rd corner 10 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 30 Pulsing Squats, mosey to the fourth corner 10 merkins, 20 Big Boys, 30 Pulsing, 40 Mountain Climbers.  Mosey back to the start and plank for the six.   Once the six was in we took a mosey around the tennis courts.

Back to the starting corner  we did the following work

15 Burpees

20 Reverse Lunges

15 Merkins

20 LBC’s

20 Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey to the opposite of tennis courts and completed

30 Mountain Climbers

20 Squats

20 CDD

20 Freddie Mercuries

20 Plank dips

Mosey back to the start.  Time for Jack Webbs 1 Merkin, 1 Air press all the way up to 8 then back down to 1.  With time running short SSH for about a minute before switching to Monkey Humpers until time 6:15 a.m.


Prayer Request

Name o Rama

I took us out in Prayer.


Thanks for coming out this morning.  It was a privilege to lead.  SYITG

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