Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2021 (Page 4 of 11)

A Non- F3 Sanctioned Cooper

It’s getting colder and darker at Midoriyama, so YHC planned to keep the PAX close together and moving. It’s also easier to keep tabs on our more “Senior” PAX in attendance. They have a tendency to wander off from time to time. With that in mind, we began.

Warmup consisted of SSH, Don Q’s, Grass Pickers, and some stretches.


YHC gave each PAX their own piece of chalk then we went to the parking lot on the other side of the turd shack. YHC announced we would be performing the “Cooper” workout. It’s more like the Sheldon Cooper, but no big deal. It goes like this:

10 Rounds of-

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Big Boys
  • 10 Squats
  • Run a lap around the parking lot

The PAX immediately informed the Q that this wasn’t the Cooper but some other stupid B.S. that the Q had dreamed up. YHC assured them this was the Cooper. The chalk was provided for the guys to keep up with how many rounds were completed (or to write slanderous remarks about other PAX’s favorite football team). Mumblechatter was rather lively due to PAX of the year Freight offering his constructive sarcasm to some, or most, or all of the guys. The guys were also discussing whose fantasy football team sucked the most, and one PAX who insisted that this was NOT the Cooper reminded YHC a few times during the workout. This took most of our time, so we finished out with 5 minutes of Mary.


  • Convergence on 1/1/22 at Midoriyama @0700
  • Biloxi half marathon last weekend in January

Prayer Requests:

  • Broke’s Mom
  • Big Pappy and his Family
  • Purple Haze and his family
  • Sargento’s friend diagnosed with breast cancer
  • Foster children during the Christmas season

Praise Report:

Wojo is the proud dad of a baby girl! Congrats, brother!

YHC took us out in prayer.


The guys grinded the Cooper out tonight. It was a tough one, but that’s why we’re out here. YHC was corrected after the workout about the Cooper workout. Per the F3 Exicon, each round is supposed to descend by 1 rep (10,9,8….all the way down to 1). YHC stands corrected. He had found his version of the Cooper on a crossfit WOD website! Oh well. No one died, and we all got a little bit better for it!

L8R SK8Rs,




First In Flight

16 strong at Tequila Sunrise on an unusually warm December morning.  As it is National Wright Brothers Day this workout is themed in their honor.

Warm ups included SSH’s,  Abe Vigodas, Imperial Walkers and Jingle Balls.  Try not to hurt yourself!

Mosey to the VFW for Pledge

22 CDD’s OYO
22 LBC’s IC
22 Squats OYO
22 Imperial Walkers
22 Plank Jacks OYO
10 Merkins IC

Mosey to the  back of the School
20 Hip Slappers OYO
20 Dirty Hookups OYO
20 Wall Slaps

Mosey to the Baptist Church
10 Burpees OYO
15 Chinooks front IC
15 Chinooks Back IC
30 Mountain climbers OYO
20 Crunchy Frogs IC
20 WW1 OYO
15 Box Cutters IC
20 Squats OYO
10 Merkins OYO

Mosey to Foursquare Church
25 Freddie Mercuries IC
30 Curb Touch OYO
30 Morrocvan Nightclubs IC
30 Plank Jacks OYO
15 Flutter Kicks High
15 Flutter Kicks Medium
15 Flutter Kicks  Low
15 Gus Pumps IC
25 Squats OYO

Mosey back to Belmont Central
15 Pickle Pounders L
15 Pickle Pounders R
15 American Hammers
10 Merkins IC

Easter egg was in the numbers today.  The number of reps of each set was the feet that was flown in each flight that day.  The total reps was the length of the last flight.

Announcements – Check slack for holidays workouts

Prayers –
All with Cancer
All with Covid
All travelling
Peace during the holidays

A little hectic but as always humbled and honored to serve as Q this morning, thank you for the opportunity to lead!


God’s Greatest Gift to Us

9 was the number of HIM’s that got better at Folsom this morning.

The WarmUp:

10 IC Gravel Pickers


Moroccan NightClubs while YHC explained the Thang.

The Thang:

At every light pole to the flag at the entrance of the park plus at the fork in the road, which equals 10, do the following:

1 Burpee

5 Merkins

10 Shoulder Taps

Pledge at the flag

3 minutes of Cherry Pickers

Mosey to the parking lot

Dirty, Dirty 11’s (2 speed humps)

Hand release merkins, Burpee, Burpee, CDD’s

Burpees at each speed hump both ways

3 minutes of Cherry Pickers (some PAX where starting to loose their form at this point)

Mosey to the Horse rink

Triple Dime (10 reps x 3 exercises x 3 sets)

10  Dips

10 Pull ups

10 Derkins

3 minutes of Cherry Pickers (form was really worse on this one for several guys

Indian Run back to the main parking lot with HIM in the rear doing 2 Burpees.

We were 2 minutes late back to the parking lot.


God’s Greatest Gift to Us

God’s response to our rebellion was to give us himself. He is the great, redeeming, transforming gift. He is the rescue. He is the forgiveness. He is the restoration. He is life, hope, peace, and security. There is no salvation apart from him. There is no deliverance from the presence and power of sin apart from him. There is no restored relationship with God apart from him. There is no new heaven and new earth apart from him. There is no end to sickness and suffering apart from him. There is no defeat of death apart from him. There simply is no such thing as redeeming grace and all that it means apart from the willingness of God to give us himself in the person of the Messiah, Jesus.

Jesus is the grace of God, given to sinners who cannot free themselves from the death grip of sin. Look into that manger at that baby boy and see grace. The Christmas story is about grace in its most shocking and surprising form. The Lord of lords, one of incalculable glory, humbles himself and takes on human flesh and blood. The Creator, in a way that boggles the mind, becomes the created. The One who made a perfect world now exposes himself to a world stained with imperfections. The judge of all things places himself under judgment. The One who deserves worship becomes the Lamb of sacrifice. The One who deserves everyone’s love subjects himself to being despised and rejected. The One who owns all things lives with no place to call home and no place to rest his weary head.

Come, Let Us Adore Him


Convergence Jan 1 @ 7:00 at Midoriyama

Jan 8th – Ball Joint’s 1 Year Anniversary Q at Folsom

Prayer Request:

Big Pappy’s family

Sister Act’s family

Wichita’s co worker

Mayor’s M

Kids in Foster Care

Shout out to Bedpan for allowing me to swap Q’s with him this morning.

I took us out!

Sarlacc out!!

A Warm and Wet Coconut Horse

7 showed in the gloom for some running at Coconut Horse.  It rained a little.  It was warm for December.  Fun was had by all.

We also had 7 for a discussion on the 8 Block and One Word for 2022.


Convergence on January 1 at Midoriyama.

Many prayer requests unfortunately.

Until the next one.  Aye.


Christmas: A single word to sum it up

12 HIMS showed up to get better this morning, well the Q (Huckleberry) got out of his truck in shorts and t shirt and sounded awful, but was still there. We were honored to have the incoming Nantan (Sargento) in our gloom this morning. Everyone did miles this morning.


A Single Word to Sum Up Christmas

If you had to summarize the Christmas story with one word, what word would you choose? Now, your word would have to capture what this story points to as the core of human need and the way God would meet that need. Do you have a word in mind? Maybe you’re thinking that it’s just not possible to summarize the greatest story ever with one word. But I think you can. Let’s consider one lovely, amazing, history-changing, and eternally significant word.

It doesn’t take paragraph after paragraph, written on page after page, filling volume after volume to communicate how God chose to respond to the outrageous rebellion of Adam and Eve and the subtle and not-so-subtle rebellion of everyone since. God’s response to the sin of people against his rightful and holy rule can be captured in a single word. I wonder if you thought, “I know the word: grace.”

Without the gift of Jesus, grace would be a promise with no power.


But the single word that captures God’s response to sin even better than the word grace is not a theological word; it is a name. That name is Jesus. God’s response wasn’t a thing. It wasn’t the establishment of an institution. It wasn’t a process of intervention. It wasn’t some new divine program. In his infinite wisdom God knew that the only thing that could rescue us from ourselves and repair the horrendous damage that sin had done to the world was not a thing at all. It was a person, his Son, the Lord Jesus.

Prayer request:

Big Pappy and family, Sister Act’s 2.0, Sargento’s friend, Wichita’s co worker, many others.


Convergence Jan 1 @ Midoriyama 7am

We did pledge

Wichita took us out.

Sarlacc out.

Modify As Needed

With 75% chance of rain on this warm December Saturday,  the original Weinke got modified.  Instead of the usual Bunker location, let’s use the picnic shelter at the top of the hill near the track.  Though the rain didn’t get us, 3 PAX finished the workout dripping wet with sweat.  Here’s how it went down.

Warmup with The Yank bootcampers:  SSH, Hillbilly walkers (15xIC), Nolan Ryans (10xIC each arm).  Split groups; Bunker PAX haul coupons to the upper picnic area.

The Thang:

First things first, set up tunes on the bluetooth speaker.  This is becoming more efficient with less technology-fumbling.  Picnic tables were already conveniently positioned along the sides, so after scooting one a few feet over we started at one end of the shelter.

5 burpees, then lunge-walk to other side
10 hand-release merkins, then bear crawl to other side
15 coupon pull-overs, then lunge-walk to other side
20 leg lifts, then bear crawl to other side
25 coupon swings, then lunge-walk to other side
30 derkins, then bear crawl to other side
35 big boy situps, then coupon-carry to other side
40 rows, then coupon-carry to other side
45 flutter kicks (holding coupon)

Brief 10-count, then rinse and repeat with 5 reps added to all exercises.  Another 10-count, then Round 3 with original rep count.  Finished up just in time for a slow mosey to the flag with the bootcampers.

Convergence 1/1/22 7:00 at Midoriyama
Rice n Beans – Tuesday in Belmont (check with Tiger or Slack for details)

Prayer Requests:
Top Hat’s friend Dean Reep
Doodles’ parishioners:  Chip; the Shuler family
Bubba Sparxxx’s brother-in-law with spinal injury
Tesla’s in-laws
All those struggling with loneliness or anxiety during holidays

Gnarley Goat sent us out in prayer.

Lagniappe:  I appreciate the good mumblechatter from Doodles and Voodoo – I had to interrupt several times to call the next exercise!  We didn’t solve any the world’s problems, but we heard about quite a few of them.  It’s helpful to be able to share the struggles and challenges we’re facing as well as hear about the struggles of others.  It helps to put my own problems in perspective.  Thanks gentlemen for some hard rock-pushing!

Always a privilege to lead,

 – Nutria

Somebody made the naughty list!

The gloom was in full effect this morning when YHC rolled in a little before 5:45 to get in some training for the Biloxi Half with Freight, SA and Gold Digger. Quiche and Buckeye were already logging miles and stopped back by to meet up with Sargento, who was the scheduled Q and had committed to some EC. After standing around in the rain waiting for our fearless leader, newly appointed Nantan, pusher of all things rocky and generally good guy to show it became evident that he had chosen to abandon his tribe this morning and was most likely still enjoying the fartsack. I guess he spent a little too much time with Allen Tate at the Christmas Party last week and developed some of his bad habits. No choice but to leave him at this point, maybe he’ll show for the regular start time.

6:30 – Quiche, Buckeye and Virus at the AO, but still no Sargento

6:45 – Seuss arrives at the AO after a run at Crossroads, but still no Sargento

7:15 – Everyone back at the AO after various distance runs, but still no Sargento


What could have happened? Is everything ok? Should we go to his house and check on him? Turns out all is well, he evidently just had a late night and possibly a little too much egg nog. Gonna take a while to live this one down brother!



Convergence at Midoriyama 1/1/2022 at 0700

Tequila Sunrise moved to 0700 start on 12/24

Yank open 12/25 – 0700 start all other AO’s closed


Prayer Request

Broke’s mom

Tiger’s family

Buckeye’s sister with new baby


YHC took us out.
I’m Broke

Pause to Poo!

It was truly a SYITG type of morning at Crossroads today.  A slight drizzle was in the air but fortunately the temp was pushing 60.  YHC arrived to find Dr. Seuss and Roundup having already completed 6ish and Dr. Seuss fixing to leave to join the other Folsom area deserters for a long run at Members Only.  It looked liked it was going to be me and Sarlacc but with zero on the clock in rolls Slaw… “sorry, I had to POO”!!!  Off we went and back we returned.  With only 3 of us it was an easy Name-O-Rama, I didn’t even have to move!  We moved inside to Ingles for a final lesson on Lizard Building to wrap up the Q-Source series for the year.  Oh, and we did get to see an “extremely dapper” Pizza Man stopping by for his morning cup of Joe headed to church!

Announcements:  Convergence 1/1/ 2022 at Midoriyama @ 07:00

Prayer Requests:  Slaw’s M, Sarlacc’s current foster kid & foster kids in general during Christmas, others that have lost loved ones during the Holidays, Purple Haze’s 2.1’s basketball coach (Aaron Moir) who suddenly passed away a couple of days ago (Wife Brynn & 2 kids).

Scuze Me While I Kiss the Sky!  PH

The Journey Back to the Top Begins with the First Step

The PAX have spoken, or at least voted. Congratulations to Big Pappy being honored as 2021 Q of the year. Do I sound disgruntled? Some at the workout say I could be or maybe they were trying to ignite me into an F-bomb. The PAX also surmised the voting could have been influenced by the Folsom folks. So much for a democratic voting process – maybe George Soros has some interest in our region? Ah – that’s a rabbit hole we don’t need to visit. Let’s move on to the beatdown. Initially I tried to get on the Folsom calendar for today but Site Q Ball Joint said Breaker beat me to the request. No worries – I texted Freight and he obliged to let me have the Q this morning. The forecast called for rain so I organized the Weinke accordingly, making use of the covered picnic area. I rolled up with two minutes to spare and couldn’t get the speaker’s blue-tooth to connect – Q-fail. One minute late starting so had to make do. A veteran crew but Broke mentions his back hurts. I offer the disclaimer “do whatever you want to – I’ll offer some suggestions.” Here we go:

Warm-up – no cadence necessary

  • SSH
  • 4×4 (4 merkins + 4 mtn. climbers)
  • Squat Jack Twist
  • Flying Squirrel
  • Shoulder Tap + Plank Jack
  • 8 Count Body Builder
  • Jump Rope (no rope, just pretend)
  • Ski Abs
  • 180 Jump Squats
  • Single Line Suicide (don’t attempt to do this w/o me present)

We rolled through 10 exercises at 30 seconds each, taking a 30 second rest after the first set and repeating. Ten minutes of pure cardio. I had the PAX wondering if we’d go the rest of the hour at this pace; I considered it but had other plans. The rain held off – lets mosey.

Thang: Fellowship mosey out of the parking lot. Thankfully Pizza Man is with us and I lean on him as my cruise director. Right on N Maple, Left on W Church. At the corner of Church/Pine, we do 10 merkins + 10 squats + 10 mtn. climbers (count one side). Mosey south on Pine to W Carpenter – do the routine. Go one block and head north to the back street of the grocery store – stop and do the drill. Go out of the parking lot and turn right on W Main St – go one block and do the drill. Go to the next block on Maple – do the drill. Go another block to Oakland – do the drill. Make sure Seuss gets to the side of the road as more cars interfere with him running in the right lane. Go one block to N Holland – do the drill. Turn right and go south on Holland – I briefly consider asking the PAX to do pull-ups at Pizza Man’s house but since I can’t do them – I keep us moving. At the corner of W Church and Holland – do the drill again. Head back into the parking lot and one final time of the set. That makes 90 of each exercise – I had in my head to do 10 sets so fell short by one. This kept our cardio up and the mosey kept the chatter going – all good in my book.

Return to the picnic shelter and find a table or space. I did a garage workout focused on lower body this past Monday night. It was a leg burner for sure. Check it out if you ever need to work your legs. I didn’t want to completely focus on legs, so added upper body and core to round out the routine. We did two exercises at 10 total reps (5 each leg or side when called for or 10 total) in four minute sets with one minute rest between. I think the PAX will agree, the first one or two times through are okay but that third one comes and you begin to feel it – usually with about two minutes to go. Here it is:

  • Seated Jump Squats (butt touches the bench, then jump) x 10 + Step-ups (5 left, 5 right)
  • Dips x 10 + Burps x 10
  • Flutter Kicks x 10 (one side) + LBCs x 10
  • Glute Bridge x 10 + Lunge (5 right, 5 left)
  • Derkins x 10 + SSH x 10
  • Heel clicks x 10 (squat then jump and click your heels together) + Am Hammer x 10 (time was running out so we only got 3 minutes of this one)

Announcements: Convergence January 1 at Midoriyama – look for a pre-blast; see Sarlaac collecting for a family. Prayer requests: Broke’s mom, Pizza Man’s grandmother moving to retirement home, those with loved ones no longer with us during this holiday season.

Moleskin – Everyone has their brand of tricks to make the workout challenging. Cardio is one of mine. The PAX noted today’s bag of exercises were surprisingly simple, well, some of them were weird (see heel clicks). Some thought the warm-up were moves stolen from boy band’s dance moves – possibly. If the smart watches were working, most should have burned over 500 calories – check that – Seuss may not have that many to burn. At least Broke got to order hash browns for breakfast. I did joke with the group that my journey to make an impression on the PAX with my Q’s began today. I hope my 2022 is a healthy one that I can consistently push the rock and reach some of the lofty goals that I have set. And that is really what this is about – not winning awards or recognition. After all it’s ‘you vs. you.’ Look at what Michael Jordan did to create an edge as he revealed in “The Last Dance.” It’s like seeing that one person ahead of you on the relay race that you pick up the pace to get a kill. It’s in a set of 11’s where you’re staying just ahead or just behind some oblivious PAX – the push or pull you need to motivate through the routine. The journey to your next goal begins with the first step. Today was the first. See you again for the next.

Short Sale

Man’s Search for Meaning

It actually was gloomy this morning.  We did our thing anyway.

I have attempted to Q the workout just before Christmas at Gashouse each year and give out a book afterwards and this year was no different.  More on that later.

Good crowd at Gashouse.  8 for the bootcamp and 4 for Painlab.

Short warm up that included 12 SSH’s IC and 12 Imperial Walkers IC.

Time to split the groups….but wait…..It’s Hushpuppy pulling in.

The Thang

Mosey to the Grier Track for a Stroganoff version of the 12 days of Christmas.  Most of you should know how it goes now.  Here are the twelve exercises:

Day 1 – 1/2 lap mosey

Day 2 – 10 Bobby Hurley’s (for most of the group…’s possible that someone needed to modify this one)

Day 3 – 10 Merkins

Day 4 – 30 LBC’s

Day 5 – 5 Burpees

Day 6 – 30 Flutter Kicks

Day 7 – 15 Squats

Day 8 – 15 CDD’s

Day 9 – 15 Hillbillies

Day 10 – 15 Mountain Climbers

Day 11 – 20 SSH’s

Day 12 – 50 Morrocan Night Clubs

This took almost the entire 60 minutes.

Finish off with a short low-slow squat plus some Mary back at the Flag.

It was harder and I was reminded early on that the Q should not call exercises that he cannot complete himself.  Well said.

Lots of great mumblechatter this morning and we learned that most of the exercises are very similar….only different.

Great to see Hushpuppy out.


Convergence on Saturday, Januray 1st, at Midoriyama at 7:00 am.

Lots of prayer requests unfortunately.

The Moleskin

I love reading, especially personal development books and inspirational stories.  Being the closest Sat to Christmas, I gave out an old classic by Viktor Frankl – Man’s Search for Meaning.  It’s one I first read 12 – 14 years ago and am rereading right now.  I would recommend it and I still have a few copies in my vehicle if you see me in the coming weeks.  I also pulled out some boxes of other books that I keep in my vehicle for the very reason to give them away.  No one left empty handed with something they had not read before.

As always, an honor to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


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