• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 12/19/2021
  • AO: Members Only
  • QIC: Broke
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Freight, Buckeye, Quiche, Virus (R), Dr. Seuss (R), Sister Act, Gold Digger

The gloom was in full effect this morning when YHC rolled in a little before 5:45 to get in some training for the Biloxi Half with Freight, SA and Gold Digger. Quiche and Buckeye were already logging miles and stopped back by to meet up with Sargento, who was the scheduled Q and had committed to some EC. After standing around in the rain waiting for our fearless leader, newly appointed Nantan, pusher of all things rocky and generally good guy to show it became evident that he had chosen to abandon his tribe this morning and was most likely still enjoying the fartsack. I guess he spent a little too much time with Allen Tate at the Christmas Party last week and developed some of his bad habits. No choice but to leave him at this point, maybe he’ll show for the regular start time.

6:30 – Quiche, Buckeye and Virus at the AO, but still no Sargento

6:45 – Seuss arrives at the AO after a run at Crossroads, but still no Sargento

7:15 – Everyone back at the AO after various distance runs, but still no Sargento


What could have happened? Is everything ok? Should we go to his house and check on him? Turns out all is well, he evidently just had a late night and possibly a little too much egg nog. Gonna take a while to live this one down brother!



Convergence at Midoriyama 1/1/2022 at 0700

Tequila Sunrise moved to 0700 start on 12/24

Yank open 12/25 – 0700 start all other AO’s closed


Prayer Request

Broke’s mom

Tiger’s family

Buckeye’s sister with new baby


YHC took us out.
I’m Broke