• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 10/30/2021
  • AO: Old School
  • QIC: Mayor
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Freight, Wirenut, Stogie, Pizza Man

Since Sister Act was appointed as site Q, I stepped up and helped him with the Q on his first weekend taking over.  There were discussions about going pole to pole and WODs (wads) in the office.  Both will get you fired.

Warmup:  Mosey a lap, Gravel Pickers, arm circles, cherry pickers, ROL/LOR

Thang:  Mosey to square doing 10 merkins at every power pole.  There was some chatter about me saying every pole including lights, but looking down the road, it was quickly identified as the wooden power poles.  Once we get to the square and 290 merkins later, we do 25 squats, 25 flutters and 25 CDDs (was merkins, but who knew there were so many poles).  After complete, run a lap around the square.  Repeat X2.

Bear crawl around driveway arch and lunge walk back to start.  Turn around and bear crawl back the way you came and lunge walk to stairs.

At stairs do 5 calf raises at each step up and down.

Mosey to library for triple nickel (Bobby hurleys and mountain climbers).  Zombie walk to get the legs nice and toasted back to the start and circle up for 30 second plank, leg lifts in cadence, 10 plank obliques each side and fin’.

Announcements:  Blood drive, Extinction run, Christmas party, F3 service packet delivery.

Prayers/Praise: Stogie’s Dad with health issues, Wirenut 2.1 nuptials and Aunt with health issues, Mayors grandfather in rehab after fall, Sister act, Stogies job, Gastonia and all other PDs.