• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 10/23/2021
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Round Up
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Big Pappy, Hacksaw(R), Wichita, Gear wrench, Ball Joint, Westside, Stogie, Volt

Got the field set up for the beatdown then a few of us grabbed a few miles for EC waiting for everyone to show up.

6:30 hits and we start!


1 burpee


1 burpee, 20 squats


1 burpee, 20 Squats


1 burpee

let’s mosey to the hill!

We run hill repeats with adding one burpee at each end of the hill.

All of the guys pushed rocks on the hill work and it was awesome!

we got our blood flowing and heart rate up then mosey to the parking lot for the beatdown.

Bear crawl 10yards for

10 CDD

20 Squats

30 Merkins

40 Lunges

50 LBC

40 Lunges

30 Merkins

20 Squats

10 CDD

Bear crawl to the finish

Rinse and repeat for 40 minutes

I told the guys at the beginning who ever got in front of me better be ready to push themselves to the max and it was Hacksaw out front and we pushed him to the end. He did have to modify his push ups but he pushed the pace enough to earn the football.

it was fun leading and pushing the guys out there and I appreciate the opportunity to do so!

Every time we step up to a workout we should push it to the max. Our bodies are built to be pushed and that’s where we grow. Whatever the Q calls make sure your doing the workouts full speed.




Extinction run
Blood drive
Christmas party 11
Stanley 5k 10k

Prayer Request
Westside co worker
Stogie co worker
Volt and family
Sister Act family
Huckleberry mom
James Goudelock


Big Pappy took us out!